
Need some advice for spiners

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First let me me tell you I can make a spin up to 300bpm if Im lucky the biggest problem for me is my mouse control.

When I play, once in a while I just have to fix my mouse position because the position of mouse cursor on screen becomes different then position of mouse on my table.
I need to find a way to play marathon beatmap without fixing my mouse position
If you know what I am talking about please help me

Thank You.
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that post didn't help :cry:
- if u have framelimiter on, disable it.
- overclock your polling rate or get a new mouse


Snowball wrote:

- if u have framelimiter on, disable it.
- overclock your polling rate or get a new mouse

Wait......why disable the frame limiter? O.o

Zetta wrote:

Wait......why disable the frame limiter? O.o
I also experience that phenomena that the cursor gets offposition compared to the mouse while having the framelimiter at 120.
It is noticable on maps which require fast movements. And obviously on spinners it is impossible to keep the cursor around the center as it always moves towards the border. When playing with vsync (60fps) it is much worse. Maybe it's just the slow pc :cry:
But a friend also can't play with frame limiter on with that exact same problem.
Obviously you won't have that problem when playing with tablet.
Sup A Noob

Snowball wrote:

Zetta wrote:

Wait......why disable the frame limiter? O.o
I also experience that phenomena that the cursor gets offposition compared to the mouse while having the framelimiter at 120.
It is noticable on maps which require fast movements. And obviously on spinners it is impossible to keep the cursor around the center as it always moves towards the border. When playing with vsync (60fps) it is much worse. Maybe it's just the slow pc :cry:
But a friend also can't play with frame limiter on with that exact same problem.
Obviously you won't have that problem when playing with tablet.
Offtopic: And also, in Windows 7, there is obvious delay when you try to click the notes with frame limiter at 120fps, though for me I didn't have mouse problems.

So if you ever bother, turn it off and watch the FPS jump. Really. Really. High.

Ontopic: I have a friend who uses a Razor Imperator who has that problem. It stopped when he changed the surface (more specifically, he used the table instead of the Razor mousepad). So try changing the surface. If all else is lost, change your mouse.
if you can not spin and follow the circle after you stop the spin when you make it to 100% and forget the bonus point of spin.
it is very simple ...

if you want to have a crazy spin and have alot of bonus you have to practice the spin technique alot but it is not recommended by me because a combo wins you in osu

you will not have a bad score if you spin 20 turn less and have 10.000 bonus less on a marathon map but you will have no score in a marathon/beatmap if you break after spinner because your combo is bad
I really can't get, why every week new topic "how to spin" appears >_>
Sup A Noob

ShaggoN wrote:

I really can't get, why every week new topic "how to spin" appears >_>
Probably because half of the newbies can't control their mouse properly when they spin and don't search for already existing topics on said topic or practice more by themselves.
The way you spin is up to you, but over time, I found spinning counter clockwise in a very tight controlled circle works well for me I can hold 390-420 spins per minute doing that.

Hanyuu wrote:

if you can not spin and follow the circle after you stop the spin when you make it to 100% and forget the bonus point of spin.
it is very simple ...

if you want to have a crazy spin and have alot of bonus you have to practice the spin technique alot but it is not recommended by me because a combo wins you in osu

you will not have a bad score if you spin 20 turn less and have 10.000 bonus less on a marathon map but you will have no score in a marathon/beatmap if you break after spinner because your combo is bad
^ This

It's ALOT easier if you just focus on getting the 300, then spend the remaining spinner time to get your mouse back in control.
And a full combo will give you more score than a spinner bonus possibly can.
If you have a mouse with low DPI you may want to try increasing your osu! mouse sensibility.
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