
osu! : Last Man Standing!

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Banner by Axarious
Hello, and welcome to the first edition of osu! : Last Man Standing . This time, Nwolf and I will be taking the role of running the tournament. With our Taiko editions of the World Cup being a moderate success, we hope to bring fun for all of the standard players as well, new and old, with this iteration of osu! : LMS.

For those of you who are just joining us, let us explain what osu! : LMS is. It is a spin-off of the traditional osu! World Cup, with a twist! Rather than being team score versus team score, each team will fight to survive in a 3v3 environment. Each team selects a song and plays normally, but the player who scores the lowest is eliminated, think of it like dodgeball!

We’re very excited and optimistic to see our dreams being realised in the tournament we envisioned would be fun for the community and also ourselves. Every player, every country, beginner or expert, you are all invited! So with that said, we welcome you warmly and with open arms to the osu! : Last Man Standing !

List of Registered Teams

Suggest your maps here!



Statistics + Groups

Stream Here!



Tournament Staff:

Management and Organization: Backfire and Nwolf
Sub-Management (Helpers/Creators): Dainesl and Currently looking for more :)
Mappool Selection: Cherry Blossom and Priti
Mappool Testers: Lach
Referees: Niko-Nyan, Lost The Lights and all other staff.
Referee's Role
Creates the room with an appropriate Match title - LMS: (TeamBlue) vs (TeamRed)
Save the link to the multiplayer history.
Set the match to Team Vs mode.
Remain host during all maps and use the multiplayer chat to take each player's requests.
Post mp link in Statistics sheet or internal group
Streamers: LunaticP and Histoire
Commentators: Backfire, Nwolf and Other Guests!
Statistics: Compiled by the staff and Nwolf

Tournament Dates:

Registration Period: June 14th - July 4th (Will be extended if needed)
Tournament Start: July 12th
Tournament End: August 16th


First Place: 5 Months of Supporter and Profile Badges for the whole team
Second Place: 4 Months of Supporter for the whole team
Third Place: 3 Months of Support for the whole team
Currently, these are projected prizes. I cannot make promises on behalf of the tournament management, but I hope this is what will be given.

Signature Code:



Please read the rules carefully and thoroughly!
1. General Rules
1.1: The osu! World Cup - Last Man Standing (LMS) is a country-based 3v3 team tournament, with the aspects of knock-out rules, and double elimination bracket.

1.2: The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place.
  • 1.2.1: There will also be a Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime and FreeMod bracket, as well as a new feature, a Tiebreaker bracket with THREE harder and longer maps where you are allowed to each ban one if the match ends in a tie. The remaining map will be played.
  • 1.2.2: The FreeMod mechanic is further explained under 5.7.
1.3: Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management.

1.4: If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.

1.5: Use of the Visual Settings options are allowed.

1.6: If the tie breaker ends in a draw, the match will be played with another tiebreaker via the !roll system.

1.7: If a player disconnects, then they’re eliminated from the game.
  • 1.7.1: Unless the disconnected player has a screenshot with their final score, or the server saved their score before disconnection, so we can compare it to the others.
    1.7.2: The second exception is when the player is disconnected at the beginning of the game, before hitting any notes. In that case, there will be a rematch.

1.8: Maps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.

1.9: If less than 3 players attend, you are allowed to choose to play with your amount of players with the appropriate amount of lives that a 3 player team would normally have. You are only allowed to do this one time. Afterwards, you will have 10 minutes to get at least 3 players to play, if you cannot, you must forfeit that life and play handicapped.

1.10: Exchanging players during a match is allowed.
  • 1.10.1: You can not exchange with someone who’s already eliminated.

    1.10.2: You can only exchange one person per map.

    1.10.3: You can not exchange lives.
1.11: Lag is not a valid reason to nullify a map.

1.12: Unexpected incidents are handled by the tournament management.

1.13: Any modification of these rules will be announced.

1.14: Note that the players who get knocked out during a match is only gone temporarily, during the match. If their team advances, they can participate in the next match their team plays in.

2. Tournament Registration
2.1: Your team needs at least 3 players to participate.
  • 2.1.1: The maximum size of a team is 6 players.

    2.1.2: Bi-national teams and regional teams are allowed.

    2.1.3: Ask the Tournament Staff about these regional teams for verification.

    2.1.4: You must specify a captain who will represent a team.
2.2: The Tournament Team involved directly with the map pool may not participate as players in this tournament. This does not include referees, streamers and commentators.

2.3: The maximum amount of teams is 32.

2.4: For a team to sign up, the captain must PM one of the Tournament Management.

2.5: To ensure valid registrations, any registrations and changes will be checked.

2.6: All successfully registered teams will be published once they have been confirmed with the captains.
  • 2.6.1: Captains will get notified when their roster has been accepted or rejected.

    2.6.2: Upon rejection, one of the tournament staff members should explain the reason why your team has been declined.

3. Stage Instructions
3.1: In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.

  • 3.1.1: If less than 32 teams arrive, the grouping will be set up differently.
3.2: Each team from each group will face all the other teams once.

3.3: Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
  • 3.3.1: More Matches Won.
    3.3.2: Have higher {(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}.
    3.3.3: Most maps won.
    3.3.4: Winner of the rematch.
3.4: The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages. (depending on the grouping)

3.5: Following stages are Knock-Out Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets put into the loser brackets.

3.6: Winning condition: In all rounds, you need to knockout all players from the opponent team. The weakest player of every played map gets knocked out from the match (or lose a life). Team that loses all players - loses the match.
  • - From Group Stage, everyone has one life.
    - Starting in Round of 16 and ending in Quarter-Finals, the captain is allotted one extra life.
    - In Semi-Finals, the next player to receive an extra life is designated by the team.
    - In Finals, all three players are given an extra life.

4. Match Instructions
4.1: A referee (or tournament manager) will create a multiplayer room 20 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
  • 4.1.1: The room will be locked. The password and multiplayer invite will be sent to the two captains as soon as possible.
    4.1.2: Room settings are osu!, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "OWC:LMS 2015: TeamBlue vs TeamRed"
    4.1.3: The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
    4.1.4: Blue team must occupy slots 1, 2 and 3. Red team must occupy slots 4, 5 and 6.
    4.1.5: The setup at the start of the match must remain consistent throughout.
4.2: Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps.

4.3: Map selection will alternate between each captain selecting a map out of the map pool. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer to determine which team selects first. Highest score will mean first pick.
  • 4.3.1: The captains may select maps out of the NoMod and FreeMod bracket freely.
    4.3.2: Selection out of mod-specific brackets is limited. Each captain may only select one map from each mod-restricted bracket during the match.
4.4: In case when one player lasts in both teams, the tiebreaker map must be played.
  • 4.4.1: From Round of 16 onward, they need to both have one life left to play tiebreaker.
4.5: Results will be published via the Statistics site.

5. Mappool Instructions
5.1: There will be 1 map-pool for the Group Stage, 1 map-pool for Round 16, 1 map-pool for the Quarter-Finals, 1 map-pool for the Semi-Finals, 1 map-pool for the Winners Finals + Losers semi-finals and a special map-pool for the Losers GF and Winners Grand Final.

5.2: Each map-pool consists of 6 brackets: NoMod, Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime, FreeMod and Tiebreakers.

5.3: Each map-pool consists of 22 maps in total.

5.4: Each map-pool has three tiebreakers. These will be the hardest and longest maps of the current pool.
  • 5.4.1: The tiebreakers will be FreeMod.
    5.4.2: Each team will ban one tiebreaker, with the remaining one being played.
    5.4.3: Tiebreakers can be played without having mods activated. Mod-usage is optional.
    5.4.4: In the freak event of a tie on the tiebreaker, the players will use the !roll function to decide who gets to pick out of the banned 2 maps to play as the tiebreaker for the tiebreaker.
5.5: The NoMod bracket will be played with no mods activated.

5.6: The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective mods activated.

5.7: The FreeMod bracket will have FreeMod activated. Every individual player can pick Hidden, HardRock, both or no mod at all.
  • 5.7.1: When playing a FreeMod map, at least one player of each team must have one mode activated.
5.8: The size of the NoMod bracket will be 7 for all pools.

5.9: The size of the mod-specific brackets will be 3 for all pools.

5.10: No more than 3 maps of the same person per pool.

5.11: Unsubmitted (Non-BSS) maps are allowed in the pool, via uploading from permission of the creators.

5.12: The mappool will be released about 1 week in advance of the match.

6. Scheduling Instructions
6.1: Each stage will be held on a single weekend, unless in very special cases in which we can make exceptions.

6.2: Matches in Group Stage may overlap.

6.3: All Knock-Out Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday (refer to Tournament Schedule).

6.4: Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules and map-pools will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. The Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.

6.5: Captains are responsible for their teams’ availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match.

7.1: A big emphasis on the new feature in this tournament, we want everyone to be aware that there are THREE tiebreakers, and each team will be able to ban ONE. The remaining tiebreaker will be played.

7.2: This tournament WILL be using the Losers and Winners bracket system.

7.3: Due to this format, finals will be held on two seperate weekends, the first weekend deciding who plays in the Grand Finals on the next weekend.

7.4: Teams WILL NOT be able to ban individual maps other than the Tie Breakers.

7.5: Have Fun! :)

If there are any questions about the rules, please either post in this thread, or contact a Tournament Manager privately!

One More Thing!

There's going to be lots of fun stuff for all of the players to do this tournament!
First, we are going to try to include another place for players to find teammates again like in previous Last Man Standing tournaments.

Second, we will be doing live previews of the pools at the end of our streams, featuring an assortment of guest players!

Third, we will (try to) get interviews with the players after the game from the winning and losing teams to get their thoughts.

Finally, we will make sure to be 100% clear with all of the players. We will communicate with you! We're your friends, so don't be scared of us. :)
- K I R I T O -
Good Luck
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Something not exactly mentioned in the post

In case by case basis, I will accept teams. If I can tell your team is low rank, not serious, or something like this (Which I will observe with Nwolf), we may send you a letter saying that you cannot participate.

I hope this isn't disappointing to some, but this is an OWC-Level tournament, with the best of the best players participating. I want everyone to be able to have a chance, but know, some things can prevent you from participating.

I would like everyone to try to keep their country at least semi-monitored (I know you all don't know each other), and by that, I mean, try to keep it to singular teams only. B teams and mixed teams are allowed, when necessary. Again, this will be done on a case-by-case basis. I am warning you now so that you don't get too upset with me later.

Thank you so much for cooperating and I hope we have enough people to participate!

One more note :
If reaction and team-base is high enough, I will raise the team cap and perhaps do some tweaking for more teams in the elimination stage. Really however, this all depends on the amount of teams we get. I hope you understand :)
the player who scores the lowest is eliminated, think of it like dodgeball!
sounds fun :D but if its OWC niveau then i might not be able to participate :/
will watch it thought
sounds awesome, great idea!
Sounds fun xD
Spread the word!
Cool thing! Ukami's and Acrith's osu!LMS didn't finish unfortunately but I hope this goes well :D
Ayyy, seems awesome o3o
so it is basically owc ( in terms of Teams ) but with LMS? so, there might be as an example only a single french team? and it applies for every one except bi-national teams i guess right?
I am a bit confused D:
Am I allowed to join with my current rank? One more thing, are multi-regional teams allowed?
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Yes Musty, basically, this is OWC with LMS rules. As I posted earlier, it would be better for most peoplw to contact their country mates and make one solid team. If this cannot be avoided, I will take care of it anyways.

If I do reject your team for whatever reason, you will be able to revise your team accordingly or sign up again at a later date. I will do what is right by the players and what will ultimately make people more satisfied, but I cant make any promises at the moment.

We at the LMS Staff have only worked with a smaller community thus far, so please be patient, as we realize standards community is much bigger, and thus, needs to be more carefully organized.
Alright I'd like to register: team #arsecr- ....

wait a second....

Is there going to be any databases with every team that has signed up or is it going to be lols surprise?
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Heinzen wrote:

Is there going to be any databases with every team that has signed up or is it going to be lols surprise?
We will make a spreadsheet with the registered teams once we get around 10 submissions.

jesus1412 wrote:

Alright I'd like to register: team #arsecr- ....

wait a second....

Sorry jesse, we are going to take Wolfie to our team this time. :(
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I've gone ahead and put the registered and accepted teams up. If you were not accepted, I will contact you so I can either confirm some things or discuss eligibility with you.

You can find them here ... U1EF3jOSw0
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I'd like to make an announcement.

Kyshiro and Asphyxia both had to drop out for personal reasons, that's fine

We have gotten two other map pickers, and maybe you know them!

Cherry Blossom and Priti!
Cherry Blossom 8-)
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3 More Teams and WWW to Poland has been added to the roster.

I hope this brings out some of the other big countries too, we already have a lot of great players participating!

Edit - And now France, Austria + Australia, and Hungary have joined too !
Cherry Blossom and I started working on the map pool, All I can say is that you guys & gals should start polishing your play since we are not going to go easy on you.
Can macedonia and Sweden fuse?

Or is that not allowed? I wanna play with MetoA <3
*poof* how bakafire add me as a referee again omfg :> welcome to osu! LMS :) we need more referee until now to make the 1st round is well
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IVo one wrote:

Can macedonia and Sweden fuse?

Or is that not allowed? I wanna play with MetoA <3
Yeah, they can. Macedonia is quite a small country, although sweden is not, I can allow for something like this because Macedonia is so small. You should probably speak to your top 10 in sweden, however, if they would like to participate before, or if they would like MetoA as well.

Thank you :)
Group Stage pool is done, All I can say is that you guys better start warming up now since this won't be easy.
Joe Castle
em... Hi. i want to be on the last man tournament, i want to be in the venezuela team, but im not very active. what i need to do?
spreadsheet: change indonesia >> singapore

good luck to all :D
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Constantine wrote:

spreadsheet: change indonesia >> singapore

good luck to all :D
tfw flags...
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Seems there is some confusion. To register message ANY of the main staff, Me or Nwolf, on the osu! FORUMS. If you must, find us in game, but please, do not get discouraged if you can't find us in game. Just send it to our messages on the forum.

to register, again, if you are confused, just use this format.

Captain :
Player 2 :
Player 3 :
Player 4 :
Player 5 :
Player 6 :
Time Zone : (this part is optional)

Please do not hesitate to sign up, we are close to hitting 32 (there is currently 25), I hope most of you aren't procrastinating but it's fine if you are! I hope to make the tournament a success, so as many teams that sign up will help us reach that goal.
is there something new? as the registrations deadline passed?
Are you delaying the deadline?
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Hello guys!
I'm here to give the mappack of the group stage mappools!
here the mappacks
Fix pls. (Russia B)

you didn't see anything ;w;

For those that want a pic of groups in forums and not on google:

Good luck to all teams!
Y'all bout to be crushed by the might of Singapore

_Miiro wrote:

Y'all bout to be crushed by the might of Singapore
Pls no

_Miiro wrote:

Y'all bout to be crushed by the might of Singapore
I really dislike this mappool except a few maps. It's also a little bit too easy to be put in a tournament like this one imo :P
That's the point. Some maps are easy so you can just easily fuck up and loose.

aritaharu wrote:

this is standard.

but after the group stage, the difficulties will be increase again
will argentinian players get links?

also there is no user with "froth" nickname
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I am working very hard, and some things take a little time to get done. The argentinian's will have links later, the reason they aren't there is because the registration was done in-game and links to profiles need to be done manually/by hand
stream link?
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Hello, the stream link is here

We are doing our best to prepare, and I still need extra help for streamers. If ANYONE is interested in helping PLEASE PM ME. We currently only have one streamer who might not be able to broadcast all day, so some matches may not be shown. This is the group stage, so surely this won't matter so much since lots of matches wont be streamed regardless. During play-offs, however, an effort will be made to stream every match. Thanks for understanding.
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Here with more bad news!
1) Australia vs. Singapore is cancelled due to problems on Australia's end, so Singapore is the default winner.
2) osu! Staff still has not contacted me back for the osu!tourney access, so it is entirely possible that they will not even see it till the weekend. I guess it's my fault for not finalising my staff sooner but, I have a lot of issues to tend to and honestly I thought they'd respond quicker. If you'd like to help, pm Loctav or e-mail the tournament staff to help me get this noticed ASAP. We have streamers but no client.

Actually it seems we will be able to have a make-shift stream (sorry ;_; it'll just be play by play commentary and the multiplayer screen! hope that isn't a problem)
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