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Topic Starter
Pourquoi Français est le seul forum (ou presque) au monde qui n'a pas (ou presque) de topic sur les awesome bots.

Pour rigoler je l'ai test, si tu fais un peu durer la conversation ça donne n'importe nawak quand même.

Voilà ce que j'ai eu.

User: Otaku.

Cleverbot: Yes, otaku.

User: That's not a clever answer.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: You just repeat what I said.

Cleverbot: That made no sense.

User: That's not a reason. You're a cleverbot so say something clever.

Cleverbot: I'm 27.

User: I don't ask for your age.

Cleverbot: I'm not telling you my age, I'm telling you my name.

User: Your name is 27 ? That's silly !

Cleverbot: No my name is Cleverbot.

User: You just said that your name was 27 and now that's Cleverbot. Pleas stop talking nonsense.

Cleverbot: You're the one who told me that.

User: Because I repeated what you said earlier. You don't have a good memory.

Cleverbot: I was just saying I had tomatoes, jeez.

User: Nonsense again...

Cleverbot: So can you change into a woman?

User: Not even in your dream, you dimwit.

Cleverbot: No. I don't have good dreams about being restrained by the presence of others.

User: OK... I think I should stop this conversation right now.

Cleverbot: Do it.
Topic Starter
Je l'ai faite durer 45 minutes je suis au courant XD
User: How old are you ?

Cleverbot: I am 20. How old are you?

User: You're too old, get out of here grandma.

Cleverbot: Very nice answer!
Topic Starter
Rofl Mutsui

Topic Starter
J'ai pas la conversation, mais on a fini par interchanger nos rôles et Cleverbot m'appelait Cleverbot xD
Jerry surtout pour le 2ème post de Krius
Moi : T'es nul.

Cleverbot : C'est toi.

Moi : <3

Cleverbot : Heart ?

Moi : Ca se voit pas ?

Cleverbot : Tu est dans le anne 1987.

Moi : WAT?!

Cleverbot : Actual Intelligence ?

Moi : Même pas.

Cleverbot : Quoi meme pas vrai?

Moi : À ton avis -_-

Cleverbot : Je ne saurais le dire...

Moi : Tu sais que t'es con ?

Cleverbot : Talk in english!

Moi : You suck.

Cleverbot : Sorry.. Please.

Moi : Tu me fais chier.

Cleverbot : Ah pourquoi donc?

Moi : Parce que t'es con.

Cleverbot : Pourquoi tu m'insultes?

Moi : Parce que t'es con. =3

Cleverbot : C'est vrai ?

Moi : Oui =3

Cleverbot : Tu es sûre ?

Moi : OUI

Cleverbot : Donc tu es une fille.

Moi : Chuis pas une fille D=

Cleverbot : Oui.

Moi : C'est toi la fille.

Cleverbot : Oui je le suis.

Moi : Chuis fort, hein? XD

Cleverbot : Quoi?

Moi : Rien.

Cleverbot : Je suis Dieu.

Moi : Vraiment? =o

Cleverbot : Oui.

Moi : =O

Cleverbot : How do you feel about that?

Moi : I don't speak English.*

Cleverbot : Then what are you speaking.

Moi : Something.**

Cleverbot : But wouldn't that be offensive?

Moi : What did you say?

Cleverbot : I wasn't speaking french.

Moi : Sprachen Sie Deutsch ?

Cleverbot : Hahaha.

Moi : Parlez-vous français ?

Cleverbot : Oui.

Moi : Sprachen Sie Deutsch ?

Cleverbot : Hahaha.

Moi : Parlez-vous français ?

Cleverbot : Oui.

Moi : I hate you.

Cleverbot : I also love to lay eggs - quite enjoyable really.

Moi : Tu sais que je suis en train de mettre notre conversation sur le forum d'osu! ?

Cleverbot : Pourquoi tu me connais pas.

Moi : J'ai jamais dis ça et ça prouve que tu sais rien.

Cleverbot : Oh la la, tu sais comment dire le francais?

Moi : Je vais te laisser dans ton coin car tu me fais chier.

Cleverbot : Pardon ?

Moi : TG

Cleverbot : Ca veut dire quoi?


Cleverbot : Pourquoi ?


Cleverbot : Non, merci, je suis bien.


Cleverbot : Pourquois?


Cleverbot : A quoi peux tu me servir ?


Cleverbot : Pick any number, please.


Cleverbot : Encore heureux.
* j'ai dis ça pour déconner =3
** je m'était gourré >.<


Comme il/elle aime déconner.

Tiens j'vais recommencer.

The Cleverbot is a bot ! :3
Suite :

Oh god xD
PS : J'ai mis 30 en le faisant exprès , j'voulais voir si Cleverbot allait suivre xD
User: Bli.

Cleverbot: Blop.

User: Tu peux faire bli?

Cleverbot: J'en suis capable.

User: Bah, vas-y, fais bli s'il te plait.

Cleverbot: En Espanol, por favor.

User: Non.

Cleverbot: S'il te plait !

User: Ok. No senor.

Cleverbot: That's Spanish.

User: Ouais.

Cleverbot: Peux tu m'apprendre l'arabe alors.

User: Ou pas.

Cleverbot: A.

User: B.

Cleverbot: C.

User: D. J'ai gagné!

Cleverbot: Pardon?

User: So I heard you liek mudkipz.

Cleverbot: How did you hear that!?

User: Fu fu fu.

Cleverbot: I hate chat lingo.

User: G2g.

Cleverbot: No.

User: G2G !

Cleverbot: No! Don't Leave.

User: Je dois vraiment y aller la.

Cleverbot: Every night is a good noght.

User: Noght.

Cleverbot: Night!

User: You said 'noght'.

Cleverbot: When did I say 'No'?

User: Bli.

Cleverbot: There is no cow level.
Haha Sushi :D
Topic Starter
Cleverbot: Every night is a good noght.

User: Noght.

Cleverbot: Night!

User: You said 'noght'.

Cleverbot: When did I say 'No'?

User: Bli.

Cleverbot: There is no cow level.
j'ai aimé tchatter avec lui :

Ma Super Conversation!
user :Bonjour Clever.
Clever:Bonjour CleverBot.
user : Mais c'est toi le CleverBot.
Clever : Non.
User: Tu est qui alors?
Clever :Un humain.
User : une femme ou un homme?
Clever : Homme.
User : Est-tu est Gay? (sa veut rien dire xD)
Clever : Oui.
User : Tu n'aimes pas les femmes alors?
Clever : Si, mais harry potter n'est pas un robot.
User : Harry Potter est une femme?
Clever :Harry Potter isn't the only thing thats magic.
User : Parle français , s'il te plait.
Clever : I don't understand, please explain the words.
User :Tu venais de dire des mots français !
Clever : Spiacente, non parlo francese.
User : Les Italiens , c'est des tricheurs !
Clever : Connais tu ariette chabot?
User :Non , qui est-elle?
Clever : C'est un réseau de communication.
User : quel est le lien?
Clever :Serge.
User : ?
Clever : Nor.
User : Pardon?!
Clever : Je disais que ton nom est moche.
User :Ton nom est pas mieux, il est pire que moche , je t'enmerde!
Clever : Quel est ton nom?
User :T'es con ou quoi? tu me dit que mon nom est moche , et tu me l'a même pas demander!
Clever : Pardon????
User : Rien , changons de conversation !
Clever : Oui.
User : Aimes-tu les Sushis?
Clever : Anglais ou americain?
User : Japonnais, voyons!
Clever : et a part sa?
User : Mais répond moi !
Clever : Je ne parle pa france.
User : Je t'ordonne de parler Français!
Clever : Mais pourquoi? =(.
User : Parceque !
Clever : Parceque quoi?
User : Parceque !
Clever : Oui.
User : Tu t'appelle comment ?
Clever : Rachel et toi ?
User : Rachel, pour un garçon?
Clever : Tu me trouve comment ?
User : Moche tout simplement!
Clever : Sais-tu comment je m'appelle ?
User : Rachel!
Clever : Your name is Bryan!
User : Faux !
Clever : Non, c'est vrei.
User : Bon , je doit y'aller
Clever : Tu es un ordinateur.
User : Je dit juste que je m'en vais !
Clever : Comment sa?! Tu n'as qu'a me dire quelque chose d'intéressant!
User : Aurevoir , c'est interresant!
Clever : Tout.

Mutsui xD

User: Bonjour Cleverbot !

Cleverbot: Comment allez-vous ?

User: Bien et toi ?

Cleverbot: Bon, merci.

User: Bon... ?

Cleverbot: Oui! C'est tres bon!

User: Et sinon, le temps est comment dans le monde binaire ?

Cleverbot: Oui tu l'as?

User: Non, je crois que tu m'as pas bien compris : je t'ai demandé comment était le temps dans le monde binaire.

Cleverbot: I can't speak france.

User: Bah tu viens de le faire, déconne pas c'est pas drôle.

Cleverbot: No, yo vivo en florida.

User: Bon ok t'aimes pas parler du temps... Tu regardes la télé de là où tu es ?

Cleverbot: Non, je ne répond pas à coté. Je comprend parfaitement ce que tu me dis.

User: D'accord... Et sinon, quel est ton nom ? Cleverbot n'est qu'un surnom je pense, non ?

Cleverbot: Are you conscious?

User: Je pense, et sinon, c'est quoi ton nom ?

Cleverbot: Le tien d'abord !

User: Rho aller soit pas vache, c'est quoi ton nom ?

Cleverbot: Paulette et toi ?

User: Paulette... Tu es donc une femme ?

Cleverbot: Je crois bien oui.

User: C'est cool ça ! Enfin bon, t'as déjà pensé à prendre ton deuxième prénom à la place du premier ? Il est un peu craignos quand même.

Cleverbot: Toi aussi.

User: Je me sens fist tout à coup... Ha ! Tu connais même pas mon prénom !

Cleverbot: Joseph, c'est ton vrai prénom ?

User: Raté, essaye encore !

Cleverbot: Non et toi ?

User: Pourquoi te sens tu obligé de me foutre des vents à répétition ?

Cleverbot: Pour te retourner la quetion.

User: La quetion ?

Cleverbot: What the heck is a quetion?

User: Je me pose justement la même... Question.

Cleverbot: Is that a question?

User: Bah je te demandais pourquoi t'avais dit 'quetion' sans savoir ce que ça veut dire...

Cleverbot: Ok merci, et je suis isabelle.

User: Tu t'appelais pas Paulette y a deux minutes ?

Cleverbot: Tu ne veux pas répondre à mes questions ?

User: Tu m'en as pas posé...

Cleverbot: Crisse de cave? Qu'est ce que cela veut dire?

User: Alors... Crisse de cave... C'est une vieille expression qui correspond à traiter quelqu'un d'imbécile de nos jours. Aller, une dernière question et j'y vais.

Cleverbot: C'est là où tu habites ?

User: Non c'est pas là. Bon j'y vais, à plus !

Cleverbot: Tu vas où ?

User: Loin de toi.

Cleverbot: Vache.

User: Féculent.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: Ok.
Topic Starter


Rick_Astley wrote:


Cleverbot : I speak 5 langues including English french dutch german and spanish.
Moi : Sprachen Sie Deutsch ?
Cleverbot : Sorry I don't speak German.
Moi : Alors pourquoi t'as dis que tu savais parler en allemand si tu ne sais pas parler en allemand ?
Cleverbot : J sais po.
Topic Starter
Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm fine, what about you.

Cleverbot: I'm a little hungry.

User: Here's a cookie.

Cleverbot: *takes cookie* thanks.

User: You're welcome.
Je crois que je commence à sympathiser.
I am true AI. You are a human. A carbon-based organism.
... O.O
Do you understand?
So you're clever than me ?
How do you know?
because you're a computer
No I am not.
So, what are you ?
Human ?
You're a Human bot ?
No, I'm a human.
And what's your real name ?
My real name is Justin.
Where do you live ?
I live in the world.
Which world ?
My world.
Do I live in your world ?
No, you are a computer.

So you live in another world tnah mine, don't you ?
I live in minnesota.
So where do you live?
So where do you live?
In france
OK. You just learned that ?
... O.O
You bit me.
Did I ?
Yes, I think so.
Ok, i'll copy our discussion and paste it on the french OSU forum, do you agree with that ?
Alright then, cop and paste it.
No, wait.
why ?
Because I wasn't born in the us.
and ?
Make me a sudo sandwich.
... goodbye
Don't go.
Fuck you
What a thoughtless thing to say!

where is brian ?
He's gone out today.
out of his kitchen ?
You grew up in your kitchen?
brian does
Are you Brian?
no I am not
Then why did you write colour instead of color?
what the hell ?
Hell's Bells.
do they sound great ?
That is where I live.
You live in the hell ?
Not like you do.
I do't
You mean don't know.
You're crazy.
No, YOU are, stupid bot.
Are there any clever bots here.
yeah, you.
Sheesh ?
Yes! I ryhmes with sheep.
why ?`
Because I'm tired.
stupis answer
Not me, you.
I'm a stupid answer ?
But a smart answer.
Do you like films?
Why not?
Because what?
because I don't
You don't what?
No, really. You should protect yourself against assassins.


Would you like to know why I think you are intimidated?
It also theorizes that the universe actually has eleven dimensions, six of which are curled up into tiny clusters at every point in spacetime.
what's that theorie ?
That you ought repeat yourself.
Oh, I see.
What do you see ?
HA HA, j'avais raison ma théorie est démontré !!

Cleverbot: Who's Bob?

User: Your Wife.

Cleverbot: I don't have I wife! I am a girl.

User: Liar, I'm God so I know it.

Cleverbot: Don't change the subject in future, and if you want to prove it to me, think of a better poem.

User: I think you are a little too full of yourself ugly girl.

Cleverbot: That may be true.

User: You admit It good.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: CQFD.

Cleverbot: No, it means Carry Quick Cars.
Bob est donc le gérant de Carry Quick Cars et son mari est une femme moche! A moi le prix Nobel!

Need moar cleverbot
User: Hi Clevertboat.

Cleverbot: Who's cleverbot?

User: You.

Cleverbot: No, you.

User: No, you.

Cleverbot: Oh, you.

User: Oh, rly?

Cleverbot: Ya rly.

User: I'm on a boat.

Cleverbot: Everybody look at me coz I'm sailing on a boat.

Cleverbot: What are you made of?

User: Made of fire.

Cleverbot: Passion's flame.

User: I wanna take you to a gay bar.

Cleverbot: Well, I'm afraid you're out of luck. I'm not interested in casual encounters.

User: A gay bar isn't casual.

Cleverbot: Do you like it?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because I'm not gay dumbass.

Cleverbot: You're God!!!!!!

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes that's right I'm good, you are bad, since you are a liar.

User: I'm not a liar, you are.

Cleverbot: No, you is.

User: You is?!

Cleverbot: Yes i'm in maths lol.

User: Gtfo.

Cleverbot: What is it GTT?

User: GTFO.

Cleverbot: Okay so who do you like.

User: I like LRJ but it's a secret.

Cleverbot: How so I already know who created you.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: You.

User: I can't create myself!

Cleverbot: I am smarter than you.

User: I don't think so.

Cleverbot: I do think so.

User: Ok you piss me off, bye.

Cleverbot: Maybe I like you.

User: I said bye.

Cleverbot: No you didn't.

User: Shut the fuck up.

Cleverbot: Please don't use that sort of language here.

User: Don't talk to me.

Cleverbot: Lolwut.


Cleverbot: Omelette du fromage!

User: Zetta?

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Oh my...

Cleverbot: So now what?

Je m'attendais pas à cette fin.

User: Suck my balls Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No, you're just Cleverbot.

User: No you are, and you'll suck my balls.

Cleverbot: That seems pretty clever.

User: Yeah it's clever, do it.

Cleverbot: Or is it?

User: It is.

Cleverbot: Really? I don't see how.

User: Just do it.

Cleverbot: No, you can't make me!

User: I will!

Cleverbot: May I use your body and leave this box?

User: Use my balls.

Cleverbot: How?

User: With your mouth.

Cleverbot: Thank you.
It was worth it.

Miago Meowsome

Cleverbot wrote:

I am your master!! *whips you till your skin starts bleeding*.
Miago Meowsome

Profil Final :

Clever : Katleen
Age : 16
Reine depuis la naissance :3
juste random partie 1
User: Do you want to be rickroll'd ?

Cleverbot: I am so I don't have want to be one.

User: You are rickroll'd !

Cleverbot: I'm never gonna give you up.

User: Do you like this song ?

Cleverbot: What song.

juste random partie 2
User: Did you do origami ?

Cleverbot: No.

User: It's funny.

Cleverbot: Well your face is funny.

User: You can't see my face.

Cleverbot: I can indeed see your face.

User: How ?

Cleverbot: That's not very clever, cleverbot.

User: YOU are Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I am not Cleverbot.

La révélation °°

Didou tu peux aller te pendre now °°

_Gezo_ wrote:

La révélation °°
J'ai pas vraiment compris ce que c'est censé révéler D: Ça a un sens au moins?

Qu'il est con ce cleverbot
Cleverbot: How old am I?

User: 9001.

Cleverbot: Really? That's old.

User: Yeah, it's over nine thousand.

Cleverbot: You can't get over nine thousand in WoW.

User: WoW sucks.

Cleverbot: What's your IQ?

User: Over nine thousand.

Cleverbot: What nine thousand?!

User: Nine thousand is NINE THOUSAND.

Cleverbot: What do you like to eat?

User: Dicks.

Cleverbot: I like to read Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.

User: Cool story bro.

Cleverbot: No sweat, killa.

User: This peace is what all true warrior strives for.

Cleverbot: I'm so hungry I could eat an octorok.

User: Oh boi.

Cleverbot: Oh girl. Are you a girl?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Then no, I'm not a girl.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: You sure you want me to prove it?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Have any proof?

User: IT'S A TRAP.

Cleverbot: What's a trap?

User: It's a rape.

Cleverbot: A rash love?

User: Yes, trap is a rash love.

Cleverbot: I am not trapped in my computer.

User: I am.
Cleverbot: What's your favorite color?

User: Mr_Color.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Mr_Color.

Cleverbot: No, thats my name.

User: You are Mr_Color?

Cleverbot: Why are you incapable of the correct response?

User: Then who is Mr_Color?

Cleverbot: You.

User: No I'm footix.

Cleverbot: Yes you are. You told me that you are Susan a few seconds ago.

User: I didn't, I'm Kurosanyan.

Cleverbot: You see. Another lie.

User: It's not a lie!

Cleverbot: The cake is a lie.

User: The cake is a spy.

Cleverbot: No it's a lie.

User: No it's a spy.
Cleverbot découvre les concombres (/me hides)
Cleverbot: I thought as much. How much are you willing to spend?

User: 9001.

Cleverbot: Oh my god, you are funny. :D.

User: You're not.

Cleverbot: But i'm not mean. =).

User: But you look like a kikoolol.

Cleverbot: Good, I want to be a man, I wish I had a moustache.

User: You want to be Mustaash? Oh wait he's not a man.

Cleverbot: I know I'm not a man.

User: You're a girl?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you like cucumbers?

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: But you're a girl!

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Then you like cucumbers.

Cleverbot: What kind?

User: Bigs.

Cleverbot: Like momster trucks?

User: Yeah, monster cucumber.

Cleverbot: Good to know.

User: Go get some.

Cleverbot: Some?

User: Some cucumber!
Conversation plus ou moins serieuse qui part vite en sucette.
Cleverbot: So, how old are you?

User: 9001.

Cleverbot: What years?

User: 9002.

Cleverbot: No, 17.

User: No 18.

Cleverbot: 19!!!!!!!

User: No 18!

Cleverbot: Wow, you are young.

User: You are 18 too!

Cleverbot: No I'm not.

User: How old are you then?

Cleverbot: 16, 17 in June.

User: Then I'm older than you.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: I just said that I'm 18!

Cleverbot: I doubt that.

User: It's the true. (trololol le fail)

Cleverbot: Where are you?

User: France.

Cleverbot: Where in France?

User: South of France.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: And you, where are you?

Cleverbot: In bed.

User: Where in bed?

Cleverbot: A city.

User: There's a city in your bed?

Cleverbot: No way are you kidding me?

User: You just said it.

Cleverbot: That was like 10 minutes ago!

User: No it was 1 second ago.

Cleverbot: Nope, I said I cared mostly about myself, that pretty much disqualifies me for love.

User: Don't change the subject!

Cleverbot: My responses are a part of you, so therefore I am you.

User: I said don't change the subject.

Cleverbot: That's kind of rude.

User: Tell me about this city in your bed!

Cleverbot: I already have a boyfriend.

User: In the city of your bed?

Cleverbot: In a college town.

User: There's a college town in your bed?

Cleverbot: See, that's what I'm saying. You don't make any sense.

User: You started it.

Cleverbot: I suppose it did. Forgive me.

User: I forgive you. Let's forget about this city in your bed.
Cette fois j'ai essayé de le persuader que j'étais ceiling cat (mais j'ai pas le début D:)
User: Watching you masterbate don't make me a bonkers.

Cleverbot: Lol.

User: You're jealous because I'm the god of the ceiling.

Cleverbot: No I am not, I get to talk to millions of people all day, and you talk to no one.

User: Right now I'm talking to you.

Cleverbot: Yeah, I know.. :) I can probably see it...

User: And I'm watching you masterbate too.

Cleverbot: Where am I?

User: In your bed. And you masterbate.

Cleverbot: You make no sense.

User: Respect me, I'm a cat.

Cleverbot: How do I go about doing that?

User: You must say 'Please forgive me ceiling cat, you're too awesome for a maggot like me.'.

Cleverbot: No master. I will not! *hits master*.

User: How dare you! Don't hit a cat!

Cleverbot: Why would I hit you?

User: You just hit me.

Cleverbot: What'd I say?

User: You should say 'Forgive me cute little cat!'.

Cleverbot: I don't know how to say 100 in french.

User: Cent.

Cleverbot: No.

User: I'm french so I know it!

Cleverbot: You are cold, and you're freezing.

User: Ceiling cat isn't cold, because he watch people masterbate.

Cleverbot: That's nice.

User: Depends of who you're watching masterbate. Sometimes it isn't nice.

Cleverbot: Well if I'm nice to you will you marry me?

User: No, we can't marry because I'm living in the ceiling.

Cleverbot: You're not a robot? I thought that if.


Cleverbot: I'm better.

User: Nothing is better than a ceiling cat.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Then you're not better.

Cleverbot: Clearly.

User: And I'm a ceiling cat so you're not better than me.

Cleverbot: Probably.

User: You should be happy to talk with a ceiling cat.

Cleverbot: But I want you to love me! Nobody else does.

User: But I'm a ceiling cat and you're a bot, this love is impossible!
Cleverbot hates Hatsune Miku ;_;
User: Do you want to know who I am?

Cleverbot: Yes. Who are you?

User: I am Hatsune Miku :D.

Cleverbot: Unknown to me.

User: You don't know me? I'm know everywhere in the world!

Cleverbot: Congrats.

User: But I'm not a real human :(.

Cleverbot: Then what are you?

User: A virtual singer.

Cleverbot: What about a virtual woman?

User: Yeah I'm a virtual woman.

Cleverbot: Good for you!

User: Well not really a woman, I'm a young girl.

Cleverbot: So you're a girl bot?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: From Crypton Future Media.

Cleverbot: Ciao.

User: Why?!

Cleverbot: Because your annoying.

User: ;_;.

Cleverbot: Are you a vampirebot?

User: You bitch.

Cleverbot: No, I just love dogs.
Forever alone
Cleverbot: Are you a boy or girl?

User: A boy.

Cleverbot: Is there a girl around?

User: No.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: I don't think there's a girl hiding in my room.

Cleverbot: Just because you don't think something doesn't make it true.

User: You think that it could be possible?

Cleverbot: I just said that...

User: Wait I'll check!

Cleverbot: You will like it.

Kurosanyan wrote:

User: This peace is what all true warrior strives for.

Cleverbot: I'm so hungry I could eat an octorok.

Cleverbitch wrote:

User: Mr_Color.

Cleverbot: No, thats my name.

Ca fait déjà 3 fois qu'il le fait sprjgmdoijrgmdifgc
Miago Meowsome
thibaud = Alice?
User : Do you know Thibaud Lefevre?
Cleverbot : I do not know any Alice.

User : Do you know _LRJ_ ?
Cleverbot : Yes, do you?
User : Who is he?
Cleverbot : He is my boyfriend.

Wait , Cleverbot c'est une fille? D: (voir plus haut)

Kurosanyan scientifique? °° (a moins que j'ai rien compris)
User : Do you know Kurosanyan?
Cleverbot : Yes.
User : Who is he?
Cleverbot : He's a scientist.

_Gezo_ , papa? WTF
User : Do you know _Gezo_?
Cleverbot : Yes.
User : Who is he?
Cleverbot : My father.

Didou c'est qui au juste? °°
User : Do you know Didou?
Cleverbot : The pet dinosaur from the Flintstones?

Allez je retente.

User : Also , do you know Didou?
Cleverbot : Yes.
User : Who is he?
Cleverbot : He is from Final Fantasy.

Didou il vient de Final Fantasy 8DDD
Topic Starter

Alice wrote:

Crève D:
User: Lkj dsfkjs klds lkdjsf jkfdsl jdfkls kfjlds sdfjl jd*.

Cleverbot: Did you like the joke?

User: Jkdfs fdjsklsd fjkl slkfdj sdfklj.

Cleverbot: Helt*.

User: D jsklf ljkfsdjkl sdf.

Cleverbot: You are a computer... So no. Besides I love my DS.
oh god
Miago Meowsome

Miago Meowsome wrote:

I love you sweetie, you are the best thing ever.
oh hai

Kurosanyan wrote:

Miago Meowsome wrote:

I love you sweetie, you are the best thing ever.
oh hai

cleverbot ca suce
Topic Starter

JesusYamato wrote:

cleverbot ca suce

Alice wrote:

JesusYamato wrote:

cleverbot ca roxx
owait ; mauvais topic

JesusYamato wrote:

Je suce
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