I usually don't get mad,
9/10 times I just laugh it off because after all it is just a game.
>If I break I blame myself for not having the consistency to FC
>When i accidently press retry I´ll just play it again but better (atleast that is the plan)
>when you keep choking because of you think you will gain a lot of PP from a FC, just play offline get the consistency to FC a certain map so when you get online you are confident enough you most likely won´t choke.
>if I press the wrong button mid single taps ill just pause find the right key and keep on playing.
>No stamina? quit playing stamina heavy maps for half an hour or so, or don't play for a few minutes/hours
>if you don't notice improvement: taking breaks (talking about a day or 2) helps quite a lot not only you will notice improvement faster it also gives your hand
some rest.
> also remember pp is only worth what you make it worth, try to play for getting better and the pp will come to you instead of playing for PP and struggling everyday getting angry for not being able to get pp.
Basicly all this helped me keeping my head cool because afterall we've all been there, we've all been to the point you get mad because you can't FC or fuck up because you made stupid mistakes.