
you feat.nayuta - Diamond Smile [Taiko]

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you feat.nayuta
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공식 홈페이지 기준으로는 you - Diamond Smile (feat. nayuta)가 맞다고 생각합니다.
그런데 neonat님이 첨부한 이미지를 보면 you feat.nayuta - Diamond Smile인것 같네요.

어찌됬든간에 현재 아티스트에 (feat. nayuta)는 맞지 않는 메타데이터라고 생각합니다.
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

공식 홈페이지 기준으로는 you - Diamond Smile (feat. nayuta)가 맞다고 생각합니다.
그런데 neonat님이 첨부한 이미지를 보면 you feat.nayuta - Diamond Smile인것 같네요.

어찌됬든간에 현재 아티스트에 (feat. nayuta)는 맞지 않는 메타데이터라고 생각합니다.
최근에 오스를 들어가지 않아서 수정하지 않았습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ

모딩 제안들과 함께 같이 수정하겠습니다!
via in-game pm

[Happy Oni]
  1. 00:31:224 (202) - d? 이런음 들리는 부분은 ddkdk같이 d으로 시작하는 패턴인데 여기만 k이네요.
  2. 00:36:882 (248,249,250,251) - 위와 비슷한 이유로 ddkkd? 멜로디가 그런 느낌인것도 있고요.
  3. 00:38:253 (260) - 언랭 요소는 아니지만 스트림에서 피니쉬가 들어있는부분은 이 파트 내에서 이부분밖에 없는듯 해요. 확실히 강조할만한 음이 있는건 사실이지만 그런건 00:43:053 - 같은데도 마찬가지거든요. 그냥 피니쉬 빼는게 좋을것 같아요.
  4. 00:43:396 (301,1) - 속도 변화부분때문에 슬라이더가 노트를 가리는듯한 느낌이 듭니다. 하시는분들 실력이라면야 별로 문제가 안될지도 모르겠지만 개인적으로는 00:44:081 - 부분에서 0.85x, 00:44:424 - 부분에서 0.75x를 둬서 점점 속도를 떨어지게 하는게 리딩이 쉽지 않을까 생각합니다.
  5. 00:54:624 - SV 변화가 다른부분에 비해서 좀 큰것 같네요. 다른데처럼 1.35x 정도로 두거나 1.5x 정도로 내리는게 어떤가요?
  6. 00:56:767 (50) - ひ의 음이 내려가는듯한 느낌이기도 하고 스타일상 d이 들어가야할것같네요.
  7. 01:04:653 (112,113,114,115) - kdk d?
  8. 01:17:681 (209) - 개인적으로는 피니쉬를 넣을만한 느낌은 아닌것 같아요.
  9. 01:19:996 - 마찬가지로 곡의 느낌이 빨라지는 느낌이긴 하지만 1.75x는 좀 빨라보이네요.
  10. 01:28:996 (72,73,74,75,76) - 멜로디에 맞춘다면 dkdkk이 더 잘어울리네요.
  11. 01:37:224 (140,141,142,143,144) - 전체적인 일관성을 위해서 140번을 d으로 바꿔줄 필요가 있다고 봅니다. 실제로 140번부분에 높거나 강한음이 있는건 아니니 dkdkk 추천해봅니다.
  12. 01:41:596 - 01:19:996와 동일
  13. 01:57:624 (135) - k?
  14. 02:24:796 - 전 이 파트를 여러번 들어봐도 들어도 점점 빨라진다는 느낌은 안들어요. 속도 변화가 필요한곳인지도 잘 모르겠고요.
  15. 02:24:881 (362,363,364,365,366) - 피니쉬로 강조줄 필요 있는건가요?
  16. 02:35:510 (423,424,425,426,427) - 전체적은 느낌상 ddkdd같은 패턴?
  17. 02:37:910 (447,448,449,450) - 이 파트 비슷한 음의 각각 연타들은 k으로 시작을 하기때문에 일관성을 위해 변경할 필요가 있다 봅니다. kdkk은 어떤지...?
  18. 02:55:910 (560,561,562,563,564) - 보컬음 들어보시면 반대로 매핑한듯한 기분이 드네요. k k d d k이 더 잘어울릴것 같아요.
  19. 03:00:367 (577,578,579) - 위와 동일, k k d으로 바꿔줍시다.
  20. 03:53:253 - 01:41:596와 동일
  21. 04:59:853 - 뭔가 살짝살짝 멜로디랑 패턴이 안맞는것 같긴 한데 저는 이런부분은 잘 못하겠음
감기에 걸려서 정신이 멍한 바람에 이러저러 잊어버린게 많아서 늦었습니다. 정말 죄송합니다.
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

via in-game pm

[Happy Oni]
  1. 00:31:224 (202) - d? 이런음 들리는 부분은 ddkdk같이 d으로 시작하는 패턴인데 여기만 k이네요.

    높은 벨 소리를 위해서 k를 사용 했었습니다. 리 어레인지도 시도해보려 했지만 지금이 개인적으로 가장 낫다고 생각합니다

  2. 00:36:882 (248,249,250,251) - 위와 비슷한 이유로 ddkkd? 멜로디가 그런 느낌인것도 있고요.


  3. 00:38:253 (260) - 언랭 요소는 아니지만 스트림에서 피니쉬가 들어있는부분은 이 파트 내에서 이부분밖에 없는듯 해요. 확실히 강조할만한 음이 있는건 사실이지만 그런건 00:43:053 - 같은데도 마찬가지거든요. 그냥 피니쉬 빼는게 좋을것 같아요.

    43초는 다소 긴 스트림 패턴이라서 일부러 넣지 않았습니다. 38초에 한해서는 허용 범위라고 생각합니다.

  4. 00:43:396 (301,1) - 속도 변화부분때문에 슬라이더가 노트를 가리는듯한 느낌이 듭니다. 하시는분들 실력이라면야 별로 문제가 안될지도 모르겠지만 개인적으로는 00:44:081 - 부분에서 0.85x, 00:44:424 - 부분에서 0.75x를 둬서 점점 속도를 떨어지게 하는게 리딩이 쉽지 않을까 생각합니다.

    글쎄요.. 리딩이라 해도 1/1로 노트 하나 나오는 부분이라서 큰 영향을 끼칠지는 모르겠네요..

    가릴듯 말듯하게 SV로 가린 것도 개인적으로 의도한 부분이기도 해서 일단 킵 해두고 싶다고 생각합니다.

  5. 00:54:624 - SV 변화가 다른부분에 비해서 좀 큰것 같네요. 다른데처럼 1.35x 정도로 두거나 1.5x 정도로 내리는게 어떤가요?

    약간 낮췄습니다!

  6. 00:56:767 (50) - ひ의 음이 내려가는듯한 느낌이기도 하고 스타일상 d이 들어가야할것같네요.

    제가 의도한 스타일은 00:57:453 (56,57) - 이나 00:58:310 (62,63) - 01:00:196 (77,78) - 이런 느낌이기 때문에 k k나 d d로 통일 하고 싶습니다.

  7. 01:04:653 (112,113,114,115) - kdk d?


  8. 01:17:681 (209) - 개인적으로는 피니쉬를 넣을만한 느낌은 아닌것 같아요.

    원래는 01:17:510 (208) - 여기도 같이 통일해서 피니쉬 두 개였는데 모딩으로 수정한 부분이라서 조금 더 지켜보기로..

  9. 01:19:996 - 마찬가지로 곡의 느낌이 빨라지는 느낌이긴 하지만 1.75x는 좀 빨라보이네요.

    약간 낮췄습니다!

  10. 01:28:996 (72,73,74,75,76) - 멜로디에 맞춘다면 dkdkk이 더 잘어울리네요.


  11. 01:37:224 (140,141,142,143,144) - 전체적인 일관성을 위해서 140번을 d으로 바꿔줄 필요가 있다고 봅니다. 실제로 140번부분에 높거나 강한음이 있는건 아니니 dkdkk 추천해봅니다.


  12. 01:41:596 - 01:19:996와 동일

    약간 낮췄습니다!

  13. 01:57:624 (135) - k?


  14. 02:24:796 - 전 이 파트를 여러번 들어봐도 들어도 점점 빨라진다는 느낌은 안들어요. 속도 변화가 필요한곳인지도 잘 모르겠고요.
  15. 02:24:881 (362,363,364,365,366) - 피니쉬로 강조줄 필요 있는건가요?

    음.... 버블이나 퀄리파이드 체크 받을때 지적되면 고치는 쪽으로 생각하고 있습니다.

    의도적인 부분이면서도, 굳이 고치라 하면 고칠 수 있는 애매모호한 부분이라서..

  16. 02:35:510 (423,424,425,426,427) - 전체적은 느낌상 ddkdd같은 패턴?

    약간 제 나름대로 비트를 만들어 낸 부분이라서 개인적으로는 좋아하는 부분입니다..

  17. 02:37:910 (447,448,449,450) - 이 파트 비슷한 음의 각각 연타들은 k으로 시작을 하기때문에 일관성을 위해 변경할 필요가 있다 봅니다. kdkk은 어떤지...?


  18. 02:55:910 (560,561,562,563,564) - 보컬음 들어보시면 반대로 매핑한듯한 기분이 드네요. k k d d k이 더 잘어울릴것 같아요.


  19. 03:00:367 (577,578,579) - 위와 동일, k k d으로 바꿔줍시다.


  20. 03:53:253 - 01:41:596와 동일

    약간 낮췄습니다!

  21. 04:59:853 - 뭔가 살짝살짝 멜로디랑 패턴이 안맞는것 같긴 한데 저는 이런부분은 잘 못하겠음

    쉽게쉽게 가려고 일부러 몇 부분은 사용하지 않았다 보니 약간 어색할 수 있다고 생각합니다만 의도입니다!!
감기에 걸려서 정신이 멍한 바람에 이러저러 잊어버린게 많아서 늦었습니다. 정말 죄송합니다.
좋은 모딩 정말 감사합니다!! 몸 조리 잘해주세여~ ㅠ,ㅠ :(
Hi ( ・∀・)ノ
Maybe needs to write in English.. I do my best… ._.;;;
Symbol meaning
  1. >> Normal suggestion.
    Big text >> Strong suggestion.
    :?: >> Questionable imo.
    :!: >>> Needs to improve some. (Rhythm is not good , plays or sounds weird)
    No comment >>simple (you can notice easily: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place.

  1. Not sure the some Acceleration SVs, but maybe I’m lazier than other modders. These are my opinions. Especially, I think over 1.5 SV changes are too fast.
    :!: 00:33:024 – acceleration? I think deceleration or keeping (x1.00) is better same as 00:21:796 - if you hope tochange to SV changes. About 0.85 ~0.75?
  2. 00:44:339 – add x0.75 and 00:43:996 – change to x0.85 ? for smoothing.

    :?: 00:54:624 – 1.75 is too huge gap before x0.75. Recommend to change to x0.9~1.2.

    :!: 01:19:996 - this part can emphasize the quietly. SV x1.7 is too early, change to under 1.2, (maybe I think you can change to 1.0 and on 01:20:167 - change to 0.9 ?)
  3. On 01:20:167 - if you change to under 0.99 , I also recommend to add on 01:30:967 – for returning the SV(x1.00).
    1. 03:31:653 - ,03:31:824 - , 03:42:624 – same as above.
  4. 01:41:767 – no need the timings, can remove for reduced the file size lol.
  5. 01:41:596 – change to 1.2~1.5 ?

    :!: 02:47:767 – change to x0.70~0.80. far gap with 02:48:367 -.
  6. 04:59:424 - needed acceleration? questionable imo,
[Happy Oni]

  • :!: 00:55:396 – to 01:15:967 - , can make more nerf (lessen the frequency of 5-plot 1/4s and 3-plot 1/4s ). Sounds quiet comparing with other usual parts. Please try to consider the self-changing too.Here’s just one example.
  1. 00:57:196 – , 00:59:939 - remove? 00:56:767 - change to d? (making a gap the pitch up between to ( 00:59:510 (31,32,33,34,35) - )).
  2. 01:01:824 - , 01:02:681 – remove and 01:01:739 – change to k?
  3. 00:55:396 – (not high priority) , 00:58:139 - , 01:00:881 - , 01:03:624 - can remove the finisher.
Maybe 01:22:567 - can remove for reduce the power same as 01:21:196 -.
and 01:22:653 - change to d? if you remove ^ for kind of playing with pitch.
01:28:053 (64,65) – same as above, also for making the lower frequency of 7-plot 1/4s.
01:45:967 (37,38) – change to K,d ? for kind to play with the off-on beat.
01:51:453 (82,83) – inconsistency with above.
01:56:939 (129,130) – same as ^^.

:?: 02:36:881 – to 02:42:367 - , questionable the dense, too flat 7-plots… reduce some?
03:10:996 - , 03:12:539 - , 03:13:739 - , 03:15:281 - , 03:16:481 - , 03:18:024 - , remove the finishers ?
for emphasized to 03:19:224 – , 03:09:796 - additional sounds with drums.
03:30:539 (698,699,700,701,702,703,704,705,706,707) – change to ,,,, kkddkdk-kkk?
Anyway, I recommend to 03:30:539 – , 03:31:224 - change to k. beginning d sounds not well with nothing drums.
03:36:281 – remove ? low-tone tune not sounds here,, (on purpose?)
and 03:36:624 – add d instead ? To fix the quantity of hit sounds.
03:41:767 – remove? not mean much, for plays better imo?
03:57:624 (38,39) – same as 1st part.
04:08:596 (138,139) – same.
Good Luck (¦3[___]
Topic Starter


Hi ( ・∀・)ノ
Maybe needs to write in English.. I do my best… ._.;;;


Symbol meaning
  1. >> Normal suggestion.
    Big text >> Strong suggestion.
    :?: >> Questionable imo.
    :!: >>> Needs to improve some. (Rhythm is not good , plays or sounds weird)
    No comment >>simple (you can notice easily: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place.

  1. Not sure the some Acceleration SVs, but maybe I’m lazier than other modders. These are my opinions. Especially, I think over 1.5 SV changes are too fast.
    :!: 00:33:024 – acceleration? I think deceleration or keeping (x1.00) is better same as 00:21:796 - if you hope tochange to SV changes. About 0.85 ~0.75?

    0.75 would be good!

  2. 00:44:339 – add x0.75 and 00:43:996 – change to x0.85 ? for smoothing.

    unn~ I will try to use x0.87 since i was thought a bit x0.9 would be good too.

    :?: 00:54:624 – 1.75 is too huge gap before x0.75. Recommend to change to x0.9~1.2.

    How about x1.5? because x1.5 is almost near to my intention what i've wanted to represent and it can reduce speed too!

    :!: 01:19:996 - this part can emphasize the quietly. SV x1.7 is too early, change to under 1.2, (maybe I think you can change to 1.0 and on 01:20:167 - change to 0.9 ?)
  3. On 01:20:167 - if you change to under 0.99 , I also recommend to add on 01:30:967 – for returning the SV(x1.00).
    1. 03:31:653 - ,03:31:824 - , 03:42:624 – same as above.
    I want to use x1.4 and x0.95 for each suggestions because it's really good for my intention. thanks!

  4. 01:41:767 – no need the timings, can remove for reduced the file size lol.

    i don't know why, but having x1.0 on 01:41:767 - is way slower than deleting it. because i'm baka? idk ;w; just my personal feeling from test play..

    can you make sure it? T_T idk well about taiko editor..

  5. 01:41:596 – change to 1.2~1.5 ?


    :!: 02:47:767 – change to x0.70~0.80. far gap with 02:48:367 -.

    I intended high speed sv to emphasize ;w;w;w; sorry..

  6. 04:59:424 - needed acceleration? questionable imo,

    For consistency with overall SVs!
[Happy Oni]

  • :!: 00:55:396 – to 01:15:967 - , can make more nerf (lessen the frequency of 5-plot 1/4s and 3-plot 1/4s ). Sounds quiet comparing with other usual parts. Please try to consider the self-changing too.

    nerfed a bit 01:06:367 - 01:15:967 - ( will nerf more if i can find something more to delete)

    Here’s just one example.
  1. 00:57:196 – , 00:59:939 - remove? 00:56:767 - change to d? (making a gap the pitch up between to ( 00:59:510 (31,32,33,34,35) - )).

    I'm emphasizing vocal by 5-plot.. you can hear the vocal of this part has 1/2 3-plot. so it's my way how i emphasize. i can re-arrange other part.. but i really want to keep here unless it's really bad problem.

  2. 01:01:824 - , 01:02:681 – remove and 01:01:739 – change to k?


  3. 00:55:396 – (not high priority) , 00:58:139 - , 01:00:881 - , 01:03:624 - can remove the finisher.

    I personally think they are fit and have consistency. idk why ;w; but it's my way how i avoid using 3-plots.

  4. Maybe 01:22:567 - can remove for reduce the power same as 01:21:196 -.
  5. and 01:22:653 - change to d? if you remove ^ for kind of playing with pitch.

    something like how i emphasize 1/2 sounds. you can hear 1/2 bell sounds for 01:22:139 (15,17,19,21) - them and i emphasizing like this way. but i will delete them if it's too bad.. i still able to delete them if must because your suggestion is reasonable.

  6. 01:28:053 (64,65) – same as above, also for making the lower frequency of 7-plot 1/4s.


  7. 01:45:967 (37,38) – change to K,d ? for kind to play with the off-on beat.
  8. 01:51:453 (82,83) – inconsistency with above.
  9. 01:56:939 (129,130) – same as ^^.


    :?: 02:36:881 – to 02:42:367 - , questionable the dense, too flat 7-plots… reduce some?

    umm... it was 2 / 4 plots at first but i made it as 7-plots because.. you can hear there has 7 sounds on 25%..
    but i will try to change if you have any other ideas!

  10. 03:10:996 - , 03:12:539 - , 03:13:739 - , 03:15:281 - , 03:16:481 - , 03:18:024 - , remove the finishers ?
    for emphasized to 03:19:224 – , 03:09:796 - additional sounds with drums.


  11. 03:30:539 (698,699,700,701,702,703,704,705,706,707) – change to ,,,, kkddkdk-kkk?
    Anyway, I recommend to 03:30:539 – , 03:31:224 - change to k. beginning d sounds not well with nothing drums.

    I will apply this~

  12. 03:36:281 – remove ? low-tone tune not sounds here,, (on purpose?)

    It was probably my intention but deleting them sounds better to follow music.

  13. and 03:36:624 – add d instead ? To fix the quantity of hit sounds.

    nooo because 03:36:710 (746,747,748,749,750,751,752) - it's my same intention like 01:22:567 -

  14. 03:41:767 – remove? not mean much, for plays better imo?


  15. 03:57:624 (38,39) – same as 1st part.
  16. 04:08:596 (138,139) – same.

    all applied!
Good Luck (¦3[___]

If you mind that i rejected your suggestion or these problems were very bad problem for map,

of course! i can change most of them for you. since your most suggestions were reasonable.

but i considered a lot for each of suggestions for long time to change and it was my best. so i personally think it's best.

however, you can call me again if you think you should insist to change them as BN!

anyway really thanks for nice modding :) :) :) ( idk how i can get modding from other taiko bn :o :o )
  1. Should there be a space after feat. ?

    I wonder if there is a better mp3 than using convert2mp3 xD
[:) Oni]
  1. 01:21:710 (12) - d? Sound seems to lower (it's not the same sound as 01:21:881 (13,14) - , obviously)
  2. 01:27:624 (58,59,60,61,62,63,64) - kdkddkd? Or something that follows the sounds a bit nicer since it ends with some low notes.
  3. 01:28:739 (68,69) - dd? Or even kd, since the sound kinda goes ^ v.
  4. 01:34:481 (116,117,118,119,120,121,122) - ddkdd K d? Since the big sound on 121 is a lot different from the other notes you have as D, I think it'd be nice to emphasize it a bit more. Oh, you do it at 01:45:967 (37) - ! So now it's for consistency! ;P
  5. 01:52:139 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95) - kd_kkdkkd? Since the notes start at 01:52:310 (89) - , so a gap between would fit the song.
  6. 02:12:110 (258) - delete? I think this note kinda hurts the start of the vocals.
  7. How about
    02:24:796 - x1.10
    02:25:139 - x1.20
    02:25:310 - x1.30
    02:25:653 - x1.40
    02:25:996 - x1.50
    02:26:167 - x1.60 ?
    Looks really nice, and doesn't cover up the notes after the sliders as much.
  8. 02:42:710 (494,498,502,506) - Shouldn't the finisher be on these notes? Where it is now plays very weird and doesn't fit anything lolol.
  9. 03:46:139 (827,828,829,830,831,832,833) - Same as suggested at 01:34:481.
  10. 04:03:967 (95) - Delete similar to 01:52:139 ?
  11. 04:18:024 (221) - 04:20:767 (245) - 04:28:996 (322) - Any reason why the D are on this part instead of the downbeat? Maybe change the map around so it's like it was before in other kiai? It seems kind of random.
late 8-)
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

  1. Should there be a space after feat. ?

    i guess i should follow it

    I wonder if there is a better mp3 than using convert2mp3 xD

    ok i could find it in google. gonna change to better one!
[:) Oni]
  1. 01:21:710 (12) - d? Sound seems to lower (it's not the same sound as 01:21:881 (13,14) - , obviously)

    let me try to use kd xp

  2. 01:27:624 (58,59,60,61,62,63,64) - kdkddkd? Or something that follows the sounds a bit nicer since it ends with some low notes.

    kdkdkkd sounds good for me!

  3. 01:28:739 (68,69) - dd? Or even kd, since the sound kinda goes ^ v.

    exactly lol

  4. 01:34:481 (116,117,118,119,120,121,122) - ddkdd K d? Since the big sound on 121 is a lot different from the other notes you have as D, I think it'd be nice to emphasize it a bit more. Oh, you do it at 01:45:967 (37) - ! So now it's for consistency! ;P

    yeah~ i changed 01:45:967 (37) part to K by JUDY's mod and i couldn't find to change it! changed~

  5. 01:52:139 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95) - kd_kkdkkd? Since the notes start at 01:52:310 (89) - , so a gap between would fit the song.

    i know what you mean but the drum kick sound of 01:52:310 is TOO OBVIOUS to hear. so i want to keep here as d ;w;

  6. 02:12:110 (258) - delete? I think this note kinda hurts the start of the vocals.


  7. How about
    02:24:796 - x1.10
    02:25:139 - x1.20
    02:25:310 - x1.30
    02:25:653 - x1.40
    02:25:996 - x1.50
    02:26:167 - x1.60 ?
    Looks really nice, and doesn't cover up the notes after the sliders as much.

    really nice yeah xD

  8. 02:42:710 (494,498,502,506) - Shouldn't the finisher be on these notes? Where it is now plays very weird and doesn't fit anything lolol.

    at least keep 02:42:881 (495,507) - there to emphasize base sound.

  9. 03:46:139 (827,828,829,830,831,832,833) - Same as suggested at 01:34:481.


  10. 04:03:967 (95) - Delete similar to 01:52:139 ?

    same reason to 01:52:139

  11. 04:18:024 (221) - 04:20:767 (245) - 04:28:996 (322) - Any reason why the D are on this part instead of the downbeat? Maybe change the map around so it's like it was before in other kiai? It seems kind of random.

    I'm using finisher to follow vocal pitch on kiai pattern. and i can use something different pattern from 1st kiai to avoid some same pattern since it can be kinda boring t
late 8-)

thanks to modding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
こんにちは~Taiko Mod request from IRC(たぶん) 日本語で良いということでしたので日本語で書きます~

[Big note]
  1. まず最初に譜面をザーッと見ましたが大音符の使い方にものすごく疑問があったのでどんどんあげていきます
    1. 00:58:110 (61) -
    2. 01:00:852 (82) -
    3. 01:03:595 (103) -
    4. 01:05:995 (122) -
    これらの大音符のところには特に強調されている音はなく、かつプレイ面でもここまで多いと少しやりにくいかも。。。自分はfinisher削除を推奨します。 00:55:367 (40) - の部分についてはOkayです!
  2. 01:06:338 (123) - add finisher? 00:55:367 (40) - 最初の大音符の位置を考慮するとここに置くのがbestかな?
  3. 01:08:738 (143) - delete finisher. 最初のやつと理由同じですね。もし大音符を入れたいならボーカルの溜めが終わっている01:09:081 (144) - の部分に入れてみてはどうでしょうか?
  4. 01:11:481 (163) - delete finisher? same as before.
  5. 01:17:652 (206) - ^
  6. 01:32:395 (102) - ^
  7. 01:34:967 (123) - ^
  8. 01:45:938 (37) - ^
  9. 01:51:424 (82) - ^
  10. 01:56:910 (129) - ^
  11. 02:06:338 (209) - ^
  12. 02:09:081 (232) - ^
  13. 02:14:567 (281) - ^
  14. 上記のものについては02:14:995 (283) - を消して02:14:910 (282) - にadd finisherしたほうが良さそうです。
  15. 02:17:310 (305) - delete finisher and 02:17:738 (307) - delete and 02:17:652 (306) - add finisher. 上と似た感じですね
  16. 02:42:852 (492) - (まぁここはいいか・・・)
  17. 03:25:195 (670) - delete? 次の大音符を強調したいなら消したほうがよさそうです
  18. 03:44:052 (806) - delete finisher. 最初と同じ理由
  19. 03:46:624 (828) - ^
  20. 03:55:024 (14) - ^
  21. 03:56:395 (27) - ^
  22. 03:57:595 (38) - ^
  23. 03:59:138 (51) - ^
  24. 04:00:510 (63) - ^
  25. 04:01:881 (76) - ^
  26. 04:03:252 (89) - ^
  27. 04:05:995 (115) - ^
  28. 04:07:367 (128) - ^
  29. 04:08:567 (138) - ^
  30. 04:17:995 (221) - ^
  31. 04:20:738 (245) - ^
  32. 04:26:567 (300) - ^
  33. 04:28:967 (322) - ^
  1. 01:05:652 (120) - change to d? ドンとカツのバランスを整えるために変更したほうがいいかも。。
  2. 03:39:510 - add note? ここにノートがないのはちょっと違和感がありました。

こんなもんでした!たくさんありすぎて中にはトンチンカンなものもあるかもしれませんのでその時はIRCとかで聞いてください!好きな曲なので是非Rankedしてほしいです!頑張ってください :D

追記:02:24:852 (358,359,360,361,362) - ここもfinisher削除したほうがいいかも。。
Topic Starter

SKSalt wrote:

こんにちは~Taiko Mod request from IRC(たぶん) 日本語で良いということでしたので日本語で書きます~

ありがとうございます! :) :)

[Big note]
  1. まず最初に譜面をザーッと見ましたが大音符の使い方にものすごく疑問があったのでどんどんあげていきます
    1. 00:58:110 (61) -
    2. 01:00:852 (82) -
    3. 01:03:595 (103) -
    4. 01:05:995 (122) -
    これらの大音符のところには特に強調されている音はなく、かつプレイ面でもここまで多いと少しやりにくいかも。。。自分はfinisher削除を推奨します。 00:55:367 (40) - の部分についてはOkayです!


  2. 01:06:338 (123) - add finisher? 00:55:367 (40) - 最初の大音符の位置を考慮するとここに置くのがbestかな?


  3. 01:08:738 (143) - delete finisher. 最初のやつと理由同じですね。もし大音符を入れたいならボーカルの溜めが終わっている01:09:081 (144) - の部分に入れてみてはどうでしょうか?
  4. 01:11:481 (163) - delete finisher? same as before.


  5. 01:17:652 (206) - ^


  6. 01:32:395 (102) - ^
  7. 01:34:967 (123) - ^
  8. 01:45:938 (37) - ^
  9. 01:51:424 (82) - ^
  10. 01:56:910 (129) - ^

    基本的に 01:31:024 (91) - のような楽器音と同じですが音程の区別のためにKを使用した部分です。

  11. 02:06:338 (209) - ^
  12. 02:09:081 (232) - ^
  13. 02:14:567 (281) - ^

    意図的なBreakのための大音符です。ボーカル音も他の部分と区別されていて多少長いです。( 第二の気合はBreakと言うより..最初との一貫性でしょうか)

  14. 上記のものについては02:14:995 (283) - を消して02:14:910 (282) - にadd finisherしたほうが良さそうです。


  15. 02:17:310 (305) - delete finisher and 02:17:738 (307) - delete and 02:17:652 (306) - add finisher. 上と似た感じですね


  16. 02:42:852 (492) - (まぁここはいいか・・・)
  17. 03:25:195 (670) - delete? 次の大音符を強調したいなら消したほうがよさそうです


  18. 03:44:052 (806) - delete finisher. 最初と同じ理由
  19. 03:46:624 (828) - ^
  20. 03:55:024 (14) - ^
  21. 03:56:395 (27) - ^
  22. 03:57:595 (38) - ^
  23. 03:59:138 (51) - ^
  24. 04:00:510 (63) - ^
  25. 04:01:881 (76) - ^
  26. 04:03:252 (89) - ^
  27. 04:05:995 (115) - ^
  28. 04:07:367 (128) - ^
  29. 04:08:567 (138) - ^
  30. 04:17:995 (221) - ^
  31. 04:20:738 (245) - ^
  32. 04:26:567 (300) - ^
  33. 04:28:967 (322) - ^


そうですね。。。 多くな提案ありがとうございます!
  1. 01:05:652 (120) - change to d? ドンとカツのバランスを整えるために変更したほうがいいかも。。


  2. 03:39:510 - add note? ここにノートがないのはちょっと違和感がありました。


:) :)

こんなもんでした!たくさんありすぎて中にはトンチンカンなものもあるかもしれませんのでその時はIRCとかで聞いてください!好きな曲なので是非Rankedしてほしいです!頑張ってください :D

応援といいmoddingありがとうございました〜 :) :) :)

追記:02:24:852 (358,359,360,361,362) - ここもfinisher削除したほうがいいかも。。

これは02:25:195 (361,362,363,364) - とフォローしている音が同じなので、一貫性のためにkeepがいいと思います
Hi o/

just have some suggestions

  1. 00:00:510 - ~00:22:110 - could make some volume change, due to the note density almost the same here.
  2. 00:38:224 (260) - although it has big sound here, but it is not very good to play, so try to remove the finish.
  3. 01:20:052 - ~ 01:31:024 - i feel the note density on this part is too much, try to make it less density, example(01:20:052 - ~01:25:538 - )
  4. 02:03:595 (187) - try to use K,the clap sound is not really suitable for D.
  5. 02:04:710 (195) - as the vocal's pitch is lower a bit, use d would be good.

  6. 02:05:052 (198) - this note could be removed to make the rhythm more clear for the song.
  7. 02:07:195 (214,215,216,217,218) - change to kkdkk to make consistent with 02:04:452 (192,193,194,195,196) - .
  8. 02:07:710 (219,220,221,222,223) - change to kdkkd and remove 02:08:138 (224) - ,the reason is same as above
  9. 02:09:852 (237) - remove ,the reason is same as above, use too much 1/4 may loss song emphasize of the song
  10. 02:10:367 (242) - ^
  11. 02:15:852 (292) - ^, and change 02:15:938 (293) - to k
  12. 02:16:710 (300) - remove.
  13. 02:18:767 (317) - ^

  14. 02:17:052 (303) - move to 02:16:881 -
  15. 02:19:452 (323) - move to 02:19:281 - and change 02:19:367 (322) - to k

  16. 02:11:481 - ~02:14:567 - try this would be much better imo.
  17. 02:24:852 (360,361,362,363,364) - this part is not suitable for vocal-mapping, try to remove 02:25:710 (363,364) - , remove the finish on 02:24:852 (360,361,362) - and change 02:25:367 (362) - to k then make the slider start on 02:25:881 -
  18. 02:36:852 - ~02:47:481 - this part could make speed up , then change 02:47:824 - this part's sv not too slow (02:58:367 - as well)
  19. 03:30:510 - ~03:42:595 - same as 01:20:052 - ~ 01:31:024 -
  20. 04:15:252 - change to K as i said on first kiai
  21. 04:19:367 (232) - change to k?
good luck :)
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

Hi o/

just have some suggestions

  1. 00:00:510 - ~00:22:110 - could make some volume change, due to the note density almost the same here.

    I will try to use 60% lol

  2. 00:38:224 (260) - although it has big sound here, but it is not very good to play, so try to remove the finish.


  3. 01:20:052 - ~ 01:31:024 - i feel the note density on this part is too much, try to make it less density, example(01:20:052 - ~01:25:538 - )

    I'm really sorry for your effort, but I can't distinguish your example very well because of my eyes problem....

    i might able to change pattern like yours (if i can check), but i personally intended my part too.. so 'keep' also can be answer for me too..

    i cant make sure anything.. :o

  4. 02:03:595 (187) - try to use K,the clap sound is not really suitable for D.
  5. 02:04:710 (195) - as the vocal's pitch is lower a bit, use d would be good.

  6. 02:05:052 (198) - this note could be removed to make the rhythm more clear for the song.
  7. 02:07:195 (214,215,216,217,218) - change to kkdkk to make consistent with 02:04:452 (192,193,194,195,196) - .
  8. 02:07:710 (219,220,221,222,223) - change to kdkkd and remove 02:08:138 (224) - ,the reason is same as above
  9. 02:09:852 (237) - remove ,the reason is same as above, use too much 1/4 may loss song emphasize of the song
  10. 02:10:367 (242) - ^
  11. 02:15:852 (292) - ^, and change 02:15:938 (293) - to k
  12. 02:16:710 (300) - remove.
  13. 02:18:767 (317) - ^

  14. 02:17:052 (303) - move to 02:16:881 -
  15. 02:19:452 (323) - move to 02:19:281 - and change 02:19:367 (322) - to k

    ALL DONE with a bit re-arrange too!

  16. 02:11:481 - ~02:14:567 - try this would be much better imo.


  17. 02:24:852 (360,361,362,363,364) - this part is not suitable for vocal-mapping, try to remove 02:25:710 (363,364) - , remove the finish on 02:24:852 (360,361,362) - and change 02:25:367 (362) - to k then make the slider start on 02:25:881 -

    sorry.. but i like this way.. and its basically same structure with 04:36:488 - 04:37:581 - here ( even tho hasnt big and sv )

  18. 02:36:852 - ~02:47:481 - this part could make speed up , then change 02:47:824 - this part's sv not too slow (02:58:367 - as well)

    i dont know how many i should add for here.. i havent any idea on this suggestion..

  19. 03:30:510 - ~03:42:595 - same as 01:20:052 - ~ 01:31:024 -


  20. 04:15:252 - change to K as i said on first kiai


  21. 04:19:367 (232) - change to k?

good luck :)

Thanks for nice modding!! ( finally 3 TNA members were modded my map :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )
And finnnnnalllllyyyyyyyyyy

Bubble #1!
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

And finnnnnalllllyyyyyyyyyy

Bubble #1!

kiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ( hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype )

thanks!!!! it's going to be my 1st taiko ranked map!!!
Recheck and asked something.
No kudosu~
  1. 00:37:710 – consider to change to d for variation , sounds different from before, Instrumental stopped at once.
  2. 00:40:967 (278,279,280,281,282) – change to kkddk? Sounds better imo, followed airy the vocal a little, is for more expression the drums variation flow. I think It’s better to emphasize the drums than vocal here, 1/2 Sounds same as before 1bars.( 00:39:595 (268,269,270,271) - )
  3. 00:53:824 – change to k? keeping the high-percussion sounded..?
  4. 01:22:538 (20,21) – again, I suggest you to remove the 7plot->>> 5plot, kkddkdk>>kkddk-d? It also plays better the suppression for next kiai (比較点, 01:44:052 (20,21,22,23,24,25) – や 01:55:024 (112,113,114,115,116,117) - )
  5. 01:28:024 – same, remove?
  6. 01:44:481 (24,25) - kd? …01:43:538 (15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26) – kkdkd-kdk-kdk,,, Listened to taiko sounds …. Not good imo, and pitch is also low. (F+ >E)
  7. 01:49:967 (70,71) – same as above.
  8. 03:45:167 (812,813) -^
  9. 01:51:167 (80,81) – change to dk? Sounds up, we can listened the pich easily , and expression the sounds up is easily to lead in next variation01:52:110 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95) - (also emphasized the sounds up).
  10. 02:13:967 – move to 02:14:310 - ? 02:12:167 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267) – special case imo, maybe put the shorter 1/4 at once sounds better for adjustment the difficulty balance.

    :!: 02:47:910 – again,,, if you don’t prefer to suppression the accel SV, consider to change to 0.75 same as 00:44:310 -.
  11. and , 02:58:367 – change to 0.85?
  12. 04:53:738 – move to 04:53:567 – and change to k?
Topic Starter


Recheck and asked something.
No kudosu~
  1. 00:37:710 – consider to change to d for variation , sounds different from before, Instrumental stopped at once.


  2. 00:40:967 (278,279,280,281,282) – change to kk[/colo r]dk? Sounds better imo, followed airy the vocal a little, is for more expression the drums variation flow. I think It’s better to emphasize the drums than vocal here, 1/2 Sounds same as before 1bars.( 00:39:595 (268,269,270,271) - )


  3. 00:53:824 – change to k? keeping the high-percussion sounded..?

    wow cool!!!

  4. 01:22:538 (20,21) – again, I suggest you to remove the 7plot->>> 5plot, kkddkdk>>kkddk-d? It also plays better the suppression for next kiai (比較点, 01:44:052 (20,21,22,23,24,25) – や 01:55:024 (112,113,114,115,116,117) - )
  5. 01:28:024 – same, remove?

    all ok~

  6. 01:44:481 (24,25) - kd? …01:43:538 (15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26) – kkdkd-kdk-kdk,,, Listened to taiko sounds …. Not good imo, and pitch is also low. (F+ >E)
  7. 01:49:967 (70,71) – same as above.
  8. 03:45:167 (812,813) -^


  9. 01:51:167 (80,81) – change to dk? Sounds up, we can listened the pich easily , and expression the sounds up is easily to lead in next variation01:52:110 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95) - (also emphasized the sounds up).

    even though i can't get your english well, it's good suggestion to change dk. therefore, ok!

  10. 02:13:967 – move to 02:14:310 - ? 02:12:167 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267) – special case imo, maybe put the shorter 1/4 at once sounds better for adjustment the difficulty balance.

    naruhodo.. 5-plots de re-arrange!

    :!: 02:47:910 – again,,, if you don’t prefer to suppression the accel SV, consider to change to 0.75 same as 00:44:310 -.
  11. and , 02:58:367 – change to 0.85?

    すごく prefer desu;;; sorry;; and i like 0.5 > 0.75 > 1.0 way considering mathematical structure.

  12. 04:53:738 – move to 04:53:567 – and change to k?



良いmoddingありがとうございます〜 準備完了です!!! >~<
Changed a little things,
  1. 02:47:738 - SV change to 1.3 the gap with next 0.5.
  2. and some color.
Overall is fine, Go Go~ ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

Bubbled #2
Topic Starter
COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHO!!!!
First Bubble : p/4730287
Second Bubble : p/4735918

Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

First Bubble : p/4730287
Second Bubble : p/4735918

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks hhhhhhhhh
nayuta! <3
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

nayuta! <3
nayuta san kawaiii <333
Topic Starter

Zan - wrote:


Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

gratz!~ :)
tiakoatotokaiakakititoktokoko mappers confurmed
grats suwawa _w_
Omedetou ヾ(๑>◡<)ノ"
Topic Starter

Charlotte wrote:

gratz!~ :)

ExUsagi wrote:

tiakoatotokaiakakititoktokoko mappers confurmed
grats suwawa _w_


Omedetou ヾ(๑>◡<)ノ"
wo qualified, gratz!
꺄아아아악!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 끼야아아아아아악!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 아아아아ㅏㄱ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

Hanjamon wrote:

wo qualified, gratz!

thanks! ><
QFおめです〜~ :)
Topic Starter

SKSalt wrote:

QFおめです〜~ :)
lol pprainhappy oni
Topic Starter

Nishizumi wrote:

lol pprainhappy oni
i dont think its pp rain song :> thanks!

Nanatsu wrote:

Nishizumi wrote:

lol pprainhappy oni
i dont think its pp rain song :> thanks!
ikr, just kidding bruh :D
gratz! :3
S a n d
Gratz Nanatsu senpai >w<!
(btw, it is a pp rain song)
Gratz :3
oooo congrats
lolicon heheh
Gratz nana ❤
Topic Starter
thanks for all people~ :)
*-*/ It's ranked :3 Gratz Nanatsu >.<
nice map and cute music ;3
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

*-*/ It's ranked :3 Gratz Nanatsu >.<
Thank you >/////<~
Topic Starter

Labyr wrote:

nice map and cute music ;3
すごくかわいい <3
Congrats :)

this nice.. wuw...
Congrats! Very nice map overall.

Hitsound volume is low, I can barely hear hitsounds. +20% hitsounds would do the trick
I gotta admit the ninja-y notes are well used.

This thing though... 00:33:081 (218) - and 02:48:338 (526) -

02:26:224 (358) - Why a long slider when there is a prominent 1/1 beat? :(

As far as I know, if there is enough time to react, those ugly overlaps are rankable, but I don't know. They surely screwed up my reading (might as well just me being a scrub)

Congrats again.
You gotta be congratulated properly. That's one entertaining map we got here. #gezosayscongrats

Raiden's pointed out some things, I might throw my opinion about them.

Raiden wrote:

Hitsound volume is low, I can barely hear hitsounds. +20% hitsounds would do the trick Overall, I think adding 10% is more than enough. At times, 15% can be used (the calmer part at 00:55:367 (40) - has a HS volume a bit too low imo). The end can have a raise as well.

This thing though... 00:33:081 (218) - and 02:48:338 (526) - They're not too hard to read, it may throw some people off but overall they are well-used and fairly balanced.

02:26:224 (358) - Why a long slider when there is a prominent 1/1 beat? :( I must admit this makes the part slightly awkward.
Because they gonna check something,

i will check few tags and source.

Source : Diamond Smile (Name of Album)

also i want to tell you that 01:20:052 - Won't be readable especially for the player that slow at spinning. (most of them)
Albums are not a correct source as far as I know. Source must be put when a song has been made famous / got known heavily due to said source (e.g. a videogame like IIDX, an anime TV Size opening, etc.)
Please increase the volume by 10% at least, so hitsounds can be heard properly, hitsounds are specially quiet in the end.

As for the other issues pointed: 02:26:224 (358) - Is being used for the held vocal, not that awkward given the previous notes lead to it, a big slider would look (yes, look) better as previous notes were big too.

SV changes were used appropriately and are not disruptive at all.
S a n d
RIP pp rain, time to wait another week or so for rank qwq
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

Congrats! Very nice map overall.

Hitsound volume is low, I can barely hear hitsounds. +20% hitsounds would do the trick

hmm probably i will try to increase 10~15% ( i believe 80~85% sound is enough to hear )

I gotta admit the ninja-y notes are well used. :)

This thing though... 00:33:081 (218) - and 02:48:338 (526) -

I intended slow svs for there ;__; i wanna keep since i dont have any other good sv setting idea to use..

02:26:224 (358) - Why a long slider when there is a prominent 1/1 beat? :(

nah, i follow 'Diamond Smile' vocal sounds on 02:24:767 - 02:28:281 - there and slider is follow dim vocal sound as well.

As far as I know, if there is enough time to react, those ugly overlaps are rankable, but I don't know. They surely screwed up my reading (might as well just me being a scrub)

I'm sorry.. :o i will do something better for next maps..

Congrats again. :)
Thanks to encourage my map!! :)

_Gezo_ wrote:

You gotta be congratulated properly. That's one entertaining map we got here. #gezosayscongrats

Raiden's pointed out some things, I might throw my opinion about them.

Raiden wrote:

Hitsound volume is low, I can barely hear hitsounds. +20% hitsounds would do the trick Overall, I think adding 10% is more than enough. At times, 15% can be used (the calmer part at 00:55:367 (40) - has a HS volume a bit too low imo). The end can have a raise as well.

This thing though... 00:33:081 (218) - and 02:48:338 (526) - They're not too hard to read, it may throw some people off but overall they are well-used and fairly balanced.

02:26:224 (358) - Why a long slider when there is a prominent 1/1 beat? :( I must admit this makes the part slightly awkward.

ohhh plz ;w; i follow vocal sound on here~ ( as i said on raiden's reply )
Thanks to encourage my map!! :)

Niko-nyan wrote:

Because they gonna check something,

i will check few tags and source.

Source : Diamond Smile (Name of Album)

also i want to tell you that 01:20:052 - Won't be readable especially for the player that slow at spinning. (most of them)

It's unreadable on autoplay, but from whole test playing from players, i could notice that it's playable. so i want to keep here.

the song is from doujin album which isn't famous. you are supposed to put source name like anime, game, movie names. but doujin album even don't have copyright as i know. so, you'd better to make it empty for ranked. according to ranking criteria.

DakeDekaane wrote:

Please increase the volume by 10% at least, so hitsounds can be heard properly, hitsounds are specially quiet in the end. Done!

As for the other issues pointed: 02:26:224 (358) - Is being used for the held vocal, not that awkward given the previous notes lead to it, a big slider would look (yes, look) better as previous notes were big too.

Oh, Yeah, considering that previous notes are have big note. it would be good for consistency. :)

SV changes were used appropriately and are not disruptive at all. good to hear~ :)

alright, all done! ( plz make it re-qualified ;w; )

S a n d wrote:

RIP pp rain, time to wait another week or so for rank qwq

RIP :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
holy shit someone merge all these posts
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

holy shit someone merge all these posts
lmao who did it lololol
And DQ?
checked the adjustment volume and big slider.
Topic Starter


checked the adjustment volume and big slider.
디퀄 ㅊㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Thanks! ( too tiny tbh )

will try to poke some other bn~
(i'll do an actual check later today~)
(o_JO)b moar to be pero desuh,.
no kd pls

only found some kiais that could be improved a tiny bit, that's all
02:02:567 - 02:24:510 - 04:14:224 - add kiai ends here
02:03:938 - add kiai start here and remove kiai status on 02:03:852
04:15:595 - ^ / 04:15:510 - remove kiai status
04:37:624 - move to 04:36:167 -, it's slightly inconsistent with 02:24:510 -

call me back
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

no kd pls

only found some kiais that could be improved a tiny bit, that's all
02:02:567 - 02:24:510 - 04:14:224 - add kiai ends here
02:03:938 - add kiai start here and remove kiai status on 02:03:852
04:15:595 - ^ / 04:15:510 - remove kiai status
04:37:624 - move to 04:36:167 -, it's slightly inconsistent with 02:24:510 -

call me back
done! =w= thanks to check!!!
We good to go
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

We good to go
Let's go! thanks again~ o/
regratz~\ 3 /
@&$^*^@(%*(&%^ (oL_O)9 blablalba!1!!!!!!!
Ayyyy gratz! I'm really happy to finally see this map qualified! :oops:
Re-Gratz Nanatsu~~ >////< /
Topic Starter
thanks for all ppl :3
05:10:367 - how did nobody notice this PRETTY OBVIOUS overlap

gratz anyway!
there were many overlaps but apparently they were correctly used

it's ranked anyway sooooo
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