The recent 2 maps I notified/qualified was dequalified due to "quality issues", however this quality issue is equivocal and never been specified generally. I raise this topic in ordered to help BNs to check the maps in a more careful and efficient way, which leads to the reduction of future disqualification and modding work.
Question: What should BN check when determining whether a map is quality-guaranteed?
Possible answer:
1. distance snap. the distance of adjacent note should be visually consistent, that is, streams, or consequent 1/2 (1/1) notes should follow a consistent distance, unless it's aesthetically intended. Snapping with large grid should be avoided, as they often make stream notes space inconsistent.
2. blanketing. if the mapper intends to blanket notes, then they must make the blanket neat.
3. flow. the map should have a good flow, and should avoid inconsistent spacing in jumps when not confident.
4. neatness. the adjacent notes should not be overlapped randomly, and should be placed with a neat spacing to make them readable.
I feel there's much space of improvement to go. Please help to make the spread better, and also will give a brief guide to mappers.
Edit: I'll try to collect the ideas below. Hope other moderators can help me doing this.
Question: What should BN check when determining whether a map is quality-guaranteed?
Possible answer:
1. distance snap. the distance of adjacent note should be visually consistent, that is, streams, or consequent 1/2 (1/1) notes should follow a consistent distance, unless it's aesthetically intended. Snapping with large grid should be avoided, as they often make stream notes space inconsistent.
2. blanketing. if the mapper intends to blanket notes, then they must make the blanket neat.
3. flow. the map should have a good flow, and should avoid inconsistent spacing in jumps when not confident.
4. neatness. the adjacent notes should not be overlapped randomly, and should be placed with a neat spacing to make them readable.
I feel there's much space of improvement to go. Please help to make the spread better, and also will give a brief guide to mappers.
Edit: I'll try to collect the ideas below. Hope other moderators can help me doing this.
Sieg wrote:
1. care about playability from a target audience view
2. care about reasoning (how mapping reflects the song)
3. do not justify questionable spots
4. do not force mappers to change anything also remember that you are not obligated to nominate every map you mod
5. ask others if you are not sure
Cherry Blossom wrote:
Rhythm : There are some basic things like making the strongest note on the song played by a circle or a sliderhead to give a better impression etc. Or being consistent with rhythm, I mean, for example, when there is a song with vocals, the mapper follows the instruments, not the vocals. And a section later, he follows vocals only, not the instrument, when you can hear the same thing, i mean, when the song is the same. And many confusing things like this.
Aka wrote:
reasonable spacing changes
(most of time better to stick to ~one spacing. track goes more intense - increase it track goes more calm - decrease it)
reasonable sv changes
(avoid short and sudden sv changes, it must be reasonable. most of time something like sudden 1.0 -> 0.5 for a short ~aaa~ in lyrics is compeletely "ew" which causes sliderbreaks, awkward feeling, flow breaks)
sukiNathan wrote:
Correlation with the music: Spacing, flow, and patterns should be constructed to accurately represent the intensity/melody of a song. Accentuated beats would be complimented with a momentum change or an increase in spacing. Weaker sections of a song might be less harsh in movement and lower in spacing.
-Bakari- wrote:
- Is everything in this map reasonable and does it all make sense with the music? (this includes hitsounds, jumps, hitobjects, storyboarding and skinning)
- Does the map feel good to target players? (You can test it yourself, but I suggest getting a few more testplayers whenever you feel unsure)
- Is everything fine from the technical side? (Metadata, SB, Skinning)