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After 7 weeks, osu! Idol 1 has now come to its end. Before I release the final results I`d like to thank all those who have participated. Although only 1 person wins, you all are quite talented and I enjoyed listening to your entries every week :D. I`d also like to thank all the judges for all their work as well as giving me advice and helping me whenever I was in a pinch. Thanks again to dkun for the winner's prize : supporter tag for 6 months :)

Well that's enough talk (you probably all just scrolled down to the spoiler box anyways :P), and so, without further ado:

Everything osu! Idol 1 related

1. KoromoAmae - Turn The Page

  • Krisom: Flawless. Man, like, really flawless. 9/10 would listen again (and the 1 that would not is probably a weeabo)

    peppy: Great effort.

    Time to be overly critical. From a stylistic perspective, I really don't think the way you sing this song does it justice. I'd go as far as saying you are overusing opera-style vibrato where it isn't necessary. You also seem to be alternating between a "choir"-like voice and a pop/rock rough style. Especially noticeable on the (also overused imo) crescendos.

    Death_the_Kid: OOOO~ Static :o

    Powerdrone: You did a good job. You didn't quite dazzle me, but you did perform well.
2. Larto - Unbreakable

  • Krisom: Good. I noticed that you seem to run out of breath sometimes though. Voice is not as great as the other times :/, but you sang this very nicely, the performance is really entertaining as a whole.

    peppy: Uneven volume throughout the song. Loss of power on higher pitched sections. Timing is a bit off throughout. But yeah, lack of volume consistency made it quite painful to listen through this :|.

    Death_the_Kid: Sounds like you don't give a crap...can you go high?

    Powerdrone: This really didn't sound... well. :/ Didn't really enjoy this performance.
3. Sweagen- Bohemian Rhapsody

  • Krisom: Great, in every single way. Something killed you badly though, the part after the chorus and before the "won’t let you go". It's out of time and out of tone. That after it "Yeah!" was great, and the part after it is full of emotion, I'm surprised that you sang like that, at first I thought that it was someone else.

    peppy: Did you...miss the start? >_>
    Interesting choice in song. Nice vibrato and volume control.

    I understand this song isn't possible without multiple cuts, but I still believe that it's a bit lame to use multiple recordings, especially when it is very easy to tell where you cut it. That said, you still demonstrate excellent vocal control and variety, so I'm going to have to give this one to you. Great job.

    Death_the_Kid: Not the smartest song to sing :P Good job BTW

    Powerdrone: Poor mic quality unfortunately. However, I think this was the perfect song for your finale and you sang it wonderfully! Congratulations!


Round 3

Guest Judge this week: peppy

1.Larto - What you waiting for

  • Krisom: Soft voice, gets off tone a bit, though not THAT much. You did better in the low notes. Flow was really great, and I could understand the pronunciation up to the end :P
    Preformed with great enthusiasm and the voice was not plain during all the song, you made your voice fit perfectly for every "section", singing louder when needed or not, really great.
    Overall, I really enjoyed this performance.

    peppy: Tonal Quality: Pitch was mostly accurate. Volume changes were quite sudden at times, could do with some regulation. Good work on the "spoken" sections. Quite entertaining, though a bit disturbing.

    Death_the_Kid: You’re fun to listen to.

    Powerdrone: SO AWESOME! <3 This is what I was waiting for! ;)

2.KoromoAmae - Prism

  • Krisom: Up to this point, I noticed that you can't pronounce the "r" quite well =P. Well, the voice was great, never went off key and never ran out of breath, always on time and everything (and nice vibratos~). I still don't find the performance "great", I don't know why, maybe I can't feel anything through the singing? Lacks emotion imo. Also, the volume is the same during all the song.
    Overall, it's technically great, but somehow I don't feel anything.

    peppy: Please, do a bit of practice on your 'ra ri ru re ro' pronunciation. It should be somewhere between r and l, but closer to l if you can't get it. Signing style doesn't really match the original song that closely, but can't complain about it beyond the style. Great effort.

    Death_the_Kid: Nice voice, I like your style.

    Powerdrone: Really well done, although your voice sounds a little bit strained. I think that's the right word... otherwise good job!

3.Rukarioman - The Reason

  • Krisom: Woah, it goes really off tone at the low notes (which is, almost everywhere, considering that you sang this in a lower octave). You run out of breath when you hold notes :<. I'd put more enthusiasm on this, more emotions, everything seemed to be the same for me, I could not make a difference between the chorus and the rest of the song when listening to the vocals.
    Overall, well, I did not dislike it....

    peppy: Pitch control needs a lot of work.

    Death_the_Kid: You really need to annunciate, some words were not said correctly.

    Powerdrone: You can't hit any of the notes. Really, really bad... sorry :/

4.Sweagen - How to save a life

  • Krisom: Great voice, didn't go off tone at any single time. Also, great use of the volume, I could clearly tell the difference between the chorus and the rest of the song. You really had a great control of your voice for this one! Also, this made me want to sing, your performance was great!
    Overall, Great!!

    peppy: Good job. Pity about microphone quality. Might want to lower your volume a bit as to not hit peaks on the mic!

    Death_the_Kid: At some points your timing is off. But you have a nice voice.

    Powerdrone: The timing sounds off, and you breathed at the wrong times, most especially at the second chorus if I recall correctly. Not bad overall.

5.Mashley - Digital Love

  • Krisom: DAT recording quali- Oh wai, I'm not supposed to judge that =P
    Ok, voice was ok and I like how you do those high notes every now and then, but you don't control the volume of your voice when you sing them, so they stand out more than what they should :/. The performance was really plain though, nothing here to look at, just add more enthusiasm next time.
    Overall, it was fine.

    Good start, a bit weak in sections though. Not sure if you were singing an octave lower than the song, but some of those low notes seem painful! Could have done with a slightly longer recording, but good effort.

    Death_the_Kid: I got nothing to say. Nice work~

    Powerdrone: You didn't hit the opening notes. :( There were certainly better submissions this round. Impressive note holding though!~

Round 3 results

Top 3 move on, Thank you Mashley and Ruakarioman Ruka.

Rules for the final round

  • - Same rules from last time (refer to pms I sent you for the first round as well). Remember: Instrumental or Acapella only! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SING ALONG TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST (edit:or cover artists, lol DC) . You can always ask me for help to find/make an instrumental. If you need any audio help (for instance: help syncing vocals to a track), I strongly suggest you seek Ephemeral


    - Due date for your last submission is September 17th, 2010

    - Only 1 will win

    Round 2

    Feedback by Krisom and Powerdone respectively.

    1. Mashley - Word Up

    - Manly voice~.To be honest I have nothing to complain on this one. Good job
    - You were singing too low. When you sang higher it sounded better! Try to find something that's a little more in your range I suppose? Your range may be a little higher than you think it is.

    2. Teta - Modern Strange Cowboy

    - To be such a fast paced song, your voice stays behind in volume and "power". It was really hard for me to judge this because the instruments were much louder than you. I did notice that you can't reach higher notes without reducing the volume of your voice, and that you seem to lose your breath when you hold notes.
    - I couldn't hear your voice above the instrumentals. I'm not here to rank how good the quality of your background music, I'm here to listen to your singing.

    3. Azure_Kyte - You

    - You tripped at the start, when you had to wait you almost start singing :3~ Nice. I can’t suggest anything here either.
    - It was well done! I actually enjoyed listening to it! Keep up the good work!

    4. Sweagen - Don't Stop Believing

    - Sweet vocie, but you abuse of vibratos imo. Also, you start singing each verse a tiny bit late. Great volume control! Heh, you tripped too, singing a "don't stop" that wasn’t there :3~ After you reach that highest note for the first time, you lost your breath (but it was awesome )
    - Your timing was noticeably off, but I liked your style of singing for this song. However, you did also mess up on the lyrics as well. Practice makes perfect!

    5. Larto - Dead!

    - You made me want to sing, and no one has done that so far, good! You sing with an adequate volume and "power" for the whole song, but I'd like for the chorus to sound different than the rest of the song. Oh, nice touch at the end, but you should sing the "la la la laaaa la" more quiet imo.
    - I don't think this was a good song for you, honestly. You were singing it too low and weren't always hitting the notes you were supposed to hit.

    6. Jarby - Dinosaur

    - You were laughing all the time ._.? I had that impression. If you weren’t, then you need to control your breathing to make it more silent. Uhhh, you sing with the same emphasis for the whole song, I'd like for the "DI-NO-SA" to have more emphasis. About the voice, ehh, I dunno, your singing wasn't bad, but not great either.
    - Laughing while singing detracts from your performance. Try to keep a little more professionalism. Your singing didn't break my ears, so thank you very much for that! Could have been better, but not at all bad.

    7. rust45 - Silence

    - You don't reach the notes you are supposed to, and when you hold notes you usually go off-tone a bit.
    - I'm going to be honest here... You sounded as if you were purposefully trying to make a rather silly voice while singing.

    8. KoromoAmae - Romeo and Cinderella

    - Abuse of vibratos. The voice is ok though I'm not sure about the pronunciation.
    - I don't know if this was a good song choice for you, your voice doesn't quite fit so well with the instrumental. It is clear that you are a talented singer, so work hard for the next round!

    9. Rukarioman - Fireflies

    - I singed along :3~, great. You do go off tone a bit, specially when you hold some notes, just at the end. Everything else was ok.
    - Singing a pretty much completely auto-tuned song wasn't your best bet. You didn't hit the notes you were supposed to. Sorry. :/

    Round 2 Results

    Top 6 move on :)

    Thank you rust45, Jarby, and Teta for taking part in this competition

    Rules for round 3

    [list:532a0]- Same rules from last time (refer to pms I sent you for the first round as well). Remember: Instrumental or Acapella only! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SING ALONG TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST (edit:or cover artists, lol DC) . You can always ask me for help to find/make an instrumental. If you need any audio help (for instance: help syncing vocals to a track), I strongly suggest you seek Ephemeral


    - Due date for your third submission is September 3rd, 2010

    - Only 3 will move on to the last round ;)

    Round 1

    1. Teta - The Hero Without A Name

    2. Azure_Kyte - Diary of Jane

    3. Sweagen - Tabi no Tochū

    4. Ouranhshc - Coulorless colour

    5. Eeeee - Misery

    6. Mashley - United States of Eurasia

    7. Danny9513 - Heartless

    8. Xgor - Yellow submarine

    9. Rust45 - Somebody told me

    10. KoromoAmae - Cruel Angel's Thesis

    11. Rukarioman - Deja Vu

    12. Larto - Satellite

    13. Jarby - Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan

    14. Eee - Blame it on the girls

    15. Phyrearms - Aria di Mezzo Carattere


    Top 10 move on to the next round :).
    Danny, Eeeee, Ouran, Eee, and Xgor – thank you all so much for participating, I hope you had fun

    Rules for round 2

    [list:532a0]- Same rules from last time (refer to pms I sent you for the first round), but with one small change : Instrumental or Acapella only - YOU CAN NO LONGER SING ALONG TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST . You can always ask me for help to find/make an instrumental. If you need any audio help (for instance: help syncing vocals to a track), I strongly suggest you seek Ephemeral


    - Due date for your second submission is August 20th, 2010

    - Only 6 will move on to the third round ;)

I support, since this would let me harass everyone's ears with my singing! Go for it
Hell yes.

Haneii wrote:

where contestants sing popular songs played here on osu!
But then everyone will just sing K-on! and Bad Apple, with a bit of IOSYS. I do not support this. :(
Topic Starter

Shinde wrote:

But then everyone will just sing K-on! and Bad Apple, with a bit of IOSYS. I do not support this. :(
Note that nowhere does it say YOU MUST SING the most popular songs on osu! XD. (although I shall add "you can sing what ever you like" to the rules to avoid confusion. Thanks). Although contestants might have a better chance if they sing songs the osu! community likes :P. I don't know, its just a suggestion I'm throwing out there.

PS: I laughed at the thought of someone singing an IOSYS song, ie: Marisa stole the precious thing XD. I actually hope someone sings that :P.
who would want to subject themselves to their singing
Sign me up~
Topic Starter
:) yay 3 people registered so far!

I have a couple of questions for everyone:

- how do you feel about me putting all the mp3s to play in one video? (nothing fancy. most likely a black bg with your name in the centre when your song is playing). I could then upload it to youtube (unlisted- meaning it won't show up on youtube's listing and the only way to access it is to have the the direct link, which I shall post on the thread.) After the contest is over I shall take down the vids. This is just an alternative to posting each mp3 on the thread for download.

- should polls be refreshed every 2 days so people can vote more than once? :P

Haneii wrote:

contestants sing popular songs played here on osu!.
Yo, one time I sucked s-

Haneii wrote:

-Contestants can sing what ever they like, but I do ask that you refrain from choosing songs with alot of cussing/mature content.
Okay, I'll enter. PREPARE YOURSELF.

Haneii wrote:

- how do you feel about me putting all the mp3s to play in one video? (nothing fancy. most likely a black bg with your name in the centre when your song is playing). I could then upload it to youtube (unlisted- meaning it won't show up on youtube's listing and the only way to access it is to have the the direct link, which I shall post on the thread.) After the contest is over I shall take down the vids. This is just an alternative to posting each mp3 on the thread for download.
Seems like a good idea to organize it like that.

Haneii wrote:

- should polls be refreshed every 2 days so people can vote more than once?
No. Just no.
Topic Starter

JarJarJacob wrote:

Okay, I'll enter. PREPARE YOURSELF.

JarJarJacob wrote:

Haneii wrote:

- should polls be refreshed every 2 days so people can vote more than once?
No. Just no.
Lol okay :P
why the slot limit?

qlum wrote:

why the slot limit?

Signing up for Larto.
can I submit something I already sang ;>

if so sign me up so I can be lazy the first week
I'm kind of ...shy.
Topic Starter

qlum wrote:

why the slot limit?
At first there wasn't really a limit, but I'm not sure how long exactly I can be committed to this. It's only me organizing everything + It's the first time I'm ever doing something like this on a forum, so I guess I just want to start out small. I don't want to overwhelm myself with too much work. Furthermore, this is just for the rest of the summer. There will be 3 rounds before a winner is declared. I really want to stick to this schedule. Increasing the number of contestants means increasing the number of people who get eliminated every- I could do this but I'd rather not (unless someone comes up with a strong argument). More contestants also means more songs to listen to every week (for voters). I'm not sure how long people are willing to listen, but I don't want it to be too long. If this all goes well I don't mind having another season every couple months (although I'd probably get someone else to organize it since I'd want to compete :P).

edit: Increased number of slots to 21 due to amount of people who want to enter :P

edit: NO LIMIT :D

strager wrote:

Signing up for Larto.

Todesengal wrote:

can I submit something I already sang ;>

if so sign me up so I can be lazy the first week
I don't see why not XD. Go for it!

Sound wrote:

I'm kind of ...shy.
awww, its okay. You can still be involved in voting/support for your favourite singer :D

Haneii wrote:

awww, its okay. You can still be involved in voting/support for your favourite singer :D
actually screw it
I wanna do it!
it will be fun!

DiamondCrash wrote:

actually screw it

Sound wrote:

I'm kind of ...shy.

Sound wrote:

I'm kind of ...shy.
this^ but IM STILL DOING IT :P
DJ Angel
i will participate per now xD i will try to get some time, i mean, i got lots of time, but i want to sing alone x.x just me and my pc XD
Dude, count me in!!!
I just joined up for this site... can I be in the contest?? :lol:

I'm an okay singer but I'm still learning and finding out what the good songs on Osu! are...
Do you want people singing along with the track, or remove the original vocal line and replace it with their own?

If the former, I'm interested, if the latter, I'm still interested but someone will have to give me a tutorial on how to do it.
Topic Starter

Sweagen wrote:

I just joined up for this site... can I be in the contest?? :lol:

I'm an okay singer but I'm still learning and finding out what the good songs on Osu! are...
Of course you can participate. AND WELCOME TO OSU! :)
Topic Starter

KoromoAmae wrote:

Do you want people singing along with the track, or remove the original vocal line and replace it with their own?

If the former, I'm interested, if the latter, I'm still interested but someone will have to give me a tutorial on how to do it.
I'm allowing both. Sometimes its hard to find the instrumentals/karaoke so It's okay to sing along with the track (although I could help in making and instrumental/removing the vocals ). I'll be sending extra info, regarding questions that might arise when it comes to recording, to all the contestants in a couple days :)
Can I join too???
Topic Starter

Touko88 wrote:

Can I join too???
yes you can :D
How about me?
Topic Starter

Sound wrote:

How about me?
Did you want to join?

Sound wrote:

I'm kind of ...shy.
^^ I assumed you didn't :S. Do you want me to add you to the list?

Haneii wrote:

Sweagen wrote:

I just joined up for this site... can I be in the contest?? :lol:

I'm an okay singer but I'm still learning and finding out what the good songs on Osu! are...
Of course you can participate. AND WELCOME TO OSU! :)

Woohoo thank you so much :D
Firo Prochainezo
I want to join, but my microphone doesn't work and I'm too lazy to buy a new one. D:
if you only want 1 person left for the final week. you will have to have a multiple of 3 + 1

Haneii wrote:

Add list?
Yes because nobody is in the house atm.
Topic Starter

meronmyon wrote:

I want to join, but my microphone doesn't work and I'm too lazy to buy a new one. D:
:( But you can still be a part of this by voting every week :D

ouranhshc wrote:

if you only want 1 person left for the final week. you will have to have a multiple of 3 + 1
Oops. Thanks I forgot. I’ll change it to 21 22...and this,children, is what happens when you rely on calculators for eveything >_<

Sound wrote:

Yes because nobody is in the house atm.
XD. Okay I’ll add you :)

Haneii wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

if you only want 1 person left for the final week. you will have to have a multiple of 3 + 1
Oops. Thanks I forgot. I’ll change it to 21 :)
22 or 19 ... 21 is divisible by 3
There is, to my knowledge, only one song on osu! I can actually sing halfway decent. But I might do a second one depending on how drunk I feel when asked.

EDIT: oops sorry I forgot about Alestorm that stuff is golden too.

Double Edit: Also, one person left for the final week makes no sense. Your options are: 4 people left for the final week, and the bottom 3 are dropped, thus declaring the winner, or 3 people left, and the process is the same; whoever gets the most votes wins

If you want this to have any sort of balance you should pick a small handful of (hopefully unbiased within reason) people to judge, and these people should not be told who they are judging (ie they get the sound clip, they get the track info, but not who is submitting it). A popularity contest and a judged competition are at odds. Unlike NATIONALITY Idol the audience here is so limited that it takes little more than a submission by someone with a lot of contacts to go forward

on the other hand if this is all just a clever(ish) guise to coax people out of their shells to bust out them pipes, then bottoms up!
Can I be a judge?!? =D

I promise I'll be better than Blazevoir!
I think any judge you pick will be able to pick out mine and jarjar's voice easy :B
meow :3

also, i soo wanna hear tode sing :3
Topic Starter

awp wrote:

Also, one person left for the final week makes no sense. Your options are: 4 people left for the final week, and the bottom 3 are dropped, thus declaring the winner, or 3 people left, and the process is the same; whoever gets the most votes wins
You're right- as soon as we get a fixed number of people registered, I'll decide on the number of people that will be eliminated each week + number of rounds for the whole competition

awp wrote:

If you want this to have any sort of balance you should pick a small handful of (hopefully unbiased within reason) people to judge, and these people should not be told who they are judging (ie they get the sound clip, they get the track info, but not who is submitting it). A popularity contest and a judged competition are at odds. Unlike NATIONALITY Idol the audience here is so limited that it takes little more than a submission by someone with a lot of contacts to go forward
I really like this idea - this way I can make the number of people registering unlimited and the judges can decide who moves on for the first couple of weeks. Then when we get to the final...10-15?....I can open the polls and let the osu! community vote to keep their favourite in the competition.

Powerdrone311 wrote:

Can I be a judge?!? =D
Yes you may.
I’ll take on 2 more. ANYONE ELSE WANT TO BE A JUDGE?

edit: Krisom, DiamondCrash, Poweddrone311 and dtk shall be the 4 judges ( I can't judge since I'll be handling the sound clips and know who is who)
I'd like to be a judge, since I can't get a good microphone <_<
(and tode, I have never heard you neither JarJar sing, heck, I have not heard anyone sing from osu!)
I'll judge~
O_o I thought I already signed up to Judge.......
Yo dude, i think ur allright with the timezone... Just use yours ;-)
People have a week to vote, so that should be enough ^_^

hope it helped !
Topic Starter

Death_the_kid wrote:

O_o I thought I already signed up to Judge.......
Sorry you're right I did tell you if there would be judges you'd be one. Okay 4 judges it is then.


Danny9513 wrote:

Yo dude, i think ur allright with the timezone... Just use yours ;-)
People have a week to vote, so that should be enough ^_^

hope it helped !
Okay, thx
Cool but my voice is stupid , i sing like an kid

Hyguys123123132 wrote:

Cool but my voice is stupid , i sing like an kid
It's ok just sing
if anyone laffs at least you tried
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