
[resolved] BanchoBot spam ideas

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
Topic Starter
1. Instantaneously silence a user who posts a message of at least 30 characters containing no more than two distinct characters.
2. Instantaneously silence a user who rapidly posts a logged in user's name many times.
3. If two IRC users post the same (or extremely similar) message, and it's longer than 20 characters, within a period of less than 5 seconds apart, silence them both. Cascade this along to a third, fourth, etc. user.
4. When cases like (3) arise, slow IRC logins to no more than one every 30 seconds.
1, 2 shouldn't let the message go through to other users, I think.

For one, if any 30-character contains no more than two characters, silence. This means a message like "peppy is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha" would be instasilenced.

I like your ideas, though. Just change the topic title. =]
Topic Starter
(2) is over the course of many messages (highlight spam) so it can't silence in advance.

I agree with your changes to (1).

(3) and (4) are to prevent flooding using many proxies/remote shells.

MetalMario201 wrote:

(2) is over the course of many messages (highlight spam) so it can't silence in advance.
Wups; I misread 2 as "if someone highlight spams".
- Sugoi Sugoi -
bumpin' it
It's a terrible idea
And BanchoBot also has auto-silence things already perhaps some are already added?
Shohei Ohtani
Most of this is already implemented.

This thread was made 5 years ago
No need for this anymore.
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