
Multiplayer Powerups Proposals

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +132
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Okay, time to jump ahead of myself.

Multiplayer isn't up yet, but I figure this will keep you guys occupied in a very productive way. I know how full of ideas you all are for mods, so this should be a piece of cake. The idea is that you specify a powerup for multiplayer mode in this thread. More details on the powerup system will follow, but I'm sure you get the idea. Here are the guidelines:

  1. No comments on other people's powerups.
  2. No non-proposal replies.
  3. You may post as many proposals as you want, but keep them in a single thread as long as there are no other new threads in front of your's.
  4. Read all other proposals first and don't post a duplicate.
Here is the format for a proposal. Follow this religiously (copy and paste this bbcode and replace parts in <<>>s with your own text:
[b]Name[/b]: <<Your powerup name>>
[b]Icon Design[/b]: <<A brief description of your powerup's icon image>>
[b]Type[/b]: <<Either friendly or aggressive (do you target yourself/teammates or enemies?)>>
[b]Suggested Level[/b]: <<A powerup can be of level 1-3 depending on its power. 3 is most powerful and requires most charging.>>
<<What will your powerup do? Include all details necessary to get a clear picture of exactly how it will operate.>>

Here is an example:

Name: Earthquake
Icon Design: Earthquake vibration lines around a hitcircle.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
When activated, the targetted player's hitobjects will shake for around 4 seconds, gradually decreasing in magnitude from an initial peak.


Name: Heal
Icon Design: A medical cross in a circle.
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 1
When activated, the targetted player's health is 50% regenerated.


I have a lot of ideas of my own, but it'll be more fun to get you guys on the job :). Your imagination is the limit. GO!
Name: Uncertainty
Icon Design: A generic beat with question marks instead of a number.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Description: All beats whether hits or misses show a single generic beat with a ? mark in instead of the normal beat marker (or no marker at all) so they player temporarily doesn't know how they are playing. Lasts maybe 20 seconds.

Name: Shrink
Icon Design: a series of tiny beats.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Turns the opponants beats tiny for a period of time making play harder.
Name: Faster Drain
Icon Design: A large arrow pointing down, with letters "HP" in the front
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
When activated, the targetted player's health will drain a lot more faster for around 7 seconds. Its effect can be replaced by "No Drain" powerup.


Name: No Drain
Icon Design: A large pause symbol, with letters "HP" in the front
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 1
When activated, the targetted player's health will stop draining for around 7 seconds. Missing note will still reduce the player's HP. Its effect can be replaced by "Faster Drain" powerup.


Name: Bomb
Icon Design: A bomb with lighted fuse
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
The targetted player's hit circles will randomly be replaced by a bomb. Sliders and spinners will never be replaced. The bomb will first appear as a normal hit circle, but will reveal itself at 0.5 second before the time it is supposed to be "defused". Player needs to hover his/her cursor over the bomb to properly defuse it. Clicking or ignoring the bomb will count as a "miss". Lasts 15 seconds.


Name: Nullify
Icon Design: A large "X"
Type: Supportive/Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Nullify all powerups, both aggressive and supportive, on the targetted player.


Name: Shield
Icon Design: A large shield
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 2
When activated, the targetted player will be protected from any incoming powerups, both aggressive and supportive, for 15 seconds. It will not nullify any prior powerups on the targetted player.


Name: Mirror
Icon Design: A large mirror, with an arrow being reflected by it.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 3
When activated, any incoming powerups, both aggressive and supportive, toward the targetted player will be reflected to another random player, regardless of his/her team. Lasts 10 seconds. It will not nullify any prior powerups on the targetted player.


Name: peppyhare :)
Icon Design: A peppyhare.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
A swarm of peppyhare (like the one that appears during breaks in peppy's Make Up! Make Up! beatmap) will run across the targetted player's playing field, obstructing player's view. Lasts 3 seconds.

Name: Drunken Rhythm
Icon Design: A Stein with a wavy circle inside
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Targeted player's screen becomes very blurry, and hitcircles and sliders waver back and forth.

Name: Trigger Happy
Icon Design: Either: A pistol, or a mouse with the left mouse button depressed
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Cursor begins automatically clicking every quarter beat. Players will have to in effect "slash" hitcircles to avoid firing them early.

Name: !summon awp
Icon Design: awp~
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
awp flies around the targeted player's map, attempting to break his or her hitcircles (which will result in an X for that player). By clicking awp, the player can shoo him away briefly and must continue to do so until time runs out and awp crashes.

Name: Double HarmoniZe Shock!
Icon Design: Two intersecting bolts of lightning
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
To activate, both players (as specified by the caster) on one team must begin and end their next combo without missing a note (the combo that must be cleared will glow or something). Should both the players of the casting team succeed in this, the opposing team's cursors will become "numb" and therefore unable to click notes. Numbness wears off after n seconds, but players can reduce the duration of numbness by clicking rapidly.

Name: Cold Shoulder
Icon Design: A note is encased in a block of ice
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
All notes become encased in a block of ice and must be clicked twice to break (the first click removes the ice block).

Name: Molasses
Icon Design: A blob of nasty goop.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
The targeted player's next spinner will be harder to spin.

Name: White grease
Icon Design: A shiny spinner.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 1
The targeted player's next spinner will be easier to spin.

Name: Deaf Ears
Icon Design: An ear with an X over it
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Temporarily mutes the targeted player's volume.

Name: Boost
Icon Design: One stick man passing an orb to another
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 1? Maybe 2.
Increase targeted ally's powerup level by 1.

Name: Taunt Messages
Icon Design: A word bubble
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
A humorously distracting word bubble appears on the opponent's screen, over-top notes but underneath approach circles, taunting them. Dangerous when overlapping sliders.

Name: Sharp-shooter
Icon Design: Bolt-action sniper-rifle.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Crank up those difficulty sliders! Approach circles now zoom in much more quickly and appear much later, requiring you to be more accurate.

Name: DoppleGanger
Icon Design: 4 cursors (in square formation)
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Your cursor splits into four cursors, spaced ~30px apart from each other in a box formation. Only one of these cursors actually triggers when you click.

Icon Design: An amp with a lightning bolt on it.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Targeted player's hitcircles/sliderballs/approach circles etc will blink for a period of time.
Name: Do A Barrel Role!
Icon Design: A Landmaster Tank, doing a Barrel role.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: A Landmaster Tank appears from the top, covering the entire screen behind the notes, facing you. You need to spin it similar to a slider, but every time the tank is upright, the entire screen is clicked.

: Use the Boost To Get Through!
Icon Design: An Arwing, Boosting.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: When activated, all visible notes are expelled from the screen with a blur, and none come on until the next full beat.

Name: Lies
Icon Design: A cake.
Type: Agressive
Suggested Level: 1
Description: The target player has their notes displayed with small slider trails, and their sliders have invisible ones until they are clicked.

...All I can think of for now...
Neogetz, why didn't you include this?

Name: Enlarge
Icon Design: A few larger beats (think of Neogetz's idea, only bigger)
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 3
Pretty much the opposite's of Neogetz's "Shrink" idea. The hit circles and sliders will enlarge for easier clicking, lasting 5 seconds.
Kharl, why didn't you include this?
Shrink is Neogetz's idea, not mine. ^^"

Name: Life Exchange
Icon Design: Two man symbols and two arrows each pointing to opposite directions, suggesting "an exchange".
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Exchange user's health and powerup charge level with the target player's. The minimum health for both players after the exchange is 20%.


Name: Jackpot Time
Icon Design: The "lucky sevens" (777) inside an exploding bubble.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 2
Every successfully hit notes will give a very high health boost, as if they are the combo finishers (Beat!, Elite Beat!, Katsu, Geki). Lasts 5 seconds.


Name: Where's The Track!?
Icon Design: A dotted outline of a slider.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Makes slider track invisible to the target player. Slider score points (tick circles) are still visible. Lasts 10 seconds


Name: Where's The Ball!?
Icon Design: A dotted outline of a slider ball.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Makes slider ball and slider follow circle invisible to the target player. Lasts 7 seconds


Name: Countdown
Icon Design: Numbers "321" with an arrow placed above, pointing right.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Makes numbers on hit objects run from high to low (3 -> 2 -> 1), rather than low to high (1 -> 2 -> 3). Lasts 10 seconds.


Name: Chaotic Order
Icon Design: Random numbers and question marks scattering all over.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Makes numbers on hit objects run randomly (5 -> 1 -> 2 -> 7 -> 4), rather than from low to high (1 -> 2 -> 3). The target player will need to rely solely on approach circles to determine which note to hit next. Last 7 seconds.

Dark Deception_old
I have a powerup idea!

Name: Reverse Drain
Icon Design: An large arrow pointing up with letters HP on the front
Type: Friendly, affect all teammates
Suggested Level: 3
When activated, the entire team's health gains health overtime instead of draining for 15 seconds
Name: Invisible Pointer.
Icon Design: A mouse pointer with a cross through it, or with the outline dashed.
Type: Aggressive.
Suggested Level: 3
Description: The mouse pointer will temporarily vanish for 5 seconds, making the player have to guess where the pointer is.

Kharl wrote:

Kharl, why didn't you include this?
Shrink is Neogetz's idea, not mine. ^^"
^_^;; I meant to do that... It's fixed now. (Sorry Neogetz)
Name: Bonus points
Icon Design: Numbers
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 1-3
Description: The player gets a random/predetermined number of bonus points.

Name: Double points
Icon Design: "x2"
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 2
Description: The player gets double the score for a period of time.

Name: Triple points
Icon Design: "x3"
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 3
Description: The player gets triple the score for a period of time.

Name: Combo boost
Icon Design: combo counter
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Your combo increases by a random/predetermined amount.

Name: Double combo
Icon Design: combo counter + "x2"
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 3
Description: The player's combo counter increases at double the rate for 5 seconds.

+ the reverse happening to your opponent (ie. lose points, dividing points/combo)

Name: Slide
Icon Design: A slipping mouse icon
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Your opponent's mouse slides around more than usual (ie. less friction) for 5-10 seconds.

Name: Randomize
Icon Design: not sure
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Your opponent's hitcircles appear in random positions for 5-10 seconds.

Name: Double points
Icon Design: "x2"
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 2
Description: The player gets double the score for a period of time.

Name: Strobe or Flash
Icon Design: lightning bolt
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1-3
Description: Your opponent's background flashes a certain number of times depending on the level you've charged up to (lvl 1: 2-3 flashes, lvl 2: 5-10 flashes, lvl 3: 20 flashes)
gotta be careful with people who might epilepsy or some other problem though

Name: Hidden/any other mod
Icon Design: standard icon for the mod
Type: Friendly/Aggressive depending on mod
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Targeted player experiences the mod for 10 seconds. Not sure how speed modifying mods would work though, maybe those will have to be excluded.

I also want to point out that if powerups that intentionally break combos are used, it could lead to an easy victory because of how the scoring system is based on the combo counter.
How hp and score is based on who wins or not?

Name: Random Autoaim (Can't think of a name It was just popped out my head while playing CS using awp and sniping moving opponents whenever I see one)
Icon Design: -;-? (Crosshair with a "?" beside it, looks like an emoticon)
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: Not sure, see description
-Randomly get all 300s in a whole combo (one color) for the whole song. It is activated if the player gets all 300 on a combo.
-This activates on a spinner too.
-Skill will only activate up to three times(0-3) throughout the game.
-Too bad if the powerup activates in one note combo...
-This is not like relax mod that you still need to hover the circles.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Name: Meteor shower
Icon Design: Meteors (fireballs) falling from the sky
Type: Agressive
Suggested Level: 3
When activated, a dozen meteorites falls on the targeted player, causing the ground (or screen) to shake on impact and sometimes hit the beats
for the player in a bad way (hitting it too early, for example).

Name: "The world is spinning!"
Icon Design: Spinning Earth and spiral in the background
Type: Agressive
Suggested Level: 1-3
When activated, the targeted player gets their play area rotated either clockwise or counter-clockwise for one full rotation
and it becomes faster when it's a higher level.
I think we should have teams like they do in EBA, but I'm sure you're already looking at that.
Name: Beat Heal
Icon Design: First Aid Sign
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 1-3
Description: I doesn't disappear when you click it: Rather it stays for a period of time and if you click it to the beat you can heal: Problem being that it does stay in a spot not occupied by the usual beats of the song and you need to keep up with the song also. Which is why this probably wouldn't be on harder modes.
Name: Crash
Icon Design: 2 cars smashing or a mini bluescreen
Type: Agressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Randomly places error messages on screen obscuring the other players view, either they go away after time or the player has to click them. It was that or the messages replace the beats and have no approach circle.
Name: Auto-Elite
Icon Design: An Elite Beat being hit while the cursor is off to the side.
Type: Friendly (self only)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: The game will automatically fill in the next combo, giving you an Elite Beat, but only the HP bonus associated with the Elite Beat - the individual notes in the combo will not fill the HP bar.

Name: Auto-Beat
Icon Design: A Beat being hit while the cursor is off to the side.
Type: Friendly (self only)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: The game will automatically fill in the next combo, but only giving you all 100s (a Beat). Same conditions as Auto-Elite (HP will not fill with individual notes).

Name: Auto-Combo
Icon Design: A 50 being hit while the cursor is off to the side.
Type: Friendly (self only)
Suggested Level: 1
Description: The game will automatically fill in the next combo, but give random scores per note (never miss).
Name: Art Attack
Icon Design: Splatters of paint
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1-3, depends on effect eduration and line/splatter size, also whether the paint fades or stays
Description: The opponent's cursor leaves a colourful trail wherever it goes, which could fade after a while (or not). awp added the following: clicking on hitcircles leaves a splatter of paint there, which could fade after a while (or not). Aim is to reduce visibility, of course.
Huh. That gives me an idea.
Icon Design:a thunder cloud
Suggested Level:1-3, higher level increases intensity
Description:Once the player is affected, his/her screen goes white(but not enough
to completely block vision), and this effect would ease back to normal at a rate depending on the level.
Also, the player would hear a thunderclap(not too loud), and the music would become quieter,
going back to normal gradually, its rate depending also on the level.
The effect range would be 5 seconds for level 1, 7.5 for level 2, and 10 for level 3.
Name: Subtraction
Icon Design: A subtraction symbol, -, to the left, with 1, 2, and 3, jumbled around to the right.
Type: Aggressive, target one person.
Suggested Level: 1
When activated, the numbers on the hit circles disappear.

Name: Cookie Cutter
Icon Design: A star, an oval, and a square.
Type: Aggressive, target one person
Suggested Level: 1
When activated, the hit circles change into shapes that are not circles. Really long ovals, stars, resembling bulls-eyes, squares, diamonds, letters, anything goes. The idea is that they'd be more annoying/difficult to hit than an ordinary circle.
Name: Trick Shot
Icon Design: 2 cursors, one blue and one red, on a hitcircle: the red is in the center, the blue is off to the side
Type: Aggressive, target all opponents
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Lasts 10 seconds after activation. Every time you click a hitcircle, all opponents who were off by more milliseconds than you will receive 0 points from that circle. Their combo counters will still count those circles, and a combo that ends after Trick Shot wears off will still give them a Beat! or EliteBeat! at the end. They will still see the beat markers for the points they would have received.
Power up Name: Minus Hits
Type: Offense
Effect: For every hit your rival gets, the point value that she or he gets is subtracted from their score. Affects all players on rival team.

Power up Name: Counter Hit
Type: Offense
Effect: For every counter hit that shows up, it warns you about the attack that the enemy is about to use, and if you hit the counter, it reverses the enemy attack to them.

Power up Name: Life Up
Type: Friendly
Effect: The life up is a hitcircle that heals 10% of your Ki meter, or 5% of you and your friend each on a Team Battle.

Power up Name: Savior (Teams Only)
Type: Friendly
Effect: If your teammate's Ki meter is at (!!) or they are down, you can give them a full meter.

Sorry if I accidentally copied an existing power up.
I think we should "copy" some of the guitar hero power-ups:

Name: "Can I Have Your Autograph?"
Icon design: A pen (or pencil) writing on a piece of paper
Type: Aggressive (Targets 1 person)
Suggested level: 3
Description: A fan comes up to you and asks for you to sign his or her purse, shirt, book, ect. You must write at least 3 letters for the fan to walk away happy with his or her autograph. Just to be fair, when they miss any beats, it goes down less, but it still goes down.

Name: Difficulty Up
Icon design: A red up arrow
Type: Aggressive (Targets all enemies)
Suggested level: I don't know, 2 or 3
Description: Makes it harder for enemies by changing the difficulty (Easy changes to normal, Normal changes to hard, ect.) of the beatmap they're playing. If they're already on the hardest mode or there are no other modes, this power up won't appear. Lasts for 10 seconds.

Name: Difficulty Down
Icon design: A green down arrow
Type: Friendly (Affects whole team)
Suggested level: I don't know, 2 or 3
Description: Same as difficulty up except it's the complete opposite.

Name: Shield
Icon design: Sarcasm: Uh...duh...der... I don't know.
Type: Friendly (Affects whole team)
Suggested level: 1 to 3 (see description)
Description: It makes it so none of your enemies can send aggressive power-ups on you. Lasts different lengths of times, depending on power level. I don't how long each one should last. You decide!

Name: Camera flash
Icon: Sarcasm: Again, I don't know! It would take a genius to think up these icons!
Type: Aggressive (Targets one person, I guess)
Suggested level: 1
Description: A camera flashes on enemies screen, distracting them for a second.

Also I wanted to write this:

Name: What'd he say about his power level?
Icon: This time, I really don't know.
Type: It depends on how you look at it, I guess. But it has to target 1 player so I say aggressive.
Suggested level: Over 9,000!!!!
Description: Makes opponent automatically lose.
Since my last reply was so long, I'll just have to write a new reply.

Suggestions: New types.
Type: All
Description: Instead of just affecting 1 person or team, it affects everyone. I guess you can set it so it does it through the whole beatmap instead of just a limited time. In fact, that I think that should be the only time you can do it.

An example:
Name: LOSER!!!
Icon: A person with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead
Type: All
Suggested level: N/A
Description: The winner is actually the person with the fewest points. Here's the catch: You're automatically in last place if you fail the song.

Type: Aggressive pass
Description: You know how aggressive items can only affect 1 person or the whole enemy team? Well, I think you should be able to pass the items to other people, like hot potato. Some of the regular aggressive items can be passed, but not all of them. Remember the camera flash I requested in the last post? If it only flashes once, you can't pass it.

Some examples:

Name: Hot potato
Icon: Sarcasm: It's too hard to think of icons!!
Type: Aggressive pass
Suggested level: Level 1-3 it can backfire so I'm not 100% sure
Description: When the hot potato is passed to you, a random regular aggressive item, level of the item depending on the level of the hot potato, will be used on you. You have to click on the hot potato to make it go away and pass to another random person on the opposite team. It can get really annoying on a slider, on top of a beat or during a long series of beats. (You can read the spoiler now)
Name: Bomb (Maybe bomb 2 if somebody's already used bomb)
Icon: Do I still need to use sarcasm?
Type: Aggressive pass
Suggested level: Level 1-3 Just like Hot potato, it can backfire so I'm not 100% sure
Description: If the bomb is passed to you, you earn points for holding the bomb. But then why is it aggressive? Here's the catch: You never know when it's going to explode and if it explodes on you a random aggressive item, level depending on the level of the bomb (2), will be used on you! To pass the bomb, you click on it. It can get really annoying on a slider, on top of a beat or during a long series of beats. (You can read the spoiler now)

Type: Risky friendly
Description: It can help, or hurt, you depending on the situation.

An example:
Name: Health bar for all (You know like all for 1 and 1 for all)
Icon: A couple of small health bars kind of joining together.
Suggested level: Well it's risky, so I dunno
Description: Everyone on the same team uses the same health bar.
Name: Balance
Icon Design: Two health bars at the same level
Type: Friendly (one ally)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: When used, the powerup will cleave off some of the user's health bar, and add it to the person with the lowest healthbar. The amount cleaved off is equivalent to half the distance between the two's health bars, ending with both bars at the same level.

Name: Reversal
Icon Design: Two health bars, with the distance between flashing (it's hard to describe, but picture the two health bars, then superimpose a slightly transparent version of the second lifebar and superimpose it on the first bar, then do the same for the second).
Type: Agressive (one enemy)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: When used, the powerup will trade the health bars of the user and his target. To prevent abuse to an extent, the powerup can only be used when the user's healthbar is above the danger point (the !! area).

Name: Night Blindness
Icon Design: Darkness obscuring everything but around the cursor.
Type: Agressive (one enemy)
Suggested Level: 1/2/3
Description: When used, the entire screen turns dark, save for a small area around the cursor (the exact size is dependent on the level). Anything obscured by the darkness is completely hidden - that includes approach circles, hit circles, slider tracks, even the HP bar and score. Lasts five seconds, regardless of level.
Flashlight mod takes care of this.

Name: Splitter
Icon Design: A line being split into multiple lines.
Type: Friendly (all allies)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Lasts for the remainder of the beatmap. All single-target attacks (friendly and agressive) aimed at the team will now target all members of the team, with reduced duration/effectiveness. Multi-target attacks will remain normal.

Name: Focus
Icon Design: Multiple lines merging into one line.
Type: Friendly (self)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Lasts for the remainder of the beatmap. All multi-target attacks (friendly and agressive) aimed at the team will now target solely the player who used Focus, with increased duration/effectiveness. Single-target attacks will remain normal. If the Focused player fails the map, Focus will be removed.

Name: Panacea
Icon Design: Stars scattered around an image of an agressive powerup.
Type: Friendly (all allies)
Suggested Level: 2/3
Description: When used, L2 will remove ALL powerups with a duration from the entire team. L3 will only remove agressive powerups with a duration. i.e. if someone used Focus (above) on themselves, the team could use Panacea L2 (but not L3) to remove the Focus effect.

Something I forgot to add earlier: Focus and Splitter cannot be used at the same time - one will overwrite the other. So no being a meatshield for the entire team, no matter how good you are.
That's Funny!

Icon Design: letter 'Osu'
Type: Friendly
Suggested level:2
Description: A concentrated Osu spirit that maintains Energy bar to Max. for 5 seconds.

Name: Peppy Armor
icon Design: shield
Suggested level:2
Description: User is safe from aggressive attacks. Lasts for 10 sec.

Name: KeyBoard lock
Icon Design: X mark on Keyboard picture
Type: Aggressive
Suggested level:2
Description: Targeted Player can't use Keyboard for 10 sec.

BBBBBBBBBBut I warn. Osu!! is a Rhythm Game
Don't make aggressive items that breaks the rhythm.
Name: . . . (Can someone help me with the name?)
Type: Friendly Can backfire.
Icon: . . . (I need an Icon and I can't think of any!)
Discription: The screen flash along the beat to help them (K, you can read the spoiler)

Name: . . . (Metroam? It's that how you spell it?)
Type: Friendly
Icon: A picture of a metroam(?)
Discription: Like in DDR, When you hit the first beat of the 4 beat(x.1(?)), The short sound will be higher. All other 3 will be lower.

EDIT: Wait. . . Those 2 are the same!!!

Name: EBA Attack
Icon: A shakey note - - - - ((1))
Discription: The notes will shake AND shrink. When level 1, Will only shake. When level 2, shake AND shrink When level 3, Shake AND shrink A LOT!!!
Suggested level: 3 Read the disc.!!!
Type: Agreseve
Name: 2000
Icon Design: A hit circle with a music note on top with a Taiko background
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: (Level 1 is "Saitama 2000", Level 2 is "Kitasaitama 2000",and Level 3 is "Ekiben 2000".)
Description: Plays a song from the famous 2000 series of Taiko no Tatsujin for 20 seconds while keeping the map of the actual song.

Name: I Broke the Stylus
Icon design:A hit circle with a picture of a NDS Lite stylus broke in half.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested level: 3
Description: The enemy's cursor is broken until it is clicked 20 times. While it is broken, the Ki meter goes down only if there are missed beats, and while the cursor is broken, it can't hit.

Name: EBA
Icon design: Hit circle with Agent J's face on it.
Type: Friendly
Suggested level: 1
Description: For every 30, 60, 100 150 , 200, 250, 300 and so on consecutive hits, J's face will border the right side of the screen and give extra points. Say you get 30 on the combos, and J will give 3000 points. Get it? Lasts for one section of the song.

Name: Nintendo Nerd
Icon design: Hit circle with swear words on it.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Description: For every hit your enemy gets, a swear sentence from The Nerd will be played. Also, the hit circles have a nerd picture in place of numbers. Lasts one section.
Name: Lol-I-Can`t-Sing Distraction >.>
Icon Design: A megaphone
Type: Agressive, targets every opponent
Suggested Level: 2
Description: The song mutes and is replaced by some guy that doesn`t know how to sing. Yes, its a powerup from Taiko, but...

Icon Design: Look one line above.
Type: Agressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: This is one heck of evilness. Every hitcircle changes into dinner and hit sounds are replaced by "DINNER" by CD-I King (whistles are replaced by SPAGETTHI by CD-I Luigi) Also misses are replaced by "DIE" by CD-I Ganon. The point is- to hit circles you have to click a fork that appears somewhere and then you can click. Try not to laugh on deadstreams when you hear massiv amunt of DINNER, SPAGETTHI and DIE. EVUL, isn`t it?
Name: Hot potato
Icon: Sarcasm: It's too hard to think of icons!!
Type: Aggressive pass
Suggested level: Level 1-3 it can backfire so I'm not 100% sure
Description: When the hot potato is passed to you, a random regular aggressive item, level of the item depending on the level of the hot potato, will be used on you. You have to click on the hot potato to make it go away and pass to another random person on the opposite team. It can get really annoying on a slider, on top of a beat or during a long series of beats. (You can read the spoiler now)
This actually sparked an idea for me. How about an actual Hot Potato MODE for MP. Like eventually we should have ranked mode, unranked mode, and hot potato. Hot potato can be a mode where say at 25% into the song, 50%, and 75% a player (starting from first place and then passed to random positions. Or perhaps just passed down the list. Who knows.) can be hit with a negative powerup. This will have to come after powerups are implemented obviously, but it may be a bit less stressful than to figure out a way to dish out powerups while in-game.

Yes this post breaks the format, but it does not deserve its own thread.
Name: Puppet Master
Icon Design: A stickman attached to strings like a puppet, with one arm lifted up
Type: Aggresive
Suggested Level: 1
Move the cursor some cm to the right/left.

Icon Design: ?
Type: other
Suggested Level: any
throughout the beatmap, depending how good or bad you do,your randomly cycled through all the mods available (hidden, hardrock, easy, etc...)

Name: No Beat
Icon Design: ?
Type: Aggresive
Suggested Level: ?
Description: Players Beat Gets Messed Up

Name: Remix
Icon Design: ?
Type: Aggresive
Suggested Level: ?
Description: Random Parts of the song play

//awpEDIT: merged posts (lazily)
Name: Sacrifice
Icon Design: A life bar being shattered, spreading energy to other life bars.
Type: Friendly (all allies)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: When used, the player's HP bar will immediately drop to the absolute minimum level required to keep the player alive for at least one more note. All allies' HP bars will be refilled by a certain amount (HP sacrificed/[number of players+1])

Name: Durandal/Durendal
Icon Design: A sword guarding against a Miss X.
Type: Friendly (self)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: When used, player becomes immune to a Combo Break via a Miss. Note that a Combo Break may still occur due to a slider mess-up. [Durandal is a legendary blade, said to have been unbreakable--in an attempt to prevent the sword from falling into the wrong hands, its wielder attempted to destroy it to no avail--striking an object with it, even the flat end, caused the object to be sliced/shattered. It was eventually tossed into a poisoned stream.]

Name: Many Hearts, One Mind
Icon Design: ??? (I seriously have no idea)
Type: Friendly (all allies)
Suggested Level: 3+
Description: When used, the user takes responsibility for the entire team's progress--if the player scores a 300, all allies score a 300, regardless of what they actually got. If the player Missed, all allies Miss. All players will still retain their HP bars, and drain will still occur during the period length. Lasts for 10 seconds.

Name: Time Stopper/The World/ZA WARUDO/Flash Freeze (I could go on forever)
Icon Design: Clocks, I guess...
Type: Null (affects all)
Suggested Level: 3+
Description: When used, the beatmap pauses for ten seconds for all players. Useful when the user needs a slight break to rest their arm. May be accompanied with a "ZA WARUDO" moment, complete with knives that may or may not shatter hitcircles.

Name: Prism
Icon Design: One of those triangular prisms.
Type: Friendly (self)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: When used, three "shadow copies" of the map's hitcircles will be created. The shadow copies will be created as if the circle was reflected over the two center lines. All copies can be hit (although obviously not at the same time), for full points, but will not add to combo. Useful for certain maps that have Jamespacing.

[Pseudo-joke attacks]

Name: Gap Manipulation
Icon Design: ???
Type: Friendly (self)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: When used, the player can go to the opposite end of the screen by moving the cursor off the screen, a la ReimuA in Touhou 11.

Name: Icicle Fall -Easy-
Icon Design: A picture of Cirno (Touhou 6)
Type: Null (one target, random)
Suggested Level: 1
Description: When used, the affected player must click directly below the hitcircle, rather than on the hitcircle itself. Note that hitcircles already on the bottom (no space to click below) must be clicked as normal. [A running joke is how this particular attack is counterable by just standing still in front of Cirno, rather than try to dodge the icicles.]

Name: Merupo
Icon Design: A Shift-JIS picture of the Touhou 7 character Merlin Prismriver.
Type: Aggressive (self or all allies?!)
Suggested Level: ???
Description: Will activate as soon as it is picked up. Merlin will go berserk, proceeding to move all of the upcoming hitcircles wherever. Remains for remainder of beatmap. [This is also a running joke--under the right conditions, this sister will completely go batshit against her allies during the last attack--persisting even after the sisters have been defeated.]

Name: Last Spell
Icon Design: ???
Type: Aggressive (one enemy)
Suggested Level: at least 2
Description: Will immediately activate upon failing a beatmap. Target will fail the beatmap immediately.
Name: Mighty hammer
Icon Design: Hammer hitting a cursor
Type: Aggressive (One enemy)
Suggested Level: 2-3
Description: A Hammer will start hovering over the enemy's cursor and if the player hovers over a beat/note for a certain ammout of time (length of time changes with level) The hammer will hit the cursor once and slow it down. (once again, the length of time changes with level) The hammer will vanish after 2-3 hits, 2 if its level 2 and 3 for 3.
Name: Strictness
Icon Design: A 300 with a couple of miss Xs next to it.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Any 100s or 50s that the opponent gets turn into misses.

They didn't like that as a mod, but it could be a powerup.

Name: Countdown
Icon Design: "3, 2, 1"
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1
Description: Reverse the order of the numbers in every combo. The circles still have to be hit in the normal order, the numbers are just backwards.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Giant Kanji of the word "Osu"
Gain a random chain no. from 10-30 for Lv.1 35-60 for Lv.2 and over 70 for Lv.3. A Yell of Osu! and a glowing HP bar cues Activation. A MASSIVE hp boost relevant to chain no.
Giant Kanji of the word "Tatakae"
Gain a random chain no. from 20-60 for Lv.1 70-120 for Lv.2 and over 140 for Lv.3. A Yell of Tatkae! and a glowing Hit circles cues Activation. A MASSIVE opponent HP damage relevant to chain no.

Giant Kanji of the word "Ouendan"
Gain a random chain no. from 30-90 for Lv.1 105-180 for Lv.2 and over 210 for Lv.3. A Yell of Ouendan! glowing HP bar and Hit Circles cues Activation. A MASSIVE hp boost and opponent damaging relevant to chain no.
Hopefully this will break the trend of repitition among powerup proposals >>

Name: Switch
Icon: Two-way arrow
Type: Aggressive (multi)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Opponent's cursors now move the opposite direction. Lasts for 15 seconds.

Name: Elite Elite Beat
Icon: Thumbs-up
Type: Support (multi)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Adds the option of getting 500's on notes, assuming the accuracy in hitting is greater than required for a 300. Lasts 10 seconds.

Name: Drift
Icon: Wave
Type: Aggressive (multi)
Suggested Level: 2-3
Description: Opponent's notes slowly float off to one side. If they hit a wall, they bounce. Higher level = faster drift. Lasts 10 seconds.

Name: Maze
Icon: Maze
Type: Aggressive (multi)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Walls are erected between notes in a mazelike pattern. The cursor cannot go through the wall. Number of passages needed to be followed to reach the next note depends on the amount of time between notes, so as to not make clickspamming impossible.
Duration: one combo

Name: Spectate (good)
Icon: Green magnifying glass
Type: Supportive (single)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Player spectates the targeted teammate and can "grab" their cursor by clicking and move it to the proper place. Teammate can see the player's cursor as well as their own, but it will be a different color. Scoring for both players is whatever the spectated player gets. This can backfire since the spectating player cannot click.
Duration: 10 seconds

Name: Spectate (bad)
Icon: Red magnifying glass
Type: Aggressive (single)
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Player spectates the targeted opponent and can "grab" their cursor by clicking and drag it away from the hits. Opponent can see the player's cursor as well as their own, in a different color, and try to avoid it. Scoring for opponent remains the same, scoring for the player is based off the average score of all the player's teammates, rounded to the nearest possible hitscore (so if the average is 200, the player will get a 100, if the average is >200, they'll get a 300, etc.)
Duration: 10 seconds

Name: Chipmunk
Icon: Acorn
Type: All
Suggested Level: 1
Description: The song is suddenly sung in a high "chipmunk" voice, although proceeding at the same speed.
Duration: 15 seconds

Name: Old Style
Icon: Four-direction control pad
Type: Aggressive (multi)
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Opponents can only move their cursor up, down, left, or right. Curved sliders can still be played by rapidly switching between the two necessary directions of movement.
Duration: 10 seconds
Name: Duel
Icon Design: 2 rapiers crossed over each other
Type: aggressive
Suggested Level: higher damage per level
Description: the player and 1 opponent enter an accuracy duel, the point is when you score lower on a note then the opponent or vice-versa you take damage. the health bar also stop draining and you gain nothing from hitting notes, scoring exactly the same does nothing. lasts for 10 seconds, 3 combos or until a player reaches !.

Name: Vacuum+
Icon Design: a whirlwind
Type: friendly
Suggested Level: level 2 gives vacuum and large notes, level 3 gives your teammates the same effect
Description: all the notes are sent to the center and are larger, so all you have to do is click the center to the beat. sliders automatically done and spinners are finished with 5000 points.

Name: Execution
Icon Design: a large axe
Type: aggressive
Suggested Level: level 2 you take no damage from losing, level 3 if you lose you take a large amount of health bar damage.
Description: all players are forced into an accuracy battle. if anyone hits lower than 300 they instantly get hit by an aggressive affect. the winner is the one to survive through it's 30 second duration and gains a single target friendly powerup.

Name: Teamwork
Icon Design: 2 green stick men facing 2 red stick men
Type: aggressive (teams only)
Suggested Level: level 1
Description: 4 players are randomly selected to be either the pointer or clicker for their team (2 per team). one person has to point the cursor over the next notes and the other on the team has to click to the beat. lasts 30 seconds, but shortens for every 300 scored. teams who complete without missing a note gain full bar, you can return to normal if you miss 3 notes instead of waiting for the 30 seconds.

Name: Handcuffed
Icon Design: a red and a green stickmen next to each other (or a single stick man who is half green and half red), or a pair of handcuffs
Type: neutral aggressive
Suggested Level: level 0
Description: will randomly affect the top 2 players if they pull away in score from the rest of the players, these 2 will be given either the pointer or clicker position. one must hover over the next notes while the other clicks to the beat. lasts 30 seconds. players CAN gain 400s instead of 300s (same accuracy required as 300s) to balance out the fact that the lead players are affected only. so it's double-edged to the other players. no one needs to activate this, amount of point difference must exceed the other players excessively.

Name: time bomb (or health bomb)
Icon Design: a bomb with a digital clock on it (possibly a red bomb, may just be a black bomb)
Type: aggressive
Suggested Level: 2 only target is affected. level 3 explosion may hurt teammates
Description: the player must keep their health above ! or the bomb will explode and knock out that player, bomb lasts for 10 seconds. you must stay at least 4 seconds total above the ! zone to defuse it. at level 3 if the bomb explodes teammates get hit by the explosion and are hurt (they wont take as much damage). alternative is the player can't lose a certain amount of health in (marked on the health bar or as seperate bar of health) for the 10 seconds or it explodes.
details: health bars thing. you get a second health bar that does not drain with time, if you miss it goes down. if it drains all the way it explodes. this bar is shorter than the normal health bar. can be displayed OVER the first health bar or somewhere else.

Name: time bomb -alternative- (or clicker bomb)
Icon Design: a bomb with a digital clock on it (possibly a blue bomb, may just be a black bomb)
Type: aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: time bomb ticks down from 10, you must click 3 300s in a row to defuse it and send it to another player. clock is set back 1 second less from previous player's max time, (1st affected has 10 seconds, 2nd has 9, 3rd has 8, etc.) down to a minimum of 3 seconds, will not go away until it explodes.
If this still is up, I've got two~

Name: Broken Creativity
Icon Design: A broken pencil
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: The song will temporary have the paint skin for some of the graphics. Some of them will be the usual skin, some of them paint skin. If the player already uses paint skin he must be insane the normal osu! skin will be shown for some of the graphics.

Name: Accuracy Kill
Icon Design: An "Elite Beat X!" icon.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: You'll temporary not have to be accurate, you have to be inaccurate to get points. You have to hit the hitcircles too early or too late. Hitting the beats "right" will give you a miss. Ignoring them also will.
Name: No Break Time!
Icon Design: A shattered grey "Break" word
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: Lvl 2: The effect lasts for 32 beats or until the break ends, whichever comes first. Lvl 3: The effect lasts for the entire break.
Description: When activated before a break, its effect occurs on that particular break. All the opponents get 1/1 beats placed randomly on the screen and must hit them to avoid breaking their combo and decreasing their HP gauge. Some effects from the break still lingers; HP gauge does not naturally drain, and the beats don't add up to the score.

Name: Time out!
Icon Design: A "Break" word coming out of a hitcircle.
Type: Supportive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Target teammate gets a break that lasts for the entire section until s/he clicks twice or either of you play another power-up. On that duration, you play for him/her and will get double the score at the expense of less forgiving accuracy. Power-ups targetted at teammate occur to you.

I hope I haven't repeated anything.
This should be easy to program and still on beat :roll:

Name: Donut
Icon Design: A donut or hole-drilled note
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: Lvl 2
Description: Every note change from circle to a donut (just erase the inner circle of note by 3/4 diameters of original skin,so only 1/4 border remains,and should work for all skin.) and you must click on the border.

Name: Foresee
Icon Design: An eye or a crystal ball with notes in it.
Type: Aggressive (but it can help sometimes,but in the most it will be aggressive.)
Suggested Level: Lvl 2
Description: next 20 notes suddenly appear (but hit circle still follow the music.) after that 20 notes is played,further notes will be normal. (fade in on rhythm)
Useful on songs with large jump so you can plan better but may harder if next 20 notes overlaying together too much.
Bet no one's thought of this one. :P

Name: Spectator
Icon Design: Pair of eyes
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: Lvl 1
Description: Everyone else suddenly becomes spectated by either peppy, Cyclone, or Saturos, chosen at random. (they wouldn't really be spectating, obviously, but their name would appear on the left as if they were)
Name: Mushroom Samba
Icon Design: a purple mushroom
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: Lvl 2-3
Description: When used, the opponent's screen goes wavy, keep changing its hue, have their numbers randomized, the HP bar goes up and down randomly (missing a note still decreases it) and the notes keep growing and shrinking. The hitcircles do not change, though. Lasts 5 seconds on level 2 and 10 seconds on level 3.
Name: Megaphone
Icon Design: See attachment
Type: Aggressive (One opponent)
Suggested level: 3
Description: Opponent's hitsounds echo, starting out loud but slowly getting quieter. Only they hear it.

-Before reading anything, I might be a little confused. I think that you use a power-up the moment you click on it, and it will appear as a beat circle, however I maybe wrong. So if you are confused because I am wrong, sorry.
Name: Random power-up
Icon Design: the beat circle has six little white circles inside of it.
Type: Can be anything!
Level:Again, anything!
Description: This power-up can not appear on sliders. Anyway, any of the approved power-ups can happen. So they can be aggressive or supportive, good or bad. Leave everyone hanging!
Name: Distraction
Icon Design: Something (you chose) in front of a beat circle, hiding about half of it.
Type: Aggressive
Level: 2, maybe 3
Description: Some sort of object (maybe the osu! symbol) covers part of the screen, covering whatever may appear under it. Lasts 5 seconds. You can still hit any circles under the object.
Name: Backfire
Icon Design: Whatever the icon is, with a red circle in the middle. (read description)
Type: Hurts yourself with whatever
Level:It matters
Description: Any normally aggressive power-up will have a red circle in the middle in some cases, in which whatever the power-up should do to your opponent, happens to you. Missing these circle will NOT affect your score, combo, or anything.
Name: Combo shatterer
Icon Design: A combo sign with a number (like X45) that is shattered like glass
Type: Aggressive
Level:3! Can be a real big help!
Description: An opponent's combo will suddenly drop to zero. This can be REALLY good, or just a waste.
Name: Imposters!
Icon: Two hit circles (inside a real hit circle), one with an approach circle, one without.
Type: Agressive
Level: 2, maybe 3
Description: About five seconds after you use this power-up, your opponent will start seeing double! Each beat circle and slider will have another near it with the same number and everything! The only way to distinguish between what is real and what is fake is that the fake does not have an approach circle. If you hit the wrong circle you miss the real one. This lasts for 10 seconds.
Name: Crazy Spinner!
Icon Design: An arrow going round in a loop
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Activates a spinnner on an enemie's game. They will miss all notes until they clear the spinner. Poissibly, the spinner could last longer the more it is charged.

Name: Mute
Icon Design: A microphone with a cross on it
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Your oppent can't hear the music for a short period of time.

Name: Relax
Icon Design: Some stars, like the icon for relax mod
Type: Friendly
Suggested Level: 2
Description: Activates relax mod for a short period of time.
Name: Leecher
Icon Design: A bug going inside a cursor.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 3
Description: Turns the player who activates this power-up into a parasite and clings on the target's cursor. The former's screen will show grey hitcircles and sliders, disabling them from playing. They will earn points and accuracy from the target's gameplay. Only lasts for a few seconds and is not carried over a break.
Name: Disappear
Icon Design: Some hit circles with a dashed outline.
Type: Aggressive
Suggested Level: 1 or 2
The whole screen will become dark and the player have to guess where are the hit circles and the pointer.
It will randomly select the target team or player.
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