
Groups/Group Scoreboards [waiting]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I'm not sure if anyone here has played Trackmania, but it inspired me to post this:

Players should be allowed to form groups. Groups will have a logo, chat channel (I'm sure that could be arranged on Bancho) and all of the standard guild-like fare. I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before.

What I mainly want to see in groups, though, are individual scoreboards. In Trackmania, you have access to a global scoreboard and local scoreboards, so you can see how you size up overall or within your area. However, groups also have their own scoreboards, and each of a group's members can compare their scores with one-another. You may be 3rd globally, but 1st in your group, for example.

I know this won't happen until groups exist (which is why I'm suggesting both groups and the scoreboards) but I just wanted to plug that. It's a really nice feature to have in Trackmania, where I'm not exactly a world-class player and would rather compare my crappy scores with my friends and guild-mates.

edit: to clarify, I mean scoreboards per song and overall.
Anything to do with sorting scores probably won't happen unless peppy gets $40-80US per month in donations for a new dedicated server, since the current server can't handle the load.

As for groups/clans/guilds/etc. I don't think it'd work with the current number of active players. Might work in the future if more people join, but definitely not now, imo.
I can see this being a possibility in the future, maybe requiring a small compulsory donation to get it setup. As echo said - the community is still relatively small when considering things like this, though.
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Concerning the bandwidth, I thought that the way it currently works is that for any given song, the high score list is pulled and saved to your client. Couldn't you just make the client filter through the list it has, showing only the group members as opposed to everyone?

Also, yeah, the community is a concern. The main reason I'm pitching it is because I might go and post about osu on Something Awful to try to stir up some interest (should I, by the way? I think it was posted there once before but didn't get much interest, seeing as the project was still pretty early on) and groups would allow everyone to get organized and plan out multiplayer games and such.
You would only get your group members which have scores in the top40 high scores, as that is all that is sent to the client. Once we have some more wingspace to play with, I can expand on this and make the database a bit more complex, but right now it is in a very optimal state and I don't want to go adding any new features until we are on a dedicated server.

As for posting - up to you, but I would recommend holding off at least a few weeks. We currently have a huge surge of asian (tw) players which are pushing our bandwidth to the limits, and getting another surge could push things over if we aren't careful.
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Alright, I'll wait on it then. Say the word and I'll post, though.

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