* Plays Elemental creation, ~91% *
* Plays Haelequin EXH, ~94% *
Simply put..
^ On an average 4.6~5 star map, I can get approx. 90~92%, but I'm still getting low accuracy of ~95% on songs like Werewolf' Howls EXH, that being my best 4.x ~ 4.3 star score. I also can't get anything higher than 96% on 3.5 star songs, as it seems. I'm starting to think my methods are wrong, or need to be fixed. Maybe I need to train my accuracy and consistency? Any ideas?
P.S : I had the "brilliant idea" to PF everything under 2stars. Some maps are making me want to rip my own throat out. (Election Angel)
tl;dr : My accuracy is ass, how to improve?
* Plays Haelequin EXH, ~94% *
Simply put..
^ On an average 4.6~5 star map, I can get approx. 90~92%, but I'm still getting low accuracy of ~95% on songs like Werewolf' Howls EXH, that being my best 4.x ~ 4.3 star score. I also can't get anything higher than 96% on 3.5 star songs, as it seems. I'm starting to think my methods are wrong, or need to be fixed. Maybe I need to train my accuracy and consistency? Any ideas?
P.S : I had the "brilliant idea" to PF everything under 2stars. Some maps are making me want to rip my own throat out. (Election Angel)
tl;dr : My accuracy is ass, how to improve?