
Linux version of "Osu!"?

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i do not know if whether this should be in the 'development' part of the forums or the 'feature request'
so if a mod would like to move this thread, then so be it.


now before anyone can start saying

"search the forums" or "there is third party software you can use" or "run it on wine"

that's completely the opposite of the point I'm trying to make.

I'm talking about Linux.

that is a picture of arch linux. no this is not my pc.

I'm wondering if it's possible (hell, it is possible) to get a working running version of Osu on a Linux machine without having to run the game on an emulator or with different programs or having to rely on third party versions.

something that can be added to the download section of the website along with MAC OS X and Windows.

maybe the development team can consider it. i mean, i know how busy it gets with maintaining what you already have with bug fixes, implementing new features, keeping osu up-to-date, ETC. also, theres already an android app for it, so thats a start.

all im saying is, it would be great to run the game on a Linux computer. my computer runs the OS because of work and school; and getting Osu to work on it is a pain. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. sometimes there's some freaky crap going on graphics wise, it crashes, and almost all the time, it doesn't connect to the network at all so I'm stuck playing solo and not online. so to solve this issue, i have a dual-boot option for my computer for which i load windows to play all my windows games (which means my computer comes with Windows and linux and i just pick whatever OS i want to load when i turn on the computer through the menu)

i think it would be a really great addendum to the osu and linux community and to be honest, i would like to hear what peppy and the devlopment team (if they got time for a post) and the community has to say about this idea.

maybe it'll be too much to handle and it would need its own development team.

maybe it might not be worth it since theres already so many third party osu replicas or emulating it is just enough.

maybe the ratio between linux users and windows users is an already fully tipped scale on the windows side and it's just not worth it. (i hardly beleive it though but i wouldn't be suprised.)

or maybe what osu uses graphics and coding wise, isnt supported on linux. i mean, i can pretty much bet that most features on the windows and mac os x version cannot be implemented on linux and a workaround must ensue.

who knows. but please, leave thoughts, rants (if kept friendly), or ideas on why or why not this should be a thing.
a linux (well, OS X really) release is planned, but very low priority. there are very few linux users.
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peppy wrote:

a linux (well, OS X really) release is planned, but very low priority. there are very few linux users.

yes, mac os x is pretty much linux

i feel stupid now, but blame me not.

ive been awake since 8am and its now 5am the next day, i really need some sleep.

at least there is a distribution planned for release. low priority or not, that does bring a little joy in me.

thanks a lot, keep on working hard (not too hard, do take a break) and i can't wait to see whats next in store.

Cheers :) :)

Ignore the numbers, just look at %. That's new people arriving at the "download osu!" page.
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peppy wrote:

Ignore the numbers, just look at %. That's new people arriving at the "download osu!" page.
well then, i see what you mean by "low priority"

thats only new arrivals? wow, i wonder how many people visit in total.

i guess you can say we are the "not even ""1%"" "

and with that being said, lets not get started on people who want an app for the windows phone. oh god windows phones, 8 was bad enough in my opinion :o

still, focusing on the majority is always the go-to standpoint, so i see the idea; numbers dont lie.

thanks for shedding light on the topic.
Obey QuickNote
Well i think we should have a Linux Tho

XBossXLoveX wrote:

Well i think we should have a Linux Tho
if you really really really want a Linux version of osu!, why not consider opsu!?
(note that this is an unofficial build that is not supported by osu! in only way)
I wonder how ppl find old threads and why are they even bother to post in them. o.o
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