
circle size in osu!pixels?

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I wish to analyze .osr and .osu to achieve finer measurements of performance. I can fully parse .osr and .osu files. I have cursor position and event and where hit circles are and when they appear.

However, this means I need to know the number of osu!pixels each circle size covers. I could not find that information in the wiki. Thanks!
Jing Yuan
it will change with every resolution and every circle size though.
^note that the native osu!resolution is 1366x768 (or 2732x1536 @2x)...

Mofu kun wrote:

it will change with every resolution and every circle size though.
pixels ≠ osu!pixels. osu!pixels scale with resolution and are used to keep the playfield the same size across all resolutions. you can see the osu!pixels in the "position" thing in the upper right in the editor.

You could probably measure the circle size in the editor by placing circles in the upper-left corner of the playfield and finding their position.
This is ridiculously old, but for anyone who visits this thread later in hopes of an answer:

f(CS) = 109 - 9 * CS, where f(CS) is osu!pixels and CS is the in-game circle size.
That's very closely approximated, and not quite the EXACT value... you can find the exact numbers by hovering over the beatmap stats in Song Select.

Here's a list of all of the whole number circle sizes, measured in osu!pixels.
  1. CS 2 - 91 osu!pixels
  2. CS 3 - 82 osu!pixels
  3. CS 4 - 73 osu!pixels
  4. CS 5 - 64 osu!pixels
  5. CS 6 - 55 osu!pixels
  6. CS 7 - 46 osu!pixels
  7. CS 8 - 37 osu!pixels
  8. CS 9 - 28 osu!pixels
  9. CS 10 - 19 osu!pixels
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