Welcome to the Mod Star Palace! Enjoy your stay!
What is this Palace? (RULES)
- STD only, or maps that contain at least 3 STD difficulties.
- It's easy. The Palace has 6 floors. Each floor can hold a map.
- However, you can also get your map to have a place in the Palace. To do this, you have to mod
2 maps1 map that are in the Palace. After you have done that, post the links to your mods, along with the link to the map you want people to mod in this queue. Your map will then take the bottom floor of the Palace. - When a new map comes to the Palace, every map will move 1 floor up. If your map can no longer move up (you are already on the top floor) your map is forced to jump off, and therefore will be no longer available to mod.
- If your map is gone and you want it to come back to the Palace, just mod a map again and it will again have a place in the Palace.
- The maps that are currently in the Palace are at the bottom of this post.
- I will check new posts as much as I can, so everyone can get a fair chance.
- If you want to use the banner to show you came from the Mod Star Palace, use this code:SPOILER
- NOTE: this system is new, and if you want to give suggestions (like less/more floors, less/more mods required, ...) please add them to your post or forum pm me.
The fight for the Palace has started!
The Palace
The Palace:
7: haha just jump already!
6: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/45271: Dream High
5: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/339672: Yakimochi no Kotae
4: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/340369: Sakura
3: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/304740: Bang Bang (theKHUE remix)
2: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/340399: Hall Of The Mountain King
1: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/300218: Cirno's Perfect Math Class
(I'm sorry Lumael, you were too late)
7: haha just jump already!
6: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/45271: Dream High
5: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/339672: Yakimochi no Kotae
4: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/340369: Sakura
3: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/304740: Bang Bang (theKHUE remix)
2: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/340399: Hall Of The Mountain King
1: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/300218: Cirno's Perfect Math Class
(I'm sorry Lumael, you were too late)
Good luck, and have fun in the Palace!