
Haikyuu!! Skin

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Hello there!
Haikyuu!! osu! skin has come to an update!!

Haikyuu!! is one of the loved sports anime that was aired 2014, based on the Haikyuu!! manga by Furudate Haruichi. The manga series is still ongoing and Season 2 of the anime is ongoing!

If you haven't seen it yet, check it out! It's amazing!

Now, for the die hard Haikyuu!! fans like me here in osu! community, this skin is specially made for you.

There will be flaws and mikssing elements that you might notice so be sure to give a feedback so that the skin quality will improve at some point! :D

The skin will only apply at osu! mode so far. The osu mode is the easiest one to complete (for me). So for the rest of the gameplay modes, I'm still looking for perfect pics that will suit the whole mode and the skin making really kills a lot of time especially that I'm going to college so my schedule will be really hectic. But I'll do my best to improve the skin when I got time.





New mod icons and increased opacity on menu bar

osu! Mode Gameplay:

New font for default numbers and hitbursts (added strokes)
Spinner is currently on version 2 until I made a decent and symmetric spinner circle

The combobursts have a new set and it includes the ff characters:
Hinata Shouyou
Kageyama Tobio
Daichi Sawamura
Sugawara Koushi
Nishinoya Yu
Azumane Asahi
Tanaka Ryunosuke
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi

During the gameplay, when you break your combo, the sound might trigger you and I'm sorry about that. :|

Pause and Game Over menu:

Nothing changed for the wallpapers. Only the buttons


New panel design and ranking letters

Other Gameplay Elements:

Section pass and fail


Skip button

New design, fonts and added strokes on the texts

Section pass and fail




Star and Star2

ProjectTrash suggested that I should add an extra folder for players who don't like distractions. Thanks for this suggestion and I made it!

The 'extras' folder includes a 100% transparent hit circles who likes to play on dim, a dot-like cursor and trail, hit bursts frames, invisible lighting and star2, smaller miss burst, and particles for 100 and 50!


You will notice at the last screenshot that there is a customized scorebar. I also included a folder in it in case you want your own too! It consists a PSD file of the template, sample, guide, invisible scorebar circle, modified scorebar and readme text.

That's it for now. More features will be coming soon!

Thanks for checking out this skin!

If you tried it, be sure to give a feedback for further improvements of the skin.

Have a good day and play with this skin!

Karasuno! Fight! :)
Yuuss, finally a 'Haikyuu!!'-Skin! °^° downloaded it right away, teh
But sure, your skin nor needs to be improved. So here are a few suggestions for improvement, which you needn't to accept, if you don't want...
-Your skin is based on the default skin of osu! this means that some things have just a different color (or haven't been modified but are in use). Maybe you could make some things of your skin completely reinvent. I hope you're creative, and something else occurs to you, than to make a different color for these things. (I speak of the cursor(/trail/middle), scorebar, score/default-numbers, reservearrow)

-The pause-overlay is slightly too wide (okay, actually it looks like this). maybe use a different wallpaper from Haikyuu! or fix this one here.

-Maybe upload your skin on mediafire/puush/dropbox/MEGA instead of 4shared. With 4shared it's taking slightly longer to download, as when the listed things.

-Maybe you could add a stroke to 'back' at the menu back and 'skip' at the play-skip. Or make they something brighter, because you can't see them.

-Add a 'extra'-folder, where you can store different versions of things. I turn especially now to the hit-300(/g/k), since they are made invisible in some skins, because they often just annoy and otherwise you can play not good. I recommend to you, make invisible hit-300(/g/k) and put they in the extra folder, and let those who are at moment in the main skin-folder in it (or vice versa).

-Why you rename the mods? (Example: 'hard rock' -> 'challenge') Just take the normal mod names. In addition, the names of the mods are also not good to see.

-Maybe add a spinner-middle

-The hit-300(/g/k) are not good to see if you have the background-dim on 100% dim.

Other suggestions

ChellieKasane wrote:

Sorry if Yamaguchi wasn't included. I can't find a rendered pic that matches the rest.
Why not add this?:

Sure, not the best render. Just fix it a little and you can use it. If it's so small - well, I think you know how to resize a image. If you don't like it, you can render a image by yourself. Or ask someone to make this for you. There are a few people here on osu! which can do this.

ChellieKasane wrote:

During the gameplay, when you break your combo, the sound might trigger you and I'm sorry about that.
Well, I can't hear the sounds in osu!, I hear only the standard sounds. I don't know why. But I listened to it neverthless, it sounds actually quite normal. But if it seems odd to you,, you can add also a different sound.

Otherwise good luck with your skin and have a nice day! :^)
Why you rename the mods? (Example: 'hard rock' -> 'challenge') Just take the normal mod names. In addition, the names of the mods are also not good to see.

Leave the OP alone on this one if he/she likes it so. Also, add some stroke on those. Can barely read the shit out of those.
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Hi! Thanks for testing out my skin.
Honestly speaking, the whole making was a rush because strict time restriction in using the laptop in order to get back my sleeping schedule for college so I'm really sorry for all the flaws.

ProjectTrash wrote:

-Your skin is based on the default skin of osu! this means that some things have just a different color (or haven't been modified but are in use). Maybe you could make some things of your skin completely reinvent. I hope you're creative, and something else occurs to you, than to make a different color for these things. (I speak of the cursor(/trail/middle), scorebar, score/default-numbers, reservearrow)
I really don't know to setup the skin.ini yet and I'm still finding the most understandable tutorial for that.

ProjectTrash wrote:

-Maybe upload your skin on mediafire/puush/dropbox/MEGA instead of 4shared. With 4shared it's taking slightly longer to download, as when the listed things.
I was really rushed in distributing the skin to my osu! player Twitter friends and I found 4shared as the fastest one. I'm currently having some troubles in uploading at Mediafire. But on the update, I'll upload it there or on the other sites that you suggested if Mediafire is still having trouble for me.

ProjectTrash wrote:

-Maybe you could add a stroke to 'back' at the menu back and 'skip' at the play-skip. Or make they something brighter, because you can't see them.
I only used Paint.NET at editing them all and I'm still figuring out how to add strokes on texts. :|

ProjectTrash wrote:

-Add a 'extra'-folder, where you can store different versions of things. I turn especially now to the hit-300(/g/k), since they are made invisible in some skins, because they often just annoy and otherwise you can play not good. I recommend to you, make invisible hit-300(/g/k) and put they in the extra folder, and let those who are at moment in the main skin-folder in it (or vice versa).
Well my standards are really for beginners. I really don't know what are the pro players' taste in skins. and I'm really scared to ask one. Thanks for telling me about this!

ProjectTrash wrote:

-Maybe add a spinner-middle
The spinner is really a heck of a gameplay element, but I'll be working on it.

ProjectTrash wrote:

-The hit-300(/g/k) are not good to see if you have the background-dim on 100% dim.
I totally forgot the fact that the default hit glow can be turned on and off. Because I often watch some extreme beatmaps at 100% dim and the default light glow is the only thing that makes the hitpoint visual. Sorry for that.

ProjectTrash wrote:

ChellieKasane wrote:

During the gameplay, when you break your combo, the sound might trigger you and I'm sorry about that.
Well, I can't hear the sounds in osu!, I hear only the standard sounds. I don't know why. But I listened to it neverthless, it sounds actually quite normal. But if it seems odd to you,, you can add also a different sound.
Peppy just uploaded a new default skin update for the latest version of the game and it seems pretty complicated than before so maybe that's the reason for the combo break sound to not work during gameplay.
And for the sound, "boke" means"idiot" or "dumbass" in Japanese so I thought that some people who can understand it might get triggered.
i really want this skin but there's something weird about the installation.. can you let me download through mediafire or something instead?
why comic sans tho
Nice skin, but please, put it on a different place, like Puush, Mediafire, MEGA, etc.
neko cookies
Looks great so far, I absolutely love haikyuu, but here's a few things i noticed :3c

-the mod list is a tad sloppy. it's a bit repetitive and some of the mod names go over the volleyball. I'd use a rounded square shape instead, or a shape that's a bit easier to read.

-the spinner metre could be improved :) it's super cute, i love the chibis, but maybe making it a bit more fluent, having the metre not stop in between each character--in other words, having a singular picture that takes up the whole metre instead~

-the font could match better with the rest of the skin. try to find one that's more fitting. the black is hard to read, especially for someone who uses background dim :3c

-put the download link on a site like mediafire or MEGA, those two are better for hosting skins :)

im gunna be using this skin for the next couple days though :D looks great, super cute~~
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ghostshipCrowie wrote:

i really want this skin but there's something weird about the installation.. can you let me download through mediafire or something instead?
Hi! I apologize for that. I tried uploading it on Mediafire once, but it's experiencing a lot of problems because the internet here is kinda bad.
I'll do my best to find a good way to upload it to other website.
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Kasane Teto wrote:

Nice skin, but please, put it on a different place, like Puush, Mediafire, MEGA, etc.
I'll try what I can to do it. I experienced of uploading problems at those websites.
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posieh wrote:

Looks great so far, I absolutely love haikyuu, but here's a few things i noticed :3c

-the mod list is a tad sloppy. it's a bit repetitive and some of the mod names go over the volleyball. I'd use a rounded square shape instead, or a shape that's a bit easier to read.

-the spinner metre could be improved :) it's super cute, i love the chibis, but maybe making it a bit more fluent, having the metre not stop in between each character--in other words, having a singular picture that takes up the whole metre instead~

-the font could match better with the rest of the skin. try to find one that's more fitting. the black is hard to read, especially for someone who uses background dim :3c

-put the download link on a site like mediafire or MEGA, those two are better for hosting skins :)

im gunna be using this skin for the next couple days though :D looks great, super cute~~
Thank you for the great feedback!!! This fired me up tbh. I lost my mood of improving it from the other feedbacks, but this made me feel good again! Thank you so much~ 💖
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emmyanime wrote:

why comic sans tho
I'm really sorry if you don't like the font. I couldn't find some nice fonts that fits Haikyuu!! and I'm hoping for any suggestion.
Off-topic, but Teto will always be best c:
Kat Kuro
Just a suggestion I have, but it might be impossible since it's too time-consuming: How about you have separate skins for the different teams?

You can ignore this if you want, cause I know it's too much to ask for.
it tooks to me to the download but it looks like and i cant PUT IT LIKE A SKIN
I love the skin!!!!!! been looking for a Haikyuu skin for a while!!!

Kirina Akarin
but... this skin is not for pro gameplay tho, more like for fun
Interesting i think I’ll give it a try but I’m a catch player so yeah is this will be updated?
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