
yes we cant - wh [Taiko|Osu|CatchTheBeat]

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congrats on rank \ o /

Blue Dragon wrote:

it's funny because I knew it would be re-ranked easily if I just changed the AR. People just didn't like the diff because of it, but they tried to look intelligent by making up stuff to make the map seem bad.
That's exactly why it's funny, people thought the AR was bad and the map was good whereas in reality the map was (is) bad and the AR was fine

YunoFanatic wrote:

gonna steal borrow for mania! thanks ! LOL
Do it plz and make sure i'll contribute to that lol
I won't remap my diff, js

if you can't play it, don't play it.

I hate when ppl rate 1 because one diff or/and song choose, it's unfair. ;_;

Pappy wrote:


I hate when ppl rate 1 because one diff or/and song choose, it's unfair. ;_;
ppl rate 1 because there's no AR7 diff
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Sadly, nowadays a lot of people simply do not valorize our dedication. They are always wishing the worst and do not think about the effort we did put on both mapset and qualification process.
I would ask to any staff that, in case this map is not going to be disqualified, lock the thread.
Thank you.
Want 2 Buy Avon
I was just stating my opinion that if this mapset stays ranked it'll make me lose all faith in the mapping community because there are very obvious quality issues with the set that need to be changed, I don't wish the worst, I just wish to see this set actually improved and made into a good mapset instead of being ranked in the sad state it's in atm
Point the issues then, and I might consider it (:

hah, jokes

you should really credit the actual original mapset in your description if you're going to take half of the people who GDed and their diffs from my set

Nhawak wrote:


Sadly, nowadays a lot of people simply do not valorize our dedication. They are always wishing the worst and do not think about the effort we did put on both mapset and qualification process.
I would ask to any staff that, in case this map is not going to be disqualified, lock the thread.
Thank you.
this quote annoys me the most out of anything

half of the diffs weren't even for your set, what are you talking about when it comes to dedication when it comes to this song and the mapset? you should give the actual dedication to the people who moved their diffs over here because they wanted to see it get ranked (despite a major part of the best diff in the set being switched)

it's really upsetting to see somebody else trying to talk about valor and dedication when you made this set solely right after mine got unranked
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I didn't ''take'' their diffs, they asked me to put on my mapset
What about his diffs? What about searching for BNs, for mods, for whatever?

I'm almost sure that the person who did this was the mapset owner, not the Guests.
Well, considering half of the sets came from being in an already modded, already ready-to-go position from the other mapset...

Mitsukai- wrote:

Well, considering half of the sets came from being in an already modded, already ready-to-go position from the other mapset...

regardless, you should really credit the original so people like the thread I mentioned can actually understand where any of this started
Yeah, that's true, but still, he didn't take "half" of the mapset, he took 3 diffs with the permission of who made them (Irre, Asphyxia and BD) and they DID CHANGE their diffs. They aren't the same on Maeglwn's mapset and on Nhawak's mapset.

He had to find Taiko BNs, Taiko modders, and a lot of Standard modders for his diffs. So yeah, he did put effort on it.

Plus, you had the chance to qualify it, but you didn't.
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hope you're happy now

Kuron-kun wrote:

Plus, you had the chance to qualify it, but you didn't.
please don't pull things out of nowhere when you have no idea of anything about my mapset, thanks
Why are you so worried with this ?
The creators of the diffs had the liberty to do everything with them, if you don't like that you can lock this thread :)
The banana's drama is real.

SrSkyPlayer wrote:

Why are you so worried with this ?
The creators of the diffs had the liberty to do everything with them, if you don't like that you can lock this thread :)
Lock the thread? What? Do you even understand what's going on?

Whether or not it's actually the case, that fact that this mapset popped up immediately after Maeglwn's was disqualified and she decided to graveyard it, makes this mapset look like an attempt at salvaging it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however this song, this mapset, was not an original idea by Nhawak. Maeglwn is not asking for it to be taken down and removed or anything like that; all she's asking for is credit to be given where credit is due. It's really not that hard of a concept to understand.

Mitsukai- wrote:

Lock the thread? What? Do you even understand what's going on?

Whether or not it's actually the case, that fact that this mapset popped up immediately after Maeglwn's was disqualified and she decided to graveyard it, makes this mapset look like an attempt at salvaging it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however this song, this mapset, was not an original idea by Nhawak. Maeglwn is not asking for it to be taken down and removed or anything like that; all she's asking for is credit to be given where credit is due. It's really not that hard of a concept to understand.
I mean, I'm a guy, but they have the right idea LOL

Maeglwn wrote:

Mitsukai- wrote:

Lock the thread? What? Do you even understand what's going on?

Whether or not it's actually the case, that fact that this mapset popped up immediately after Maeglwn's was disqualified and she decided to graveyard it, makes this mapset look like an attempt at salvaging it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however this song, this mapset, was not an original idea by Nhawak. Maeglwn is not asking for it to be taken down and removed or anything like that; all she's asking for is credit to be given where credit is due. It's really not that hard of a concept to understand.
I mean, I'm a guy, but they have the right idea LOL
Oh, lol. Whoops.

Mitsukai- wrote:

that fact that this mapset popped up immediately after Maeglwn's was disqualified and she decided to graveyard it, makes this mapset look like an attempt at salvaging it.
Dude I've been watching Nhawak's mapset since the beginning, and the map had only Easy, Normal, Hard, Shardens Diff, Collab Insane and Extra. He didn't took any diff from Maeglwn's mappset, THE MAPPERS ASKED TO JOIN ON IT.

Maeglwn wrote:

I'm not reranking this map. If I do rerank it, it will be a very, very long time from now.
Maeglwn was not sure if he were going to rerank it. The mappers just don't wanted to wait and joined on Nhawak's mapset.
You should check everything beffore talk about stuffs.

iMega nervouser
That's going far enough for everyone here, let's chill out, please.

We already stated our point of view here. So, please, let's wait until this gets ranked, unranked, nuked, or whatever.

SrSkyPlayer wrote:

iMega nervouser
jghjksdhgkjshdgjkshg e pq hoje acabou minhas ferias.
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Lol, I had a response typed up, but it's honestly a moot point and not worth the time arguing.

Thank you Nhawak for linking to/crediting the original mapset in the submission post; that's all the was being asked for.
[Gerawak's Insane]

00:21:327 (1) - off the grid, I believe that is unrankable

ktgster wrote:

I believe that is unrankable
I hope to god :roll:
Shohei Ohtani
Why can't people just map joke maps and actually just get them ranked without a shitload of drama.

I want to fucking laugh for once in this hell I once called my home.

CDFA wrote:

Why can't people just map joke maps and actually just get them ranked without a shitload of drama.

I want to fucking laugh for once in this hell I once called my home.

But drama can make you laugh too

ktgster wrote:

[Gerawak's Insane]

00:21:327 (1) - off the grid, I believe that is unrankable
being off grid is ok as long you stay on screen in 16:9 and 4:3 resolutions

if people dont stop spreading this stuff it'll nwver go away.
He had to find Taiko BNs
I think bbj, Nhawak and I have to agree on this statement:

Kama wrote:

Props to Nardo as he's ACTUALLY checked the map, though.
Greetings Nhawak, on behalf of the QAT I must disqualify this beatmap for the following reasons:
  1. Continued quality issues in BD's Extra. See p/3969413 for more details. A lot of the same issues still exists, especially in concerns to the forced gameplay
  2. Unintuitive gameplay in Kuron's Banana. There are issues concerning flow and overdone patterns throughout the difficulty.
  3. Odd patterns that can be improved in Gerawak's Insane. The issues that are present here are awkward when taken into the overarching structure and design of the beatmap.
The QAT has found that there is improvement to be had in some of the difficulties. Below are some examples found with the issues listed above. Please take everything into consideration before going on to rerank. Note that these are examples, and more issues can be found. Go through the difficulties and iron out any similar issues.
[Kuron's Banana]
  1. 00:06:558 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing change here is not very intuitive. There isn't enough momentum from 00:06:558 (1,2,3) - to carry onwards into the spacing change found at 00:06:904 (4,5,6) -
  2. 00:07:020 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Poor flow due to the speed of the pattern and the arrangement of the objects. The lack of momentum from the previous pattern plus the back-and-forth movements create a unnatural feeling for the gameplay.
  3. 00:24:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Overdone pattern. This plays very poorly due to the various changes in direction and flow breaks. There are more overdone patterns as the map goes on.
[Gerawak's Insane]
  1. 00:06:558 (1,2,3,4) - Really awkward movement here, also inconsistent with previous and future 1/4 patterns. This requires a lot of momentum to be done successfully, which isn't supplied unfortunately.
  2. 00:31:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - Confusing pattern. This is due to the amount of heavy overlapping plus the up and down movements.
  3. 00:32:173 (6,1) - Awkward change in direction. The flow from 00:31:943 (5) - is immediately broken by 00:32:173 (6) - and then further supplemented by 00:32:404 (1) - .
The BNG will handle the requalification of this mapset. Good luck!


Lust wrote:

[Gerawak's Insane]
  1. 00:06:558 (1,2,3,4) - Really awkward movement here, also inconsistent with previous and future 1/4 patterns. This requires a lot of momentum to be done successfully, which isn't supplied unfortunately. Fixed.
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yes we cant survive 7 days

more banana powers! more support!
Since I really don't wanna change anything on my diff I'll ask Nhawak to remove it.

bye bananas
why, rip pp
Noo ._. I lost a lot of pp ;w; I hate this system.

don't blame the system
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sad decisions

@bd: you'll fix the cited parts or remove your diff too??
Ekhem, ekhem. Instead of writing 'Delete my diffs not even going to change anything from the DQ reasons' because those reasons are rather more personal thoughts than REAL issues, you can always use this: *CLICK*
I thought on this, but if they don't accept I prefer to remove it :(

not being rude or anything, it's just my choice
Change preview point

Who didn't see this coming though?
10/10 ranking system
Nhawak, you should just let this beatmap go to graveyard. Apparently this song isn't allowed to be ranked because it's a "joke song" and we want the ranking criteria to have good quality maps only.
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ripperino in peace

Mar 20, 2015

May 13, 2015
Thread requested to be locked on behalf of the mapper. Give me a poke when you want to work on this again.
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plz enjoy game
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bd querido leia isso

vc vai mudar alguma coisa na sua diff? ou remover ela?
pode tirar ela, já que esses bats maravilhosos e essa comunidade perfeita do osu! acha que minha diff n é boa o suficiente pra eles :')
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sinto muito :(
eu acho sua diff ótima
é uma pena ter q remove-la...
can i create some diff? :D
So the mapset is ready yet or I need to mod it ?
I am not responsible for the taikos. Standard looks good and everything was checked.

So, yeah, after an IRC chat I believe it's good to go.

  1. A couple of minor improvements to diffs' appearance
  2. STR changes
  3. A couple of random snapping fixes.
IRC log
10:35 -Bakari-: alright, everything in [General] looks fine to me 
10:35 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Easy]]
10:36 Nhawak: :D
10:36 -Bakari-: 00:07:943 (4,1) - minor - absolutely unnecessary suggestion about fixing the blanket
10:37 -Bakari-: 00:08:404 (1,1) - this stack might be confusing for the easiest diff @.@
10:37 Nhawak: this slider is awful
10:38 Nhawak: oh ok
10:38 Nhawak: I'll fix it
10:38 -Bakari-: [ rough example]
10:39 Nhawak: cute
10:39 -Bakari-: setting preview to 00:12:096 - would be really funny :D
10:39 Nhawak: I'll try to do it
10:41 Nhawak: hahah ok
10:41 Nhawak: I'll change it xD
10:42 -Bakari-: and while we are at this point, Normal feels more like an Advanced diff to me @.@
10:42 -Bakari-: Maybe we can do some namechanges, like Easy-Simple / Normal-Advanced
10:42 Nhawak: D:
10:42 Nhawak: okay o3o
10:45 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Normal]]
10:45 -Bakari-: 00:13:943 (1,3) - try to make them parallel?
10:46 -Bakari-: also, how about slider tick rate 2? most of the diff is mapped in 1/2, after all
10:47 Nhawak: k owo
10:47 -Bakari-: okay, hard
10:47 Nhawak: 00:14:886 -
10:48 -Bakari-: tick rate 2, because we did it on Normal before
10:48 Nhawak: I don't have space to do it parallel ;W;
10:48 -Bakari-: wawiawiawiawi
10:48 -Bakari-:
10:48 Nhawak: oh yes.............. sorry xD
10:50 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Hard]]
10:50 -Bakari-: 00:23:520 (2) - pretty sure it should be snapped to 00:23:750 -
10:55 Nhawak:
10:55 Nhawak: it's good?
10:56 -Bakari-: as long as 00:23:866 (4,6) - aren't stacked it's cool
10:57 Nhawak: exemple? D;
10:58 -Bakari-: [ such creative]
10:59 Nhawak: oh yes
11:06 -Bakari-: Shadren's diff looks good to go
11:07 Nhawak: :P
11:16 -Bakari-: also, Tick Rate 2 for the Insanes, please :c
11:17 Nhawak: sure
11:20 -Bakari-: do you think we can set tick rate 2 to guest extras?
11:21 Nhawak: yes, I think...
11:23 -Bakari-: were any changes made to Irre's and Asph's diffs?
11:24 Nhawak: no
11:24 Nhawak: one or two
11:25 -Bakari-: i'll quickly check it just in case
11:25 Nhawak: ok :3
11:28 Nhawak: (I have permission to change banana diff)
11:28 -Bakari-: niiice
11:29 Nhawak: tick 2 too? xD
11:29 -Bakari-: yeeah :D
11:29 -Bakari-: 00:21:327 (1) - i believe it should be finished 1/2 earlier
11:30 -Bakari-: the instrument kicks on the red tick
11:30 Nhawak: k
11:33 -Bakari-: 00:02:866 (1) - this snapping makes me really uncomfortable
11:34 Nhawak: end it in 00:03:789 - ?
11:34 -Bakari-: then it sounds really off @.@
11:34 Nhawak: D:
11:34 -Bakari-: let's snap it to 00:04:020 -
11:35 -Bakari-: and remove the slider?
11:35 Nhawak: ok
11:35 -Bakari-: 00:36:096 (1,1) - similar thing here
11:36 -Bakari-: it was such a cruel trap @.@
11:36 -Bakari-: were the DQ-issues fixed here?
11:36 Nhawak: 00:06:558 -
11:37 Nhawak: inconsistent spacing here
11:37 Nhawak: but I fixed
11:37 Nhawak: 00:07:481 -
11:37 Nhawak: no sense sv here, fixed too
11:38 Nhawak: 00:24:096 - cruel jump here (bad flow too) fixed
11:38 -Bakari-: aaaaaalright
11:38 -Bakari-: update, we'll check it quickly and I circle @.@
11:38 Nhawak: oh :D


editL fixed spinner on Banana
Topic Starter

rizal12378 wrote:

can i create some diff? :D
Sorry, the mapset is already complete

Secretpipe wrote:

So the mapset is ready yet or I need to mod it ?
It's ready xD

-Bakari- wrote:

I am not responsible for the taikos. Standard looks good and everything was checked.

So, yeah, after an IRC chat I believe it's good to go.

  1. A couple of minor improvements to diffs' appearance
  2. STR changes
  3. A couple of random snapping fixes.
IRC log
10:35 -Bakari-: alright, everything in [General] looks fine to me 
10:35 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Easy]]
10:36 Nhawak: :D
10:36 -Bakari-: 00:07:943 (4,1) - minor - absolutely unnecessary suggestion about fixing the blanket
10:37 -Bakari-: 00:08:404 (1,1) - this stack might be confusing for the easiest diff @.@
10:37 Nhawak: this slider is awful
10:38 Nhawak: oh ok
10:38 Nhawak: I'll fix it
10:38 -Bakari-: [ rough example]
10:39 Nhawak: cute
10:39 -Bakari-: setting preview to 00:12:096 - would be really funny :D
10:39 Nhawak: I'll try to do it
10:41 Nhawak: hahah ok
10:41 Nhawak: I'll change it xD
10:42 -Bakari-: and while we are at this point, Normal feels more like an Advanced diff to me @.@
10:42 -Bakari-: Maybe we can do some namechanges, like Easy-Simple / Normal-Advanced
10:42 Nhawak: D:
10:42 Nhawak: okay o3o
10:45 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Normal]]
10:45 -Bakari-: 00:13:943 (1,3) - try to make them parallel?
10:46 -Bakari-: also, how about slider tick rate 2? most of the diff is mapped in 1/2, after all
10:47 Nhawak: k owo
10:47 -Bakari-: okay, hard
10:47 Nhawak: 00:14:886 -
10:48 -Bakari-: tick rate 2, because we did it on Normal before
10:48 Nhawak: I don't have space to do it parallel ;W;
10:48 -Bakari-: wawiawiawiawi
10:48 -Bakari-:
10:48 Nhawak: oh yes.............. sorry xD
10:50 *-Bakari- is editing [ yes we cant - wh [Hard]]
10:50 -Bakari-: 00:23:520 (2) - pretty sure it should be snapped to 00:23:750 -
10:55 Nhawak:
10:55 Nhawak: it's good?
10:56 -Bakari-: as long as 00:23:866 (4,6) - aren't stacked it's cool
10:57 Nhawak: exemple? D;
10:58 -Bakari-: [ such creative]
10:59 Nhawak: oh yes
11:06 -Bakari-: Shadren's diff looks good to go
11:07 Nhawak: :P
11:16 -Bakari-: also, Tick Rate 2 for the Insanes, please :c
11:17 Nhawak: sure
11:20 -Bakari-: do you think we can set tick rate 2 to guest extras?
11:21 Nhawak: yes, I think...
11:23 -Bakari-: were any changes made to Irre's and Asph's diffs?
11:24 Nhawak: no
11:24 Nhawak: one or two
11:25 -Bakari-: i'll quickly check it just in case
11:25 Nhawak: ok :3
11:28 Nhawak: (I have permission to change banana diff)
11:28 -Bakari-: niiice
11:29 Nhawak: tick 2 too? xD
11:29 -Bakari-: yeeah :D
11:29 -Bakari-: 00:21:327 (1) - i believe it should be finished 1/2 earlier
11:30 -Bakari-: the instrument kicks on the red tick
11:30 Nhawak: k
11:33 -Bakari-: 00:02:866 (1) - this snapping makes me really uncomfortable
11:34 Nhawak: end it in 00:03:789 - ?
11:34 -Bakari-: then it sounds really off @.@
11:34 Nhawak: D:
11:34 -Bakari-: let's snap it to 00:04:020 -
11:35 -Bakari-: and remove the slider?
11:35 Nhawak: ok
11:35 -Bakari-: 00:36:096 (1,1) - similar thing here
11:36 -Bakari-: it was such a cruel trap @.@
11:36 -Bakari-: were the DQ-issues fixed here?
11:36 Nhawak: 00:06:558 -
11:37 Nhawak: inconsistent spacing here
11:37 Nhawak: but I fixed
11:37 Nhawak: 00:07:481 -
11:37 Nhawak: no sense sv here, fixed too
11:38 Nhawak: 00:24:096 - cruel jump here (bad flow too) fixed
11:38 -Bakari-: aaaaaalright
11:38 -Bakari-: update, we'll check it quickly and I circle @.@
11:38 Nhawak: oh :D


editL fixed spinner on Banana
thanks bakari w/
kkd ddk
>tfw have to learn another diff
Dude noice
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omg wtf shdgfgbdfg
thanks sieg
Go go Nhawak /o3o/
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someone to qualify it?
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I did ask Nhawak to delete my name from the tags

pls do not dq this because I'm not in tags, the Banana diff is not mine anymore
We did recheck and everything looks fine


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thanks byby owo <3
Oh, okay.
no dq plz I want my lowacc shitpp
Shohei Ohtani
I'm confused. Was the preview point actually changed? It is on the website, but ingame I still have the old preview point, and I've deleted and redownloaded this many times. >_<;
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Lanturn wrote:

I'm confused. Was the preview point actually changed? It is on the website, but ingame I still have the old preview point, and I've deleted and redownloaded this many times. >_<;
Bug w
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_Gezo_ wrote:

_Gezo_ wrote:

map link: ... D.osu?dl=0

REASON WHY HP9 : the map would easily be passable (look at the screenshot below)
Leaving this here before a QAT shits on HP9 inner
Banana wins?

re-gratz :)
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sheela901 wrote:

Oh, okay.
sorry sheela, I was very anxious to qualify it :(

Blue Dragon wrote:

Nhawak, you should just let this beatmap go to graveyard. Apparently this song isn't allowed to be ranked because it's a "joke song" and we want the ranking criteria to have good quality maps only.
You forgot this beautiful good quality map

Anyways, congrats, I hope this map gets ranked this time.
Omg banana is back. jkhgkjdfhgkjdfhg
But I wanted a taiko QAT to check it...
[ Kosuna ]

Blue Dragon wrote:

pode tirar ela, já que esses bats maravilhosos e essa comunidade perfeita do osu! acha que minha diff n é boa o suficiente pra eles :')
É realmente lamentável. Acho que por isso que não tento fazer muita coisa por aqui, pois é preciso" perfeccionismo demais". Não só aqui como em outros tipos de feitos posteriores...
Não que eu seja fã de seus maps mas eu gostei desse. ¬_¬'.

The_Manu_ wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

Nhawak, you should just let this beatmap go to graveyard. Apparently this song isn't allowed to be ranked because it's a "joke song" and we want the ranking criteria to have good quality maps only.
You forgot this beautiful good quality map

Anyways, congrats, I hope this map gets ranked this time.
excuse you?

The_Manu_ wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

Nhawak, you should just let this beatmap go to graveyard. Apparently this song isn't allowed to be ranked because it's a "joke song" and we want the ranking criteria to have good quality maps only.
You forgot this beautiful good quality map

Anyways, congrats, I hope this map gets ranked this time.
lol maeg mapped the original wh r u ok
Ciyus Miapah
The quality is real. \o3o/ Nhawak pls, ofc I don't hate you for not waiting for taiko QATs. How could you think something like that? :/

Cowgratsu my deer Nhawakkie and LVU for all LVUvly mappers in this beatmap and don't forget to #Krfawy4QAT2015 ASAP! =3= Hashtagness of Darkness and hug me. :3

Blue Dragon wrote:

pode tirar ela, já que esses bats maravilhosos e essa comunidade perfeita do osu! acha que minha diff n é boa o suficiente pra eles :')
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Why this is broken? Wtf
is it finally ranked?
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