Good job team! We finished it in less than 48 hours! :>
Original thread:
Original thread:
You know the drill (if you don't, check the spoiler box here
Take a 200x200 box, in either paint or photoshop or any other program, and draw one of the boxes.
Make sure you say which box you drew in the post, and main rule is, IT MUST BE HAND DRAWN. no pen tool or copying the image and putting effects on it. tablets are accepted though. You can also draw on paper and scan if you want.
If you're going to use paint, use this template box to get 200x200
There's only 20 boxes, so hurry up if you want your name in this amazing project.
Take a 200x200 box, in either paint or photoshop or any other program, and draw one of the boxes.
Make sure you say which box you drew in the post, and main rule is, IT MUST BE HAND DRAWN. no pen tool or copying the image and putting effects on it. tablets are accepted though. You can also draw on paper and scan if you want.
If you're going to use paint, use this template box to get 200x200
There's only 20 boxes, so hurry up if you want your name in this amazing project.