Here's a little autohotkey script, which inputs a search string for a bpm range in song-select.
It's useful if you want to train on songs from a higher bpm range every day, just like ninjas used to jump over a tree, growing higher each day.
By default:
- ctrl-b searches for a range normally (eg.: "bpm<200 bpm>194 ")
- ctrl-d searches for a 1.5x lower range, to be used with doubletime
- ctrl-s searches for a 2x lower range, for slow songs, mapped with 1/4 jumps and 1/8 streams
Key bindings and the bpm range are settable in the script.
It's useful if you want to train on songs from a higher bpm range every day, just like ninjas used to jump over a tree, growing higher each day.
By default:
- ctrl-b searches for a range normally (eg.: "bpm<200 bpm>194 ")
- ctrl-d searches for a 1.5x lower range, to be used with doubletime
- ctrl-s searches for a 2x lower range, for slow songs, mapped with 1/4 jumps and 1/8 streams
Key bindings and the bpm range are settable in the script.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; set the lower endpoint of the bpm range
bpmLow = 194
; set the length of the range
bpmDiff = 5
bpmHigh := bpmLow + bpmDiff + 1
bpmDtLow := Floor(bpmLow / 3 * 2)
bpmDtHigh := Floor(bpmHigh / 3 * 2) + 1
bpmSlowLow := Floor(bpmLow / 2)
bpmSlowHigh := Floor(bpmHigh / 2) + 1
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
#IfWinActive osu!(beta)?$
Send, bpm<%bpmHigh% bpm>%bpmLow%{Space}
Send, bpm<%bpmDtHigh% bpm>%bpmDtLow%{Space}
Send, bpm<%bpmSlowHigh% bpm>%bpmSlowLow%{Space}