
modified the spinner - still the old one

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sup guys, i have a skin and i am trying to implement the cookiezi spinner, however when i copy paste the spinner-xxx files, i still get the old one in my skin. my skin is quite minimalistic and doesn't have every object what you would see in a normal skin. for those who want to exactly know it: /watch?v=qtzq3xzPsbk . thats the skin i added quite a few things from WWW packs and other packs and all worked fine, however i did not touch the spinner. sorry if this has already been asnwered, i didnt find anything... thanks for help. if you need more information, ask plz
Have you checked your skin version? Whether your skin is Version 1 or Version 2 has an impact on how your skin displays spinners. Try switching versions.
Version of the skin.ini must be 2 or above or Latest if you want the new spinner style. Here's the example from below given:

Version: 2

To make it work, delete the list that is given below:
  1. spinner-background
  2. spinner-meter
Then add this one below:
  1. spinner-bottom
  2. spinner-middle
  3. spinner-middle2
  4. spinner-above
  5. spinner-glow
NOTE: You don't need to delete spinner-circle since it can't be use for new spinner style (required complete set), except Taiko Mode
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i dont have:

i mean, its not in that kamui cookiezi skin from where i need it.
and that Version: 2, should i add that in my skin.ini under [General] or where?

Max5 wrote:

i dont have:

i mean, its not in that kamui cookiezi skin from where i need it.
and that Version: 2, should i add that in my skin.ini under [General] or where?
you need them. and that must be in [General]
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lit120 wrote:

Max5 wrote:

i dont have:

i mean, its not in that kamui cookiezi skin from where i need it.
and that Version: 2, should i add that in my skin.ini under [General] or where?
you need them. and that must be in [General]
i dont know where i can find them... even in a new skin i just downloaded there arent these things...
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