
[duplicate] Following users

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I had an idea where you could follow a user, using a follow button ingame or on their profile. This is different from the current friend system. For my idea I think it'd be great if I could follow a mapper, and when that mapper submits a new map, or updates a map, osu!direct automatically downloads it for me and maybe even put it in a collection (Followed maps?).

Since this idea relies on osu!direct it could be a supporter-only feature, though another feature you could include would be updates in a chat window of followed users' top ranks (potentially encouraging some competition). For example, a player could set a score on a map, I'd get a notification that they did it because I follow them, so I can go and see the score and challenge it for myself.
Isn't it something like this? t/30678
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damn, i cant search
dont blame me its 5 years old..

er-hemm.. yes.. like that .-.

(though i'd like to see pending maps be autodownloaded, not just when they get moved to qualified, and I include beatmap updates too..
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