
Sakuya Izayoi v1.1

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Tags: Sakuya Izayoi Touhou Maid Knifes

Izayoi Sakuya skin v1.1

- Added selections options ,
- Added 2 lifebars to download,
- Changed count 3,2,1,
- Changed ranking panel,
- Changed playfield,
- Corrected size of mods - Auto,Flashlight,Spun Out,

Download link :
Izayoi Sakuya v1.1 Dropbox

Izayoi Sakuya v1.1 mediafire

YES I know the roman numbers sux at 10 up, but there is no option to make 10 - X 11 - XI etc
Only what I was able to do is make larger spacing betwen them T.T
Well only sometimes maps have combo higher than 10 so I don't want change this. T.T

Download: Hitcircle numbers.rar

Download: Lifebar - PocketWatch.rar
Download: Lifebar - Knifes.rar

Video preview :

Firo Prochainezo
Don't worry about it, two Sakuya's skins are fine too.
oh,nice :3
I think both of you should combine efforts in the skin and make it one awesome one!
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Harris73 wrote:

I think both of you should combine efforts in the skin and make it one awesome one!
Emm... no.
That is meronmyon's first skin. I really want to see what he can make in the future, because I see some potential in his skin. ^^
Firo Prochainezo

MLGnom wrote:

Emm... no.
That is meronmyon's first skin. I really want to see what she can make in the future, because I see some potential in her skin. ^^
Fixed. ^^

Thank you very much MLGnom, I really appreciate your compliment.
sweet ~~

i'm always enjoys your skin anyway
I'm very impressed. You've got a great sakuya skin right there ;)

Hopy you find a nice fitting HP bar ^^
So... many.... knifes O_O

It's awesome xD
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Gabi wrote:

Hopy you find a nice fitting HP bar ^^
NEED some rest! and maybe after I will make it ;p

Dragvon wrote:

So... many.... knifes O_O
Watch your back, because you can be stabed if you say something wrong about her. D:

And thanks for positive comments :3
Nakata Yuji
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Yes it's ok for me. :3
awesome, that goes one for my favorite Touhou character, Now all I need is Tewi when it appears. :)

MLGnom wrote:

Gabi wrote:

Hopy you find a nice fitting HP bar ^^
NEED some rest! and maybe after I will make it ;p

Dragvon wrote:

So... many.... knifes O_O
Watch your back, because you can be stabed if you say something wrong about her. D:

And thanks for positive comments :3
like saying she has PA-.....

nice skin
but it needs a rampaging sakuya somewhere

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oddysea682 wrote:

nice skin
but it needs a rampaging sakuya somewhere

Emm... this is good idea. But I don't think it fits to the skin style. xD
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(Err... double post sorry T.T)

Update 1.1 ^.^
you have to make a reisen skin please ^^
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Gabi wrote:

you have to make a reisen skin please ^^
As you wish.
Poor Miko need to wait for a while. ;3
  • v 1.0 or higher OK!
    Feedback in topic OK!
    Enough information about the skin OK!
Added to Compendium~
yeah, there has to be

MLGnom wrote:

oddysea682 wrote:

nice skin
but it needs a rampaging sakuya somewhere

Emm... this is good idea. But I don't think it fits to the skin style. xD
Then make a rampaging sakuya skin. then it would fit. :)
Love your skin. Maybe the knife health bar needs a bit fixing. As in making the animation slower if possible. And some extra tip for the preview. Make sure you show the mods section as well.

ps : can't wait for the remilia skin.
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Crimson_SoulZ wrote:

Love your skin. Maybe the knife health bar needs a bit fixing. As in making the animation slower if possible. And some extra tip for the preview. Make sure you show the mods section as well.

ps : can't wait for the remilia skin.
Hm... In nearest future I'm going to make a major update for Sakuya and Shana skins.
Yeah I know the lifebar is a little fast... actually it have 33 frames >.> (slower = more frames). I will try to do something with it.

Ah right... thanks.
Next time I will show mods in the video preview (Always showing them on the screenshots). ^^'
And I will try to finish Remilia skin as soon as possible.
cool skin

Maybe you can use her as Fruit-Ryuuta on Catch the Beat.
Thank you for sharing!!
Aww.....i luv this skin....AND IT'S FIRST POSTED ON MY BIRTHDAY (27th June)?
Thank you! For the AWSUM SKIN!!
Thanks ! i use it to make my own :D

-Maath457 wrote:

Thanks ! i use it to make my own :D
How about asking for permission at first place?
This is one of my favorite skins <3
Dat Scorebar XD
Mama Marcy
See for me its coming up with .osk, not rar. help >w< :o

KonataIzumichan wrote:

See for me its coming up with .osk, not rar. help >w< :o
.osk is a osu! skin file. all you need to do is double click it, and osu! will import the skin :)
oh well maybe i must quote first post again like other doing ;)
This skin is honestly perfect
How cute
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