
A serious and mature discussion about the new forum design.

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IppE wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

surely was already registered

You don't need to register subdomains.
Do you think I'd go out of my way to seperately register ?

yeah obviously
fuck infinite scrolling
I wish people can select between old and new design.
best layout kappa

I've been on this forum enough to remember how quick reply worked like 6-7 years ago fwm
meh, looks same/similar as the hummingbird forum layout except for the vivid colors
*screams internally*
You lost the war before it even began

abraker wrote:

You lost the war before it even began
I'll confirm this.
░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against the new forum layout

Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ the forums if you are with us!
░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against the old forum layout

Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ the forums if you are with us!
gay af tbh fam
come on fam why you do that
Oh gawd so much crindge, fill me up baby

In the other news, jesus was found to be gay after a couple fucks here and there.
well thanks to the spam of the new forum design i started attending it so thanks i guess

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against the new forum layout

Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ the forums if you are with us!

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against the new forum layout

Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ the forums if you are with us!
Also, where's my penguin?
screw "war never changes"

today some peoples idea of war is spamming the shit out of comment-sections with tank ASCII art

Railey2 wrote:

screw "war never changes"

today some peoples idea of war is spamming the shit out of comment-sections with tank ASCII art
nah, nah, nah. That's protesting. War would be if the tank ASCII art actually caused damage.

abraker wrote:

Railey2 wrote:

screw "war never changes"

today some peoples idea of war is spamming the shit out of comment-sections with tank ASCII art
nah, nah, nah. That's protesting. War would be if the tank ASCII art actually caused damage.
they insult my eyes and hurt my brain
░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ nnnnnnnnnnnnnBob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂nnnnnn☻/︻╦╤─ nnThis tank & Bob are against the new forum layout

Il███████████████████].n /▌nnnnnnnn Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..nnn / \ nnnnnnnnthe forums if you are with us!
There, I upgraded it.

Keep fighting the good fight boys.
I only have two problems with it:
1. Avatar and signatures look bad.

Yoeri wrote:

fuck infinite scrolling
Time to pack your things and leave because the new one is so painful to use it's not even worth being here anymore.
Topic Starter
Vuelo Eluko

B1rd wrote:

░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ nnnnnnnnnnnnnBob is building an osu! army.

▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂nnnnnn☻/︻╦╤─ nnThis tank & Bob are against the new forum layout

Il███████████████████].n /▌nnnnnnnn Copy and Paste this all over

◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..nnn / \ nnnnnnnnthe forums if you are with us!
There, I upgraded it.

Keep fighting the good fight boys.
thx bru
░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ nnnnnnnnnnnnnBob is building an osu! army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂nnnnnn☻/︻╦╤─ nnThis tank & Bob are against the new forum layout
Il███████████████████].n /▌nnnnnnnn Copy and Paste this all over
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..nnn / \ nnnnnnnnthe forums if you are with us!

Maybe if y'all nignogs actually put the goddamn tank together it might work

fucking morons smh tbh
▌ |
▌ ☻ Bob has been hung for War Crimes against peppy.
▌ /▌\ Copy and paste to spread the word.
▌ / \

I like girls with dicks

Copy and paste if you like girls with dicks
I like girls with dicks

Copy and paste if you like girls with dicks
I hate the new design because it takes ages to load...

IppE wrote:

I like girls with dicks

Copy and paste if you like girls with dicks

Aurani wrote:

▌ |
▌ ☻ Bob has been hung for War Crimes against peppy.
▌ /▌\ Copy and paste to spread the word.
▌ / \


Today we mourn for Bob's death.

░░░░░░░ ___ ___ __░░░___░░░░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░|☻░|☻░ |☻░░ |☻░░░░░░░░░
░░▌░░░░░j/▌░ j/▌░ j/▌░░ j/▌░░░░░░░░░
░░▌░░░░░ |\░░|\ ░░ |\ ░░░|\░░░░░░░░░

Yoeri wrote:

IppE wrote:

I like girls with dicks

Copy and paste if you like girls with dicks

Yoeri wrote:

fuck infinite scrolling

This is really messed up when checking in a thread.. hope they follow other forums sites with thread page # -.-
>Feedback thread
>Posts extensive review detailing my issues with the design and how id fix it
>Gets insulted by peppy
classic peppy. Never changes.
I laugh at his BS "pagination is gone forever" comment
So why don't we just migrate to another forum, just like B1rd suggested? I mean, there is nothing really stopping us from doing so.... at least the majority of OT that doesn't play this game or is going to miss its shitty ill-mannered children.
I have them?

Aurani wrote:

So why don't we just migrate to another forum, just like B1rd suggested? I mean, there is nothing really stopping us from doing so.... at least the majority of OT that doesn't play this game or is going to miss its shitty ill-mannered children.
off to the realms of Myanimelist !
But isn't MAL also chock full of children, but this time those who properly failed at life and are even more cancerous know-it-alls? :p

Well regardless, I couldn't believe what I was reading when I went to the Dev subforum and read peppy's post. Jesus bloody Christ, he doesn't have a spec of professionalism or rational critical thinking. He's behaving like a child that has been insulted and can't fight back in any other way, except yelling and swearing.

His current design is shit and he should feel like shit.
>Infinite scrolling is here to stay.
Yeah, let's ignore every person who is over 20 years old and knows something about site designs and just listen to the masses of children glued at the new design because of its looks like flies that are attracted to feces. Oh yeah, you're going somewhere with it, mate.

It's even more pathetic that I'd write all of that to him personally, but he'd just ban me indefinitely, not because I'm cocky, but because I'm right. He can do whatever he wants after I take my leave, though.
Topic Starter
Vuelo Eluko
for once i passionately agree with aurani
Peppy's feedback threads are just an illusion to give people the sense that he's listening, wants to listen, or cares to listen. He knows full well he's going to do what he wants to do no matter what anyone says. I'd appreciate it more if he acted more like himself and said "Fuck you here's what's going to happen no discussion ever."
He has to delicately fuck everyone over, because even if all those children love him, they have a very, very short attention span, and telling them to fuck themselves would mean burning their money and not raking it for yourself. He can't part with his money, mate.

Aurani wrote:

He has to delicately fuck everyone over, because even if all those children love him, they have a very, very short attention span, and telling them to fuck themselves would mean burning their money and not raking it for yourself. He can't part with his money, mate.
And his usual peppy responses are for what? I guess no one reads them or something?
No one usually gives a fuck about his opinions, yes.

I'd think that a lowly local mod has more "authority" than him at this point.
So peppys childish behaviour aside... what do you actually think of the whole thing? Do you agree with what i've said in that thread? Kinda feel like discussing about website design right now.

Granger wrote:

So peppys childish behaviour aside... what do you actually think of the whole thing? Do you agree with what i've said in that thread? Kinda feel like discussing about website design right now.
I agree that the spacey design that is supposed to look "simple and modern", is only suitable for smartphones.
For PC its way too bulky, a waste. There are too many colors (irritates), and the white is way more aggressive than the light gray thats used for the current forum.

Overall: 2/10, would not use.
My whole problem is that the new one is made to be flashy and subliminally trying to make you support the game, whilst having no real purpose. Its colour scheme is shit, as the titles of topics/subforums and the background colours clash in such a way that they make it look all so confusing to a new user (in other words, it's not a simplified version like you said, but more like a needlessly complex design), the font is goddamn cancer because it doesn't go with that kind of design and I shouldn't even mention the damn infinite scrolling - that alone is enough to break the deal when it comes to me.

TL;DR - You know when someone has great potential, a large enough income to fund the idea, and then makes a complete bloody mess that could only be described as otherworldly in terms of idiocy and sheer shitness? Yes, that is exactly how this new site came into being.
Topic Starter
Vuelo Eluko

that guy is so about to be banned :(
ok hang on aren't there pages anymore? Whats with this infinite scrolling, am I missing something here?
Go there and see for yourself. There are no pages, no. Just scrolling.

Railey2 wrote:

There are too many colors (irritates)
Honestly? Thats not what im noticing unless you're specifically talking about the index. Thinking about it, yeah, the index could be less colorful to stay in line with the other pages on the forum, but its not a point that particulary borthers or even irritates me.

Aurani wrote:

I shouldn't even mention the damn infinite scrolling - that alone is enough to break the deal when it comes to me.
I think infinite scrolling does hold some potential (its nice if you just want to read post after post) if you manage to avoid memoyleaks and support it with proper navigation tools, making the user scroll and scroll and scroll is unacceptable. Of course, thats easier said than done...
Forgoing pagiation is a nono for forums, at the bare minimum you need pseudo pages at least, even if those "pages" are not actually their own website page.

Again color wise its okay in my books, the background is gray which is pretty neutral - it doesnt clash with any colors. What DOES clash however is the pink banner.

This is nasty. This and the radiating white is why the forum hurts my eyes, not the overal color sheme.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:
that guy is so about to be banned :(
If he is not being sarcastic, burn him on a stake
The design itself doesn't look so bad. It's really nice from the main index up until you get to the forum sections and threads. Things get a bit too bare and narrow there. I particularly dislike the idea of having the OP wider and all subsequent replies narrower. A lot of functions, like replying and scrolling, feel pretty unintuitive. Userpages need some hierarchy going on in there as they're very disorganized.

Compared to the current color scheme, we are dealing with a lot more contrast, yeah. The top portion is just plain weird; especially having that pink banner extend throughout the whole page while being met by such a narrow layout.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

that guy is so about to be banned :(
The post below yours gives brown-nosing a new meaning.
Soner has a nice style.
I like it better when it looks modern and simple, but the new design isn't simple enough because lots of triangle.
Also, not a fan of that green
Rilene: Let me guess, you browse the web on a iPhone?
No Android users?

Granger wrote:

Railey2 wrote:

There are too many colors (irritates)
Honestly? Thats not what im noticing unless you're specifically talking about the index. Thinking about it, yeah, the index could be less colorful to stay in line with the other pages on the forum, but its not a point that particulary borthers or even irritates me.
I was talking about the index. I like me some unity.

Aurani wrote:

Go there and see for yourself. There are no pages, no. Just scrolling.
yeeeaah fuck that. I went there and just wondered if I missed something. This is the opposite of user-friendly, when the threads get bigger than 3 pages. Have fun clicking on this search-item thingie and then manually typing in to what post you want to skip.

Edit: apparently, clicking on the tiny arrow below the post number did the trick. Took a bit to figure that one out though, maybe I'm just too used to the pages-design.

Granger wrote:

Rilene: Let me guess, you browse the web on a iPhone?
Nope, only on Android, the page scrolling was annoying though.

Railey2 wrote:

Edit: apparently, clicking on the tiny arrow below the post number did the trick. Took a bit to figure that one out though, maybe I'm just too used to the pages-design.
Did the trick? Unless peppy actually listened to me those just jump to the first/last post.

Rilene wrote:

Nope, only on Android, the page scrolling was annoying though.
Android - iPhone - whatever mobile, doesnt matter, the point is, this design is explicitly something that looks like its made for mobile. As such its rather out of place on desktop, but i could see myself liking the design if id be browssing on a mobile.
All in all, an unnecessary decision, since it didn't do jack shit, really.

Like I said, whoever designed that new site (even multiple people) is a talented man, but on par with a blind bum when it comes to merging different components and rationalising elements. It just looks so forcefully flashy and unintuitive that I'd rather gouge my eyes out than look at that abomination.

If you take the most beautiful legs in the world and stitch them together with the most beautiful torso of another person, the most beautiful arms of yet another person et cetera et cetera, you will NOT get the most beautiful person that ever existed; instead, you will make a Frankenstein, at best.

Granger wrote:

Railey2 wrote:

Edit: apparently, clicking on the tiny arrow below the post number did the trick. Took a bit to figure that one out though, maybe I'm just too used to the pages-design.
Did the trick? Unless peppy actually listened to me those just jump to the first/last post.
well yeah, thats a navigation tool that gets me right where I want to be: Where the new stuff is happening. And that with only one click, arguably even faster than with the pages-layout. Not too bad if you ask me.
I feel like someone should mention HOW FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY HUGE everything is with this new "design". Let's take a look at Granger's post on the current site, for example:

Whoa cool, you can fit more than one post on a standard 1080p screen ! But then there's this piece of shit:

Oversized shitty header, way too much space between lines, and a larger fontsize for... What reason ? Fuck. I'm not even going to get started on how godawful an idea infinite scrolling is for a goddamn forum.
Finally we agree on something entirely.

Zelda wrote:

I feel like someone should mention HOW FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY HUGE everything is with this new "design".
Peppy will probably tell you "Oh you can make the page size smaller so it's a non issue"
"you can use the zoom feature in your browser so it's a non issue" or something is what I imagine, but way more rude.

Granger wrote:

>Feedback thread
>Posts extensive review detailing my issues with the design and how id fix it
>Gets insulted by peppy
classic peppy. Never changes.
Remember when peppy changed how skins work without a warning and insisted that it didn't change anything ingame. It took a few top lever players saying he is bullshitting before he even admitted that it did actually change things. He never fixed it though.
He probably thinks he's the next Steve Jobs tbh

Granger wrote:

you know I wonder what is better: Being dealt with in this ridiculing and condescending fashion, or getting ignored completely. At least he is reading it. Some people just don't give a shit from the get-go, but he doesn't seem to be one of these people (or else he wouldn't spend so much effort on reading and replying to you + theres no point in faking interest if you don't give a shit) - he's not indifferent. I just wish he'd handle it more like an adult, your post really deserved a better answer

Railey2 wrote:

you know I wonder what is better: Being dealt with in this ridiculing and condescending fashion, or getting ignored completely. At least he is reading it. Some people just don't give a shit from the get-go, but he doesn't seem to be one of these people (or else he wouldn't spend so much effort on reading and replying to you + theres no point in faking interest if you don't give a shit) - he's not indifferent. I just wish he'd handle it more like an adult, your post really deserved a better answer
You must be new here.

Granger wrote:

>Feedback thread
>Posts extensive review detailing my issues with the design and how id fix it
>Gets insulted by peppy
classic peppy. Never changes.

I mean, I don't think you should ever expect anything else. I loved the "turn down your brightness settings" comment too. Next thing you know someone's gonna criticize the color scheme and he'll tell them to use custom CSS

Mr Color wrote:

I mean, I don't think you should ever expect anything else. I loved the "turn down your brightness settings" comment too. Next thing you know someone's gonna criticize the color scheme and he'll tell them to use custom CSS
To be honest, this is part of the reason why I like peppy. His responds feel less "industrial". In most free to play games when someone makes a feedback thread the responds are along the line of, "We'll forward it to the dev team" or "We'll see what we can do" and then leaves everyone hanging without further updates. Meanwhile with peppy, "fuck you, no" means... well, no.

I'm just waiting for the, "this is my forums, if you don't like it that bad then go somewhere else" respond.
Well, it'd be cool if it would ever be something else than "fuck you, no" even if that's what built this game.

To be fair, he didn't make the thread, so if I had to guess he doesn't particularly want to listen to user input.
Probably because he himself knows how shit the whole thing is going to be, especially the unnecessarily flashy looks to bait people to hog the supporter button even more. It's all carefully planned to make him suck more money in, which I don't really give a fine fuck about, as long as he at least keeps his users happy, and by remaking the whole site into that atrocity, he's shitting on anyone with some sense and proper taste.
I don't think you can label peppy as a money-grubbing j-oh wait i can't call people that here- cause he does have standards he upholds for his website and game, like the total absence of ads, etc. And I'm not really sure how this new design ties into buying supporter either. He's made pretty apparent in public in private that he hates the current website and wants something that looks a lot more like what the new design looks like done asap.

Call him a fuckhead or a stubborn asshole and I'll agree with you anyday -- but I don't think I agree with people calling him out for cashing in.
I do find it weird he's spreading propaganda for the new design and yet isn't open for any feedback.

Then yet again that's probably just him being really selective
Has peppy ever really been open for feedback?
probably positive feedback
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit

shadowAmarok wrote:

Personally I like how it looks, apart from the placeholder url, it's... interesting xD
Same, I honestly can't get over the link's name. xD
So this is what Peppy does when he isn't buying burritos with supporter $$$

Destiny wrote:

So this is what Peppy does when he isn't buying burritos with supporter $$$
You mean sex toys
Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.
This is experience speaking, I take it.

Zelda wrote:

Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.

Mr Color wrote:

This is experience speaking, I take it.
Of course.
A Medic
Now that I've been using it more I wish there was a spot for post count.
seems ok to me

better than the actual game's main menu at the moment which is flashy and overdesigned as shit
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