
The Black Mages - Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, June 20, 2008 at 12:12:44 AM

Artist: The Black Mages
Title: Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
BPM: 122
Filesize: 6003kb
Play Time: 02:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.35 stars, 78 notes)
  2. Normal (2.71 stars, 128 notes)
  3. Kefka (3.84 stars, 280 notes)
Download: The Black Mages - Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I've seen a couple of Final Fantasy beatmaps, but none from the Black Mages, so I decided this should be my first beatmap. (That, and I was actually able to get the BPM on this song :P)

Note to downloaders: Easy and Normal are only about half the song; "Kefka" is like Hard, and is the full length of the song.
I freaking love this song, luckly I know the original FF6 Battle Theme to play it right. Only one problem with this beatmap:

00:54:45 (2) - It goes around 3 times, I was thinking 2, caught me off guard.

Other than that it's GREAT, you only need to add more difficulties...

Oh, and the BPM and Offset is good, no need to change it.
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I wasn't sure if that would be a problem or not. Fixed it, and it actually flows better now.
PERFECT! I'd bubble that.

Like you said, just get a Hard Difficulty going.
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Alright, I've started "Kefka" difficulty, it should be up tomorrow.
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Hard difficulty finished!

(Bumped for great justice)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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ROMaster2 wrote:

Just awesomeness mate, just a few problem:

00:09:45 (1) - Seems a bit far from the last beat.
00:17:80 (2) - Personally I think it lasts a click too long.
00:22:98 (1-6) - Can you make them a bit tighter?
Fix'd, fix'd, and fix'd. Also, those notes (1-6) were off 1/8 of a beat. Fix'd that too.

ROMaster2 wrote:

Offset: 8,200
I don't see a difference, but I'll go with it. Threw some of my sliders off by 1/8 of a beat, gotta go back and fix those.

ROMaster2 wrote:

Offset: 8,200
I don't see a difference, but I'll go with it. Threw some of my sliders off by 1/8 of a beat, gotta go back and fix those.
Oh really? If they're off you can go back to what they were.

And I'll try it out later.
"BEAUTIFUL, I could kiss you for that" - Katt from Star Fox 64

Unless you want to add an Insane or Easy, I'd say this is rankable.

Probably should get a Beatmap Mod to double-check this.
Agent BA8 Rookbie
I played it, and had my jaw drop.
If I were a mod, I'd rank this right now, because this map OWNS. It's Rockin', and it's going to guitars! That passes my test.
Rookbie Seal of Approval
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ROMaster2: Thx for the help! :D

Agent BA8 Rookbie: Glad you like it! :)
Agent BA8 Rookbie
I see hope for you in the future. Do more rockin' tracks like this, and you'll get along good!
I must say, I'm impressed considering how new you are to the community. It is near perfect, however I did catch a couple mistakes in Kefka:

02:25:56 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move this set ahead a quarter beat. Make sure you have your Snap Divisor set to 1/4 when you do this.
02:27:77 (9) - Shortern this a quarter beat once the above has been done.
02:30:23 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Move this entire set ahead a quarter beat, as well.

That's it. Will bubble this once it's updated. /me stars for now.
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Saturos wrote:

I must say, I'm impressed considering how new you are to the community. It is near perfect, however I did catch a couple mistakes in Kefka:

02:25:56 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move this set ahead a quarter beat. Make sure you have your Snap Divisor set to 1/4 when you do this.
02:27:77 (9) - Shortern this a quarter beat once the above has been done.
02:30:23 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Move this entire set ahead a quarter beat, as well.

That's it. Will bubble this once it's updated. /me stars for now.
Done done aaaand done. That third one didn't feel right at first when I was testing it... turns out it's just me. :lol:
Great Job! Seriously.

Hmm, I'm gonna be picky on those...

EDIT: Actually your offset was off, go back to 8200 (Unless you want to tell us why you did it)

Those are my thoughts, tell me if you think they feel in sync.

BTW, come on the IRC if you need any on-the-spot help, just press F8

BluePaladin25 wrote:

Done done aaaand done. That third one didn't feel right at first when I was testing it... turns out it's just me. :lol:
That's because you snapped it an 1/8 too far ahead. Now that last section I mentioned should be moved back 1/8. ;x

And I disagree with the other two changes ROM has suggested. The other two sections are fine now.

EDIT: Noticed you had changed the offset. Make sure you change it back to 8200. ;x
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Saturos wrote:

BluePaladin25 wrote:

Done done aaaand done. That third one didn't feel right at first when I was testing it... turns out it's just me. :lol:
That's because you snapped it an 1/8 too far ahead. Now that last section I mentioned should be moved back 1/8. ;x

EDIT: Noticed you had changed the offset. Make sure you change it back to 8200. ;x
Yeah, that feels much better. And 8200 is what it is right now.
Eh, as long as it's 8200 when you reupload it, it's all good. The most recent upload was set to 8227, for whatever reason.
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I figured it out: for some reason, the "Kefka" version had two timing points. Deleted the other one, should be 8200 now.
Wow, this map is glitching when I'm trying it. Some of the Beats are invisible.

Might not be your problem though BluePaladin25, might be my Osu.

EDIT: All good now.
Kay, I'm happy with it.

/me bubbles
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:D I'm just surprised nobody's commented on the "9999" sliders yet.
( James ) WHAT im sure i posted something on your map BluePaladin25|osu
( James ) hahahah
( James ) not to find it
( James ) now*
( Saturos ) should be rankable now, james ;x
( ROMaster2 ) Probably poping the bubble :(
( James ) hope i didnt pressed EDIT
( Saturos ) wut
( James ) no theres some notes that are 1/4 beat OFF
( BluePaladin25 ) Nope, you've never posted in my topic, James
( Saturos ) i missed shit?
( Saturos ) lies.
( James ) yeah you missed ALOT
( ROMaster2 ) I did too
( ROMaster2 ) LIIEESS
( BluePaladin25 ) Saturos pointed some out, I fixed them... don't say there's more :(
( James ) lies?
( Saturos ) LIES
( Saturos ) !
( James ) 00:22:85
( James ) on kefka

( ROMaster2 ) Forgot the ! huh saturos?
( Saturos ) actually, it's probably a good possibility
( Saturos ) nah, sometimes i separate it for emphasis.
! ROMaster2 checks
( Saturos ) pop the bubble if you need to then, james
( BluePaladin25 ) Sigh, they're all on Kefka. I'll take a look as soon as I'm done, going for an S on "Lost"
( Saturos ) i'll check it once i'm done trying to fc TtFaF
( James ) if you think thats perfectly fine, i guess you guys need to see a doctor
( ROMaster2 ) Oh the slider?
( James ) see
( James ) slider
( James ) the whole combo is OFF
( ROMaster2 ) IT'S ON
( James ) its not even on the timeline
( Saturos ) so it's another 1/8 section i missed? :(
( ROMaster2 ) I see it fine :X
( James ) it sounds BETTER on the timeline
( James ) 02:25:56 - 2 to 9 combo is 1/4 BEAT OFF
( ROMaster2 ) AH HA! I KNEW IT
( Saturos ) uh, ok, now i'm questioning what snap divisor you have set.
( Saturos ) guess i'll end my dargonforce run early.
( ROMaster2 ) It's 1/8th off really
( James ) and those 1/8 snapdivisor stream sounds UGLY
( ROMaster2 ) from 02:25:56 to 02:35:74
( James ) and why you didnt finish the whole song on kefka?
( Saturos ) ok, what the hell.
( ROMaster2 ) Hey W- LuigiHann
( BluePaladin25 ) Alright I'm back. I could finish the song if you really want me to... I just thought that would be too long.
( Saturos ) they were snapped to 1/4 beats when he uplaoded it.
( ROMaster2 ) Ah, hey
( LuigiHann ) I like that it decreases by one letter each time
( LuigiHann ) means it's almost gone
( Saturos ) except for one section that was off by 1/8
( ROMaster2 ) I KNEW IT!
( ROMaster2 ) MHAHAHA!
( Saturos ) now after he uplaoded the second correction, they moved back.
( James ) and 02:17:57 - its better to place a note in here
( Saturos ) seriously, what the hell happened
( Saturos ) paladin
( Saturos ) what divisor do you have set
( Saturos ) please, for the love of all things, do not say 1/8
( Saturos ) because that's what would have messed it up on your reupload
( Saturos ) it WAS snapped correctly, but now all the sections you snapped are off 1/8
( Saturos ) rom, shut the fuck up, seriously
( LuigiHann ) Yeah Rom.
( BluePaladin25 ) Yes, dramatic drumroll for me to admit I screwwed up
( LuigiHann ) >_>
( ROMaster2 ) And BluePaladin25's Dvider is!:
( BluePaladin25 ) 1/8
( Saturos ) set it to 1/4
( Saturos ) now.
( Saturos ) and resnap

( BluePaladin25 ) It looked fine in editing... NOT
( Saturos ) gogo
( James ) 00:34:04 - change this to triplet pls
( falzar999 ) Let's All Have A Multiplayer Battle
( falzar999 ) !!!!1
( James ) using your map? nah

( Saturos ) having it on 1/8 messed up all the corrections i gave you :(
( falzar999 ) Not MY MAP!
( James ) im worse than this before
( James ) 1cm wrong spacing = i comment it
( falzar999 ) The Marisa Wa Taihen na mono wo nusunde ikimashita
:::: ( ・) Joins: talll|osu ( osu@ ) joined #osu ( 68 Users )
( James ) 01:18:30 - farther
( James ) 01:18:30 - farther from 11
( ROMaster2 ) Snap them all back a bit
( James ) and whats with the star slider? i dont like it hehehe
( ROMaster2 ) James, just incase, post what your saying
( James ) its missing
( Metroid ) A STAR SLIDER?!
( James ) hahaha dont know where the hell it is
( ROMaster2 ) Well, POST IT AGAIN
( Metroid ) I wanna see
( James ) post it for me ty
( ROMaster2 ) ( I might
( James ) +1 count
( falzar999 ) TEam?
( falzar999 ) Can I join? NOT
( falzar999 ) common People
( ROMaster2 ) Wow
( falzar999 ) Come to the Multiplayer battle! XD
( ROMaster2 ) the ENTIRE BEATMAP is off by 1/8th ._.
( BluePaladin25 ) Set it to 1/4, saved, reuploaded just in case
( Metroid ) let me unzip the map falzar
( Metroid ) brb
( BluePaladin25 ) Now from the beginning: what do I have to fix?

PS: Finish the song on kefka.
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Alright, set the entire thing back to 1/4th. James, I'll finish the song once I make sure there's nothing ELSE wrong with what I already have.
lol perfectionist?
so i leave those minor stuffs as is.
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I'm no perfectionist, I just don't like adding on to something that has problems.

Well then, unless somebody points something out, I'll go finish this thing.
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And a well deserved rebubble. Sorry for the confusion and 1/8 divisor bug.
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If I could get somebody to come in here and rank this, that'd be great. (hint hint)
Removing bubble for now till I look over the newly added Easy.

EDIT: 01:18:77 (1,2,3,4) - Move these forward 1/2 beat.
01:20:98 (0) - Make it end 1/2 beat earlier.
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Saturos wrote:

Removing bubble for now till I look over the newly added Easy.

EDIT: 01:18:77 (1,2,3,4) - Move these forward 1/2 beat.
01:20:98 (0) - Make it end 1/2 beat earlier.
Fixed 'em!
This is really well done, I enjoyed it a lot.
Except that picture in the background scared the living crap out of me when I saw it.

Pong wrote:

This is really well done, I enjoyed it a lot.
Except that picture in the background scared the living crap out of me when I saw it.
Just FYI, that's Kefka. If you didn't know.

ROMaster2 wrote:

Just FYI, that's Kefka. If you didn't know.
Yeah I figured. It's just scary looking, all I'm saying.
57:87 - That slider (3) is set a half beat away, when it is a quarter. Move it closer to the slider before it (2), or just stack them.
That's all I got. Fix it and you're ranked.

For future ref's though, be careful using different distance snapping throughout an entire map. It can cause little mistakes such as this one, and can sometimes mislead people.

edit: After some IRC discussion, we decided my decision was a bit nazi. It is going to be hard and awkward to give those 2 sliders proper spacing. If it were me, I would make a stack of quarter notes and remove the first slider. Have hit circle - hit circle - slider, all on top of each other. That will most likely sound better and will solve the whole problem.
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Can't seem to dl this map, nor update it. I'm guessing this is just a problem with switching servers and all of that. Hang tight, I will check/rank this asap :)

Thanks for the PM btw.
Good job on the fix.
This is great. However, I think it sounds much better if the speed is doubled. It gets more interesting and more similar to the original battle theme. So I think the double speed theme should be the normal one instead.

Megabyte wrote:

This is great. However, I think it sounds much better if the speed is doubled. It gets more interesting and more similar to the original battle theme. So I think the double speed theme should be the normal one instead.
The original theme didn't have double BPM, although, it was a lot faster. I'm mapping it.
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