Request: Get feedback only on the columns you care about.
- Before playing osu!mania beatmap, select columns to opt out of autoplay.
- The columns opted in (Auto Columns) will be autoplayed. These notes are all registered as max and counts towards the score.
The columns opted out (Regular Columns) require pressing. Hitting a 200 is a 200, and a miss is counted as a miss. - Preferably, the auto columns are dimmed slightly to be contrasted by the selected keys. (If Auto on all keys, then do not dim).
A score multiplier the same as the N-Key Mod is applied.
The score will be unranked as is the case with the current Auto. - If any key is opted out, the player is no longer NOT the osu!topus.
- XK+1/+2: AUTO +1/+2. Ignore special keys not on the keyboard and play like XK. (By Zenx)
- 7K: AUTO 1|2|3. Practice the right hand with column 4|5|6|7.
- 7K: AUTO 3|4|5|6. Practice the left hand with column 1|2|3.
- 7K: AUTO 4|5|6. Practice the left hand with column 1|2|3|4.
- 7K: AUTO 4. Downgrade to 6K map to practice left hand 1|2|3 and right hand 4|5|6.
- 7K: AUTO 1|2|3|5|6|7. Practice column 4 only. (For me, it's spacebar for the thumbs.)
- 7K: AUTO 5|7. I can hold 5|7 while learning to hit notes on 1|2|3|4|6.
- 7K: AUTO 1|3|5|7. Perfect for practicing Wintersun 7K during measures 35:3 ~ 37:3 (Click for picture).
- 4K: AUTO 1|2. Fun for right hand only.
- Select a 7 key osu!mania map.
- Turn on the Auto Mod.
- Click "Select keys to opt out from auto".
- Prompted to press keys that are not auto'ed. Press column 2 | 4 | 6.
Press enter to confirm. - Start playing on the beatmap.
Press 2 | 4 | 6. Do not worry about columns 1 | 3 | 5 | 7.
So, I would hold all 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 to practice holding while hitting notes on 2 | 4 | 6 and getting feedback only on the Regular Columns.
- Select a 8 key osu!mania map.
- Turn on the Auto Mod.
- Click "Reset" if Selective Auto is on, or do nothing if Selective Auto is off.
- Start playing on the beatmap with Auto.
Press any columns if you'd like and watch osu!topus.
- NoFail is not exactly equal because I only want feedback on the columns I play. If I miss a note, I know I'm not playing the selected keys well instead of ignoring other columns.