
Endless method to get undownloadable maps back

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The rules are simple. With every coming post, add a step to the endless method, no matter how impossible. The steps can be inside or outside of osu!, and be inside other video games as well. We also allow steps that are impossible to do in real life. Basically, you can do anything you want here, as long as the text is second-person.

Person 1: Get an SS on The Big Black with all mods. Then...
Person 2: Start up a game of Bejeweled Twist, enter Classic mode and progress to level 3. Then save and quit, open up a hex editor, and edit your Classic save so that Ice Gems, a gem not accessible in normal gameplay, are on the board. Return to Bejeweled Twist, go back into your (now edited) save and match an ice gem. When the gem disappears, time will freeze around you. Let's go make use of this.
Person 3: Go outside, go next door and bring up a disturbing painting in someone's face. Keep holding it in front of that person's face.
Person 4: Time will unfreeze, and the person will faint from being disturbed. Then...

...and so on and so forth...

You can start. I have no idea on what to start with.
Step 1: Fire up the ol' girl (your pc). Then...

Am I doing it right?
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ElliottB1 up osu!.

Then, immerse yourself in the wild game of Minesweeper. After you've completed the game...
Jing Yuan
Quickly code gamefaqs, once completed...
eat 73 pineapple pizzas. Once you've managed this...
Watch every single cute gif to ever exist

Laugh your ass off at a random funny photobomb.

Once your diaphragmatic has calmed down a little...
You need to travel all the way to Japan and find the special underground anime club in which you will find countless anime posters. Behind one of them lies a key to...
Cookiezi's house, you open the door and...
You cook and serve Cookiezi dinner, after that...
You must FC Centipede with DT and HR, then...
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...if you fail to do so, FC You Just Activated My Trap Card on DTHR.
Afterwards, close the game of Minesweeper that had been running in the background since step 3. Then...
Listen to this and close it as fast as you can after you've finished. Once done...
Open up Minesweeper again for another wild game. Afterwards...
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...start a new game, leave the game idle for an hour, predict the location of a mine and click on one. Because of the time it took, the explosion will be so powerful, it will actually do damage to the window. The explosion will spread to your browser window and set a random tab on fire. When the fire goes away, the phrase "pet riot" will be burnt onto the tab. Figure out what it means and then...
google the meaning, click on the first result, Then..
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ElliottB1 on as your computer gets hit by barrages of viruses because you went to a website that you never visited before. After it bluescreens twice...
the bluescreen will turn into a green screen. Take a picture of yourself infront of the green screen. Edit the picture and change the green screen to a picture of kanye west. Sell the picture to a nearby satanic cult, and you will recieve...
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ElliottB1 impossible space consisting of a rectangular pillar with a door on the front. Open the door and you'll end up in a very, very big room with yet another impossible door leading into a big room. That room is actually a machine that, when using a touchscreen to touch your favorite species of creature, turns you into that creature. If you turn into a sea creature, an orb of water will appear around you, allowing you to swim freely without dehydrating. Time to use this to your advantage.
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