OUKT3: Doomsday
OUKT2: ILikeMudkipz
OUKT1: Doomsday
Organizer/The Boss/Streamer/Commentator: PortalLife
Draw Master: Mollerz
Referees: Ascension, Lemonosity, Hydria, Histoire, Churcheell, Scootawoo, yamikarasu, Cray, Doomsday, Jerome
Other Streamers: Helix
Map Selectors: Alumetorz, Jenny
Commentators: Doomsday, Soap755, Churcheell
The Backup Guy: Mahiro Yasaka
Player List (Sorted by rank on signup. very raw data so not fancy): http://portal-life.s-ul.eu/4q1iUt6D
Tournament Schedule
RO128: 12/13th September
RO64: 19/20th September
RO32 (Group Stage): 26/27th September
RO16 + Losers R1: 10/11th October
Quarterfinals + Losers R2: 17/18th October
SemiFinals + Losers R3: 24/25th October
Winners Bracket Final + Losers R4: 31st October/1st November
Losers R5 + Losers Finals: 7th/8th November
Grand Final: 14th/15th of November
Map Pool
Tournament Structure
The first two rounds (RO128/RO64) Will be single elimination Best of 5s.
The RO32 will be a Group Stage which is also seeded. For more information on how the group stage works: http://pastebin.com/KAhjW1Yk
The RO16 onwards will be a Double Elimination bracket, seeded by performances in the group stage.
The Rules
Tournament Rules
- Your rank must be lower than #30000 to play. (29999 = lower) Signups under this rank will not be considered. You must also have a UK flag to be eligible, or be able to prove your nationality is UK. Ireland flag players are permitted to signup.
- UK staff are allowed to play.
- The map pool will consist of Nomod, HR, DT, HD, Freemod. The mods permitted on Freemod maps are: Hidden, Hardrock or Hidden + HardRock. Nomod is also permitted.
- A player may only pick from each mod pool once.
- If one of the players fails to show, they get a additional 10 minutes or otherwise forfeit. If neither show, the match shall be re-arranged.
- If a player experiences software or hardware issues or network issues and fails a map, rematches will be offered. They may decline this at their wish.
- Any unexpected happenings or events not covered by the rules shall be handled by the organizer at their discretion.
Match Rules - Before the start of the match, both players are given a single ban on a map from the map pool. Maps banned cannot be picked. For mod parts of the pool, both mod picks cannot be banned. (You can only ban 1 HD, 1 HR, etc.)
- Before the official start of the match using the map pools, each player may pick 1 warm up map of their choice - This can be any submitted map, as long as its playable (no centipede-tier maps) this does not count towards match score.
- The game mode will be set to Team Vs.
- The referee is not to participate in the match.
- After the end of the match, the referee will post the title of the match and a link to the MP history of that lobby and the final match score.
- Matches will be locked and invite only.
- If you fail the map, it is considered as a loss.
Scheduling Rules - The tournament will aim to be on the weekends, as the majority of players will be available. However, matches can be scheduled on any day dependent on availability of staff/players.
- If you cannot play at the time posted for you, contact the organizer for a re arrangement.
- No-Showing is subject to the rules outlined in Tournament Rules.