I used to read a monthly Nintendo magazine, "Club Nintendo", which, for some time, had some pages dedicated to Japanese series/retro games. This section was called "Un vistazo a Japón" (A glimpse of Japan), and, to be honest, I didn't really like that they would use pages to talk about things that weren't precisely Nintendo games. ( ; =ᆺ= )
I remember one day being particularly bored, so I decided to finish reading my Nintendo magazines, since I always avoided reading Un vistazo a Japón. Needless to say, I was very much impressed by the way they talked about those japanese series, and more so of how they presented Neon Genesis Evangelion.
A couple of days after that wise decision (hehe), I watched my first espisode of Eva. I have to say that I wasn't really aware I was watching anime or that I was getting into the otaku culture until my third or fourth anime. I also discovered Death Note and Ef: a Tale of Memories through that magazine. ^^
Good times ~ ( =ᆺ= )