
Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, August 01, 2010 at 8:33:06 AM

Artist: Caramell
Title: Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)
Tags: Gladi Azure_Kyte MarioBros777 JarJarJacob
BPM: 164.74
Filesize: 22680kb
Play Time: 02:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. Azure's Taikodansen (5 stars, 984 notes)
  2. Collab Easy (2.71 stars, 169 notes)
  3. Gladi (4.82 stars, 438 notes)
  4. Insane (4.97 stars, 552 notes)
  5. Normal (3.63 stars, 265 notes)
Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)
Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Just mapping this because I love the video. Also if you want a HQ ver of video you can get it here to add to the map
Mediafire hates me I'll have the HQ ver up asap tho.
HA PUUSH PWNS! make sure to save link as!

Hard is finished normal needs hitsounds~ The map plays a bit odd but it was hard to come up with ideas for a map that has been mapped twice. Really this is a must play with video tho, video is great! <3
Update Dude to file size I was forced to change mp3 plz REDOWNLOAD!! 7/31/10
Nazi time I suppose

00:47:810 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not liking this jump :
01:17:493 (1,2,3,4) - Make this more even, move 1 a grid or two left.
01:25:142 (6,7,8) - Didn't see this coming
01:45:902 (9) - Really ugly, move right a grid.
02:16:495 (2) - Left a grid
02:35:434 (9) - ^
This video looks familiar...

01:10:209 (1) - This slider looks really bad. :/ Same with copy paste later on.
02:15:767 (1) - Kinda soon after a spinner for the easiest difficulty


Use your own judgement when rearranging combos blah blah.
00:32:331 (5) - Hardly symmetrical!
00:39:615 (5) - New combo.
01:40:803 (4) - New combo.
02:01:198 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1) - At least make the hitsounds here similar to Hard. Feels so bare.
02:30:335 (4) - New combo.
02:40:351 (4) - New combo.
02:43:265 (4) - New combo.
02:46:178 (2) - New combo.
02:47:817 (3) - New combo.
02:48:546 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:49:274 (5) - New combo.


I have faith in this retarded spacing.
02:07:026 (1,2,3) - Why u do this.
Cyril Scarlet
ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚)
Hello if you could, mod my map :) viewtopic.php?t=34127

So modding gogo

Set a preview point.

Also ranking criteria says: map must have at least one diff with less than 3 stars.
So make Easy


00:49:995 (5) - new combo?

Star~ :3

Bassmaster wrote:

Also ranking criteria says: map must have at least one diff with less than 3 stars.
So make Easy
- 'Your map should have at least two difficulties, and at least one of them should be passable by a moderately new player.'

So no, you don't need a 3 star or less difficulty.
Star ^o^
Here's my mod as promised ztrotty.

00:35:245 (1,2) - these beats seem weird and out of place IMO
01:29:876 (3) - a jump for a normal? you sure?

00:31:603 (3) - one grid up?
02:04:841 (3) - ^

01:06:931 (5) - one grid down?

And the taiko diff I won't mod.
Hope I could help. Star~
Take this: :D

Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (ztrot) [Impossiblexu's Easy].osu

Hi ^^
Well only some suggestions
-02:50:731 (1) make that spinner finish in the same point in hard and normal?
-01:47:905 (4,5,6,7,8) hard of catch z.z I miss it like 3 times ;o;
-I think Gladi's diff is rly hard x.x maybe make the circles bigger? to reduce a little the dificulty.

Uhm that's all, nothing bad found.
Star ~
Topic Starter

00:38:887 (1) - Wrong spacing, I know that's for be symetrical than 1 and 2, but I think that's bad in a Normal diff.
02:01:198 (1) - Add finish ?
02:02:655 (3) - Add whistle ?
02:04:112 (1) - Add finish at the beginning ?
02:34:706 (1) - Move 1/2 earlier ?


00:55:459 (6) - [Nazi] Disable the Grid Snap and trying to put the end of this slider has the same position as 5.
01:15:854 (7) - New combo ?
02:13:217 (1) - Move 3/4 earlier and extand by 3/4
02:27:057 (10) - Too close to the top border
02:41:262 (4) - [Nazi] 1 grid up

I hope that can help you.
If you have time, can you mod that please ?
Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Check this

01:03:653 (3) - I know this is an anti-jump suggestion but moving this under the purple note beforehand makes it look neater
01:10:209 (1) - Try this sliderpoint setup for a smoother curve
01:48:087 (1,2,3,4) - all these should be finishes in my professional opinion.
02:49:274 (1,2,3,4) - ^


Just beautiful.

02:41:262 (4) - Totally up a grid

A nice mapset. Have a st- oh wait.
The video is <3

00:23:590 (3) - Clap the end =x
00:35:973 (1) - ^
00:39:251 (2) - Clap here?
01:07:660 (6,8) - Why are these ones not clapped if (2) and (4) are?
01:15:308 (2) - I think the clap does not fit here
01:19:314 (6) - clap here ?
01:45:173 (1,2) - Make the ends stack maybe? It's pretty this way too though
02:02:655 (3) - This is like the only whistle I heard during the soft section of the song. Either remove it or add more =x
02:34:706 (1,2) - Like 01:45:173 (1,2) ? Also, these ones have a whistle, but the ones at 01:45:173 don't. Make the hitsounds the same for both combos?
02:44:904 (1) - Is a sliderslidewhistle missing here?

Maybe lower the HP drain a bit?
It's ok, though so many sliderwhistles hurt my ears :<

00:13:028 (8) - Clap?
00:43:986 (9) - Remove the finish here? It's a bit strange cuz 00:41:072 (9) - is not finished :/
01:27:873 (10,11) - I expected a finish here, just like at 00:41:254 (10,11)
01:30:787 (10) - ^and here
01:43:352 (10) - Is this missing a clap? If not, the remove the clap from 01:40:438 (9) and 01:46:266 (10).
02:07:026 (1) - From this note to the spinner it could be a good idea to replace the clap pattern with soft whistles.
02:36:891 (3) - Is this missing a sliderwhistle?

I can't mod taiko :<

I <3 it!
Hard-remember these are just suggestions
00:21:496 (6) - line up with (4)?
00:26:504 (7) - new combo?
01:07:113 (6) - 1 grid down?
01:22:774 (3,5) - make the spacing the same as (4,6)?
01:26:234 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - like this:
01:29:148 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as that ^?
02:01:927 (4) - center between (2,3) ?
02:29:243 (6) - center between (7) and (8)?
02:32:156 (6) - ^

the other diffs are fine
Okay, everything is now complete.

Replace previous SB images with these ones. Made some changes.

Download: Eeeyyy, it's
zflounder, nice map! :3
Kudos to the guests as well.

❤ = ★ ~
Tits everywhere.
IRC Modding.

- Adjusted tags on all the difficulties.
- Removed unused file .osb.

Another authentic Taiko map chance lost... this map was ranked several times but never included authentic Taiko map. (Though this one has Taiko map :D)
Anyway, congrats~
Topic Starter

lepidopodus wrote:

Another authentic Taiko map chance lost... this map was ranked several times but never included authentic Taiko map. (Though this one has Taiko map :D)
Anyway, congrats~

ztrot wrote:

Maybe, There's no 'Taiko-Cut' within 6 monthes cuz it's very good song ;_;
Good job ;_;
And sorry for no star from me ;_;
I can't download this map, when I press Download
after a second the download stop
the "puush" HD video too

I did it again.

I bubbled a map with composite timing.

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