
[resolved] Black cursor trail invisible?

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Problem Details:
Trying to make a cursor trail black makes it completely transparent. How can I make a black cursor trail and make it visible? Is there a setting that makes black in cursortrail.png transparent?

Before anyone suggests it, no it is not invisible because of background dim etc., it is actually invisible, even in menus, and I tried testing a completely white bg and 0 dim to see if it would be visible, but it was still the same.

osu! version: 20150305 (latest)
You must be doing something wrong.
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VeilStar wrote:

You must be doing something wrong.
Mind linking me your skin, or at least your trail, to see if it is the trail I'm doing wrong, or there is a setting in my skin.ini / other game settings that could possibly be causing it? Would greatly help with my problem.

cheezstik wrote:

Mind linking me your skin, or at least your trail, to see if it is the trail I'm doing wrong, or there is a setting in my skin.ini / other game settings that could possibly be causing it? Would greatly help with my problem.
Already deleted it. It's just my cursor with the brightness turned to 0 in Phtoshop as cursortrail.png. Nothing in the skin.ini can control this.
Mind linking yours instead?

Here. Quickly re-made it.
Topic Starter

VeilStar wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

Mind linking me your skin, or at least your trail, to see if it is the trail I'm doing wrong, or there is a setting in my skin.ini / other game settings that could possibly be causing it? Would greatly help with my problem.
Already deleted it. It's just my cursor with the brightness turned to 0 in Phtoshop as cursortrail.png. Nothing in the skin.ini can control this.
Mind linking yours instead?

Here. Quickly re-made it.
Thanks, and I just realized the cause of this problem, I tried the black trail I made that was previously invisible with a different skin, and it worked. The problem seems to be with cursormiddle.png, when there is one, the black trail appears invisible, and when there isn't, it works fine. I noticed this with your skin as well.

This is a problem as I'm using a cursormiddle.png, and would prefer to keep using one as it makes the cursor trail longer, which is an effect I desire. Any possible fixes?

cheezstik wrote:

This is a problem as I'm using a cursormiddle.png, and would prefer to keep using one as it makes the cursor trail longer, which is an effect I desire. Any possible fixes?
Mind sending me your cursor, cursormiddle, cursortrail & skin.ini so that I can see what it's like?
I'm not entirely sure, would like to have a 'hands-on' look.
Topic Starter

VeilStar wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

This is a problem as I'm using a cursormiddle.png, and would prefer to keep using one as it makes the cursor trail longer, which is an effect I desire. Any possible fixes?
Mind sending me your cursor, cursormiddle, cursortrail & skin.ini so that I can see what it's like?
I'm not entirely sure, would like to have a 'hands-on' look.
Just get a 1x1 transparent png (the same you would have for hit300) and name it cursormiddle.png and then reapply your skin, you'll notice the effect straight away. The cursor trail is much smoother and longer, and there is less of a gap between each rendering of the trail. This impact that cursormiddle has on the trail is another known glitch that has been around for ages.

cheezstik wrote:

ust get a 1x1 transparent png (the same you would have for hit300) and name it cursormiddle.png and then reapply your skin, you'll notice the effect straight away. The cursor trail is much smoother and longer, and there is less of a gap between each rendering of the trail. This impact that cursormiddle has on the trail is another known glitch that has been around for ages.
I know of that. Never really cared too much as I personally hate cursor trails. Anyway, onto the topic at hand...

cheezstik wrote:

Any possible fixes?
Nope. Explanation in this spoilerbox.
So here's a more technical explenation after messing around for a minute...
If you use a "cursormiddle.png" file, it will not only make the trail longer, but it will ALSO change the blending mode.
Now what is a blending mode, you might ask? Well, in simple terms, it's how one image layer blends with the one below it.
A 'normal' blending mode would just be an image ontop of an image.
A 'darken' blending more would have brigher pixels transparant. The higher the brightness of a pixel, the higher the transparancy.
Effectively, if you had 3 circles, a black one, a white one, and a gray one.
The white one would be invisible, the gray one would be semi-transparant. And the black one would be opaque.

Now, using a "cursormiddle.png" does not only make the trail longer, but it also changes the blending mode, as I said.
In this case it changes the blending mode of the cursortrail to 'color dodge'.
This one is a bit harder to explain than a 'darken' or 'normal' blending mode,
but essentially it's somewhat like the opposite of 'darken', with some more stuff going on.
What that means is basically that it makes a black cursor trail invisible.

So yeah, as I said previously. 'nope', no possible fixes.

Black long cursor trails just dont exist. anything dark with cursormiddle.png will appear either light or invisible. Its annoying but what can we do?
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