
Hello! New here!

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Hai! I have a real name, but I don't like to use it, even in person in all honesty. XD

Just Call me Azzy or Belle. I'm 23. I live in Wisconsin and I saw this game being played on a youtube video a few years back and never knew what it was. I just knew it was for a tablet (mostly) So I forgot all about it, until yesterday. I got my tablet back in... oh... Mid February. I did drawing and coloring for a few months then left it be. I decided to take it out again when I remembered that video I saw! I couldn't remember what it was called though for the life of me! So I went to Google! (Cuz' bing is stupid. 8-) ) Took me about 20 minutes and going through a bunch of yahoo answers forums, but I found you guys! So I quickly downloaded the files and started it up, AAAANNNDDD I failed miserably at the first attempt, and the second, and third and fourth, and... well this took about 7 tries before I looked up how exactly to do the basics. THEN I did the tutorial. But since then, I've been managing pretty well, about 3 am last night for my second last sound I discovered the mods for no fail (so I could try to get through a whole song to better understand the movements and such.) So I've been playing for about 7 hours now. (Gameplay wise) and I am averaging about 60ish % hits, which I don't think is terribly bad! Since I A: haven't played with my tablet in several months and B: Is the first time I've ever played these. I have my sound effects off for hitting things because otherwise they distract me from the actual buttons.


Sorry that's quite a bit to read! So enough about that! I enjoy rp'ing occasionally. Though I'm pretty picky about it. I love playing various games. There are so many to list. :? So maybe I'll post them later, but I've been gaming (all kinds of gaming) since I was about 5. I'm definitely not what someone would consider normal. I'm pretty bad at these really, but uh, if you want to know something about me, feel free to ask. ^-^
You know, Osu! is an hard game when you start to play the first time. x)
All player (even the top player) failed miserably at their first try.

Welcome and never give up. xD

(I'm sure after 3-4 days you will can play some 1 star song easily)
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I've been trying to play each of my songs (From 1 star to 2 1/2) at least once, (which is a lot because I went crazy and now have like 200 songs XD ) And I got my first B last night! I was sooooooooooooo proud! Already showing signs of improvement with my consistent determination! (I've been doing songs over and getting better scores. I have found that if I keep retrying to do the same song over and over, I don't do better, it's easier to come back to it after a few songs.) :D My Fiance was poking fun at me for trying a 4 star for fun (with no fail on). I pushed my desk back (I have a small portable one) and took off my headphones, looked at him, flipped to a song he would know (on easy too) and handed him the pen and put the headphones on him and watched him play. He got about 1 minute and a half in. He stopped making fun of me XD and told me the game was stupid. :P Hehe I'm such a stinker.

*UPDATE* I wanted to add to about me, that I'm an introvert, partial agoraphobic, and a bit at times misanthropic. I'm highly selective about who I am actually friends with. I don't mind being social occasionally, but I prefer my interactions with humans to be from behind my computer screen. It seems to be easier for me to do that face to face. :roll: :lol:
:D i think your really enjoying osu :D
keep it up
Hiya "Azzy"

Remember to aim for S ranks once you get a hang of the game properly xd

If you ever have a question about the game or the PP system, I can probably answer it unless it's something really obscure.
Hi Belle, nice name :3
Know, everyone is bad at start. I was happy when I could beat a 1 star map with 70%
You'll improve pretty fast though :)
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Thanks Everyone! I haven't played since Wednesday, since I was at GenCon over the weekend and my daughter was really sick yesterday. But I did get an A the other day! I was so happy, but it still doesn't show up in my stats, but whatever. I screen shot it and I know it got it, so that's all that matters! The community is really friendly though! When I have some questions it is great to see that people are more than willing to answer and help if I need it! I'm really enjoying the game, the community and the experience as a whole! I do have a goal to one day be able to complete Furioso Melodia (this one right here.) I'd be happy to complete it without no fail on. XD I know it's a long way to go, but! Goals are good to have, right?

Azlein wrote:

it still doesn't show up in my stats
You mean in the recent activity tab in your userpage? Stuff doesn't show up there unless you're on the top 1000 scores for the map.

Azlein wrote:

Goals are good to have, right?
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Mahogany wrote:

Azlein wrote:

it still doesn't show up in my stats
You mean in the recent activity tab in your userpage? Stuff doesn't show up there unless you're on the top 1000 scores for the map.
Fair enough! I got one now on there! So proud of myself! I know it's only on Easy, but I've been continuously making steady progress. It's very reassuring!
Thresh x Blitz
bleh blah bluh
Everyone starts bad.
Welcome, enjoy your stay.
blooming tea
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