
Just started to dive into the world of osu!

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My rambling introduction
Hi, I'm... new? Maybe that's not the right word since I signed up 2 years ago but I'm definitely new here and to you.

  • I like playing standard osu!
  • Started seriously playing 3 months ago
  • I play with mouse only. Why? I didn't know you could use a keyboard in the beginning and well... it's really hard to switch ;..;
  • My favorite beatmap is probably Ramses B - Utopia... as for my favorite song on osu!, well I think it would be way too hard for me to pick @_@
Other stuff
  • Main game I've been playing for 4 years before I started on my osu! journey is League of Legends. Starting a new game and working on not sucking has been an adventure I haven't had in awhile.
  • I like fencing and table tenis
  • Favorite anime? Probably NGNL, Code Geass, Mirai Nikki, Another and FMA Brotherhood. Definitely a bunch more that I just cannot remember off the top of my head
  • Love conversation
Enough about me
If anyone would happened to get this far and would like to respond it would be awesome to hear your favorite beatmap and what about osu! draws you in. Thanks for listening!
My personal favorite map is Image Material. Even though it's 7*, it's really fun (with HT)
I can't even remember how I got to osu, probably some videos on youtube. I downloaded and played it, and I loved it
Anyway, enjoy the forums!
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Baraatje123 wrote:

My personal favorite map is Image Material. Even though it's 7*, it's really fun (with HT)
I can't even remember how I got to osu, probably some videos on youtube. I downloaded and played it, and I loved it
Anyway, enjoy the forums!

And wow, I just started being able to play 4* songs. I can't even imagine what playing higher difficulties are like.

prohibit wrote:

If anyone would happened to get this far and would like to respond it would be awesome to hear your favorite beatmap and what about osu! draws you in. Thanks for listening!
I.. mostly loves Touhou beatmaps. I can't choose which one :\

About how osu! draws me in, I search things about 'rhythm game' with search engine. I found this game, Try some beatmaps a lot, and became addicted.
But I not so pro enough to play 5* maps :|

Baraatje123 wrote:

Anyway, enjoy the forums!
Welcome to ossssss! Have a nice time, if you need help feel free to ask at In-Game or in the appropriate forum section. :)
Welcome to the forums.
Welcome, enjoy your time here.
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