
Skinning subforums: Original skins / Mixed skins

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I have idea how to simply tell to new people to skinning forum where should they put their creations.

osu!>>Original Skins - sub is for skins that are made from elements made (mostly) by creator.

osu!>>Mixed Skins - sub for mixed skin.

If if a mixed skin will be posted to original skin subforum, moderator can simply move it to mixed skin sub forum. and vice versa.
Downside of this is that sometimes its hard to judge, if skin if mostly made of mixed or original elements.
Is there such a thing? :o
I feel like this topic has been brought up somewhere before but it got rejected owo
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-ryusakihatsue- wrote:

Is there such a thing? :o
I feel like this topic has been brought up somewhere before but it got rejected owo
I simply cant stand the locked topics in skinning forums which are mostly mixed skins that are not worth it. Its one big clusterfuck
And moderators cant delete them.
i think that deadbeat has talked about this before
no. the skinning subforum is for sharing original skins. mix skins ain't exactly welcome. There have been a few rare cases where they've been allowed. but those cases were handled correctly.
What it is your userpage or signature? Since you can still leave your own link mixed skin. :roll:
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deadbeat wrote:

no. the skinning subforum is for sharing original skins. mix skins ain't exactly welcome. There have been a few rare cases where they've been allowed. but those cases were handled correctly.
But they appear so often by community that it should be allowed to be posted somewhere else rather than fighting against them,
keep locking or removing them is not the solution for me.

I hope moderators are having fun locking and telling people they are dumb and are not reading rules before posting their crap on the forum.
You know, original Skins A lot of work in it and you find it good that the skin elements may simply steal? :o
if people aren't going to read rules, that's their fault. the thread is perfectly visible. i have no intention of changing this

Agrrox wrote:

deadbeat wrote:

no. the skinning subforum is for sharing original skins. mix skins ain't exactly welcome. There have been a few rare cases where they've been allowed. but those cases were handled correctly.
But they appear so often by community that it should be allowed to be posted somewhere else rather than fighting against them,
keep locking or removing them is not the solution for me.

I hope moderators are having fun locking and telling people they are dumb and are not reading rules before posting their crap on the forum.
that's so true ;-; but a rather painful way to put it
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deadbeat wrote:

if people aren't going to read rules, that's their fault. the thread is perfectly visible. i have no intention of changing this
Thread is simply not good solution for my idea i guess. i might be wrong and it may not work at all in the end.
as i said. this sub forum is for sharing original skins. i'm not going to change this no matter how many people ignore the rules and post mix skins. i see no reason to allow them.

that being said. there have been a few i've allowed. but then again, they read the rules. so good on them
Please accept terms of what has described in the forum rules. Skins are lots of work and is just as well that it is only the original Skins allowed.

People like it not easy to be published mixed skins. :)
some user and the other moderators will hunt the mix skin thread though, so it will be fine
I think a popup (with the forum rules ofc, unclosable for a few seconds) triggered by pushing the "new topic" button would do a better job for preventing mixed skins.
I'm just going to link to, as that's a perfectly good place to post mix skins, as they're allowed there.
Want another place? is another website allowing mixed skins.
Ayesha Altugle

lit120 wrote:

some user and the other moderators will hunt the mix skin thread though, so it will be fine
I don't think mixed skin is really needed to be have it's own forum because you can actually put it on signature or userpage, and maybe skin database.

incelost wrote:

I think a popup (with the forum rules ofc, unclosable for a few seconds) triggered by pushing the "new topic" button would do a better job for preventing mixed skins.
yea that seems like a good idea, and maybe have an option to disable it after

incelost wrote:

I think a popup (with the forum rules ofc, unclosable for a few seconds) triggered by pushing the "new topic" button would do a better job for preventing mixed skins.
in most cases this won't work
"-oh look subfourm rules, i should read zis... NAAAAH"
like seriously it's the frist thing you should do when you go to any fourm.
it's not like hidden or something, if they really care that is.
tho maybe one or two may miss it before posting.. but this started to be ridiculous :|
-makoto yuki
well i don't think it's a good idea because almost of every people who mixed a skin still don't know how to make a thread and also they are (owner of mixed skin) always never give any credit to the owner original element

yeah how could i said i meant. you can see the rules thread didn't you? then why you're not read it
Ya, like deadbeat said, having a passable mixed skin (where the OP read and followed by the rules and got tons of evidences posted in his/her thread, allowing him/her use some parts of another skin as a part of his/her own) is RARE, so Creators like us should deal with that.

We Creators are trying to butthurt newbs posting mixed skins by posting "Mixed Skins aren't allowed on this Forum" and adding Nukes (if you have to) and/or highlighting that statement in huge sizes, but when the time that the newb we're trying to butthurt forgot to post the evidences and posted few minutes later, we have to accept it even if it hurts. Nothing's wrong with mixed skins as long as he/she has tons of proof.

And the idea of having two SFs in a Skinning Forum isn't bad but that won't happen.

-makoto yuki wrote:

well i don't think it's a good idea because almost of every people who mixed a skin still don't know how to make a thread
Please, everyone know how to create a new topic. :)

OsuMe65 wrote:

Nothing's wrong with mixed skins as long as he/she have tons of proof.
Is this really the criteria? Credits? I thought it was mainly for preventing tons of double elements and therefore to keep the forum clean.

I've made more than 800 diffrent skin-components (counting stuff like default numbers as only one component). If I get an official confirmation that says it's only about credits, I may gonna take the effort and publish them under a royalty free license.
adam did said this once in one of the sticky threads, didn't he?
Please don't use other people's skin elements in your skin without the creator's permission.
Nobody likes it when people take your hard work and claim it for themselves, so make sure you ask permission from the original skinner and credit them in your skin when you use their skin elements.

Or why not make the entire skin original?

OsuMe65 wrote:

adam did said this once in one of the sticky threads, didn't he?
Please don't use other people's skin elements in your skin without the creator's permission.
Nobody likes it when people take your hard work and claim it for themselves, so make sure you ask permission from the original skinner and credit them in your skin when you use their skin elements.

Or why not make the entire skin original?
Yeah, I know that. I thought this was not the only reason, but the one affecting the majority of mixed skins.
Already denied
now, this thread needs to lock due to the request is denied
nope. if this was going to get locked, i've have done so ages ago. i've left this open on purpose.

i'm going to sleep for now, when i wake up, i'm wastelanding some threads and making a new one. i'll expect feedback when the thread is up

OsuMe65 wrote:

adam did said this once in one of the sticky threads, didn't he?
Please don't use other people's skin elements in your skin without the creator's permission.
Nobody likes it when people take your hard work and claim it for themselves, so make sure you ask permission from the original skinner and credit them in your skin when you use their skin elements.

Or why not make the entire skin original?
;) hhh.Thats true.
t/318193 ok. new thread is up. give feedback please
The new rules from the old one
i'm looking to expand on them at the moment
That should settle it, esp. 1st bullet
now, this thread needs to lock due to the request is denied
also, can you people please not post this stuff anymore. doesn't help. it's up to the moderators if the thread needs locking or not :3
I would like to see at least one more standard: a minimum amount (or percentage) of self made components.
I don't want to see a completely mixed skin, even if the person who mixed these elements got all the required permissions.

incelost wrote:

I don't want to see a completely mixed skin, even if the person who mixed these elements got all the required permissions.
Don't visit it, then. No one will stop 'ya.

1 game mode (25%) should be sufficient enough.

OsuMe65 wrote:

incelost wrote:

I don't want to see a completely mixed skin, even if the person who mixed these elements got all the required permissions.
Don't visit it, then. No one will stop 'ya.

1 game mode (25%) should be sufficient enough.
My suggestion was an idea to ensure originality.


incelost wrote:

a minimum amount (or percentage) of self made components.
was not only referring to the total amount skinned elements of a single game mode, but the ratio from self made elements to elements made by other people (excluding default components).
honestly, i don't think that matters too much. if people are going to upload 25% of an original skin. i'd rather people have 25% original and the rest default in that situation
My expression seems to keep failing.

An example to make sure we are talking about the same things:

A random user submits a mixed skin (and got all needed permissions). There is a total of 40 components. Only the cursor (= one component) is made by him.
This is ~1,5% (the percentage I was thinking about in my previous posts), which is lack of or originality imo. But with the current concept, this skin is absolutely fine.
honestly, not really overly bothered to go indepth on rules for mixed skins. i'd be much happier just saying no to all cases :p

deadbeat wrote:

honestly, not really overly bothered to go indepth on rules for mixed skins. i'd be much happier just saying no to all cases :p
Well, that is the most simple solution (and propably the best :)), but also the most restricting one.

A situation like my example is very unlikely and perhaps unnecessary and/or results in a disproportional set of rules. I tend to act overcautious.
i am thinking of restricting them to project continuations since those are actually more welcoming.
fat pear
it wouldn't really be useful, because right now, people just take Aesthetic and then rename it as their own
And the worst NOW in maintenance mode!
Now no where to post mixed skin & now i found some newbie skinner has post mixed skin :(
And now I'm just reporter for skinning forum.
does the skins made with "osu skin generator" count like mixed skins? I mean,the elements are easly accessible to everyone so you can create or customize a skin according to your preferences and then share it on the forum so the other users can appreciate your creation

Lucaludo wrote:

does the skins made with "osu skin generator" count like mixed skins? I mean,the elements are easly accessible to everyone so you can create or customize a skin according to your preferences and then share it on the forum so the other users can appreciate your creation
Do not bump into old threads and yes its obvious that it counts as a mixed skin. Its not your own creation at all. You do not make the elements yourself.

Lucaludo wrote:

does the skins made with "osu skin generator" count like mixed skins? I mean,the elements are easly accessible to everyone so you can create or customize a skin according to your preferences and then share it on the forum so the other users can appreciate your creation

Any generators are pretty much mixed skins out of the box, be it unauthorized to be distributed like this or not. People can share those via signature/userpage. While its their "creation", it contains other people's creations in it, this is why we don't allow them as they're not original content.
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