
Gareth Coker - Naru, Embracing the Light (feat....

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, March 5, 2021 at 10:50:45 PM

Artist: Gareth Coker
Title: Naru, Embracing the Light (feat. Rachel Mellis)
Source: Ori and the Blind Forest
Tags: Moon Studios Aeralie Brighton Rachel Mellis Tom Boyd
BPM: 163
Filesize: 1566kb
Play Time: 01:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.2 stars, 177 notes)
  2. Insane (4.5 stars, 228 notes)
  3. Normal (1.94 stars, 105 notes)
  4. Stream timing (7.88 stars, 913 notes)
  5. Timing (1.15 stars, 229 notes)
Download: Gareth Coker - Naru, Embracing the Light (feat. Rachel Mellis)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Screw this orchestra and its imperfect timing.

Let's try this again lol

Thanks to Tae, xZyn17x, Serenity Story, Stjpa, Kalibe, Pinataman,Hi I'm Nathan, rs_fadeaway, votex09, -Zectro, Lemons, Lily Bread, bigjoe97, Alejandro Media (in-game), RVMathew, and HappyRocket88 for modding![/b]

• You should definitely turn down the SV. 1.4 is REALLY high for a Normal diff.

• • The volume you chose doesn't fit. Make them overall quieter. Especially 100% in the Kiai is too loud. This counts for every difficulty.

• 00:05:267 (1,3) - Bad overlap

• 00:06:300 (3,1) - ^

• 00:18:696 (3,1) - ^

• 00:19:729 (1,2) - ^

• 00:58:027 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - This complete part looks kinda strange. You should consider remapping this whole diff since you have to change a lot anyway due the high SV.


• 00:18:008 (1,2) - Fix blanket.

• 00:19:041 (4,5) - ^

• 00:19:041 (4,1) - Bad Overlap.

• 00:53:027 - 00:55:096 - Consider mapping something here too. Leaving it open is boring.

• 01:01:618 (2,3,4) - Not really good for a Hard imo.


• 00:04:579 (5,6) - These jumps are too huge imo.

• 00:10:605 (2,3,4) - There's nothing that allows you to use a triplet.

• 00:13:015 (6,7) - Bad transition.

• 00:17:836 (2,3,4) - Same as above.

• 00:23:861 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'm not sure if this is a good choice of pattern for this part.

• 00:43:488 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Actually it should start without spacing and then go on with bigger spacing. Select them all and use the CTRL + G function. That's what I mean. The music gets louder, so the jumps have an emphasis then.
Topic Starter

Stjpa wrote:


• You should definitely turn down the SV. 1.4 is REALLY high for a Normal diff. Fixed

• • The volume you chose doesn't fit. Make them overall quieter. Especially 100% in the Kiai is too loud. This counts for every difficulty. Fixed

• 00:05:267 (1,3) - Bad overlap Fixed

• 00:06:300 (3,1) - ^ I don't know. It doesn't look that bad and the flow is pretty good. I'll wait to see if other people agree with you.

• 00:18:696 (3,1) - ^ Fixed

• 00:19:729 (1,2) - ^ Fixed

• 00:58:027 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - This complete part looks kinda strange. You should consider remapping this whole diff since you have to change a lot anyway due the high SV. I changed it up a bit.


• 00:18:008 (1,2) - Fix blanket. Fixed

• 00:19:041 (4,5) - ^ Fixed

• 00:19:041 (4,1) - Bad Overlap. I think it's fixed

• 00:53:027 - 00:55:096 - Consider mapping something here too. Leaving it open is boring. Fixed

• 01:01:618 (2,3,4) - Not really good for a Hard imo. I'll keep it for now, but if it ends up getting a lot of hate later on, I'll remove it.


• 00:04:579 (5,6) - These jumps are too huge imo. Fixed

• 00:10:605 (2,3,4) - There's nothing that allows you to use a triplet. I hear a triplet, but that may just be me. I'll wait for others to see if they have a problem with it, too.

• 00:13:015 (6,7) - Bad transition. Fixed

• 00:17:836 (2,3,4) - Same as above. Fixed, but I don't know if it got better or worse 0-o

• 00:23:861 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'm not sure if this is a good choice of pattern for this part. I'll leave it for now, but if others also say to change it, I will.

• 00:43:488 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Actually it should start without spacing and then go on with bigger spacing. Select them all and use the CTRL + G function. That's what I mean. The music gets louder, so the jumps have an emphasis then. Feels slightly weird (maybe it's just me), but I fixed it
Thanks for the mod! Great points! :) It definitely helped.
Hey, Ori is amazing ;w;


add in tags : Moon Studios Aeralie Brighton Rachel Mellis Tom Boyd


AR - 4
HP - 3

00:04:234 (3) - do smth similar like this :
00:08:366 (2) - more pretty plz :
00:17:663 (1) - finish don't work here. Replace it with Whistle
00:35:569 (3) - change this slider. No retreating sliders on Normal
00:35:569 (3) - on sliderend remove Finish and add Whitstle
00:51:820 (2,3,4,5) - use DS. try this :
00:59:045 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - circle spam, please don't do that
01:00:061 (1) - remove Whistle, add Finish
01:03:198 (1) - stack on 01:01:100 (1) -


definitly no AR 8 on 2.95 and ~175 BPM decrease to 7

Ok, just check Normal and metadata, so i think it's good :)
Topic Starter

Kalibe wrote:

Hey, Ori is amazing ;w; Heck Yeah :)


add in tags : Moon Studios Aeralie Brighton Rachel Mellis Tom Boyd Fixed


AR - 4 Fixed
HP - 3Fixed

00:04:234 (3) - do smth similar like this : Fixed
00:08:366 (2) - more pretty plz : I made it more wavy :3
00:17:663 (1) - finish don't work here. Replace it with Whistle Fixed
00:35:569 (3) - change this slider. No retreating sliders on Normal Fixed
00:35:569 (3) - on sliderend remove Finish and add Whitstle Fixed
00:51:820 (2,3,4,5) - use DS. try this : Fixed
00:59:045 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - circle spam, please don't do that Fixed
01:00:061 (1) - remove Whistle, add Finish I don't hear a finish at all 0-o
01:03:198 (1) - stack on 01:01:100 (1) - Fixed


definitly no AR 8 on 2.95 and ~175 BPM decrease to 7 Fixed

Ok, just check Normal and metadata, so i think it's good :)
Thanks so much for the mod! It really helped out my normal mode ! :D
Hello. Here for M4M from your queue. This song is beautiful, thank you for making a map of it. Hope this helps


00:38:323 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – While this is a nice pattern, I'm not sure how the repetition and rhythm of this fits the music. Try making a rhythm that matches the melody more like Assuming you go with this rhythm, one way to emphasize the strong piano notes at 00:39:701 (7,8,9) – is to use a different flow than what you used at 00:38:323 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . For example, you could use a zig-zag flow like and then use a simple curve like

00:44:349 (6,1) – I think the blanket is a trap. The spacing into 1 just feels too small since 1 is on a strong downbeat and linear flow into 1 doesn't feel to nice to me. Experiment with some different flows like (make the 5,6,1 pattern symmetric, ask me in game if you need help with that, though you're design is pretty good so I think you can get it) or like 00:44:004 (4,5,6) – also feels a little funny to me, so try experimenting with breaking the zig-zag flow there with something like

00:47:104 (3) – Rhythms like these make me think we have different ideas on how we should make rhythm in maps. Feel free to explain your decision for this rhythm like if there's some instrument you're following that I can't hear or whatnot, but to me, 00:47:276 – is a pretty strong piano note. I like following this melody, so making the strong note clickable by having a slider start here or have a circle here plays better to me. It also makes your hitsound make more sense since the player will hear how he/she is doing with their rhythm in game instead of being automatically perfect on a slider end.

00:35:397 (1,2,3,4,5) – Another example of where I think you can go with the melody more like above^

00:53:372 (3,6) – This overlap looks a little poor to me. I'm guessing you wanted a specific flow, but you can get most of what you were going for by nudging/rotating things around. Maybe something like The ideas behind this is to create a square looking thing using the slider end of 3, 4, the head of 5, and the end of 6 while also blanketing the end of 6 in 5 (but not necessarily a perfect blanket). The curvature of the sliders is also a bit challenging since 3 and 5 are different, but I think using the curvature of 3 for the 6 slider could yield a nicer result than using the 5 curvature, so play with that.

00:56:303 (6,1) – I'm picky about overlaps :P. Try something stacking the slider ends of these, example:

00:59:045 (1,1) – Since the curvature of these sliders are different, they make the two combos not symmetrical. I like having the jump into 01:00:061 (1) - , but try to set up the 00:59:045 (1,2,3,4,5) – pattern so that you can get more of a symmetrical feel to the next one (the flow is very nice though).

01:01:100 (1,2,3) – and 01:01:964 (4,5,6,7,8) – feel completely different to me in the music, so I don't agree with the repetition you use. Try a different flow starting at 01:01:964 (4) – to contrast these parts of the music more. Also 01:02:656 (7) – could be two circles instead so try that out.

01:05:266 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) – This is a fine pattern.... but it doesn't quite express the music in a way that makes sense to me (the spacing and repetitive flow get to me, but that's subjective). Try doing Ctrl + G on 7 and moving it to 200, 292 ( The high spacing takes away some of the emphasis that 01:07:335 (1) – and 01:08:370 (4,5) – have in the music, so calming it down here instead could allow more focus to those parts (which I find more exciting but again, my opinion).

01:08:715 (5,6) – So as mentioned above, the pitch changes here and these feel more intense to me. To reflect this change in intensity, try making the spacing a little bigger by moving 5 to around 420, 120 and making 6 a mirror of that.

01:09:491 (1) – Why is this not snapped? *looks at timing points for the first time* Oh is this not a single bpm song? I guess that explains some of the instances where the offset felt off. Well that's gonna be annoying.

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better.


00:07:678 – This break is dead air, and you generally don't want that. Try filling it with a calm rhythm like

00:19:385 (5,1,2) – This is confusing rhythm since the strong note is at 00:19:729 - . By using a slider end to end on a strong note, you weaken the the feeling of the map, so I expected you to use 1/1 rhythm (which goes with the restful background music). I like this feeling, so try that rhythm out

00:21:451 (5,1,2) – This is also confusing. The break makes you slow down the rhythm so much I didn't like it then speeding up so fast. Try making 00:21:451 (5) – a 1/1 slider to fill in that break and set up the following notes a little more nicely.

00:45:899 (1,2,3) – This looks sloppy since the distance from 1 to 3 and the distance from 2 to 3 is not the same. It also plays weird since you have slider leniency making the spacing from 2 to 3 small. Try cleaning it up, like maybe

00:52:510 (3) – This ending on the downbeat is weird. Try making this a ½ slider and add a circle at 00:52:854 -

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better.


00:05:267 (1,2) – Some blankets are off like this one

00:06:300 (3,1) – Why not overlap so that the slider end is completely over the other slider like so?

00:23:861 (1,2) – The different curvatures of these sliders don't look nice to me. Try making 2 more curvy to fit more with 1 like

00:31:092 (2,4) – Same kind of thing as above^. Try to work some symmetry into here. For example, is starting to make the two sliders symmetrical along that imaginary line

00:55:958 (1) – Y U no hitsound?

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better.

And that's all I got. Good luck!
from my modding queue

00:50:700 (1) - Shouldnt this note be on 00:50:786 ?
01:09:404 - I think this part should be mapped instead of a spinner. However if you do want to leave it as a spinner finish it at 01:11:473 oh and dont forget to change the timing point too

00:07:333 (7) - what do you think about turning this into a slider? its not necessary though but I thought it spruces things up a bit00:46:587 (3) - move to 84x, 176y
01:09:491 (1) - Same as easy diff

01:01:100 - this part is tricky to read
01:09:491 (1) - again so as the other 2 diffs

I think this song should only have 1 bpm throughout the whole song. Like at 01:03:198 it goes from 173 bpm to 174, I cant anyone making a song and intentionally making bars 1 bpm apart

Anways I hope you like this mod, GL
hi, as M4M req.
you should try put 2&4 snap whistle, but not all time on 1 snap
Seems no sence to name as Blinded, change back to Insane mb
  • 00:13:531 (1,2) - DS,make sure open the distance most time
    00:06:300 (3,4,1) - make the pattern more simple
    00:40:734 (1) - to 00:46:587 (3) - this part notes and sliders are all in the bottom half. make them spread out?
    00:50:700 (1) - reduce the volume of the finish sound, so noisy in such a soft song.
    00:51:820 (1) - i think u can remove the slidersound , its too noisy for the song.
    01:09:404 (1) - i think u should finish the kiai, but not placed a spinner for end
    01:17:680 i'd like to keep mapping until this time
  • 00:09:055 (1,2) - cant think of a better pattern?
    00:30:748 (2) - mb change this reverse slider to a note + 1/2 slider? coz 00:31:092 has a heavy piano sound.
    00:48:786 (1) - .. mb remove the finish sound is better
    00:48:786 (1) - usually not put the tail of slider on white tick. its usually a start of every little snap
    00:53:027 (4) - same
    01:01:100 (1,2,3,4) - i feel not suit the music here,and the whistle seems not fine
    01:01:964 here 1/4, hard can put 1/4 snap, unless you spam 1/4 snap
    01:01:100 (1,2,3,4) - any good idea?
    01:09:491 (1) - the spinner's tail not on the tick
  • 00:07:420 (1) - there's a lot of sounds to map, instead of put a spinner
    00:35:655 make a 1/2slider from here?
    00:42:455 (5) - NC
    00:43:488 (1) - remove NC
    00:50:786 (1) - reduce the volume
    01:03:174 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not on tick
    i highly suggest to keep placing notes until 01:17:680
hope it helps, GL
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Hello. Here for M4M from your queue. This song is beautiful, thank you for making a map of it. Hope this helps


00:38:323 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – While this is a nice pattern, I'm not sure how the repetition and rhythm of this fits the music. Try making a rhythm that matches the melody more like Assuming you go with this rhythm, one way to emphasize the strong piano notes at 00:39:701 (7,8,9) – is to use a different flow than what you used at 00:38:323 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . For example, you could use a zig-zag flow like and then use a simple curve like Fixed. I didn't do a zig-zag, but I did change it. I did more of a star formation.

00:44:349 (6,1) – I think the blanket is a trap. The spacing into 1 just feels too small since 1 is on a strong downbeat and linear flow into 1 doesn't feel to nice to me. Experiment with some different flows like (make the 5,6,1 pattern symmetric, ask me in game if you need help with that, though you're design is pretty good so I think you can get it) or like 00:44:004 (4,5,6) – also feels a little funny to me, so try experimenting with breaking the zig-zag flow there with something like Fixed

00:47:104 (3) – Rhythms like these make me think we have different ideas on how we should make rhythm in maps. Feel free to explain your decision for this rhythm like if there's some instrument you're following that I can't hear or whatnot, but to me, 00:47:276 – is a pretty strong piano note. I like following this melody, so making the strong note clickable by having a slider start here or have a circle here plays better to me. It also makes your hitsound make more sense since the player will hear how he/she is doing with their rhythm in game instead of being automatically perfect on a slider end. Yeah, I don't hear strong points of a song very well. It's why I'm terrible at hit sounds.

00:35:397 (1,2,3,4,5) – Another example of where I think you can go with the melody more like above^ Fixed

00:53:372 (3,6) – This overlap looks a little poor to me. I'm guessing you wanted a specific flow, but you can get most of what you were going for by nudging/rotating things around. Maybe something like The ideas behind this is to create a square looking thing using the slider end of 3, 4, the head of 5, and the end of 6 while also blanketing the end of 6 in 5 (but not necessarily a perfect blanket). The curvature of the sliders is also a bit challenging since 3 and 5 are different, but I think using the curvature of 3 for the 6 slider could yield a nicer result than using the 5 curvature, so play with that. Fixed.

00:56:303 (6,1) – I'm picky about overlaps :P. Try something stacking the slider ends of these, example: I've tried to find different patterns. Everything else ruins the flow if I stack them.

00:59:045 (1,1) – Since the curvature of these sliders are different, they make the two combos not symmetrical. I like having the jump into 01:00:061 (1) - , but try to set up the 00:59:045 (1,2,3,4,5) – pattern so that you can get more of a symmetrical feel to the next one (the flow is very nice though). I don't know if it's better or worse now 0-o

01:01:100 (1,2,3) – and 01:01:964 (4,5,6,7,8) – feel completely different to me in the music, so I don't agree with the repetition you use. Try a different flow starting at 01:01:964 (4) – to contrast these parts of the music more. Also 01:02:656 (7) – could be two circles instead so try that out. Fixed.

01:05:266 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) – This is a fine pattern.... but it doesn't quite express the music in a way that makes sense to me (the spacing and repetitive flow get to me, but that's subjective). Try doing Ctrl + G on 7 and moving it to 200, 292 ( The high spacing takes away some of the emphasis that 01:07:335 (1) – and 01:08:370 (4,5) – have in the music, so calming it down here instead could allow more focus to those parts (which I find more exciting but again, my opinion). I'll keep it for now. I'll see if others have a problem with it too.

01:08:715 (5,6) – So as mentioned above, the pitch changes here and these feel more intense to me. To reflect this change in intensity, try making the spacing a little bigger by moving 5 to around 420, 120 and making 6 a mirror of that. Fixed.

01:09:491 (1) – Why is this not snapped? *looks at timing points for the first time* Oh is this not a single bpm song? I guess that explains some of the instances where the offset felt off. Well that's gonna be annoying. I know right? :L

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better.
Fixed, but I made it harder XD

00:07:678 – This break is dead air, and you generally don't want that. Try filling it with a calm rhythm like Fixed.

00:19:385 (5,1,2) – This is confusing rhythm since the strong note is at 00:19:729 - . By using a slider end to end on a strong note, you weaken the the feeling of the map, so I expected you to use 1/1 rhythm (which goes with the restful background music). I like this feeling, so try that rhythm out Fixed.

00:21:451 (5,1,2) – This is also confusing. The break makes you slow down the rhythm so much I didn't like it then speeding up so fast. Try making 00:21:451 (5) – a 1/1 slider to fill in that break and set up the following notes a little more nicely.Fixed.

00:45:899 (1,2,3) – This looks sloppy since the distance from 1 to 3 and the distance from 2 to 3 is not the same. It also plays weird since you have slider leniency making the spacing from 2 to 3 small. Try cleaning it up, like maybe Fixed.

00:52:510 (3) – This ending on the downbeat is weird. Try making this a ½ slider and add a circle at 00:52:854 - Fixed.

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better. Fixed.


00:05:267 (1,2) – Some blankets are off like this one Fixed. I think

00:06:300 (3,1) – Why not overlap so that the slider end is completely over the other slider like so? It's so hard to perfectly do that ;-; I can't

00:23:861 (1,2) – The different curvatures of these sliders don't look nice to me. Try making 2 more curvy to fit more with 1 like Fixed.

00:31:092 (2,4) – Same kind of thing as above^. Try to work some symmetry into here. For example, is starting to make the two sliders symmetrical along that imaginary line I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean at all 0-o

00:55:958 (1) – Y U no hitsound? Fixed.

01:11:560 (1) – You REALLY should map what comes after this. If you take any suggestion from this mod, please let it be this one. This section gives much needed resolution to the song and mapping this will make the map so much nicer. This might mean deleting the spinner at 01:09:491 (1) – could be better. Fixed.

And that's all I got. Good luck!
Thanks! :)
Topic Starter

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

from my modding queue

00:50:700 (1) - Shouldnt this note be on 00:50:786 ? Fixed.
01:09:404 - I think this part should be mapped instead of a spinner. However if you do want to leave it as a spinner finish it at 01:11:473 oh and dont forget to change the timing point too Fixed.

00:07:333 (7) - what do you think about turning this into a slider? its not necessary though but I thought it spruces things up a bit I was updating this while you were modding it. It's different now.
00:46:587 (3) - move to 84x, 176y ^
01:09:491 (1) - Same as easy diff Fixed.

01:01:100 - this part is tricky to read Once again, I was updating this with Pinataman's mod while you were gone. Changed
01:09:491 (1) - again so as the other 2 diffs Removed the entire slider. Recheck to see what I did.

I think this song should only have 1 bpm throughout the whole song. Like at 01:03:198 it goes from 173 bpm to 174, I cant anyone making a song and intentionally making bars 1 bpm apart This is because the music slows down at certain parts slightly. Listen to the song with a constant BPM. it will never perfectly fit.

Anways I hope you like this mod, GL
Thanks! :)
Topic Starter

rs_fadeaway wrote:

hi, as M4M req.
you should try put 2&4 snap whistle, but not all time on 1 snap I don't know what you mean 0-o I'm going to get lordRaika to help me soon enough.
Seems no sence to name as Blinded, change back to Insane mb Fixed.
  • 00:13:531 (1,2) - DS,make sure open the distance most time That's what makes this part special ;-; But if one of the BMN say to do so, then I will.
    00:06:300 (3,4,1) - make the pattern more simple I don't see how it could get simpler 0-o
    00:40:734 (1) - to 00:46:587 (3) - this part notes and sliders are all in the bottom half. make them spread out? Fixed.
    00:50:700 (1) - reduce the volume of the finish sound, so noisy in such a soft song. Fixed.
    00:51:820 (1) - i think u can remove the slidersound , its too noisy for the song. There is no sound on the slider...
    01:09:404 (1) - i think u should finish the kiai, but not placed a spinner for end Since it's normal, I think a spinner would be best.
    01:17:680 i'd like to keep mapping until this time Fixed.
  • 00:09:055 (1,2) - cant think of a better pattern? I think it's pretty good ;-;
    00:30:748 (2) - mb change this reverse slider to a note + 1/2 slider? coz 00:31:092 has a heavy piano sound. Fixed.
    00:48:786 (1) - .. mb remove the finish sound is better Sorry, the song DEFINITELY has a finish in it.
    00:48:786 (1) - usually not put the tail of slider on white tick. its usually a start of every little snap But thats when the spinner ends 0-o
    00:53:027 (4) - same Fixed.
    01:01:100 (1,2,3,4) - i feel not suit the music here,and the whistle seems not fine I removed some of the whistles, but I'm keeping the pattern.
    01:01:964 here 1/4, hard can put 1/4 snap, unless you spam 1/4 snap I don't understand what you mean.
    01:01:100 (1,2,3,4) - any good idea? Nope XD
    01:09:491 (1) - the spinner's tail not on the tick Fixed.

  • 00:07:420 (1) - there's a lot of sounds to map, instead of put a spinner Good idea, but I'm going to wait for others to agree with you.
    00:35:655 make a 1/2slider from here? Fixed.
    00:42:455 (5) - NC Fixed.
    00:43:488 (1) - remove NC I made this part harder so I'm keeping the NC.
    00:50:786 (1) - reduce the volume Fixed.
    01:03:174 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not on tick Fixed.
    i highly suggest to keep placing notes until 01:17:680 Fixed.
hope it helps, GL
Thanks! It did :)
00:10:605 - I feel as though while you CAN get away with having a triplet here, it's a bit jarring. The music suggests a sorta of lazy legato triplet that isn't as on beat as you'd expect to hear from an orchestra. While it's difficult to map, to provide that extra oomph you'll need to change this bit.

00:17:663 - I believe 6 should start the new combo here, and also stay with the "Jumpy nature of the map" Placing it atop slider "1" here I believe is a bit awkward.

00:59:045 - Notes here are a bit late, especially the one at 01:03:198 - Maybe a tempo change will be necessary here.

I would like to note that 01:05:266 - 01:11:531 is the apex of this map to me, and don't let anyone make you change it or I'll be mad. Its awesome to play and feels good.

00:50:786 - This blank space IMO should have something here and is awkward to be empty for me.

00:15:425 - This note is unneeded. While you might be able to keep this note I feel as if it would flow better without it.

00:51:820 - 1&2 here could be copied and Horizontally and vertically flipped rather than made anew for the following combo. The 3rd combo follows this though.
Topic Starter

votex09 wrote:

00:10:605 - I feel as though while you CAN get away with having a triplet here, it's a bit jarring. The music suggests a sorta of lazy legato triplet that isn't as on beat as you'd expect to hear from an orchestra. While it's difficult to map, to provide that extra oomph you'll need to change this bit. Fixed

00:17:663 - I believe 6 should start the new combo here, and also stay with the "Jumpy nature of the map" Placing it atop slider "1" here I believe is a bit awkward. Fixed

00:59:045 - Notes here are a bit late, especially the one at 01:03:198 - Maybe a tempo change will be necessary here. I've been having trouble here. ALOT. But I think I fixed it SORTOF

I would like to note that 01:05:266 - 01:11:531 is the apex of this map to me, and don't let anyone make you change it or I'll be mad. Its awesome to play and feels good. ^.^ Noice!

00:50:786 - This blank space IMO should have something here and is awkward to be empty for me. It's to give hard mode players a second to recover from the spinner.

00:15:425 - This note is unneeded. While you might be able to keep this note I feel as if it would flow better without it.IDK. This note is rather important. Take it out and hear how weird it sounds without that beat.

00:51:820 - 1&2 here could be copied and Horizontally and vertically flipped rather than made anew for the following combo. The 3rd combo follows this though. Fixed! I think 0-o
Thanks for the mod! :) It helped a lot more than I expected!
hi, hopefully this will be good enough for m4m

Can't really find anything at all, maybe start this spinner 01:17:826 (1) - at the red tick and adjust the spinner end accordingly

Also incredibly hard to find something.
01:12:198 (1,2,3,4) - instead of slightly overlapping these you could make them just barely touch eachother, would look better imo. (

00:43:488 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this star pattern feels a bit too big and forced/overmapped, consider scaling it down (yep it will be some work adjusting the overlaps and blankets)
00:45:554 (1,2,3) - imo ctrl g'ing each one of these feels a bit less ham, which is better i think, increase the spacing between them a bit if you decide to do so
00:59:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - could be a cooler pattern instead like, since that's where stuff actually goes down in the song
01:00:041 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:01:964 (4,5) - i feel like they would fit better if they were a bit closer to 01:02:137 (6) -
01:04:212 (4) - this feels a bit over the top, the length really catches my eye since it's just a simple straight slider, and it doesn't perfectly point towards 01:04:731 (5) -
01:06:287 - the melody changes a bit here, maybe use some other pattern instead of continuing the repeating pattern? the repeating one feels a bit overdone i think
01:10:293 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - could maybe use some polishing
01:12:891 (3) - should end at 01:13:237 - and add a note between 01:12:891 (3) - and 01:13:583 (4) - at 01:13:410 - instead
01:15:661 (1,2) - maybe some slider art on these? would be a nicer ending[/list]
Topic Starter

Zectro wrote:

hi, hopefully this will be good enough for m4m It is, don't worry ;)

Can't really find anything at all, maybe start this spinner 01:17:826 (1) - at the red tick and adjust the spinner end accordingly K

Also incredibly hard to find something.
01:12:198 (1,2,3,4) - instead of slightly overlapping these you could make them just barely touch eachother, would look better imo. ( Fixed

00:43:488 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this star pattern feels a bit too big and forced/overmapped, consider scaling it down (yep it will be some work adjusting the overlaps and blankets) Fixed
00:45:554 (1,2,3) - imo ctrl g'ing each one of these feels a bit less ham, which is better i think, increase the spacing between them a bit if you decide to do so I'm going to keep the current pattern since it makes 3 lead to the next slider better.
00:59:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - could be a cooler pattern instead like, since that's where stuff actually goes down in the song I think I have enough patterns like this already, and also it doesn't flow as well.
01:00:041 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ ^
01:01:964 (4,5) - i feel like they would fit better if they were a bit closer to 01:02:137 (6) - Fixed
01:04:212 (4) - this feels a bit over the top, the length really catches my eye since it's just a simple straight slider, and it doesn't perfectly point towards 01:04:731 (5) While I"m keeping the slider shape, I am adjusting it to point at 5 better
01:06:287 - the melody changes a bit here, maybe use some other pattern instead of continuing the repeating pattern? the repeating one feels a bit overdone i think Fixed
01:10:293 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - could maybe use some polishing I don't know how to polish it better it though 0-o
01:12:891 (3) - should end at 01:13:237 - and add a note between 01:12:891 (3) - and 01:13:583 (4) - at 01:13:410 - instead If others agree, I'll change it, but for now I think it's good.
01:15:661 (1,2) - maybe some slider art on these? would be a nicer ending IDK what slider art is, but I made different shapes :3[/list]
one time I stuck my finger in a light socket and it hurt real bad

  • You might need an easy I dunno

  1. So fast zoom zoom
  2. 00:19:729 (1,2) - I would make this a bit cleaner, looks like they aren't mirror'd (I typed Miiro like 3 times trying to type mirror)
  3. 00:21:795 (3) - Make use of that cute hole you made by doing this
  4. 00:38:323 (1) - Either make the elbow in the dead center or make it more on one side, or
  5. 00:40:734 (1,3) - You can make this a little nicer of a blanket
  6. 00:58:021 (3) - NC?
  7. 01:01:100 (1,2) - Same as the last ones you did, also same with making use of the hole you make

  8. 00:23:948 (1,1) - Skipping the downbeat inbetween these two notes seems off to me but I can see what you were going for
  9. 00:44:177 (3) - Maybe?
  10. pretty gud jawb

  11. 00:16:630 (5) - Since there isn't a whole lot of emphasis on this jump, you could maybe just put it in the previous slider for cute stuff
  12. 01:10:293 (5,6,7) - The way that this leads into the airman jumps (01:10:640 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - These here) feels really off to me, I think you should have it be somewhere or just change the airman jumps
Sweet mapset d00d
Topic Starter

-Lemons wrote:

one time I stuck my finger in a light socket and it hurt real bad Oh noez. That's turrible D:

  • You might need an easy I dunno I dunno if I need an easy

  1. So fast zoom zoom Swagga speed for dappa newbies 8-)
  2. 00:19:729 (1,2) - I would make this a bit cleaner, looks like they aren't mirror'd (I typed Miiro like 3 times trying to type mirror) Fixed
  3. 00:21:795 (3) - Make use of that cute hole you made by doing this DS won't allow me to, and even then it doesn't flow well. ;-;
  4. 00:38:323 (1) - Either make the elbow in the dead center or make it more on one side, or Centered because I'm a boss.
  5. 00:40:734 (1,3) - You can make this a little nicer of a blanket Fixed. I think.
  6. 00:58:021 (3) - NC? Fixed
  7. 01:01:100 (1,2) - Same as the last ones you did, also same with making use of the hole you make Same problems as before, except this time I know the sliders are the same.

  8. 00:23:948 (1,1) - Skipping the downbeat inbetween these two notes seems off to me but I can see what you were going for Yeah it's to allow hard mode players some time to adjust after the spinner.
  9. 00:44:177 (3) - Maybe? Fixed
  10. pretty gud jawb Thx, m8

  11. 00:16:630 (5) - Since there isn't a whole lot of emphasis on this jump, you could maybe just put it in the previous slider for cute stuff Changed, but I might change it back if someone complains.
  12. 01:10:293 (5,6,7) - The way that this leads into the airman jumps (01:10:640 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - These here) feels really off to me, I think you should have it be somewhere or just change the airman jumps I'll change this if others agree with you
Sweet mapset d00d Thnx DooD :3
Sweet mod, Dude. ;)
Lily Bread
hi,m4m from your queue.

check AImod.(about DS)
01:17:826 (1) - start at - 01:17:912 - is much better it looks like start before - 01:15:661 (1) - ends.

SV 1.7 for a 170+BPM's Hard?
00:25:927 - you missed a piano hit there.i suggest you add a circle.
00:34:191 - ^
00:42:455 - ^
00:45:038 (5) - a slider here?there is no music at - 00:45:038 -.please use a single circle at - 00:45:210 - ,or use a slider from - 00:45:210 - to - 00:45:554 -.

sorry i can't mod insane.only found some small problems.
NCs: i noticed that your NCs are not very good.usually we NC every bar line(long white line) in insane diff.
01:12:891 (3,4) - stack.

Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

hi,m4m from your queue.

check AImod.(about DS) AImod says everything is fine for me.
01:17:826 (1) - start at - 01:17:912 - is much better it looks like start before - 01:15:661 (1) - ends. Fixed

SV 1.7 for a 170+BPM's Hard?
00:25:927 - you missed a piano hit there.i suggest you add a circle. That is to give hard mode players a second to re-adjust after the spinner. Only insane modes and above are allowed to have notes quickly after sliders.
00:34:191 - ^ I will consider this, but not yet.
00:42:455 - ^ Same reason as the last one.
00:45:038 (5) - a slider here?there is no music at - 00:45:038 -.please use a single circle at - 00:45:210 - ,or use a slider from - 00:45:210 - to - 00:45:554 -. Mmmm, I will consider this as well. If someone else agrees, I'll change it.

sorry i can't mod insane.only found some small problems.
NCs: i noticed that your NCs are not very good.usually we NC every bar line(long white line) in insane diff. I set combos by how the song goes.
01:12:891 (3,4) - stack. Fixed

Thanks for the mod! I'll be modding your map soon. :)
D: what happened to 01:05:249 - you changed it?
also at 00:44:349 (6) - 6 this star is super elongated vertically. Technically might work but its a bit niche as it isn't aesthetically pleasing.

Btw, expect me to continue dropping in here and commenting on your map haha.
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