aho無誤AngelHoney wrote:
thanks =w=
(tags里怎麼有aho... 快去掉啦:<
Normal 1 : jameskong1NatsumeRin wrote:
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.
謝啦NR!NatsumeRin wrote:
[Amethyst Wolf]
00:26:707 (5,1) - spacing? 有意的說
01:58:630 (3,4) - 啊哈哈, 佐祐理不清楚
02:35:553 (4) - 和之前1结尾没叠上,而且这一段的slider可以再讲究点好的, 我究了
太长了.下次直接不干. 幸好我做圖都懶的做得長
辛苦了 OrzNatsumeRin wrote:
[CBB and Vikon's Hard]还没加音效呢啊...我不接WIP的.下次注意,主要是听着不舒服 CBB太多債了,已通知
01:38:822 (4) - 右一格 ^
02:26:130 (2) - 右拉一格 ^
02:40:553 (1) - 这些spinner后面1/2就加note的我保留意见. 這diff是Hard的話,沒大問題吧?
03:16:706 (6,7) - 自重 囧,這其實是snapping 問題., 改好了
Thx for modding~ignorethis wrote:
Why does the BG say BPM 162 XDBeethoven is tricky
<CBB and Vikon's hard>
Increase overall please (6 or 7 looks better)OA+1, I mean 6 now
Better add name SB indicating the mappers.Looking for SBer 囧
03:03:630 (4,5,6) - These 0.5s don't feel well imo.fixed
03:15:937 (4,6,8) - ^fixed
ThxArmin wrote:
CBB and Vikon's hard <- I love this
Starred, I hope this will ranked soon
[General]osb => yes, will be deleted.
*Unnecessary .osb in folder.
*Why is "Beethoven" in the tags? It's already in the title =I
*Is "Full ver." really needed?
*It irks me that the difficulty names aren't consistent. Some have what type of diff they are (e.g., "Hard"), while others don't. =x
[Taiko]kiai for all diffs => yes will change
00:37:476 - perhaps stat kiai on the downbeat (here) instead?
00:49:783 - and end here? (unless this is authentic TnT?)
*Over 1000 combo?
*Expected the diff to go longer, but phew it's crazy >x<
03:34:206 (1,1,1) - didn't expect this (was this the only stream in the whole diff?) Could you space these just a bit closer together?Refer to distance snap it's ok...
*Such a quiet diff.. ):
Szabir wrote:
Hey man, I think Amethyst Wolf should be AR9.5
It really so much better
wmfchris wrote:
Szabir wrote:
Hey man, I think Amethyst Wolf should be AR9.5
It really so much better
You know this is a 2010 map right? AR8 might be acceptable while 9.5 is probably not even modern standard