
how to remove my dependence with mods ?

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so, I had played Mania in 6 months. First time playing until now,
i played mania without any mods and i really want to improved fast. so i surfing through forums, and i found something. with using FlashLight mod can increase reflection
(t/146615) And from that, i tried to practice with FL.
First time i don't really like using it, but while the time passed, using FL isn't so bad either and finnaly 1 month has been passed.
one day i tried to play without FL Mod, and what happend is my skill is drop eventhough i can read note but i can't press it correctly
and from that i feel so [stupid / dumb], and because of that i'm always playing mania with FL.
i can't play without FL AT ALL.
and with that, for all of you, i need your suggestion, "How to remove my dependence with Mod?"
and Sorry for my bad english.

Shervos wrote:

so, I had played Mania in 6 months. First time playing until now,
i played mania without any mods and i really want to improved fast. so i surfing through forums, and i found something. with using FlashLight mod can increase reflection
(t/146615) And from that, i tried to practice with FL.
First time i don't really like using it, but while the time passed, using FL isn't so bad either and finnaly 1 month has been passed.
one day i tried to play without FL Mod, and what happend is my skill is drop eventhough i can read note but i can't press it correctly
and from that i feel so [stupid / dumb], and because of that i'm always playing mania with FL.
i can't play without FL AT ALL.
and with that, for all of you, i need your suggestion, "How to remove my dependence with Mod?"
and Sorry for my bad english.
There are many people who can't play without a focus center "booster". A ton of players play with HD and players like Bobbias can only play with FL. I don't see why you it's a problem, but I'd suggest rearranging your setup (Scroll speed, distance to monitor, etc) and try to play without it for a bit. An example would be to raise your scroll speed but play with your monitor a little further than usual. This way, your reaction time wont be skewed between mods and you can see the whole screen.

Personally, I've never used these mods, so I wouldn't know how to exactly fix this "issue", but logically, I would take into account how your FL Scroll speed is and your reaction time to it. I believe the best way would be to play around with your settings.
The only way to learn to play without FL is to just play without it until you get better. There's literally no other way to do it.
I have similar issue before (playing with Fade-In mode).
What i did to back to no-mod mode : playing without FI mode for some days. First time maybe will be hard cause the difference of speed and appearance. Just get used to it.

Bobbias wrote:

There's literally no other way to do it.
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oke oke TQ
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