
Suara - Musouka (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 24 giugno 2010 at 20:04:40

Artist: Suara
Title: Musouka (TV Size)
Source: Utawarerumono
Tags: Anime ignorethis xxheroxx climbb65588 Mystearica
BPM: 134
Filesize: 12146kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Climbb's Taiko (4,83 stars, 406 notes)
  2. ignore's Hard (4,9 stars, 180 notes)
  3. Insane (4,97 stars, 244 notes)
  4. Tear's Normal (4,29 stars, 150 notes)
  5. xxheroxx's Easy (1,58 stars, 68 notes)
Download: Suara - Musouka (TV Size)
Download: Suara - Musouka (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Another TV Size from a nice anime :3

Easy - Finished by xxheroxx.
Normal - Finished by Mystearica.
Hard - Finished by ignorethis.
Insane - Finished by osuplayer111.
Taiko Difficulty - Finished by climbb65588.
Yuji Tokaji
nice map and song

checked again and again but
133.994 from start , 134.000 // 16405.

I will re-encode from my CD and check it again at tomorrow night.


oops my bad, was really sleepy yesterday and wrote wrong bpm like 139 orz

Checked soundtrack and it shows 133.80 / 134.00 bpm

As far as I know , only official source which include four sword sound is TV and DVD/BD and SACD.
It shows 133.994 / 134.000 and 11 ms shorter than this.

Download: musouka.mp3

Download: musoukaTVsoundtrack.mp3

+ Irc modding~

La skin fa proprio schifo, non provare ad aggiungerla.
star :D
good song
I love this song, and these diffs are awesome >.<

i'm just gonna point out some suggestions, i really wanted to map this song haha

Offset is off, idk what you guys are planning to do with the mp3 (encoded in 224kbit/s wtf!?) so i'm not gonna try to time it right now, if you need help finding a new mp3 i could help you.

[Climbs taiko]
i don't know much about taiko, but even i could tell that a lot of these patterns don't really make sense. Ah well, i would suggest getting a pro taiko player to mod the map ;)

[Ignore's Hard]
00:28:036 (3) - personally i feel like this slow slider isn't really needed, but i guess it plays alright. i would suggest changing it to 1x bpm though.
00:35:871 (4,5) - change this into a return slider?

General: The normal-hitnormal hitsounds in this diff sounds a little off in some places because you don't have a steady rythm with it. IMO it would sound better if you just used clap hitsounds instead since you have a consistent rythm with that. If you really want to keep them, then i would like to suggest some more places to use them. You can poke me in IRC about it x)

00:04:976 (9,10) - the clap sounds alright, but i would advice you to remove them because (read comment below :P)
00:08:558 (9,10) - these doesn't really fit. I would remove the claps, and remove 00:08:558 (9) - and just make 00:08:782 (10) - a new combo. (if you do this remember to fix spacing and fix the mod before this one so it syncs better)
00:26:021 (1) - maybe remove new combo here and put it 00:27:140 (4) - here instead
00:28:036 (6) - Like ignores diff, imo this could do without the 0.5x slider speed.
00:35:424 (8) - pretty soft section, maybe make the jump smaller, as in pressing ctrl+j?
00:35:871 (1,2,3) - if you do the mod above^, how about rotating these 90 degrees anti clockwise and then center the (1) so the notes go downwards instead of to the left ^^

There are some more combo color mods i would like to mod, but i would rather ask you about them in IRC

Hard and Insane are great >.<!!!!!
Topic Starter
Thanks so much Gabi for modding, updated <3

EDIT: Omg xxheroxx thanks for the kd stars :3

Download: Suara - Musouka (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [xxheroxx's Easy].osu


ignore's ~Combo colours~

Combo1 : 255,255,183
Combo2 : 124,149,211
Combo3 : 160,54,54


osuplayer111's ~Combo colours~

Combo1 : 66,137,255
Combo2 : 128,255,255
Combo3 : 255,213,64

My sounds + background +hard normal diff :D


Download: my

Oh forgot to say good job on your Insane :)
Topic Starter
All updated. Thanks guys <3
Woooo...‼ Moood~

  1. 01:00:722 (4,5) - Those are not similar.
  1. 00:27:140 (7) - New Combo
  2. 00:33:633 (8) - ^
  3. 00:41:021 (8) - ^
  1. 00:34:304 (1) - Move New Combo to (7)
  1. 00:42:812 (4,5) - Make them closer on 2 grids? (1 from left | 1 from right )

Flawless ;-;

Hi xp

[xxheroxx's Easy]
00:46:842 (1) - Allign better?
00:54:006 (3) - Fix spacing.Unsnapped.
Some other aren't snapped,but I think they're fit.

[ignore's Hard]
00:09:230 (1) - Fix spacing here.

01:04:304 (6) - Allign better?
01:07:215 (2) - Allign better.

Others are fine.Nice map,star~

These are suggestions, you don't have to change anything.

[Tear's Normal]

00:26:468 (6) - New combo please, I think since the combo are too long~
00:33:633 (8) - ^
00:40:797 (7) - ^
01:20:648 (1) - move to 01:20:871 - ? After it rotates, it's not easy to do by this difficulty when it's immediate.

[ignore's Hard]

00:16:394 - Perhaps,add circle? and finish

A Very Fun map <3
Cyril Scarlet
MOE ! ! ! !
Mod4mod now :)


00:54:006 (3) - ( Grid level 3 ) move 1 grid right?


00:18:409 (5) - ( Grid level 3 ) move 1 grid up?
00:53:558 (4) - ( Grid level 3 ) move 1 grid right?
01:00:722 (3) - ( Grid level 2 ) move 2 grid left and 1 grid down?


01:13:260 (3) - lap over note 01:11:692 (5) ?


00:23:558 (1) - ( Grid level 3 ) move 4 grid right and 1 grid up?

That's all, but ...... Why did I heard some strange clap sound at [Insane] ......?
Well map :D

And my map that I want you to mod here > <
Thanks :D
Topic Starter
Thanks all of you guys for modding & stars ~

I got +10ms to offset
IGN didn`t eggpain this time
this is my request
** I'm not good as moder but I 'll try my best
* sorry if my mod is poor. let 's go

It 's only my suggestion.

[xxheroxx 's Easy]

00:23:110 - add note with clap here ?
00:52:215 - can u make this hit sounds a bit louder.

nothing much to fix. ;)

Tear's normal

approaching of circle seem to slow for this diff i suggest you + 3 overall difficult to 6/10
00:24:230 (2) - make 1/2 slider here delete old one
00:24:677 - delete note here
00:24:901 - make note here + clap
00:25:125 - make note here
00:27:812 (3) - delete here make 1/2 slider instead
00:28:260 (4) - delete
00:28:483 - add note
00:28:707 - add note
00:34:752 (3) - make return
00:35:424 (4) - move to 00:35:648 and don't for got about hit sounds
01:05:871 (8) - can u make this symmetrical ( use max grid lv )
01:07:663 (3) - There are a lot of slider like this can change to catmull slider ? imo i think it's more prettier
01:18:185 - add note ?
01:26:021 (6) - can u make this hit sounds loud a bit ?

Climbb's Taiko

i don't have any knowledge for moding a Taiko sorry. :?

Ignore 's hard

** if i told hitsound to be add .it's only that time ( head center or tails) not all of slider

00:04:976 - add clap ?
00:05:200 - clap insted of whistle ?
00:08:558 - add clap ?
00:08:782 - clap insted of whistle ?
00:11:916 (9) - clap ?
00:14:379 - add finished ?
00:12:364 (1) - you can new combo here it's better than 00:12:812 (3) - Imo
00:23:110 - add note with clap sound ?
01:05:312 - add note ?
01:16:842 (7) - may be new combo here not 01:17:289 (1) -
01:22:215 - add note ?

* hmm you can use hitsounds like insane diff are better. i think it's to quite for this diff ( try to use some clap )


** if i told hitsound to be add. it's only that time ( head center or tails) not all of slider

00:15:498 - i think u can use clap instead of whistle here.
00:16:394 (5) - can u make only this note 's hit sound loud a bit ? may be +10 or 20 percent
00:23:110 - addnote with clap ?
00:35:424 (8) - delete slider here and and note at 00:35:648 instead ( with clap )
01:11:916 (4) - you can change this to 1/2 slider

*** verywell hitsounds are great music also . star

here 's my map thank you very much! :lol:
No to everything above, my rhythm fits in perfectly and the sounds are fine as they are, you just have to trust me.

Please don't change my map other than alignment. Rhythm/hitsounds are staying as is.

Actually I would suggest you listen to the drums and my notes, they follow 100%. Adding/removing them would be very odd, and the claps are okay :)

OH right, I don't follow vocals, I prefer following instruments/drums more than vocals now. Sometimes I do a mix of both though, but that happens more in Insane difficulties, this was a pure drum score. That help?

Keep getting more modding experience though, make more maps too.
Yes Sir! :o

regenz wrote:

Yes Sir Ma'am! :o
C'è un problema con l'.osb in quanto durante le mappe si sente il clap duplicato. Si sarà creato qualche casino, fixalo.

Hai usato il classico clap invece di quello nella cartella, non so se è stato fatto volutamente. Ad ogni modo, se è un errore, fixalo.
00:48:867 (2,3) - 2 grids up?

00:08:792 (1) - New combo?
00:09:240 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:12:374 (11) - New combo?
00:12:822 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:16:404 (9) - New combo?
00:25:583 (7) - ^
00:30:061 (7) - ^
00:32:747 (5) - ^
00:37:225 (6) - ^

The notes are unsnapped.
01:07:225 (2) - 1 grid right?



Mod4Mod : Flow - Sign (TV Size)
You mean some are not grid snapped? Those are intentional for more round slider curves.

Last I checked my notes were all snapped properly.
What the... LOL so many pretty purple stars.
I quickly looked over your map and really didn't find much to comment on.
So here, have a star

raise stacking wil be better imo O.O

Tear's Normal

01:23:120 (5) - move farther ?

hard to mod D:

:) :) this is my request
Probably new combo at abovementioned 5 is better, don't want to do a jump on 6 so I'd say new combo.

regenz wrote:

approaching of circle seem to slow for this diff i suggest you + 3 overall difficult to 6/10
other is pretty fine...
It's a Normal.

Hard Rock? ._. I'm not using 6 OD on a Normal ~_~

Mystearica wrote:

It's a Normal.

Hard Rock? ._. I'm not using 6 OD on a Normal ~_~
Use 5 at least.

[CBB"s taiko diff]
Really nice.
0:50:334 (1,2,3,s) I don't know if it works... but delete the (2,3) and extend the spinner?

0:09:464 (3) suggestion: down 1 grid?
1:09:240 (x) Add a clap like 0:54:464...?
1:13:717 (3) Right 1 grid?

[ign's diff]

[Tear's normal]
Excellent rhythm and sounding!!!!!!!



wmfchris wrote:


[CBB"s taiko diff]
Really nice.
0:50:334 (1,2,3,s) I don't know if it works... but delete the (2,3) and extend the spinner?

0:09:464 (3) suggestion: down 1 grid?
1:09:240 (x) Add a clap like 0:54:464...?
1:13:717 (3) Right 1 grid?

[ign's diff]

[Tear's normal]
Excellent rhythm and sounding!!!!!!!

Fixed my diff

Download: Suara - Musouka (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Climbb's Taiko].osu
Star~ :)
Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't have to be fixed.
Orange: Should be fixed.
Red: Have to be fixed.


[xxheroxx's Easy]

[Tear's Normal]
  1. 01:23:120 (1) - I would remove new combo here, then it will be the same like here 00:19:314 (6) (no new combo)
[Climbb's Taiko]
  1. Sounds a lot better if You make hitsounds louder. That's my opinion.
  2. Maybe remove video from the background, cause half of screen doen't look cool when playing.
[ignore's Hard]
  1. 00:28:046 (4) - Maybe curve this little slower guy, so it can be more predictible.

Just pure awesome map.
If You can look at mine plz <3 Therion - The Crowning of Atlantis
;) Hello,all the following words are just suggestions.

[xxheroxx's Easy]
00:48:643 (1) - maybe short this spinner to 00:51:553 and add a note at 00:52:225?
( Since in easy,maybe too approaching to 00:52:673 (1) )
01:22:673 (2) - 1 grid right

[Tear's Normal]
00:17:971 - Add a note here?
00:41:926 (2) - Move this note like this? Original placement seems too hard for a Normal
And there are some other placements I think too hard for a Normal,but may have more fun? lol

[ignore's Hard]
00:30:061 (8,9,10) - How about map like this? I think it's more fit the rhythm.

00:08:792 (1) - remove whistle and use clap here? (according to your previous hitsound)

These are all I can mod...since I'm a noob xD
Nice song,nice map~ star~

Thanks :D
Topic Starter
Thanks all of you guys <3

All should be fine and updated now!
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
If my mod was helpful, feed me with kudosu.
^ Traducitelo da solo.
Questo è un mod4mod, mi piacerebbe se potessi moddare questa:
I post per le guest saranno in inglese.

Rimuovi Anime dalle Tags, è già il genere della mappa. (Possibile che ti si debba dire SEMPRE?)

Check all difficulty spacing.
00:03:195 (3) - 1/2 before.
00:03:643 (4) - Add a hitcircle.
00:15:061 (1) - Spacing.

00:25:583 (7) - New Combo.
00:26:702 (1) - Little spacing issue.
00:43:493 (7) - New Combo.
Topic Starter

tmokb93 wrote:

Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
If my mod was helpful, feed me with kudosu.
^ Traducitelo da solo.
Questo è un mod4mod, mi piacerebbe se potessi moddare questa:
I post per le guest saranno in inglese.

Rimuovi Anime dalle Tags, è già il genere della mappa. (Possibile che ti si debba dire SEMPRE?)

Check all difficulty spacing.
00:03:195 (3) - 1/2 before.
00:03:643 (4) - Add a hitcircle.
00:15:061 (1) - Spacing.

00:25:583 (7) - New Combo.
00:26:702 (1) - Little spacing issue.
00:43:493 (7) - New Combo.
Anime nelle tags lo metto e lo metterò sempre, devi farci l'abitudine.

Comunque non voglio cambiare proprio niente... E ricordati prima di postare di chiedere se puoi fare il mod4mod -.-"

Questa volta sarò clemente, solo questa volta però.

I'm going to say again that I don't want any changes to my rhythm or sounds. I thought the spacing was ok since aimod gave me no errors, why does spacing keep popping up as an issue? I'm confused what's going on here.

also lol :D
Sorry for delay~


First, I think you used to many 1/4 beats in the beginning. ( 00:02:076 - 00:16:404 )
I highly suggest remapping that with less 1/4 beats and more 1/2 beats.

00:25:359 - Remove finish.
00:40:471 - Make this note a Don
00:40:583 - Move this note to: 00:40:695. (If you confused it should look like this: kkkd dk)
00:57:710 - Make this note a Katsu
00:58:381 - ^
01:06:441 - Remove this time signature, it's not needed.
01:06:553 - ^
01:25:135 - Add finisher.

Otherwise, I really like how you mapped the chorus.
Giving this a KD star because I enjoy the osu! maps as well, and this is just an amazing song.

MittenMasterzz wrote:

Sorry for delay~


First, I think you used to many 1/4 beats in the beginning. ( 00:02:076 - 00:16:404 )
I highly suggest remapping that with less 1/4 beats and more 1/2 beats.

00:25:359 - Remove finish.
00:40:471 - Make this note a Don
00:40:583 - Move this note to: 00:40:695. (If you confused it should look like this: kkkd dk)
00:57:710 - Make this note a Katsu
00:58:381 - ^
01:06:441 - Remove this time signature, it's not needed.
01:06:553 - ^
01:25:135 - Add finisher.

Otherwise, I really like how you mapped the chorus.
Giving this a KD star because I enjoy the osu! maps as well, and this is just an amazing song.
Fixed, thank you MittenMasterzz :3

Download: Suara - Musouka (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Climbb's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
Updated, thanks for checking MittenMasterzz!
Nice! taiko :3~
00:49:986 (4) - remove finish from start of slider
01:13:717 (2) - finish at start of slider

others are fine! :D
good job guys.
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

00:49:986 (4) - remove finish from start of slider
01:13:717 (2) - finish at start of slider

others are fine! :D
good job guys.
Thank you for modding ykcarrot, updated ~
  1. Not a fan of non-stacked-beats-that-are-supposed-to-be-stacked. You could try stacking them manually... it's not that hard. ;p
00:02:076 (1,2,3) - Doesn't follow the music much as far as I see. ?_?

  1. Isn't hitsound volume supposed to be at 100% on Taiko difficulties?
01:20:881 - Shouldn't Kiai end here? Would be better for me. It's understandable in the other difficulties.

Yeah, those are the things I'm concerned about.

Also, you guys are crazy.
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