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I've been obsessing over this game for the past 10 months, and it has finally been released, so I'm gonna post about it!

UNDERTALE is a game where nobody has to get destroyed.
It is an RPG with influences from the MOTHER series, the Touhou series, and from Cave Story.
It takes the best aspects of all three and packs it into one incredible adventure.

Oh, and it's also incredibly funny. Here, watch some trailers...

There are many different kinds of sad. People only expect one.

If you can't already tell by the trailers, the music is fantastic!

So if you like RPG games or are looking for a strong narrative, download the DEMO and give it a go.
It will answer any questions you have about the game.

If you liked the demo, it would be a good idea to purchase the GAME.
If you didn't like the demo, then you should probably play the demo again.
I did notice it on your userpage a while ago and tried the demo. All I did was keep playing and try different scenarios, fun stuff.
I'd definitely pick it up.

nice rating
Blue Stig
Ha I had a feeling you would be the one to make this topic.

I think it probably be for the best that everything from the game be kept in spoilerboxes even if it's not that spoilery.
You never know what someone considers a spoiler.

Right now I'm gonna avoid this topic for now until I finish the game.
I will mention one thing at least.

You forgot to mention it's also a dating sim.
Topic Starter
Yeah this game is pretty much
Yeah this is
You should play it
... really like save up ten dollars somehow and play it like really it's a good idea
Blue Stig
UNDERTALE has that effect on people.

Wait I said I would avoid this topic until I finish the first run.
Reminder to NOT watch videos or read spoilers until you've finished the game at least once

It's one of those games
just bought this game after watched the trailer and some reviews. seems pretty fun
Blue Stig

Sync wrote:

Reminder to NOT watch videos or read spoilers until you've finished the game at least once

It's one of those games
Also don't listen to the soundtrack everything gets spoiled.

Topic Starter

Blue Stig wrote:

Also don't listen to the soundtrack everything gets spoiled.

Not really, it's more like "how could this song possibly be in the game there is no possible context for this" then later "OH THERE IS CONTEXT FOR THIS"
~Hello, this is a friendly reminder to please share all of your sans and/or Papyrus art with your pal, Sync~
I hope this game gets the recognition it deserves. It's an otherworldly experience. ]: )
this game trumps almost every game writing and storywise
i thought it was a free to play game
Demo is free. If you want the full game, it's $10 USD on Steam or on
you better be sorry, she really cared for you
Ameth Rianno
Damn, i spoiled myself to checking out the true final boss video.

This game looks interesting, well i like bullet hells. (This is bullet hell, right? As what i see on the final boss)
Witch Mercy
I really wanna buy this...prob gonna wait and see if it's ever gonna go on sale tho
Ameth Rianno


btw i already cleared the true pacifist route, and now genocide route, and this thing is so scary
Just finished the game, and it's sooooo good.
Really. I don't really like RPG games but this is an exception.
I cleared only Neutral Route tho, I'm going for True Pacifist Route next time.

Graciee wrote:

I really wanna buy this...prob gonna wait and see if it's ever gonna go on sale tho
still waiting for the sale here ;_;

Mettaton is my waifu

great game.

[insert annoying dog]
This game really needs to be played by everyone, even to anyone who doesn't like RPGs/bullet hells. Gameplay wise it's one of the most fun and unique battle systems done in an RPG and is up there with Earthbound and Paper Mario. Plot wise it has superb writing and every single character from all the main major characters down to all the NPCs and enemies are all very likable and charming in their own way. Hands down this game's cast has one of the most well designed characters ever in fiction.

The Pacifist/good route is really heartwarming, funny and has one of the most satisfying conclusions ever. The genocide/evil route is one of the rare times a game can actually make you guilty about everything and can evoke enough emotions to actually make you stop the run. All routes either way as well has one of the best boss fights ever too, coupled with a really awesome soundtrack that perfectly fits every scene in the game.

There's also a lot of dogs to pet, spaghetti, a 19 year old fast food employee we can all relate to and the best pair of skeleton brothers named after the best two fonts in the world, and you can date them too!
Ameth Rianno

NachoPiggy wrote:

There's also a lot of dogs to pet, spaghetti, a 19 year old fast food employee we can all relate to and the best pair of skeleton brothers named after the best two fonts in the world, and you can date them too!
hOi!!1! buy tem armorr 2,, its th best armor... in THE WORLD1111!!11!
also i ned money4 coleg...

I like the soundtracks of this game, the very best soundtrack for me is Undertale/Your Best Nightmare-Finale.
Some questions:

-) can I expect some laughter?
-) can I expect a lot of gameplay?
-) ^ if yes, is it complex?

I planned to buy it but I still think about it.

Stefan wrote:

Some questions:

-) can I expect some laughter?
-) can I expect a lot of gameplay?
-) ^ if yes, is it complex?

I planned to buy it but I still think about it.
1. the jokes in the game are pretty rapid-fire I'd say, some jokes may fall flat on you but most of the time it should deliver a new one to sort of like, compensate. one of the main parts of the game is the humor.
2. someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think playing the game once should take like 4 hours? it should honestly be a decently long game for such a cheap game. also if you do both runs I'd say at least 6 hours...also some playthrough of the shorter ending lasted 9 hours so maybe I'm just thinking the game is shorter than it is.
3. not sure what you mean? the combat is pretty simple and almost minimalistic, the gameplay is pretty simple and easy.

if you do buy the game I recommend you to not just stop playing if you find the start slightly boring, it gets a lot better decently fast. really if you spend your money on the game I'd say it's a nice purchase and I'd say buying it and not playing the whole thing is a HUGE waste

edit: as a final verdict I'd say the game is really damn good storywise, I mean some people who actually play the games will find that pokemon for instance has a pretty good story, although I'd say undertale blows pokemons socks off storywise. I could name more games known for having good stories according to popular opinion (the crooked man) and saying that undertale is significantly better, in my opinion that is.

edit: edit: the music for this game kicks ass btw (but try to refrain from listening before playing)
Alyx Vance
best game in steam
i recommend it like someone who doesn't have it, pls buy it
also the feels QwQ

don't do genocide before pacifist ok, it 'corrupts' the game

also you can date a great and cool skeleton

go buy it now if u haven't it's cheap and fun adventure
Finished pacifist route, enjoyed it really much, didn't like the end though. The fourth wall breaking gimmick with flowey went on for way too long and felt like the game was trying way too hard to shove down your throat how quirky and clever it is. The fights held no weight to them either. You could just die and die to flowey and still progress. Same with Asriel. The entire half hour sequence felt more like just some long presentation rather than actual gameplay, which made a complete emotional detachment from whatever input I made.

Apart from the sub-par ending, I really enjoyed the game. I liked the humour, the characters were great, and the whole mood it managed to set up was one of endearment. The fights, despite lacking any challenge, were made interesting by the puzzle of trying to figure out how to beat the enemy without killing it, and the flavour text made it even more fun. They kind of got tedious though when you re-encountered the same monster, as the entire proceedure at that point was just repeating the action pattern you did the last time. Solving a puzzle for the 10th time in the span of an hour just loses its charm.

It felt like the game was a little too short too. Hotland had no side content and felt pretty rushed. Undyne I felt didn't get enough screen time to fully shine as a character.

I'm also too much of an autistic fuckwit to force myself to kill virtual video game characters so I won't be doing a genocide run, at least not in the forseeable future.

agu wrote:

2. someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think playing the game once should take like 4 hours? it should honestly be a decently long game for such a cheap game. also if you do both runs I'd say at least 6 hours...also some playthrough of the shorter ending lasted 9 hours so maybe I'm just thinking the game is shorter than it is.
Save file is telling me 456:39, so that's over 7 and a half hours. Granted I did quite a bit of backtracking and went with the longest route as my first, also tried to check out everything there is.
this is one of the best games i have ever played

this game brought out so much emotion in me that i cannot recommend it enough.

I did 4 runs. Neutral/True Pacifist/Genocide and True Pacifist again to see the changes

I have never been impressed by an indie game before playing this.
I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to 'fix' the game after finally beating up my bad time.
Twilight Randomizer
Oh boy, Undertale. Its fandom is spreading even faster than FNaF's, it might even be just as cancerous as it, and there are people out there that think this is okay just because Undertale isn't as terrible. I mean, yeah, it IS fun (I remember enjoying the demo a lot), but I don't get the level of hype it has right now. "WOAH! This game actually stores save flags in AppData has permanent stuff that reinstalling the game doesn't clear! I'm totally sure NOBODY has EVER done that before! BEST GAME" I'm waiting for the salt tsunami.

Also, So Sorry.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to 'fix' the game after finally beating up my bad time.
wait 10 minutes.

Princess wrote:

OzzyOzrock wrote:

I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to 'fix' the game after finally beating up my bad time.
wait 10 minutes.
I don't plan on killing my friends after I save them. I fixed it after deleting a ton of stuff and then using a website to re-make the files for me.

I wonder when the super cool amazing... undertale raps will exist.... oh no
Ameth Rianno

Twilight Randomizer wrote:

Oh boy, Undertale. Its fandom is spreading even faster than FNaF's, it might even be just as cancerous as it, and there are people out there that think this is okay just because Undertale isn't as terrible. I mean, yeah, it IS fun (I remember enjoying the demo a lot), but I don't get the level of hype it has right now. "WOAH! This game actually stores save flags in AppData has permanent stuff that reinstalling the game doesn't clear! I'm totally sure NOBODY has EVER done that before! BEST GAME" I'm waiting for the salt tsunami.
no one milks undertale

it is not franchise

the progress of making the game is 1 year
either fnaf, 4 games on 1 year

what? childs can't even play danmaku


it is a cancer who saying the undertale fandom would be cancerous

fight me 1vs1 :^)(^:^)(^:
probably the 100th edit: wth are you talking about FNAF when the thread is undertale

Twilight Randomizer wrote:

Oh boy, Undertale. Its fandom is spreading even faster than FNaF's, it might even be just as cancerous as it, and there are people out there that think this is okay just because Undertale isn't as terrible. I mean, yeah, it IS fun (I remember enjoying the demo a lot), but I don't get the level of hype it has right now. "WOAH! This game actually stores save flags in AppData has permanent stuff that reinstalling the game doesn't clear! I'm totally sure NOBODY has EVER done that before! BEST GAME" I'm waiting for the salt tsunami.

Also, So Sorry.
most people aren't really too impressed but the appdata stuff in itself, they're mostly just impressed by the level of thought put into it and how it was used.
Topic Starter
Actually that confused "why is this popular" response is pretty understandable in this case. Depending on how it goes for you, you'll come off of it differently.
I know someone who liked the game, but only after they stopped playing it. They literally didn't get why it was any good until they read how the game went for others.
It's weird like that.

Also, many people don't know about the game's biggest spoiler, because it was spoiled for them before even playing the game.
The game is built around people getting spoiled on that as a possibility, so it's not all bad, but it's pretty unfortunate.
Those who don't know it's a spoiler will spread it to people, and then they'll also not know it's a spoiler, and then they'll spread it... etc.

The best way to recommend the game to your friends:

"Buy it, Play it, Don't look up any info on it.
If you don't trust me, play the demo.
If the demo didn't make any sense, play the demo again."

Twilight Randomizer wrote:

Oh boy, Undertale. Its fandom is spreading even faster than FNaF's, it might even be just as cancerous as it, and there are people out there that think this is okay just because Undertale isn't as terrible. I mean, yeah, it IS fun (I remember enjoying the demo a lot), but I don't get the level of hype it has right now. "WOAH! This game actually stores save flags in AppData has permanent stuff that reinstalling the game doesn't clear! I'm totally sure NOBODY has EVER done that before! BEST GAME" I'm waiting for the salt tsunami.

Also, So Sorry.
Oh boy, another post with the loaded implication that the insufferability of the fanbase of a purely singleplayer experience somehow lowers the value of the game itself. Man, I haven't seen enough of those.

Protip mate, your kind of post is just as common and tired as the kind that makes the fanbase look like shit through borderline deitising the game. Just learn to evaluate things through your own personal experience with them and avoid awful discussion that will just warp you into cynicism. It ain't that hard yo.
Vuelo Eluko
oh man ive gained so many levels i can't wait to go back to toriel and tell her i've carved a path back to the human world and i'm bringing her with me and she lives with me on the surface as my goat mom wife.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

oh man ive gained so many levels i can't wait to go back to toriel and tell her i've carved a path back to the human world and i'm bringing her with me and she lives with me on the surface as my goat mom wife.
spoiler:isn't she locked in until you die though?
oh wait, guess I missread it...well, sorry for the lack of content in this post but I guess all I can say is that I don't think this is how videogames work...
Twilight Randomizer

Ameth Rianno wrote:

I don't want to make this post a wall of text, just read the post, it's on the same page
Apparently comparing the fandoms is the same as comparing the games themselves, okay

Sanxu wrote:

Oh boy, another post with the loaded implication that the insufferability of the fanbase of a purely singleplayer experience somehow lowers the value of the game itself. Man, I haven't seen enough of those.
That implication's half right. I don't think the game is bad. I've never assumed that, and I never will. I played the demo two years ago, and I've loved it. I was the type of a person that supported its development and told people about the Kickstarter campaign. However, no matter how you look at things, if a fandom is cancerous, it's pretty likely to be the thing someone sees before actually playing the game. That's what happened to me, and now I'm hesitant to buy the full release, because I'm worried that it'll just be a hive of bad memes.

Sanxu wrote:

Protip mate, your kind of post is just as common and tired as the kind that makes the fanbase look like shit through borderline deitising the game. Just learn to evaluate things through your own personal experience with them and avoid awful discussion that will just warp you into cynicism. It ain't that hard yo.
Actually, I've yet to see a post that deities the game. Even if I did, that probably wouldn't be what worries me. I hope to get through my worries and buy the game, though. Lastly, maybe I'm not following the right track, but I'm already considering myself as a bit of a cynic, so it's a bit too late to warp into that.
Ameth Rianno
When there's a meme in a game then you would assume the fanbase is cancer like what you said.

That's you, basically.
Twilight Randomizer

Ameth Rianno wrote:

When there's a meme in a game then you would assume the fanbase is cancer like what you said.

That's you, basically.
What? No, it's the other way around.
...the memes are pretty bad
Grim Rapper
Did any of you get a chance to meet Dr. Gaster without hacked?
I did almost 3 times of all run (Neutral, Pacifist, and Genocide) and got no chance (I meet one of the follower though)

Twilight Randomizer wrote:

no matter how you look at things, if a fandom is cancerous, it's pretty likely to be the thing someone sees before actually playing the game. That's what happened to me, and now I'm hesitant to buy the full release, because I'm worried that it'll just be a hive of bad memes.
This is the dumbest, most childish attitude I keep seeing as prevalent in the gaming community. It's the kind of attitude that puts forward games as a social accessory first before an actual gaming experience. It's where stupid shite like console wars and rampant fanboyism comes from.

Enjoying a game does not mandate you to participate in the fandom. Going out of your way and exposing yourself to said awful fandom is something you do by your own accord. A lot of the time I notice these kind of "I absolutely hate this GAME because of its FANS" people who decide to go into the game anyway more often than not give in to the fandom as well, which to me makes it seem like all the initial cynicism comes from massive insecurity in the first place.

Stop letting random people on the internet who hold absolutely no value to your life dictate whether you should enjoy games that have absolutely nothing to do with them. For Christ sakes, it's an offline singleplayer game. All the memes those people make, all the shitty shipping fanfic, all the people that make said content, they exist in a completely separate vacuum.
I clearly felt way too much.

Snowmom, god damn it. It's heartwrenching to see her. Everything you see ends up tearing your feels apart even harder, every single turn. Even everything you hear. Every. single. thing.
Finally found some spare time to finish the game and I.... IT WAS SO GOOD
9 hours well spent

Grim Rapper wrote:

Did any of you get a chance to meet Dr. Gaster without hacked?
I did almost 3 times of all run (Neutral, Pacifist, and Genocide) and got no chance (I meet one of the follower though)
if by "meet" you mean going in the grey door that leads into the room he's in then as far as I know it's impossible to access without changing fun value
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