Hello everyone! I'm rfandomization (or just Arf) of the osu! Community Tournament. Today, we finished the Grand Finals of our first OCT for rank 100k players, which means the poll for the entry rank of this tournament concluded today. As a community, you voted for a rank 10k-50k tournament, so, we are here to deliver! After many, many !join commands on the Twitch channel during OCT I, and quite a few comments asking "Where do I sign up?", we have finalized the signup pages for OCT II. Information on the signups is below, but first, some clarification on the format for OCT II, to avoid confusion.
OCT II is a 1v1 tournament, not a team tournament! We have randomized our picks for the players who signed up, and you can check for your name here! If you need to inquire about time zones, drop out, or just have general questions, you may send a PM to Ascendance, Ecliptus, or Raphalge.
After lots of input, matchups are being randomized again. We're checking and editing all matchups as fast as we can, but it is possible you will have to compete against players ranked a little higher than you might like

I. Maps will be played in a 1 vs. 1 format. Each player can ban 2 maps from the pool. Maps will increase in difficulty as the tournament progresses.
II. All maps will be given a week in advance. No other maps can be chosen during the tournament (excludes warmup picks)
III. Maps must be played with the directed mods.
IV. Any disconnect will result in a forfeit of the map being played, unless the disconnect can be proven to be a Bancho error, providing a timestamp and the bancho error message on the osu! client.
V. Players will use !roll to decide who picks the first map from the pool.
VI. Maps cannot be repeated during the same match. The loser of the !roll will be the chooser of the Warmup map.
VII. Warmup map can be any map on the osu! website, provided it is less than 4 minutes. (Ranked or unranked beatmaps may be selected. The warmup map is Freemod with Double Time being selectable - it is up to the player who picks the warmup whether or not to force Double Time)
VIII. If a player is late to their game, they will have 5 minutes before the win is handed to the other player.
IX. Winner of the !roll will ban one map, then loser bans two. The winner then bans the last map. (Please have a shortlist of at least four potential bans in case your opponent bans something you were going to ban)
X. Only one mod pick from each pool may be selected (not including the freemod Tiebreaker) [So no more than one HD/DT pick per player for the match. This may be increased in later rounds.]
Registration Period: OVER
Tournament Begins: May 30th
Our matches will take place on weekends (that is, Saturday and Sunday), and around 1500 UTC. If that time is inconvenient for you for whatever reason, don't let that stop you signing up! If you are accepted into the tournament, we will do our level best to incorporate your schedule with ours, and to accommodate your timing. That said, do try your best to keep your schedule clear if you can. Inform us beforehand if you absolutely cannot. We have things we can do

Another friendly reminder that we WILL notify you if you are in the tournament, and if you're still not sure, check here!
Scarlet Faith [Insane]
Calamity Fortune [SCV's Lunatic]
No Money Down, Low Monthly Payments [Insane]
City Streets [Asphyxia's Insane]
Anchor (Noisestorm Remix) [Asphyxia's Insane]
Clumsy thoughts [Insane]
Three Magic [Collab]
Story [Our Story]
Soshite Kyou mo Koumakan no Tobira wa Hiraku [Sallad's Lunatic]
Kamui [dksslqj Style]
Gypsy Tronic [Insane]
Akatsuki no Suiheisen ni [Catharsis]
Tidal Wave (feat. Alpines) [Collab Insane]
Sabamiso! [Sabamiso!]
Challonge Link for Brackets
Official Stream!
Youtube ----> A MASSIVE thanks to Shinenite for this!
Tournament Host: Ascendance
Streamers: Ben, Ecliptus and Trosk-
Commentators: rfandomization, ThreeLF, swtk, Couchsitter, Warpyc, Ben, and Ecliptus
Map Selectors: Mainly Couchsitter, torappu, -Mo-, Angusman, WORSTPOLACKEU, Warpyc, and Ascendance. But everyone chips in a little.
Map Testers: ALL OF US
Video Management: The one and only Shinenite, with some help from ThatDudeGamer
Design Team: Shoko84, Ambition, and ICantSpell - our master artistes
Miscellaneous Work: Raphalge, rfandomization, and ThreeLF
Player Verification: Raphalge, rfandomization, Ecliptus, Shoko84, and ThreeLF. This is not a job for the faint of heart!
Scheduling: Raphalge, Warpyc, Ascendance, rfandomization, and lots of input from the whole staff - this is difficult work =P. Players have an impact on this too!
If you have questions that aren't answered by this thread or our Reddit posts, contact Ascendance, Ecliptus, or Raphalge.
And lastly,
A HUGE thank you to you! Yes, you! The community made this possible, and you are a part of it. We do our best to deliver, and we hope you enjoy the stream!
A HUGE thank you to you! Yes, you! The community made this possible, and you are a part of it. We do our best to deliver, and we hope you enjoy the stream!