
Tournament Mappool?

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Hi there, I'm going to be hosting a OSU! tournament in about a week and I got the task of doing it since I've played a little OSU! but I'm no where near being able to play competitively nor starting to look at what ranking I am and.I mostly played OSU! Mania but nevermind that. Anyways I am incharge of hosting the tournament which includes picking a mappool and I have no idea what maps are "standard" to have in a mappool.
The format is going to be BO5, players pick 2 maps each and there's 1 tiebreaker.

From what I've heard from the people playing in the tournament the maps should be about 4 - 5.5 star maps.
And the best player is about rank 10K.

So the questions/what I need some help with is.

I see alot of tournaments where there's no mod, free mod, hardcore, hidden, double time etc.
Would people mind if I just have no mod maps?
And if they wouldn't mind what maps do you guys recommend and how many of maps should there be?

What tiebreaker should map should I use?

P.S I'm sorry if it's the wrong section, and I appreciate any help I get.
Ham Solo
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