
Why did you leave me?

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So in this thread, everyone is a cheating whore and a widow at the same time.

Basically, you ask the person below you "why did you leave me?", and the person below answers with "I left you because..."


Ochinchi-sama: I left you cos you I don't date 50 year-old men.

Why did you leave me?

Boatshitposter: I left you because I am a shitposter faggot who doesn't deserve your love.

Why did you leave me?



Why did you leave me?

OT: You're too young for me.

Why did you leave me?
I'm never good at negative situations.

OT: You're too perfect for me.

Why did you leave me? ;w;
You get triggered too much, even Pomegranates trigger you

Aldred Ninaj pls
I left you because you ninja at the most unlikely times :(

Why did you leave me?
Cuz you change your name and it was very cute owo
Why did you leave me?
Because I'm a lolicon.

Why did you leave me?
Topic Starter
Because it's impossible for me to not rape you every time I look at your avatar.

Why did you leave me?
because you rape little girls, backstabber

why did you leave me?
Because you're a demonsa

Why did you leave me?
I thought about a world where I'd still be in a relationship with you, and I thought about a world where I'd be free, at the cost of some days with an elevated bullshit-rate coming from your direction. The latter somehow seemed more favorable to me, so I decided to go down that path. Now follow me on that path in your usual destructive manner, until you realize the futility of you doing so, leaving us both annoyed and tired.

why did you leave me?
... you think too deep.

why did you leave me?
the shallowness and superficiality of our relationship left me so intellectually crippled, that I tried to fill the wasteland, which was formerly a rich mental world, with fictive games of making out with other women. Thats when I realized that you had to go.

Why did you leave me?
Topic Starter
One day, whilst in a reflective mood, I thought to myself for the first time in a long while "Is this really for the best?" Because of my huge rise in status I started to think less of the feelings of others below me. It was only until I noticed your sad expression on your face when I found you praying to your deceased former-husband in your room. Seeing your face longing for true happiness - not a cold political marriage, I decided that it would be best for us to parted ways. I would remain rich and powerful but more considerate of others and you would go out into the world and search for that long lost feeling of love. I wish you the best of luck. Basically you got tossed away ya hoe

Why did you leave me?
because little did you know that someone with living on 1k a month would lead a happier life than you'd ever be able to. Blinded by status and the perspective on being respected by equally blindfolded status/money-whoring wannabe important people, you chose to spend your life working for this vague idea of what you call power.
Power isn't about controlling others with meaningless favors of monetary value, power is about being content, something that you can never achieve with your mindset. Non-internalized power is relying on your environment, being dependent while thinking that you really are in charge.
I don't entertain the thought of you becoming a rotten relict of consumerism, although I can see the poetry in your treasured belief destroying the essence of who you wanted to be all along: a powerful person.
On that note, goodbye

why did you leave me?
Topic Starter
I left you because of your naivety of a plebian which caused you to have warped illusions of what is important in life. "Power is about being content"? Don't make me laugh! Powerful people don't need to be content since they can get anything they want whenever they want. Power is about owning vast amounts of insignificant little fleas and bending them to your will. It was your narrow-minded foolishness which has led me to leaving you.

Why did you leave me?
see, at first you say you don't value people that are lower than you, then you contradict yourself by listing my supposed naivety as a reason for your leaving, implicitly hinting at the fact that you still care about peoples thoughts and feelings. Because what you want is not an army of plebeians, following every issued command. What you truly desire is someone who is on par with you, someone who makes you feel the humanity that you tossed away so carelessly, subscribing to a philosophy devoid of emotion and care.
I feel nothing but sorry for you.

Why did you leave me?
Because of tldr posts

Why did you leave me?
because you gave me uninteresting one-liners instead of giving me something of substance.
Avoid one-liners.

Why did you leave me?
Because I don't even know who you are.

Why did you leave me?
Because you deserve better than someone who cheated on you. :p

Why did you leave me?
because you are always cherry-picking.

why did you leave me?
Because you haven't been around the block for long enough.

Why did you leave me?

OT: Because you deserve better

Why did you leave me?
Because I can't give you what you need.

Why did you leave me?
After a few months of dating, I realised that you're not my type.

Why did you leave me? ;w;
Cuz its 3AM

Why did you leave me

Because there is no guide on dealing with you and I can't bother to myself.

Why did you leave me?
I leaved you cuz you can't just keep me... Cloth!

Y u leaved me?
Topic Starter
Because your English is good, but not good enough m80.

Why did you leave me?
Cuz i hate yaoi!

Y u leaved me?
because you kept doing the same mistake over and over again

why did you leave me?
Because you didn't see eye to eye with me.

Why did you leave me?
Cuz your photo is old as bible.
why did you leave me
cuz you're mad.

why did you leave me?
Cuz I didn't
Why did you leave me???
because youre too nice ;w;
why did you leave me?
Topic Starter
because your avatar gave my c0Ck a seizure

why did you leave me?
Daichi Shinku
Too much tr00l on one user.

Why do you wanna kill me...... I mean, why did you leave me?
Ace Timing
Because I'm a jew and I didn't make enough money off of you

Why did you leave me?
Cuz you look like you are going to kill me
Why do you leave me?
Because I can't settle with second best.'

Why did you leave me?
Because I don't know you.

Why did you leave me?
Our personalities don't mesh well.

Why did you leave me?
Because you have your eyes set on someone else.

Why did you leave me?
Critical Dude
Because you're just too good for me.

Why did you leave me?
Because I do not lean towards beardy women.

Why did you leave me?
Because we've become distant.

Why did you leave me?
Topic Starter
Because I'm way out of your league.

Why did you leave me?
because you're a perverted lolicon

why did you leave me?
Because we didn't communicate enough

Same q
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