
Free Avatar Graphics Req by ExSongx ..(AvatarOnly) stat:Clos

Total Posts
Topic Starter
Status : Open

I'm here to train myself I use photoshop


1.Don't spam us, me will always notice you
2.only 2 request for 1 week
3.please use high quality image
4.Don't edit my works, if you don't like something please tell me and me will change it immediately
5.If you are already a request in another thread, no longer request here

Avatar Form

Request : Avatar
Image link :
size :
text :
Border :
Recommended size : 128x128

Border Type

No Border
Normal border
Rounded Border


Note : Sorry i'cant Make: Transparent, Circle Border ,and GIF :(

Thnx For Request

Support me


[ExSongx] wrote:

1.Don't spam us, me will always notice you
lol,it should be 'Don't spam,I always notice you'

Anyway,Good luck
Yay first request
yang maximal ya om :3

Request : Avatar
Image link : Here!
size : your recommend
text : Chiyo-
Border : Round
Extra: Semangat om :3

Btw Sankyu...~
Topic Starter


sorry klo jelek , soalny baru belajar buat ginian

Thanks for Request :D
Topic Starter

-[Jess]- wrote:

[ExSongx] wrote:

1.Don't spam us, me will always notice you
lol,it should be 'Don't spam,I always notice you'

Anyway,Good luck
Thnx ;)

[ExSongx] wrote:


sorry klo jelek , soalny baru belajar buat ginian

Thanks for Request :D
Kyaaaa Amazing sankyu om... hehehe (^・ω・^ )

Good Luck ya om (*´・v・)
Topic Starter

-Chiyorin- wrote:

[ExSongx] wrote:


sorry klo jelek , soalny baru belajar buat ginian

Thanks for Request :D
Kyaaaa Amazing sankyu om... hehehe (^・ω・^ )

Good Luck ya om (*´・v・)
sip Thnx support ny ;)
Raisha Millenia
Good luck
btw itu banner "Completed Requestnya" terlalu besar
ini bukannya rules di threadnya Eon ya..
Topic Starter

Raisha Millenia wrote:

Good luck
btw itu banner "Completed Requestnya" terlalu besar
ini bukannya rules di threadnya Eon ya..
cuman bbrpa doank yg rules ny .. eon kk
Lightning Wyvern
umm... sebenernya aku sama eon ga keberatan sih di copy-paste rulesnya.. tapi paling ngga izin dulu sama orangnya dulu bisa kan ?
anyway goodluck ya GFXnya ``
Topic Starter

Lightning Wyvern wrote:

umm... sebenernya aku sama eon ga keberatan sih di copy-paste rulesnya.. tapi paling ngga izin dulu sama orangnya dulu bisa kan ?
anyway goodluck ya GFXnya ``
.ehh sorry kk .. ane lupa izin . sorry kk.. kk.. Ak minta izin copy rules gfx kk ya .sorry ak bru minta izin skrng copy rules gfx kk and kk eon , sorry kk
Request : Avatar
Image link : ... 7cx3m9.png
size : You Recommend !! :)
text : Pemburu SS . :v
Border : Whatever With U ! This Is Our Own . :3
Extra: -
Recommended size : 128x128
Topic Starter

shafiqrry wrote:

Request : Avatar
Image link : ... 7cx3m9.png
size : You Recommend !! :)
text : Pemburu SS . :v
Border : Whatever With U ! This Is Our Own . :3
Extra: -
Recommended size : 128x128
In Proses
Topic Starter

[ExSongx] wrote:

shafiqrry wrote:

Request : Avatar
Image link : ... 7cx3m9.png
size : You Recommend !! :)
text : Pemburu SS . :v
Border : Whatever With U ! This Is Our Own . :3
Extra: -
Recommended size : 128x128
In Proses
Done .
you can edit your post if the request is done.
Good luck ^^
Topic Starter

[Keksbein] wrote:

Good luck ^^
Thnx ;)
Topic Starter

Darklurker wrote:

Request : Avatar
Image link :
size :128x128
text :Darklurker
Border :no
Extra:make it kawai XD
Sorry.. Ps gw mengalami masalh , jd kga bsa edit.. sorry y.. #tolong pindah req ke gfx thread lain..
mw perbaiki dlu apa masalahny. sementara ane tutup dlu nh thread .. #sekali lagimaaf
Good luck with your thread ❤
(I'm late ^.^')
K a y l a
Good luck senpai <3 :D
Hey :)

Request : Avatar
Image link :
size : 128x128
text : Bubbles
Border : Normal Border
Raisha Millenia

ohBubbles wrote:

Hey :)

Request : Avatar
Image link :
size : 128x128
text : Bubbles
Border : Normal Border
this thread is closed since 3 months ago :/
Daichi Shinku

Raisha Millenia wrote:

ohBubbles wrote:

Hey :)

Request : Avatar
Image link :
size : 128x128
text : Bubbles
Border : Normal Border
this thread is closed since 3 months ago :/

then again....


Daichi Shinku wrote:

Raisha Millenia wrote:

then again....


I wonder how did this thread find by him ._.
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