
Quad Aces, looking for members

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Hi ! I'm Elessey, I'm the leader of the Quad Aces Team. We are a team of players from all around the world and from all modes.
This team will be hosting tournaments in Osu! standard, Taiko, Catch the Beat and Osu!mania.

Our team :
Who I'm looking for and how to join :
AxE Shockwavq
I can help out with map selection for is standard and I can organize any other tournament
some referee here :) [btw i can't be taiko map selector because i'm a player]
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AxE Shockwavq : You're already in a team. I need people who can be 100% there. By being in two teams you won't be focused anywhere. Thanks anyway.

Niko-nyan : We won't play in the tournaments that we'll be hosting. It doesn't matter if you're not a map selector, any member of this team won't play in our tournaments. However you can be a part-time member and help us when you're not a player in our tournaments.
Hey :) I'm new in organising tournament or that stuff, but I'm very interested and I would like to be a Map Selector for standard and I could also help out as referee or commentator if you need someone. :D
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@Smashy : Okay, you're in, send me your email via pm.
okay so i can be taiko map selector if needed Elessey
*but i will be at your tournament for QTT if Deceitful register me

for the other tournament after QTT i can help
Hey, I do like your idea. More tournaments and events is always better =)
if you want a French restream of some of the events or if you want commentary in English, or quality local records, I can do them =)
Feel free to PM in the forum or IG if you want more infos.
European Cup is thing which should happen very long time ago.
I definitely agree =) Perhaps with some of the organisers from the various european tournaments from the major european osu! countries. That would be AWESOME.
I can help you guys out if you need help various ways, like commentating, map selecting, data management (collecting and presenting scores), and software development (for randomizing seeds and stuff)

I think maybe I can be the ctb map selector? (though I'm busy there days and only active on weekends)
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Equim : Sure, I definitely need some help with selecting ctb maps. Send me your email and I'll invite you in the QTT, the tournament we're doing right now.
Sorry, I'm still not sure for this right now, whether I should participate as a player or a map selector. I'll check more details about QTT this weekends and make a decision then.
I like your idea, and would like to apply.

Qualification-wise I already have arranged a 2v2 AllMod tournament, learned a few things that worked and didn't work.

Moderators, referees and staticians are probably the groups I fit in the most, if you'll have me :)

NB: Right now I'm busy organizing a private Norwegian CtB cup, and it will last until mid April, so my schedule until then is too cramped. Would love to be part of the Team after that though.
Hi, I can always help out as referee or give opinions about maps (from the map pool selectors).
I only play standard mode and I already see that you got yourself many people in that division.
But if you still need more, I'll will be waiting for your reply.
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@ K i u i : You're in. Send me your email, I'll invite you on Slack (a webchat), where all the staff and players of the QTT are. I know you're busy but the tournament is in July so you'll have time to help us when you have finished with your tournament.

@tryaway : We are far from having enough people in this team. So you're in, I'll take your email address to invite you on Slack. You'll help us with the QTT.
I'd be interested in being a map selector for Mania if possible, sounds like this would be a cool group to be a part of too :)
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It is ! You're in, send me your email, we'll invite you on Slack ( a webchat) to start working on the Quadrathlon Team Tournament that we're doing right now.
Kyonko Hizara
Hi I can do commentating. Weekends are the best time for me since no school but due to timezones I prolly could only do weekends.
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I was gonna ask you anwyay. Ok you're in, I'll send you an invitation to join the Slack of this new team. I'll use the same email address that you have for the QTT. We'll do most tournaments on weekends so it should be fine.
Besides a bit of refereeing in a few mini tournaments, I don't have as much experience in this field, but I am interested in being a referee or a standard map selector (that is, if you don't have enough already), or I could possibly test a few standard maps.
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asdfghjkl609 wrote:

Besides a bit of refereeing in a few mini tournaments, I don't have as much experience in this field, but I am interested in being a referee or a standard map selector (that is, if you don't have enough already), or I could possibly test a few standard maps.
Okay, you're in. Send me your email address, I'l invite you on Slack.
Team Haphazard
I can do full time for osu!mania, ranked 90,000ish

Animeotaku333 wrote:

I can do full time for osu!mania, ranked 90,000ish
What exactly in osu!mania would you like to help with?

Elessey wrote:

Hi ! I'm Elessey, I'm the leader of the Quad Aces Team. We are a team of players from all around the world and from all modes.
This team will be hosting tournaments.

Our team
Chief :
Referees :
KaitoKid1998 ; Smashy ; bigfeh ; Tengss ; (Minhtam) ; (Aeglor) ; asdfghjkl609 ; ([Nanashi])

Map selectors :
Osu : Animetor ; Smashy ; bigfeh ; (Gumica) ; (Minhtam) ; (Aeglor)
Taiko : lino1000 ; (Niko-nyan)
CTB : Elessey
Mania 4K : KaitoKid1998 ; AlexDB2x
Mania 7K : KaitoKid1998 ; AlexDB2x

Map testers :
Osu : Tracreed
Taiko :
CTB : ( - Flutter - )
Mania 4K :
Mania 7K :

Streamers :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Laconid ; Tengss
Commentators :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Kyonko Hizara ; _-Sakuya-_ ; Smashy ; Tracreed
Statisticians :
lino1000 ; (Gumica)

Moderators :
Elessey ; KaitoKid1998 ; lino1000 ; Animetor ; bigfeh ; Tengss

Designers : PixelAngel ; bigfeh
Programmers : Tracreed ; ([Nanashi])

Tournaments that we're thinking of hosting
European Osu Cup
European Taiko Cup
European CTB Cup
European Mania Cup
1vs1 Osu tournament (Hearts & Clubs)
1vs1 Osu tournament (Diamonds & Spades)
1vs1 Taiko tournament (Hearts & Clubs)
1vs1 Taiko tournament (Diamonds & Spades)
1vs1 CTB tournament (Hearts & Clubs)
1vs1 CTB tournament (Diamonds & Spades)
European Osu League
European Taiko League
European CTB League
European Mania League
And more.

Who I'm looking for :
I can't do all these tournaments on my own. I need a team with members that I can count on, people willing to fully commit to this project. It doesn't mean you have to be there all the time because I know that we all have lives outside of osu (work, school, parties, hobbies, relationships, etc.). It's okay not to be there once in a while as long as there is someone to back you up. However, is this is likely to happen on a regular basis, don't bother joining us. I need trustworthy people who will do their job when needed. If I can't count on you, if you can't be there when I need you, don't join us. We all have fun in this team but this is also a serious project that we are working on.

How to join :
Full-time members will be staff members on all the tournaments hosted by the Quad Aces. They won't participate in the Quad Aces tournaments as players most of the time (there will be some tournaments where they can participate). They will be allowed to help in other tournaments with my authorization (most of the time it will be yes) but they won't be allowed to host their own tournaments outside of the Quad Aces team.
Part-time members will be staff members in the tournaments where they want. They will be allowed to participate in Quad Aces tournaments where they are not part of the staff. They will be allowed to be staff members in other tournaments than the Quad Aces tournaments and host their own tournaments.
If I accept you, you'll start as a part-time member. If I'm satisfied with your job in the team, you'll have the choice to be a full time member.
In order to join send me a pm with your email address. I will invite you on Slack. Slack is a communication tool for team projects.

So in a nutshell, if you are interested, serious, available when needed, feel free to join us.
I can be a comentator! :) :) :)
Instead of QTT (July 2015)
i'm interested in the mania tournament ;D
Hey, I'd be interested in joining. I can be a referee and statistician for now, but when college starts and I move out, I might also be able to begin commentating.
Can I be a comentator instead of taking a part on Quadrathlon Team Tourmanent
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Nelly wrote:

Can I be a comentator instead of taking a part on Quadrathlon Team Tourmanent
No, we're not interested.
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We are still looking for new members, specifically :
- Osu map selectors, with experience.
- Taiko map selectors, with experience.
- CTB map selectors, with experience.
- Referees.
Hi! I can help for CTB (rank #3000) or osu! (but I'm only 49k)
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TomArrow wrote:

Hi! I can help for CTB (rank #3000) or osu! (but I'm only 49k)
Do you have any experience in map selection ?
Interested to join, would be interesting to be map selector (osu!standard) but haven't done it before, I do chew through a ton of maps though ^^ otherwise I'd be happy to be a referee.

Elessey wrote:

Hi ! I'm Elessey, I'm the leader of the Quad Aces Team. We are a team of players from all around the world and from all modes.
This team will be hosting tournaments.

Our team
Chief :
Referees :
KaitoKid1998 ; bigfeh ; Tengss ; (Minhtam) ; asdfghjkl609 ; (LuciferofHell)

Map selectors :
Osu : Animetor ; PixelAngel ; bigfeh ; (Minhtam)
Taiko : lino1000
CTB : Elessey
Mania 4K : KaitoKid1998 ; AlexDB2x
Mania 7K : KaitoKid1998 ; AlexDB2x

Map testers :
Osu : Tracreed
Taiko : (Niko-nyan)
CTB : ( - Flutter - )
Mania 4K : Transformau5
Mania 7K : Transformau5

Streamers :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Laconid ; Tengss ; Tracreed
Commentators :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Kyonko Hizara ; _-Sakuya-_ ; Tracreed
Statisticians :

Moderators :
Elessey ; KaitoKid1998 ; lino1000 ; Animetor ; bigfeh ; asdfghjkl609

Designers : PixelAngel ; bigfeh
Programmers : Tracreed
Video team : Elessey ; PixelAngel

Who I'm looking for :
I can't do all these tournaments on my own. I need a team with members that I can count on, people willing to fully commit to this project. It doesn't mean you have to be there all the time because I know that we all have lives outside of osu (work, school, parties, hobbies, relationships, etc.). It's okay not to be there once in a while as long as there is someone to back you up. However, is this is likely to happen on a regular basis, don't bother joining us. I need trustworthy people who will do their job when needed. If I can't count on you, if you can't be there when I need you, don't join us. We all have fun in this team but this is also a serious project that we are working on.

How to join :
Full-time members will be staff members on all the tournaments hosted by the Quad Aces. They won't participate in the Quad Aces tournaments as players most of the time (there will be some tournaments where they can participate). They will be allowed to help in other tournaments with my authorization (most of the time it will be yes) but they won't be allowed to host their own tournaments outside of the Quad Aces team.
Part-time members will be staff members in the tournaments where they want. They will be allowed to participate in Quad Aces tournaments where they are not part of the staff. They will be allowed to be staff members in other tournaments than the Quad Aces tournaments and host their own tournaments.
If I accept you, you'll start as a part-time member. If I'm satisfied with your job in the team, you'll have the choice to be a full time member.
In order to join send me a pm with your email address. I will invite you on Slack. Slack is a communication tool for team projects.

So in a nutshell, if you are interested, serious, available when needed, feel free to join us.

Hi, I already sent you a pm. Pls check it out
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Berezz wrote:

Interested to join, would be interesting to be map selector (osu!standard) but haven't done it before, I do chew through a ton of maps though ^^ otherwise I'd be happy to be a referee.
Ok, send me your email address via pm.
Hello!! :lol: I'm not sure if the offer to be in is still available but I would love to be apart of this. :) I could help referee standard and mania. I could also help map select for both standard and mania because I have a ton of maps for both. Which ever one you would prefer, I don't mind either way! ^^
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Deviant wrote:

Hello!! :lol: I'm not sure if the offer to be in is still available but I would love to be apart of this. :) I could help referee standard and mania. I could also help map select for both standard and mania because I have a ton of maps for both. Which ever one you would prefer, I don't mind either way! ^^
I'm interested in having you as a referee. Send me a pm with your email address.
I might be able to help with selecting ctb maps. I don't have any experience in doing so but I do know what number of star maps a ctb player of any specific rank should be generally able to fc and all that. Hope I made sense.
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I'm interested. Send me a pm with your email address.
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We are still willing to accept more referees in our team for the QTT and other tournaments. If you are interested, send me a pm with your email address.
Hi i would like to apply and i really dont know what to do in teams like this :cry: but i am available everyday 9-12 A.M CST and 2-11 P.M CST i dont know if anything else is needed if i do i'll do my best to do them. Thanks for reading.
Heyo, i might be able to help with some osu standart things. im rank 290 ca global, but i havent tried to help with a tournament before :D
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Tonarinototoro wrote:

Heyo, i might be able to help with some osu standart things. im rank 290 ca global, but i havent tried to help with a tournament before :D
Okay, you'll help with osu map selection. Send me your email via pm.
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Leexz wrote:

Hey! I'd like to help with osu! standard map testing. I may not be THAT good, but I can judge really well, if a map and it's difficulty is "okay" for the ranks the tournament will be played for. Hope to receive an answer- :D
Exactly. Given your rank, I don't think you'll be able to test a wide range of maps properly. I would prefer having players who can play all kinds of difficulties. That means players at least above #5000 and ideally above #1000. That's for standard, for other modes it's above #1000. So for osu map testing, the answer is no.
what position do u have? if u don't mind me asking . :)
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SteardierLOKI wrote:

what position do u have? if u don't mind me asking . :)
What do you mean ?

Elessey wrote:

SteardierLOKI wrote:

what position do u have? if u don't mind me asking . :)
What do you mean ?
as in like other then map tester and map picker . is there any other position?
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