
How is overall accuracy calculated?

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I'm quite lost here. I don't understand how your overall accuracy is calculated, and couldn't find reliable answers after searching for a while, either. Can someone tell me how it exactly works?
The accuracy you see on your profile is an average of the accuracy of your highest score play on every ranked map you've passed, with each map weighted by the same factor it's weighted by in calculating your pp.

The other accuracy you're shown in game is the accuracy you would have if your highest score plays on every ranked map you've passed were all combined into a single play.
I don't think anyone could tell you EXACTLY ( with numbers and stuff ) but general rule is - your highest pp scores influence your general acc the most. It means that if your 10 best scores have around 95% acc each, then it doesn't matter that you have another 200 x SS on easier maps - your acc shown in profile would still be around those 95, maybe 96%.
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Alright, that clears a lot of things up. Thanks for replying.
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