
New to the forums, (1st Year of Osu)

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Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to the forums. Even though it says i created this account like 9 months ago, i've really only been trying/playing this game out for about 5 months with the occasional breaks and I'm hooked to this game :D! However my irl friends won't play with me ;-;. Anyways, thanks for seeing this :D!

P.S. I'm going to the University of California Irvine for college and I was wondering if there are any players who go to Irvine. I want to make friends XD

Here are stuff about me I guess:

18 years old
I like to draw, Play games, do sports, watch anime, etc.
Planning to double major with one being art the other computer science and minor in Graphics Design
I also use a tablet because i draw :P
and um... idk what else to say XD
Hey Aeigus,
Welcome to the forums
Hello and welcome to the forums~
Welcome welcome.......
Welcome to the forums.
I hope you find an irl friend to play with :)
I have a couple of them but they're really snobbish and claims that they can do Big Black @ rank 50k just because they play offline mode all the time. (Sounds plain false to me)
hope you got a gay friends :D
Welcome to the forums Aeigus
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Haha Thanks guys! :D
I respect a player that can progress quickly like yourself ^_^

You need to improve dat acc though :c
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Mahoganytooth wrote:

I respect a player that can progress quickly like yourself ^_^

You need to improve dat acc though :c
Thanks! Yeah I do need to improve acc! However I'm not really taking it seriously. I'm just having fun XD. I've probably been playing for about 4 1/2 total months in game. I also took like 2, 2 month breaks XD
Or you can have fun while taking it seriously like me :D

The only breaks I've ever taken since first playing the game 8 months ago have been because of sickness and GTA V.

(I'd be much higher rank now if I had gotten tablet earlier x_x

Only like 5 months of tablet play and actual rank gainings)

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Or you can have fun while taking it seriously like me :D

The only breaks I've ever taken since first really playing the game 5 months ago are none

(I'd be much higher rank now if I had gotten tablet earlier x_x

Only like 5 months of tablet play and actual rank gainings)
Welcome to osu!'s community, Aeigus-san~
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Thanks Everyone :D
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