Problem Details: On the beatmap selection, when you select a map, there are some Kiai stars behind the beatmap panel. When you just started osu! there are a high number of Kiai stars behind the beatmap panel. After you play fail a map, the number of Kiai stars behind the Beatmap panel that is selected decreases drastically. I don't know if this is intended or not, but I don't find it intended, in my opinion. Also, I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but I didn't find anything about this.
(Using default skin because the "issue" can be seen more clearly, since on my skin I use 2x2 Kiai stars)
Edit: Added video.
Edit 2: Just noticed. This seems to only happen if you play a map and don't reach 30 combo (where the stars appear on the right or left side of the screen)
Edit 3: Added a video explaining the Edit2. 4.
Edit 4: I noticed I was wrong on the 30 combo thing. This seems to happen when you fail a beatmap. Deosn't matter combo and anything. If you quit the map from the pause screen, it keeps showing the normal number of stars. Sorry for this number of edits e.e
It happens on ALL release streams.
(Using default skin because the "issue" can be seen more clearly, since on my skin I use 2x2 Kiai stars)
Before failing:

After failing:

After failing:
Edit: Added video.
Edit 2: Just noticed. This seems to only happen if you play a map and don't reach 30 combo (where the stars appear on the right or left side of the screen)
Edit 3: Added a video explaining the Edit
Edit 4: I noticed I was wrong on the 30 combo thing. This seems to happen when you fail a beatmap. Deosn't matter combo and anything. If you quit the map from the pause screen, it keeps showing the normal number of stars. Sorry for this number of edits e.e
It happens on ALL release streams.