
Why not.

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Name's Bacontea might change it soon. I uh play osu! like everyone else and if you wanna multi just ask!
Indeed why not.
Hello bacontea :lol: what are you going to change your name into? You do know that you must be a supporter first before you're able to change your username for free, right?
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~ :D
Ameth Rianno
Welcome to the community and enjoy your stay here.
Did you aciidentally dropped your bacon in your cup of tea?
It seems like a weird mix imo
Topic Starter

Annadine wrote:

Indeed why not.
Hello bacontea :lol: what are you going to change your name into? You do know that you must be a supporter first before you're able to change your username for free, right?
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~ :D

Oh yeah I know i'm waiting to buy supporter! I'm going to change to Spuds when I can! :)
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