
3-finger tapping

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Would it be considered cheating if I would bind my left mouse button to my keyboard, allowing me to use three fingers on my tapping hand?
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well shit.

blahpy wrote:

what? where does it say that...

Railey2 wrote:

blahpy wrote:

what? where does it say that...
I would suggest you stop trolling people that want something constructive here, and go back to your FG for that.

Keep the cancer isolated, please.

OP - it's not cheating, go on.
Afaik left mousekey is blocked while the left keyboard-key is held down and vice versa.
That would kill any attempt to stream with 3 fingers or make it harder than 2 fingers at least.
drum drum
moved to gameplay & rankings
You could try I doubt it will help you tho
I suppose you could. I know people used to use tap+key with tablets back when I started to try and be faster. Don't see how that is any different than what you are asking. A mouse button is a button after all, just in a different spot. Nobody of note has replays of them beating maps made possible by 3 unique keystrokes, so I guess there isn't much controversy to an unproven technique.

Endaris wrote:

Afaik left mousekey is blocked while the left keyboard-key is held down and vice versa.
That would kill any attempt to stream with 3 fingers or make it harder than 2 fingers at least.
More precisely, you can't use K1/K2 and M1/M2 at the same time, basically rendering your attempt at 3 fingers tapping useless.
What you could do however is 4 fingers tapping, alternating with something like K1 > K2 > M1 > M2, which does work.
I don't recall anyone maining that playstyle, but I've seen Spro(sive) doing that in some of their older replays on stacked streams (This map comes to mind, unfortunately it was a nomod score and it went outside the top50 over time, I didn't think about saving it either.)
EDIT: hey gooey long time no see you in here
I use m1m2 and k1k2. Just do it but know it'll probably fail hard
It could be considered macroing and therefore against the rules, but even if you did this, it wouldn't help you much (It'd probably make you worse if anything), and you wouldn't get caught I'm sure.
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Well, if you never try, you never know.

I'll report back with results.
I'm more interested in how you would stream with three fingers.
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Alright, so here's the verdict:

It could theoretically work. If you're using for instance 1, 2 and 3 on the numpad, you can bind the left mouse button to 1 using third-party software, K1 to 3 and K2 to 2. It registers all keys if you use a 'bouncing' pattern like 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3..., but only if you make sure that you keep actually lifting your fingers; you can not hold down 1 and 3 at the same time or it won't work. You can stream at very high speeds if you keep it consistent though.

The real problem is that it's a very awkward playstyle, even for someone who mostly alternates (like me). You would seriously have to put in a lot of effort to learn this, and I doubt the payoff would be worth it in the end. You could try going for a hybrid style where you mainly single tap with your index finger on 3 and only switch to three-finger tapping at streams, or maybe alternate between 2 and 3 instead of single tapping... Either way, it would be extremely confusing in the beginning. Also, because you cannot have 1 and 3 held down at the same time it puts a lot of stress on your fingers, maybe even more than double-tapping streams at higher speeds.

Regardless, I'm going to master the three-finger-bouncing playstyle because I have no direction in life. Also because people will then know me as 'that one guy that will never be good at osu! because he refuses to just learn how to stream lol'.
I suppose it could make triple-spaced notes such as on Tengoku to Jigoku (Mercurius's Another) easier to do.
I am sure you will find lifting up your finger on time difficult for harder songs
If it was a good way to play people would already be doing it.

And no decent players do it.
E m i
happy 1000th post

[ Momiji ] wrote:

happy 1000th post
Gratz Box
Thnx this is a very proud day :')
I wonder if 3-finger tapping might be helpful for maps using 1/3 and 1/6 rhythms. I'm thinking of Dopamine.
E m i

monstrata wrote:

I wonder if 3-finger tapping might be helpful for maps using 1/3 and 1/6 rhythms. I'm thinking of Dopamine.
helpful in making the tapping more complex? divisibility is irrelevant, and the example map you provided doesn't require tapping speed beyond that achievable normally. (for instant 270-340bpm streaming, just temporarily switch to tap/x 8-) )

monstrata wrote:

I wonder if 3-finger tapping might be helpful for maps using 1/3 and 1/6 rhythms. I'm thinking of Dopamine.
Eh, that's an interesting idea.
I can see where you coming from with this, but I don't think it would make things easier. Having to properly coordinate 3 fingers will always be harder than 2.
3-finger tapping needs more coordination and less speed than 2-finger tapping, similar to the relation between 7k and 4k mania
3 finger like this I guess


neonat wrote:

3 finger like this I guess

Nah that's Salochin style.
Using 3 fingers on one hand would be too excessive to be honest, you most likely won't be using the 3rd, if you can even do it in the first place, I don't know
The closest thing to a 3 fingee play style that I have seen someone used is single taps with middle finger binded to K1 and index finger and ring finger for streams binded to K1 and K2 respectively.

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

middle finger binded to K1 and index finger and ring finger for streams binded to K1 and K2 respectively.

bigfeh wrote:

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

middle finger binded to K1 and index finger and ring finger for streams binded to K1 and K2 respectively.
Same thing

Aurani wrote:

I would suggest you stop trolling people that want something constructive here, and go back to your FG for that.

Keep the cancer isolated, please.

OP - it's not cheating, go on.
Are you serious? My reply was serious. It's not allowed.

blahpy wrote:

Aurani wrote:

I would suggest you stop trolling people that want something constructive here, and go back to your FG for that.

Keep the cancer isolated, please.

OP - it's not cheating, go on.
Are you serious? My reply was serious. It's not allowed.
Says who?

blahpy wrote:

Are you serious? My reply was serious. It's not allowed.

Tripletth wrote:

Would it be considered cheating if I would bind my left mouse button to my keyboard, allowing me to use three fingers on my tapping hand?
This is perfectly allowed if you wish to do so. It won't give you any advantage anyway, because you can't press M1/K1 // M2/K2 at the same time. The only way of using this properly would be going Index > Middle > Ring > Middle > Index, etc etc. Much like how you'd do stairs in mania. Have fun doing that while still moving a cursor accurately though.

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Says who?
says him
if he says it, it MUST be correct, even without a citation.
It is allowed, OP.
Anyways, I don't really recommend using 3 buttons except in certain situations (e.g. triplets) because most rhythms are divided into groups of 2 and 4, making streaming awkward. Plus, I don't know about you, but using 3 fingers is really inconsistent for rhythms, at least for me

Friendan wrote:

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Says who?
says him
if he says it, it MUST be correct, even without a citation.
It is allowed, OP.
Changing the gamma for easier flashlight plays wasn't allowed either, and neither was using double monitors to make bullshit scores on taiko

It may not be enforced, but it's definitely looked down upon.

buny wrote:

Changing the gamma for easier flashlight plays wasn't allowed either, and neither was using double monitors to make bullshit scores on taiko

It may not be enforced, but it's definitely looked down upon.
There is a line between "dishonest" and "illegal". Using double monitors is hardly even dishonest, let alone illegal - changing gamma could be frowned upon but that would be really about it.

That, and even if changing gamma were illegal, how unenforceable do you get?
how does changing gamma affect gameplay, considering that the screen is blacked out, rather than dimmed? And how would dual monitors help on taiko? like co-op?
E m i
affects the semi-blacked out transition outline of the visible area
Ok so I looked up some threads where I thought I'd seen staff say it was cheating, but I couldn't find them, so perhaps I did remember wrong and it hasn't been explicitly stated as being disallowed, but the vast majority of people who I've seen respond to such threads consider it unfair.

As with what buny said I'd place this in the same basket as using 2 monitors for taiko FL / using super high gamma to reduce/remove the dim when clicking with flashlight (although the second of those has been outright said as not allowed by staff so it's a bit different, no idea about the first one)

Anyway, the inability to click with both Mi + Ki at the same time is obviously programmed in to try and prevent this type of behaviour and it'll mess with you a lot if you tried it I'm sure...
Unless peppy himself says its a cheat it is probably not a cheat. Quit pulling assumptions out of your buttcheeks people.

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Unless peppy himself says its a cheat it is probably not a cheat. Quit pulling assumptions out of your buttcheeks people.
Trying to find loopholes to get away with dishonest play is like the most disgusting way to play the game though, why can't you just play properly? Despite only assuming some things that would hopefully be obvious to the majority of people I suppose there's always going to be someone too dense to understand that no matter what

Also I really doubt that peppy is gonna read this subforum

blahpy wrote:

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Unless peppy himself says its a cheat it is probably not a cheat. Quit pulling assumptions out of your buttcheeks people.
Trying to find loopholes to get away with dishonest play is like the most disgusting way to play the game though, why can't you just play properly? Despite only assuming some things that would hopefully be obvious to the majority of people I suppose there's always going to be someone too dense to understand that no matter what

Also I really doubt that peppy is gonna read this subforum
Someone link him pls.

Friendan wrote:

how does changing gamma affect gameplay, considering that the screen is blacked out, rather than dimmed? And how would dual monitors help on taiko? like co-op?
You'd see the notes coming from farther away. Not sure if that makes any sense because I don't play taiko and it shouldn't exist

edit: as I mentioned, there is a line (albeit sometimes thin) between immoral and illegal. This should always be noted when talking about should/shouldn't/must/mustn't, etc.

bigfeh wrote:

buny wrote:

Changing the gamma for easier flashlight plays wasn't allowed either, and neither was using double monitors to make bullshit scores on taiko

It may not be enforced, but it's definitely looked down upon.
There is a line between "dishonest" and "illegal". Using double monitors is hardly even dishonest, let alone illegal - changing gamma could be frowned upon but that would be really about it.

That, and even if changing gamma were illegal, how unenforceable do you get?
The line is only there because there was no way to prove who was actually legitimate

I don't particularly remember when, but there was an update where peppy changed the flashlight mod to show basically "fuck you" messages around the sight if you had anything higher than normal gamma. These have since been removed, though.

Friendan wrote:

how does changing gamma affect gameplay, considering that the screen is blacked out, rather than dimmed? And how would dual monitors help on taiko? like co-op?
Never tried the gamma trick for FL as I never played FL, but I'm sure it was something to do with increasing the entire vision in general (i.e. the outsides of the sight are just dimmed, so increasing gamma should give you a clearer sight)

Flashlight + HR on taiko means you pretty much have to remember the beatmap, having dual monitors means you can just look at one while making a FL + HR play

buny wrote:

Flashlight + HR on taiko means you pretty much have to remember the beatmap, having dual monitors means you can just look at one while making a FL + HR play
Hey this is actually really interesting

Is it because FL will leave a larger lit area?
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