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The Tournament is canceled..

Why is the Question? There are many Reasons here are some of them:

- My private Life dont give me a Chance to invest more time in hosting Tournaments..
- I am not able to keep this going under such stress conditions I am a nornal student and its hard work to host a Tournament mostly alone yes there is a Team but they dont take much Part of the Tournament nearly 90% of the Work is made by me..
- I need more free time especially now my Exams are starting..

I know this sounds like bad excuses but I dont really try to excuse myself, I am trying to bring a Message to you Dear Participants that you understand me.
This was not Tournament with a Cash- or a Cash buyed Prize so no real big loss for you except of the Time you invested in practising and playing.

Everyone who wants to start a bigger, better planned Tournament with a TEAM behind this can PM me and maybe something is starting in the Summer.

If you are still interested in a Tournament like this you should look up here:

Thanks for you time your invested in reading this,

how I wish I could go back in time
If someone needs a player , im here .
I'm available as a free agent

Minhtam wrote:

I'm available as a free agent
how bout we team up this time :3
I would sign up but I'll probably be above the maximum rank before the tournament starts :v

That and my schedule is crazy

[Rei-tan] wrote:

Minhtam wrote:

I'm available as a free agent
how bout we team up this time :3
I'm down with that
damn... even if you were to take away the '2' for maximum rank, i still wouldn't be able to join

Minhtam wrote:

I'm available as a free agent
Yes sureeee my hands are a little ok nao
Im up for it, got no team though :3
oh wow toby, hosting 2 tournaments at the same time? XD
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alif akmal wrote:

oh wow toby, hosting 2 tournaments at the same time? XD
Nope this is starting after the first.

Mahoganytooth wrote:

I would sign up but I'll probably be above the maximum rank before the tournament starts :v

That and my schedule is crazy
If you are under the Maximum Rank at the Point of Registration its ok.

Shiusui wrote:

the maximum Rank is at 25.000

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Hydria wrote:

Shiusui wrote:

the maximum Rank is at 25.000

If you find a Team you can participate im tolerant if its only +1k
Hello! I wonder when the tournament is actually held... the date is not even given atm...
Are we going to get the dates when it is actually held?

Besides that; Awesome tournament!, I already have a group of three!
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MelDre2K wrote:

Hello! I wonder when the tournament is actually held... the date is not even given atm...
Are we going to get the dates when it is actually held?

Besides that; Awesome tournament!, I already have a group of three!
The Dates will be out if I have enough Participants.

Shiusui wrote:

Mahoganytooth wrote:

I would sign up but I'll probably be above the maximum rank before the tournament starts :v

That and my schedule is crazy
If you are under the Maximum Rank at the Point of Registration its ok.
lol too late
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Mahoganytooth wrote:

lol too late
You can write in theres no Problem :) Ill make a Exception for you. But find Team Members which are under 25k.
Nah, my schedule is crazy anyways, I would NOT have definite times I could show up : P
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EDIT: the maximum rank is 25k as in you wont be able to join if you are more than 25k or less than 25k? Im 7k

I would like to participate in the tournament :D

However I do not have people I know to play together, if you are missing one in your team you can count on me, or if you are alone just PM me and we would have to search for a third team member. I don't care what country or rank, just fun :P
How many people have signed up and how many do you need?

sasakura wrote:

EDIT: the maximum rank is 25k as in you wont be able to join if you are more than 25k or less than 25k? Im 7k

I would like to participate in the tournament :D

However I do not have people I know to play together, if you are missing one in your team you can count on me, or if you are alone just PM me and we would have to search for a third team member. I don't care what country or rank, just fun :P
The best rank you can have to enter this tournament is 25000. Anything better than that is overqualified.
hmm, I'll be glad to play...
got no team atm though xD
If any team needs, im open to join.
Available as free agent; anyone need a player? :P
Im up for it, i just dont have a team :(
free player right here 8-)
Hit me up if you want a free player ^^
I dont really understand what is meant by MAXIMUM rank... since maximum would literally mean that only players under 25k can participate.
Edit: nvm i just wrote that to ignore the fact that i cant be in a osu tourney, so depressing :c
Basically, this tournament is only for players that are #25000 and above, which means #26000 is okay #24000 is not. Those below this please dont bother offering yourselves as free players, and mess up the registration. Let it be a fair tourney where players of similar caliber can actually play and not have #4000 players interfering. Just want to put this out clearly

P.S Im not helping in this tourney, but I dont want to see a tourney go down because of unfairness, hope you guys understand my point here

P.S.S unless you are like #23000 and your team mates are like #90000 or #70000
Penguin UwU
can i join too if i bring some under 30,000 friends? ;w;

P3NGU1NZ wrote:

can i join too if i bring some under 30,000 friends? ;w;

As the Tourney Rules said "The minium Rank is now matter, you have to be able to play 3-4.5 Stars Maps and the maximum Rank is at 25.000!"
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Really big Thank you to [-Ataaraxia-] I have nothing to say to this he explained everything right.

Shiusui wrote:

Really big Thank you to [-Ataaraxia-] I have nothing to say to this he explained everything right.
No problem :) just want to see tournies go smoothly :) and who knws, i may join xD

Mysterious wrote:

hmm, I'll be glad to play...
got no team atm though xD

voidlessheart wrote:

Im up for it, i just dont have a team :(
Let's do this!
What is the lowest and high rank we can join in??
Because my team is under 100k And i wanna make sure if they can join.
Or I can just join someone els team. I'm free if my friends can't join
I can play if anyone is forming a team and needs members.

Also, are these matches during the weekend or weekdays?

SashaB wrote:

What is the lowest and high rank we can join in??
Because my team is under 100k And i wanna make sure if they can join.
Or I can just join someone els team. I'm free if my friends can't join

Team size is 3. Highest rank allowed is #25000, other than thats up to the player to decide if he/she can play 3-4.5
U can join other teams, if they need the players
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noshowyu wrote:

I can play if anyone is forming a team and needs members.

Also, are these matches during the weekend or weekdays?
During weekends.
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I am also searching for a some People who help out in the Tournament Team so if you want to help out in any of this Positions (except of Organizer) pls PM me.
Ok >w<~~~ Free playur hir
I need a team :D
are we able to have backup players? for instance lets say 1 of my 3 players cant play HD, and our other player can, so we switch out like in OWC. in short, is our roster list stuck at 3 or can we go to like 4?
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noshowyu wrote:

are we able to have backup players? for instance lets say 1 of my 3 players cant play HD, and our other player can, so we switch out like in OWC. in short, is our roster list stuck at 3 or can we go to like 4?
Yes up to 5 Players its also recommended to have more then 3.
Can you list down the team list so we can see who joined?

slainender2013 wrote:

Can you list down the team list so we can see who joined?
As most tournies are, they don't usually post the teams until everyone has joined, to avoid people joining as they know the details of the players. So.... yeah :D
Is it going to be held on the weekday or the weekend?
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raresasore wrote:

Is it going to be held on the weekday or the weekend?
During weekends.
From what I understand, you're saying you can be better than #25000? If not ignore the next part.
I want to participate! :D I already have a team from my QTT standard component.
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