
Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) [Osu|Taiko]

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00:27:668(4) - new combo
00:34:976 (x , 1 ) - 改為00:25:745(2)一樣?
01:11:322 (4) - new combo
01:17:091 (6) - new combo
01:20:553 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - add finish?
01:29:783 (4) - new combo
01:32:091 (spinner , 1 ) - 我覺得它們太近, 而且聽起來用slider 比用 spinner 較好
01:35:937 (2) - add finish
01:36:707 (3,4,5) whistle?
01:37:091 (5) - 1 grid down
01:39:014 (1) - finish?
01:57:476 (1,2,3,.........) - change to fit the music ,like :

02:00:553 (6,7) - 這真的是easy? Del 這2個notes
02:04:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7....) - spacing..這是個正六角形嗎?
02:06:322 (7) - change to note , start slider(new combo) at 02:06:707 , 在02:07:476回頭 , 02:08:245 完結
02:08:822 - move it to 02:08:630
02:09:014 - just bad feeling
02:20:553 (1,2) 應該成一直線?
02:22:091 (1,2) ^
02:46:707 (5) - new combo
02:49:783 (1) - finish..
02:55:937 (5) - new combo
03:01:707 (2) - del , add note at 03:02:091
03:34:399(spinner) - 我認為直接讓spinner在此完結就好了

1) 有一堆note放得太近spinner了,這是easy,不要折磨新手吧 囧:
01:19:014 (1,1) ,01:32:091 (1,1) ,02:01:322 (1,1) ,02:09:783 (1,1) ,02:23:630 (1,1) , 02:35:937 (1,1) ,02:58:245 (1,1) ,03:05:553 (1,1) ,03:18:630 (1,1) ,
還有 03:32:476 (1,1) - 這個太離譜了-_-
2) 00:15:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) clap下得有點古怪,聽落唔係好好,或者用最簡單的落法吧:
每2條白線,加一個clap, e.g. 把clap加在00:16:322 (3,5) 和 (6)的尾.... 如此類推 (但看來是你之前唔識在slider加hitsound)
過左第一段之後又冇hitsound,試試用最簡單落法,同埋係一段ge完結果個note, 加finish吧
3) 作為easy, 其實不應該有1/4 notes, e.g. 00:55:360 (5,6) , 00:58:245 (2,3,4) 等
01:29:783 (4,5) 個人的意見是, 又唔係要擺特別形狀,呢度咁多位,或者唔好放咁接近條邊
01:39:399 (2) 個人意見是: 不太好看的slider 囧
02:09:014 (9) ^
02:47:476 (6) 被 (5) 遮住了,不好看
03:13:630 (3,4,5) easy的話不要重疊得這麼混淆吧,或移開它們~?
:) :) (難度名就這個吧 寫啥都覺得不怎麼合適@.@

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [AngelHoney].osu
Topic Starter
thanks and all fixed and this is my 1000th POST!!!!!

star :D
pokie sister 8-)
star +1 :lol:
Cool Song ~
Look forward to play the ranked version ~
star~ >w</

hmm an advice during I play XD
[Amethyst Wolf]
01:58:630 (3,4) - spacing too small 0.0 ...hmm if you don't want change this spacing then (4) new combo is ok too :P

that's all. XD
Full mod!


1) 只有Taiko和aesopl 呢2個有countdown, 有冇興趣統一佢地?
2) 幅320x240 ge BG實在好唔掂,太模糊-_-, 或者換過佢?

1) 都話 spinner 同note唔可以太近, e.g.01:19:014 (1,1) 呢種距離太近, 仲有幾個,我上次指晒出黎-_-
2) 睇黎你仲係聽唔明我上次講ge 加slider hitsound 方法-_-: 在click slider後,要再click果個圓圈,先可以再指定位置加hitsound,如果唔係,就成條slider都會有果種hitsound-_-
00:17:860 (6) 加clap?
00:18:245 (7) 成個slider取消clap, then尾加clap
00:20:168 (4) slider尾加clap
00:19:014 (1,2,3,4,5) 呢段d clap調亂左-_-,00:19:014 (1,3) 取消clap,00:19:399 (2,4,5) 的slider頭加clap
...如此類推, 最簡單ge加clap方法,就好似上述咁,每隔2條白線,就加一個clap,如果有一段完結,最尾果下就試下加finish, 跟住都係咁,唔指晒出黎了,有唔明再係m群問-_-
00:24:783 (1,2,3) 對於easy來說, 這種和上段間距的note太容易使人誤按了.. 或把00:25:745 (2) 提早在00:25:553 開始(終止保留在00:25:937 ), 另外把00:26:514 (3) 移前到00:26:322 及再加多一個reverse? (留意distance snap)
00:35:553 (1) 呢個spinner應該係 00:35:745 開始, 00:36:899 終止
01:35:168 (1,2,3) spacing不同
01:58:245 (3,4,5) ^
02:09:783 (1) 呢個spinner對於easy or normal 來說也太短了-_- , 或用slider來代替?
02:25:553 由呢度開始,難度係唔係升左一級-_-? 一大堆1/2 連點 e.g.02:26:707 (4,5,6,7) , 個人覺得太難了,或用含reverse的slider代替?
03:14:014 (4,5) 真係移開d啦-_-,easy or normal唔好咁混淆
03:32:476 (1) 加finish

1) slider速度好像快了一點?
2) 一個輕易取得"500 combo" 的diff XD
3) 01:08:29 至 02:09:59 這幾個timing section的音量變化不太明顯,可以考慮加強差距, 特別是01:44:39 至 02:09:59 那3個, 正常人是很難聽得出有變化的。
00:25:168 (1) 被遮住了,不太好看
01:20:553 (1) ^
02:17:091 (2) 放得太接近邊界了?
00:35:937 (1,1) 對於normal來說,spinner和 slider會否太接近?
03:08:245 (1,1) ^

1) 我有一個壞習慣,凡聽到有哨子聲,都會建議用soft-hitfinish代替-_-
2) wmf有一個壞習慣,改完人地offset未snap all notes 阿 囧!
00:17:499 (2) 被遮住了,不太好看,或移開一點?
00:29:806 (2) ^
00:37:499 (2,3,4) spacing
00:43:076 (3) 加clap?
00:55:191 (3) slider尾加clap?
01:25:191 (1) ^
01:26:345 (3) 加clap?
01:39:614 (2) 數字被遮住了,不好看
02:34:422 (1,2,3) spacing
02:48:076 (1) remove whistle 囧? (只有一聲哨子很怪
02:53:630 加note?
02:55:168 ^

[CBB and Me!]
1) 話說,真係叫CBB-_-? 唔叫返Climbb ?
2) CBB未加hitsound!!!
難度減左-_-,更似hard吧!? (見附件

1) check spacing問題,wmf,拜托了 (拍肩
00:16:707 (1) slider尾漏左clap?
00:25:937 (3) ^
00:46:899 (1) 被00:45:937 (4) 爆出黎ge "300" 遮住左, 難以判定呢個係slider, 而且唔好睇
00:52:476 (4,5,6) 呢度被前面幾個note爆到好花,遮住晒,或者移佢呢3個notes?
01:00:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 閱讀不能,我係沙包 囧
02:42:957 (2,3,4,5,6) 被人爆到好花,遮住晒,難閱讀同唔好睇
02:46:707 (1) 條尾太近hp bar?
02:48:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) 沙包再一次表示無力-_-
03:10:937 (5) 被2個 爆出黎ge "300" 遮住,難以判定係slider
03:19:783 (7,8,9) 難以閱讀
03:27:091 (6) 太近hp bar?

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [CBB and Vikon's hard].osu
thanks =w=


(tags里怎麼有aho... 快去掉啦:<

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [AngelHoney].osu
Amethyst Wolf

AngelHoney wrote:

thanks =w=


(tags里怎麼有aho... 快去掉啦:<
aho無誤 :)

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [Amethyst Wolf].osu
Topic Starter
all fixed
[Amethyst Wolf] diff
00:42:476 (6) - slider 开头漏了一个 clap?
no kudosu
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

offset: +12

[jameskong1's Normal]
00:17:476 (6) - 难道不是往右一格么...(末尾重叠)
00:26:322 (3) - 这里有问题吧,和之前的排列对比,应该是晚1/2开始.
00:32:091 (3) - 和1没叠上.
00:33:630 (3) - ^
01:07:091 (4) - 左一格和之前1对齐
01:07:476 (1) - 作为Normal来讲明显短了
01:35:168 (1) - sliderwhistle消掉.
01:40:168 (3) - 右下一格
02:37:476 (1) - 消掉sliderwhistle
02:52:476 (4) - 没叠好,不过不明显

00:38:245 (2,3,4) - 这里有个spacing不等...虽然说grid level 2下应该各种spacing不等但这个更明显(和后面对比).
00:59:014 (1,2,3) - spacing
03:02:091 (1) - 这里及后面的finish打重音处音量都拉上去些.

[aesopl's Hard]
00:24:591 (1) - 下一格?
01:35:553 (4) - nazi吧,右一格.
02:44:399 (3,4,1) - 左一格

[CBB and Vikon's Hard]
01:38:822 (4) - 右一格
02:26:130 (2) - 右拉一格
02:40:553 (1) - 这些spinner后面1/2就加note的我保留意见.
03:16:706 (6,7) - 自重

resnap all notes.

[Amethyst Wolf]
00:26:707 (5,1) - spacing?
01:58:630 (3,4) - 啊哈哈
02:35:553 (4) - 和之前1结尾没叠上,而且这一段的slider可以再讲究点

Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

Normal 1 : jameskong1
Normal 2 : Angelhoney
Hard 1 : CBB and Vikon
Hard 2 : aesopl19193
Insane : A.V Wolf
Taiko insane : myself (?
Amethyst Wolf

NatsumeRin wrote:

[Amethyst Wolf]
00:26:707 (5,1) - spacing? 有意的說
01:58:630 (3,4) - 啊哈哈, 佐祐理不清楚
02:35:553 (4) - 和之前1结尾没叠上,而且这一段的slider可以再讲究点好的, 我究了

太长了.下次直接不干. 幸好我做圖都懶的做得長

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [Amethyst Wolf].osu
8-) 不会MOD了 抱歉 粗略看下没什么大问题

NatsumeRin wrote:

[CBB and Vikon's Hard]

还没加音效呢啊...我不接WIP的.下次注意,主要是听着不舒服 CBB太多債了,已通知
01:38:822 (4) - 右一格 ^
02:26:130 (2) - 右拉一格 ^

02:40:553 (1) - 这些spinner后面1/2就加note的我保留意见. 這diff是Hard的話,沒大問題吧?
03:16:706 (6,7) - 自重 囧,這其實是snapping 問題., 改好了

辛苦了 Orz

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [CBB and Vikon's hard].osu
Amethyst Wolf 400初combo 3個大跳那裡不妨修正一下:D

CTB run過一次就蠻順的:P

Taiko不會Mod 所以只挑幾個難度看 o_o


[Jameskong1's normal]

just a suggestion.

01:21:899 跟 01:24:976 兩個Break time可以刪掉

[CBB and Vikon's hard]

同[Jameskong1's normal]

另外 02:51:514 、02:54:591、02:57:668的Break time亦同

太短促的break time其實可以不需要


Topic Starter
all fixed!
Why does the BG say BPM 162 XD

<Jameskong1's normal>
"normal" should be capitalised
00:27:476 (1,2,3) - <- ? Just my thought
00:35:745 (1) - End at 00:37:091?
01:40:553 (4) - Move to the red tick before
02:42:476 (4,5,6) - <- ?
02:49:014 - Add a note?
03:15:168 - ^

pretty good :D

<aesopl's Hard>
01:42:091 (1) - Add clap

<CBB and Vikon's hard>
Increase overall please (6 or 7 looks better)
Better add name SB indicating the mappers.
03:03:630 (4,5,6) - These 0.5s don't feel well imo.
03:15:937 (4,6,8) - ^

omg this is insane >.<
00:40:553 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201) - These blues are a bit too much...?

<Amethyst Wolf>
00:22:091 (1) - Move right a bit
00:23:245 (3,1) - ^
00:42:476 (6) - Add clap
00:46:322 (5,1,2) - Spacing doesn't follow a constant distance here, but might be ok
00:48:822 (7) - Down a bit? (dunno but the 4,5,6 and 7 don't form a rhombic pattern)
00:59:014 (1) - This doesn't go well with 2 and 3
01:02:860 (3) - I would make this overlap with the end of 1, but it's up to you :P
01:37:091 (3) - Symmetrise with 1
01:55:937 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Make 2,4,6 and 8 down and right a bit? The current pattern is hard to play
02:08:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - similar

oh man this mapset is hard to mod D:

great :D star'd
CBB and Vikon's hard <- I love this

Starred, I hope this will ranked soon

ignorethis wrote:

Why does the BG say BPM 162 XD Beethoven is tricky

<CBB and Vikon's hard>
Increase overall please (6 or 7 looks better) :arrow: OA+1, I mean 6 now
Better add name SB indicating the mappers. :arrow: Looking for SBer 囧
03:03:630 (4,5,6) - These 0.5s don't feel well imo. :arrow: fixed
03:15:937 (4,6,8) - ^ :arrow: fixed
great :D star'd
Thx for modding~

Armin wrote:

CBB and Vikon's hard <- I love this

Starred, I hope this will ranked soon
Thx :lol:

Download: Banya - Beethoven Virus (Full ver.) (wmfchris) [Climbb and Vikon's hard].osu
Amethyst Wolf
Topic Starter
All fixed~

BPM162: the original (short ver. or PIU ver.) version is BPM162
This is the full version (for performance), BPM is not 162 :D
I can't get enough free time for mod all these diff, sorry ;.; I tested a few times but just it. It sounded cool to me, then star o.ov

And GL :3
Nothing to suggest imo :3
Fine to me ;_;

Good luck yay!
*Unnecessary .osb in folder.
*Why is "Beethoven" in the tags? It's already in the title =I
*Is "Full ver." really needed?
*It irks me that the difficulty names aren't consistent. Some have what type of diff they are (e.g., "Hard"), while others don't. =x

[Jameskong1's Normal]
*Why does a 3 1/2 minute easy/normal have ZERO breaks? This is unacceptable.
00:37:476 (1,2) - If you're going to have notes right after a spinner, at least make these a slider...
01:20:553 (1,1,1) - same thing about post-spinner notes, but how about making these into a repeating slider? The triplet pattern is a bit unexpected
01:21:707 (1,1) - perhaps put a break here? (and the other small sections after this)
02:25:553 (1) - too far away from the center of the spinner
02:51:322 (3,4) - Please stack these properly.
*No kiai?

01:21:707 (3,1) - perhaps put a break here? (and the other small sections after this)
*Nice, but I'd really like to see more than one break for a 3 1/2 minute song. If you could add at least one more break (perhaps around 2/3 through), I'd be much happier about this diff.

[aesopl's Hard]
*whistles and finishes <333
*Looks very nice~

[Climbb and Vikon's hard]
*Please capitalize "hard"
00:37:476 - perhaps stat kiai on the downbeat (here) instead?
01:21:706 (1,1) - perhaps put a break here? (and the other small sections after this)
*more breaks*
03:03:630 - start kiai here instead (and do a full section instead of just a fountain?)
03:34:206 (1,1,1) - didn't expect this (was this the only stream in the whole diff?) Could you space these just a bit closer together?
*Such a quiet diff.. ):

00:37:476 - perhaps stat kiai on the downbeat (here) instead?
00:49:783 - and end here? (unless this is authentic TnT?)
*Over 1000 combo?
*Expected the diff to go longer, but phew it's crazy >x<

[Amethyst Wolf]
00:49:014 (8) - Ugh this is a sliderbreak just waiting to happen ._.
00:59:591 - expected a note or something here
01:00:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - buhhh I hate zig-zag streams like this x_x
01:19:014 (7,1) - perhaps add a break here?
01:22:283 (2,3,4,5,6) - fffff
01:25:937 (4,5,6,7,8) - these, on the other hand, are <3
01:34:014 (3,1) - break? (and for all of the following short break sections)
*more zig-zags
*02:36:707 (3) - bluh
03:03:630 - kiai should start on the white tick.
03:19:783 (7,8,9) - this is the only stream in the map that stacks on itself like this. I suggest changing it at least for consistency's sake..
03:34:399 - end kiai here
*I expected whistles/finishes throughout this map ):
Amethyst Wolf
Topic Starter
*Unnecessary .osb in folder.
*Why is "Beethoven" in the tags? It's already in the title =I
*Is "Full ver." really needed?
*It irks me that the difficulty names aren't consistent. Some have what type of diff they are (e.g., "Hard"), while others don't. =x
osb => yes, will be deleted.
Beethoven in tag => Yes will be deleted lol
Full ver. => Yes There's an short ver. in PIU, see
diff names => I'll ask them~

00:37:476 - perhaps stat kiai on the downbeat (here) instead?
00:49:783 - and end here? (unless this is authentic TnT?)
*Over 1000 combo?
*Expected the diff to go longer, but phew it's crazy >x<
kiai for all diffs => yes will change
more than 999 combos => I don't really take care of this 999 limit...
Expectation => um...I'll try to extend this. If not, I'll try to make that 999.

Editing and THANKS!!!

about breaks: In a low HP drain rate I think it's ok :)
for the 1:21:707 one I'll delte the second triplets and put a break there~

03:34:206 (1,1,1) - didn't expect this (was this the only stream in the whole diff?) Could you space these just a bit closer together?
*Such a quiet diff.. ):
Refer to distance snap it's ok...
eaeaeaeaeaeea ♫♪ :lol:
Starred ~

I hope your song will ranked soon. ;)

Good luck !!
omg eggpain
Good enough.

congrets wmf~ :) :)
Hey man, I think Amethyst Wolf should be AR9.5
It really so much better
Topic Starter

Szabir wrote:

Hey man, I think Amethyst Wolf should be AR9.5
It really so much better

You know this is a 2010 map right? AR8 might be acceptable while 9.5 is probably not even modern standard
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