I was always curious about this since I started playing, there are so many Songs in osu, which are copyrighted and it just can't be legal, can it? o.o Well it has to be, because I don't think that osu would do anything illegal ^^ but then how does it work? I wanted to start beatmapping a bit, and at a very early point I asked myself "hmm, this song is copyrighted, what now?" and the osu terms of service say that no copyrgihted material is allowed. But there are so many approved beatmaps in osu, which are surely copyrighted. https://osu.ppy.sh/s/224299 This one for example, it's just a couple of years old, i'm pretty sure it has copyright, but it's a Ranked Beatmap, why? I just don't understand how osu acts with copyright, can someone explain? Would probably help me a lot, because i'd like to do an own beatmap, and i don't want to put work in it, and then it won't work anyway because the song is copyrighted.